Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1922, p. 12

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;v$ifil:-; m TKK T.AKfr SHQREJHEWS. ERIIMYkM^Y 26, 192%, THE LAKE SHORE NEWS BstabllBhed 1912 with which ta combined THE WILMBTTB LOCAL NEWS Established 1898 ISSUED FRIDAY OF BACH WEEK LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 122J Central' Ave.,. Wilmette, 111. Telephone ,.WUmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION. __________________...VfAOO A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by .Wednesday 4iopn to insure appearance in current issue. .•• â-  ....... ;........-.-.-â€":â€"-â€".........â-  -^ Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or . a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising; rates. {Catered at the postofflce at WUmette, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under^the act of March 8, 1879. FRIDAY MAY 26, 1922 HOME TREATMENT ESSENTIALS reatmentr-e^tttbereulosts^^ home is a matter in which there are two essential elements: Ex- pert advice and education on the patt of the patient in the necessity of carrying out advice and in the protection of others from danger of infectionthrough 'him. The irelative importance of the two is debatable. From the point of view of the -'safety _o| the: patients the, first is trinst jmpnrtarft,- frnrri that anything could be. The point in question is whether the Republican party there will accept the lesson that has been taught and remember that there is jthis balance to be reckoned with in the future. The growing independence of thought in the electorate has become a factor that must be taken into consideration by political partiesJn the-years to come.. The" induction, of a great mass of new voters into the political body, voters whose tra- ditions are less rigid than those of the old electorate, has developed a new condition. These two elements forbid assurance in the, outcome of any election and especially do they make uncertain the machinations of a party organization that are (direct- ed by other motives than the seeking of the safety of the general pub- lic, the second. he community that selsjip a branch of the organization whose lllfj purpose is the fighting of tuber- |f||| culosis owes it to those who will pg|| come uit^er^its influence to pro- l|il|yide for patients advice which is ^^sottnd.MDonfidence of the patient, |g||and. the optfrnisnr"thaf~is~~a -part 1 flljof the disease, make it doubly nec- imiesSary tliit there should be no ||||mistake iii the laying down of the iil^ruleslof treatment and the nature Hlfof the life that must be fed if there ijj|fi§ to-be. recovery, from the disease. iffjtThai is."a matter for the whole l|ji|cOm|nunity:to consider* --.-^fe^'a;t IfpGhiefest among the difficulties ipipn'thexare of li^conflict that too often arises be liJtweenjtM^atural love of a moth- f!Her for-h«^ chilSrW and a proper jjSconsideratiorfior their safe^ front Ifipnfeetioirtnrough' her. It"is a hard iHBthing to impress upon a woman JH| suffering from the "plague" that iiPthe~!rst;element in her'-love for lU her children should be a willing- llijness to sacrifice her own selfish flip desire to Be near them and to en- ftjljoy'their presence, to their safety. l|§||and â-  security of life not shadowed: |(|by the almost .certainty -of the dis- iipease if the*e: is Indulgence o^ it.: ^pThat is: a point that should never Ullfbe"missed, by the nurse who visits liUhOmes in wiiich there are 'mothers, ifroni^tHberculo^isTala ef the best good of the general pub 'lie. - :-...:: ..... _.............,- - . rii The latestuse of the radio is in connection with a course, of study ^dopted^by New^fork Univer^ Firs1rwe~haththe little red school~4~- house, then the extension courses, and now education by ^dio. 