Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1922, p. 10

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The May number of the North Shore Advocate, published toy the First Meth- odist Episcopal Church of ^Hmette, has- a circulation of eight hundred. It is a splendid issue. The publication committee, W. C. Relnhold, Fred A. Troy, Dr. C. G. Smith and John C. Mannerud? are to be congratulated upon bringing the paper so ouickly to a self-supporting basis. Dr. Stansell is to meet Class B at 10 o'clock and Class A at-11 o'clock Saturday morning. These are boys and girls preparing to enter into the membership of the church in full. Father's Day will be observed in- the church service Sunday, June 4th. At the Monday Lunch club, Central Y. M. C. A. Building, 19 So. LaSalle Y. M. C A. Building, 19 So. JUasaiie The je2^B«&^H5aa-&=^ BfeeetrRoon^A, every^^cha4r-^a«-tak^n<TtngustinTrwnrbl Holy Communion amL the^ordet oi_lha_day jeas_^jflis^ at-S-ar-mvâ€"ehurch-schooi-ar-F: 45; ~..~«*^.. «# *-ha i?i»i/i t>av. 'Saturday, mnvnine Praver and address at 11 a. m. cussion of the Field Day, Saturday, June 3. It was determined to make this the greatest outing day the parish has ever known. John C. Mannerud is chairman of th.e. Transportation committee to round up tffty automo- biles and some trucks. Transportation will be furnished to everyone desirjng it. Mr. F. L. Millington was appointed chairman of the committee to create the banners and 8igns._JBenj. N. Cox, Pierre Bontecou, L. F. Todd, C. N. Stokes, and Elmer Williams constitute * committee on sports. The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, the Epworth League and Junior League, the Senior and Junior Choirs, and many classes ; in the Sunday School will come in l for special stunts." ^i^^}^^.^ tliThe Mid-week Service of Prayer and i Praise at 8 o'clock Wednesday eve- |;hlng^r;f:,.^^ ' ISsunday School at 9:45 in all departs ments/ The "Men's class meet in $ha parlors of tlje Masonic Temple. Cass and Huron streets, Chicago, next Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m. »isn°p Anderson' wil preside. The subject to be "Chrjstfanizing the American^ Home". There will be special ift^ St. James' Choir. The addresses will be delivered by Rev. Hubert Carleton of St. Augus- tine's and Mr. S. D. Duncan-Clarke. The Mass Meeting is under the man- agement of the Church Club^ of Chi- cago and the Brotherhood of St. An- drew. Delegations of men are being planned for from the different Epis- copal Churches in the Diocese. Yesterday^ being Ascension Day, there were two Services at St. Augus- tine's, one at 8 a. m. and the other at 10 a. m. ' On Monday the Rector conducted the funeral of Mr. Will Edgar Vaughn, the father of Mrs. M. S. Humphryes, one of the parisMonersi _oX^t^ugtt&-|~ tine's, : ' The services nexJL^ujtiday^aJL, Next Sunday morning, a Church School Memorial service will be held in the Auditorium at ten o'clock. The Church School orchestra will render a few special musical numbers, and the Camp Fire Girls, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs, will attend in uniform and give a flag salute. A very impressive service is being planned and all members of the parish are cor- dially invited to attend. Parents of members of theâ€"Church ^chooirare specially urged to be on hand. ; Dr. C. £. Merrill, new state Super- intendent of the Congregational con- ference, will give the address at the corning. 8erv4eev--4t"4s-ihopedâ€"^hat Dr. Merrill will receive a very warm ® if Public worship and sermon at Iflfleleven o'clock Sunday morning. Dr. illiStansell will deliver a Memorial Day llSliBermon: "They Snail Not Have pied PtSfln â- vain." "â-  Mr. X F. Curtis..