Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1922, p. 6

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â- & th £'?â- ; aJtfe SS® THEtAKE SHOR^ "*WS. FRIIMY. MAY 19. 1M» 'wmm SEEK QtttLllY IN COLLEGESJUDEHTS President Scott Seeks Best For Northwestern U. •'Not so many students but of -bet- ter quality," are the words used by President Walter Dill Scott of North-. â€" western university in announcing tbe final figures on attendance. "Our classrooms are crowded to the limit and hereafter I shall be more deeply interested in quality and hot in quan- -^-tityr^When^ -^we-xek^k&~raxhmsr-XSW- S^Hbait^ings Northwestern requires, we can open our doors to the hundreds of students who will be trying^ to en- ter but who cannot be accommo- dated during the next few years." The final figures of all the schools ^iratf^PartnTents~aT Northwestern for r 1921-'22 were announced as being 8,519. *V TTCIO l,i»»*»«JJ»»»> ~â€" ---------- run over * 9,000 but 800 duplications were finally weeded out in recapitula- tion which left the total somewhat be- low that of a year ago. By schools, N6rthwestern*s attendance this year tias been as follows: . College of Liberal Arts, 1.991; Grad- uate school, 289; Medical school, 456; Law school, 217; College of Engineer- ing, 163; Dental school, 578; Music school, 340; Commerce^graduate ^stu- dents, 321; Commerce, Evanston^3d4, m^^^^^^Tt^Sct^^ taries will be .held ta . School of Journalism, 38; School of Speech, 204; total, 7,735, less duplica- tions, 44. net total, 7.71L Summer ig^SiPattendance, 1921, less dupUca- Ultibns, 808, Grand total, 8,519. * §1 ^President Sgotfr gare as an indica tion of the *e*I with which, studentsiance ^^l^^0^^^ are turning towards Northwestern, «»i meetings, but the smau 8»««* the experience of the Medical school whose "freshman jclass for next tap is nearly all registered at presents:$tg "Our Medical school can accommo- date at present, an average of only 100 in each of the five classes,*' he said. "That means that the freshman class next fall must net only 100 members. That number isn't quite registered at present but nearly so. We shall have to turn many applicants away from that school alone *°£ *a»J of accommodations of various kind*. RHLtORSTO^TODY SEAM'S IRK Secretarial Session to be Held at San Francisco 4 era! meetings, but the small group meetings for the Intimate discussion of special subjects will predominate. Leslie Burks, president of the Cali- fornia Association of Realtor Secre- taries, is in charge of the aâ„¢**;?; ments for the secretarial c°n?enJ?°*' In addition to the. business .Pâ„¢*""* there will also be an extensive pr£ gram of entertainment for the &M*g: Secretaries. This will includej a lunch- eon sivenltar the San Francisco Real Estate ]bo4^, sWe MPs m and^^J San Francisco to points or interest and many other features. Dr. Charles E. Gefcse Osteopathic Physician >- Phoi»WiL2oi' HSDWilmetteAw. RESlDENct PHONE 5?1__ '111 'mm- Dr. LESLIE W.JONES '..... „ :" . „£„,«• 10-18 A.M.B-»â€"7-9P.MtS i'ffiOs â-  B â-  B â-  - Tran^r Embtoii^P^ns for So^.J^Mm9mlS. **&> - ' â-  General Work, i-^^w;:"-^^;^^-*^'*-^,^^ ^'HighCIa*^ -•«* •>•"â- ' 1 i a„am..o NMfWam.««*»•««• Phone Wilmette Z354 Open 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Clo»«d Saturday! 4 P* M. San Francisco^-The problems of secretary will be discussed from many ! were announced as' Deins °°'i°""f ,'i'"a„BUal conT«nUon ot It was thoughtthe total â„¢^*??