'With learning buzzing through the air about his head the man who fails to improve his mind is slothful indeed. II point that should be stressed al«: ~ aysitr^e^educat^ <>f Jhe1 tuberculosis organizations. ........sii;"PROGREss:;ii|iig|v': e Mass^husetf^ Pederalion ^ot Women's clubs has gone on ^Jsrecord in a formal resolution as I favoring experimentation on arii- iiminaisin order to forward the pro- gress of science in understanding of the ills to which the human w^JBtoah'i* heir. â-  Sglf â- 'â-  Such â- ' an â- â-  act taken in the ^gstronghold"'""of prejudice such ;-»a: ists in New England that what has-been in the past ought to continue into the future suggests that the women of Hie cTuB organ- izations everywhere are idyanC- |ing fromJthe sentgnental into the Ji>facticafSfi ajid 1 Massachusetts gy^otn% are setting a pace with ^pwhiehii w6men*s~^oTganizations ^Selsewhere may-well fall in, for llllhere is a means of establishing %iibKc opinion than which there #-% none moqu0^J&&**JM& ^ilwlYi-VANIA'S^ S iPenitsylyania'^ governor "explains m-.-4^teb;::resutt--of. the primary election 3here==©s= pif^3if|' 3SSS8â€".: _CEMENT WORK All Work Guaranteed Contracts For lawns and landscape Gardening l D. PERSfIA |- Phone Winnetka " 911 tall Mornings and Eveiiftttgs h«™in THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sedan with electric starting^id lighting system and demountable rims with 3K-*nch tires all around, for every day in the year has no equal as a family car. Just as popular on the farm as it is in the city. In fact, it fits the family demands in every vocation of ~12e. Large, roomy seats, finely upholstered, plate glass windows make it an open car in pleasant weather, while in rainy and inclement ^ weather it becomes a closed car, dust-proof and rain-proof^: It *a ideal for social functions, the theatre, or parties; carrying the children to school, or for touring. It is not only/comfortable, but really cozy, and above allT^eoonomical in operation and â€"^â€"-â€"=3â€"-â€".-.-â€"^~~^~ "ioaintenanceT^nd has all the Ford merits of strength and durability. We solicit your order for one. -Come in and see it. Skokie Motor Company WINNETKA, ILL. 1 554 Lincoln Ave. Phone 288 N R-y"*"':.\â€"• '*£2£i >&&, t'Z^i *>S Davis «t, MATINEE 2 and 4 Evanston:"#"'?.';.": EVENING 7 and 9 f^Tf EE 10NDAY mm! TUESDAY MAT»Milf* BEBE DANIELS ____ ticken Gained A Play off the UrsTand Cuba ••THE BATTLE 0F JOTLAND" A Realistic Reproduction of This Famous Battle of the World War. WEDNESDAY ft THURSDAY, May 31A Jans 1 CONSTANCE TAIJMATXJE |& g ««Poiiy of the^ollies" This Is censldared Connlrf* be»t picture IDAT .nd SATURDAT, ^*~J«NE -» •«•- g|l ••At the Sign of: The^aehtO'Latfctern' Splendid Comedy-Drama featuring BETTY ROSS CLARK 111 W Eli- Ill^OLiT swi« v$$$ AND By ^mm f RACY HOLMES 1 MOTOR^Oll Know the satisfaction of traveling mer this Road of Service, A restful journey through the; scenic North Shore country; a prompt arrival in the heart of Chicago. You enjoy^the courteous at- tention of responsible employes and unqualified assurance of perfect 1safety.^^^W urged by business-jar|^asu*^^ youi^ nexLJGhicago tr^Nite^stful^ Riding into Chicago onu Noftti Shore Train^ yoif have-^the advan- tage of a quick and easy approach to any part* of the city with the least possible^ effort via tjh$ EI<e^ vated; Roads. :: â- â- â-  "II Limited Trains for Chicago leave WUmette every hour from 6:45 a. m. to 1:45 a. m. These trains ^operate direct io 63rd and BorcfieSier.15T Mxpress Trains for Chicago leave Wilmette every half hour from 7:04 a. m. to 8:04 a. m., then 8:38 a. m. and every half hour to' 12 :d8 a. m. â-  -; . ^?^> . W^:. "'^'i Baggage* Checked to All Points. * Chicago North^Shore & Milwaukee R. Re iWi g........ Wilmette, Avenue m

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