- of the llWflMehdelssohn Club of Chicago has been IP€«secured to 'sing as an offertory num- P ' Iber, "Remember Thy Creator;"' by « ^Helena Bingham. Representatives** fe^Uie Boy' Scouts and Girl Scouts will I ft participate In the Memorial Day.«er- Svices, under thai direction; .of Mr. MStokes and Miss Hamilton. The Boy SfnSScouts and Girl Scouts win join the. I community parade on Decoration Day, ||§fP«iy :|f0i:;:,;..^:;:K;:S-':i(;; :: .^^^^gigT Il|lff-Tb.e'fun1of'cloir rehearsal is Wea^ liiliiieadav evening at seven o'clocki^ llrf^Epworth'lLeague .Council nieets PHwednesday. evening at seven tfclocfc, pit in -the'churchofflW^^^;^^^^^!: JLrl « XVI, Oil x *** »»*»* » w-ww . â€" â€" â€"* ( welcome to Wilmette on this his^«cst visit here^^;"-;;';^;.;";^;;".' Ifif-^h;^';:}ri\ â-  ^ A -Mid-week Devotional service will be held Wednesday evening at eight rclpck in the church parlors. Rev. S. A. Lloyd, pastor, will leadr~The service willr^be lollowea^^y^nJnfjormal: =^ _« discussion pi lpcal Congregational affWrj^^^â€"^" v This Tatapochon Camp Fire'. Girls will meet at the home of Mrs. W. E. Duff, 530 Washington avenue, Thurs- day afternoon. The. members of the group are hard at work on dresses for children who-attend the Arden Shore Summer Camp. The Roosevelt Troop, Company A and company "B" will hold a joint meeting tonight, fTiday evening, May 26. At this time badges will be given put and promotions announced. : mm Vesper Service at 5:30, Junior Choir pi assisted by Mr> L. F; Kunstman in Hit t#o"SblPs/ MeBsageJby the Pastor. - &Ia. Ball Game tor Saturday la hejng lll^trranged- under-ihe. direction of the Boy Scout xjrganlzatfpii,. m&;t^Mi^ $L...... . __ . ............. •"^Iplscppal church ^J"^*J2^" MN..monthly meeting, with ^cbeon at ^^ noon. Aimuarj^cj^n.of^^ ytrsr^^ G. Bentley, .^a^uam^. ;rfomiriatln*;c^^ ST; JOHN'S LUTHERAN Linden and Prairie aves., Wilmette, 111. Herman W. Meyer, M. A., 'Pastor. 406 Prairie ave. P^one 139b. Services 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible class at Library Hall. 9:45 A. M. First service and sermon at the church. « 11:00 A. M. Second service and ser- mon at the church. 8:00 P. M. Evening service. 4:00 P. M. Mon. and Fri. Christian instruction of children. MISSION SUNtlAY will be «J>Berved at St John's next Sunday. The fore- noon servfces will be conducted by rhetor, who will deliver a sermon on "THE FOREMOST MISSION OF THE CHRISTIAN^ J-gg^S' marks on Psalm 9G. In the evening Pastor John I Moldstad of IWid Church, Chicago will occupy the pul- pit, and speak on LUTHERAN* MI| SIONS AND THE GOSPEL O* JESUS. It is hoped that many will come to hear Dr. Molstad who comes with the reputation of being a force- ful speaker. The offerings of'Mission Sunday flow into the Mission Fund. On Monday evening, May" 29, the On Monaay evemug, â- Â«Â»* «-. --- nroaching regular monthly meeting of. the Sun-1 proaening day school teacher* and Pfficers takii place at the church. Openings tli meeting at 8 o'clock sharp. All UtM era, and p1Bfi^.;,jir©^«ag^^:i||^ there. 'â- "â- %k'Ml$^ ij«hTlregular meeting of the Bll* : ing Committee together with a spe-so- cial committee apppinted to co^op^ ' ate, is scheduled for Tuesday evealMgi; "May:- 3(h â-  at 8; Mi§i^l^ On Thursday, June 1, the Ladi^#| Aid and Mission Society holds its » regular monthly meeting at the WuV meW Librffcy Hall, beginning »t 2 o'clock sharp. The membership of this organization is now graduallynprr the 100-mark and eve^ -4 WM :M Personal LOierty to Get Don't I* alarmed % the so-called poll which some newspapers are taking on thehQ"01, P^ff' tidn. They "don't mean^anything ]^ While these pollsTHighTindicatea^^^ toward the wets, the Republican candidate for Congressman-at-Large in Illinois, a dry man, was ^nominated by^Tmajority^HQ0,000 <^r-his '>â- : -&*â-  s^xmm MRp ig^or^r^veitt^th^ ' ©rm. Auf^^ P which are to be devoted to theirCamp â-  SJfw^ be held this ^^ *^ -ft May 26, at 8:16. All the tickets have m&*fa a^d there w^a^therefo^ be ^iir^jeLWomen^-Aaspciated^u^ ^^eeTtSlay in the Paris^ heuse at * S a. m. Lunchepn w^ %wrved at -i^a«^for whic& reaerYfttipM mnst -^^^^â- â- â- ts^uSw^' buslneea meilmg wm ;^^^Sr^What-" t#p -^'clo^g;!!^^^^;^,! wmm residence Pf Mrs. C. L. Wachs, 93* Ml JKwpod avenue, pn Monday morning â- H atll o'dpck. After the routtoe 1ws^ •^:Mfc- â-  wtth assigninent fpr work and rwSrts of woi* accompllshedv a mpst jhelptul address ^^^!°.t5lS®m: hers by ^rs^Wilsqa^ <& &9£*%?' "Remember keep- it holy." â- â- â- :-^^:^r:^. Thursday: The Ascension Day of ourJLord. s ^ ... â-  â- :J.-:.- 'Bpistlei^>Acta 1:1*11.â- â€¢â- â- â- â- -^^^-• :'-llii::.GpspeI..^'.Mark 16^^^^ Although no-«peclal servT®rir1ieW on Thursdayi let us, at our family attar, center our thoughts and pray- ^fi^llilvjejent pi piir Lord- inmuiur w.uii * JiearisiB^h at^eljiome oiiMt^niJ^s^J^oolaJ^ Mueller, 619 Gregory avenue. 4__ Friday:. -4:30; Catechetical ;.Jfep||: The Sulday after Ascension. ^ |f| I ^.Oospel.. ;-vJi>ilm--ll»:26-l«r4r-->:^::^ Subject of. sermon:®! "Witnessing â- Â©â-  tor Jesus.' Wantefl^-^i^ young men and women for the Bible classli^ Woman'r Mlssipnaxy society fleets ^hme 1 at 2 o'clock at ^homfe^ Mrs. John A. Borncamp, JOO Sixth street, corner Gre^W potion jd* officers. Bveryono ^srested Is urged to |||ej^nresj|tt|^,jr-^^^ â€"â€"r" S^day'aclbdi and Bible class, 9:48 vO'clOCk.,H»|M^sfe;.f.-.^ iBv =>J;'S'? :'^%fe nearest competitor Don't overlook the fact that the LIQUOR1SSUE Ts beibreus! I.ThTtSur^^Mne-.^Otife^g^r est opportunities ^ her history, gpiurchmen who vote fori beer and light wiipsi are inpthe. position of enemiesâ€"enemies of Jesiis Christy -eriennes^oftJhr^k^^ Statesr Any effort to«NULLIFY ijie XVIIL Amend- ment is a RfibeilihgSEJBrtinTBe^ Jpople are very much like the parlor Bolshe\ik; They are not thinking^ !Chey_sayithe,w45ddng^^ to have his beer and light wine»-biSt they dolifc want the saloon. They don't seenx to see that^ if they get wfeatj^eyVwjynt jhe^^wilL^pJiaxe- to take that which they say they o!on't want.* g $M> o^w- * «w w*c*«^ v__.. *-^er ceer, as we "J^WlB^iS':^ non^ntoxicating drink, is a:deUb^|at€^|le. |1 Evtit its sponsors say a man||vill get %ick before he ^s^funETif^ seea many trhe men who are waging the battk for||perlliaI Hb^ty,,l fare welcomed^s^violator^^ At present the servlees ^are ^held .«, B»™ â€" - - in the W»rn^te^Woman^ ^lsW2-©* 0H<i»^rf^W^eD^ Btteet and^^reenleal1 = mW Jjtttheransspnd ,-<*^^ non* churchgoer in Wilmette is Jnvtted to clothing was dispatcher «rcm St AnraSne^ Parish House as a result ^SfS*U,le Day t^J****^ ^.^ .W1,r. .^Jhili!lviiiy,ilte^ copaiT g^tlie'CiS^ If Ihl Chlichiii^ resoliitely declare forj Iri^iteous epforceinent of the Volstead Law> the victory! â-  pROWD the Churches! Hyp to make every service a mass meeting for theWight attend our serT^e^^,,^^-^^^^^!^^^ The BrptherhPPd and Synpdlcal meeting at Wppdsto<*, ^vProwd to he most Inspiring. ^^^^^^ moat vitsl nJtoWems of our nay, ana made lot^TiattU^men^P^^ :^3§&-~~- Student supply PaBtoi1. 'WSSSSt Ree.HubtTtCarldon The First Presbyterian Church St. Jonns Reo. Herman W. Meyer First CongregatioDal First Rce. Gilbert Stimsell ;siii Mi'MR _,â„¢ Ret. Francis C. jS^^^^^ Ret. Paul E. Schmidt W$8m, .,iilS|,^jj

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