â„¢7fcnT£l™£tlon of Realtor the National Association of Realtor Secretaries to be held in San Fran- cisco from May 30 to June 3. The con- vention will be held in conjunction with that of the National Association of Real Estate boards. -----% ----- There are more than 4Q0 boards represented in the national member- ship, each having a secretary. Ad- vices from these boards assure one of the largest gatherings of board secretaries ever held. Ill taries will be held in one of the smaller convention halls of the exposi- tion auditorium where the meetings of the National Association of Refal Estate boards will also be heldI Both conventions have adopted the confer Cafeteria m S^^Sll^"<S^tif^r"our menus you ^iwlll at once recognize:.that:we stiil;.be-' B^^Ueve. in the value of every penny in a H^Jdplla^; After 'yip^-^;^^^^^^w ^^^ve%dered an^| f^^lenjoyed ;our;£ooi â- ' SiSSSHl^ou-' will be con- - piPiririced of .this. Ev*|| ^^"^lery f>enny spent^ Jhere:^biiiigs:^alue^ *"** ^eLmmmmm '^^^mJ^^S^S^^^^SSM £^rvr&Ht$ '..........i '-M& These prkes^fofjtwo days only, and they represent unusual values. You will ^ amply repaid for a visit, to-thi^^tore-^ng^e-^s- these specials are oh sale, ^'-f*^ ;-?,^..^^-.^r---- "':&â- 'â-  Aprons New novelty and plain: aprons, made^ fronv fine . quality percales of light, plain and. <^ «^ An almost endless variety of styles to _ select from, sizes small, medium and larff a^AA^ these two days at PettiskirtS' /* A nice quality white sateen underskirt, made; with double panel front, from a good light weight material. Theie skirts come m regular sizes only, and are unusually good,values €|#QQ at, e«v«............. -mm,. ^'"'*^Y: SO IS : >a& Another lot of Warner's guaranteed corsets at a remarkable price. These corsetjare^aU fresh and clean, made with medium light boning, from a material suitable for summer wear. |F^ corset guaranteed Sizes^O to|0; fle^h ^or J***:' â- â- '.â- 'â- ?$L00 )ecial __^*^^j!^±±^^^^^ - ^ â-  ____^jjja^^ A good selection of colors in checked and plaid ginghams, a good quality ior aprons ^ and chil- dren's dresses, 27-inch width, fast colors. For these §vo d^ys only,, special 5j4 _ A m AA rvardsi for ...â- :-.'..'-Z 'â- *'»»•»':v^s^lx^jl^jljl^j m i#l 'M i?NilS ;^stljSt»i©|S If_______ .. .-....« best place foj^your motor cat| to| when it carrt go^ny^ place else» gl ins ^^^^^ W&Mi$M iisMfe M . in _ ^..,^...............^-^.......M^^^^i^il A~siJeiaattotn5tta^ies^r^ k^«w« Among these are limited quantities of H A closely woven, -fine Equality,'.â-  men*s^slik^sox .a?. a«,^ brown. -â€"â€"^„ ^ Phoenix hose in each-color, and 10, ^SpeeiaV these two days at " A ClOSeiy woven, one quality, *u%su. p. p*«v »^-^ â€"r. ^^. -^-extremely-reasonal>leZprji^Z^^ them to T' appreciate the value, flhey come in black only, Sizes __ S pairs^for ..... -•â- â- -•r-»--»-s»r*,w^r-r>7ar. ,:^_m_ _______ , ba|given;:.a; *nTen^Frecepon at this garage, ^and icaciou% OcW^Lots-^Spemal^^ Mm For these two dayswejvvjlUiavejn^n^^ waists, blouses, etc., in washable and silk materials all grouped together. These wil^§||§| include values |hat formerly sold up to $10. for quick clearance the choice of. the|lg}§|g| Hot will be â- '$m ^I^IiIdg^^ 1225 Central Ave. ifhruout ther-stdre on these^ twojiaySjjmanjrMher items toointimierbu&lolist^ere;^ ^T^MeBgl^pHced^a^ ygjir doilars_do_^^ these4wo-day3. ffil teSfe .V^^>; ^.^^5w^^'^"-f-f^fif s» liftilAi IWWlmett^ .ji^Jfi;; ^^5#S^ -mm

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