Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1922, p. 13

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ySifi'SPiP^wliiiSSpil^ii^^^^^^^S iKy?;**}!; iJ'iSW^B^?^1"1 SJfFWJitBHBWBWIIIII S9S aSaftesaBaBiK^^^SMs ORE yfEWS, FRIPAY, » &»v. 19231 £££411 Mgiigfe TENNIS TOPICS Vy SliiiSP; Afercer Beasley, Tennis Coach.Indian Hall Club. Tilden7~Bettinsris Pi^ If Richarcfef Slated a 11 for Skokie Event N6W Yif It via. on Saturdays, makers., , ,. N, Y. Central, leaving Come on ye rule "William Tilden II, arrived in' Chi- cago on Thursday, M&y 18, via "The Overland" from San Francisco. He was accompanied by Vinny Richards of Yonkers, N. Y. and Phil Bettins of San Francisco. '..'.'.*» â- *"*.â-  Our receiving party comprised Mr. Stewart, President of the Western Tennis association, Mr. Miller, Chair- man of the Tennis committee, Skokie Country club and the writer. Having welcomed the players, we took charge of the seven suitcases and Tildetfs special package of six rackets. Messi-si. Tilden and Miller hurried away to'"The Blackstone," while the rest of the party piled the luggage into Mr. Stewart's car and rode to lEe~Penh. depot, where Richards saw to the reservations on the "Broadway Limited," leaving-at 1:40 p. m. * % Next stop "The Blackstone," where we found Tilden and Miller. Here we discussed Tennis; and right here, It gives- me great pleasure to state, that Tilden will play in the Illinois State Championship at Skokie on June 26. By the way, Phil Bettins, whcjn Tilden is^tSkll Junior State Champion for three years. He* is now nineteen years old; Tilden thinks a lot of Bettins game and stat- ed that, Bettins would also play at Skokie. Vinny Richards would not say definitely that fr he would be here in June, but I,'personally, think so and look to" see Dick Williams Wash- burn, and possibly Garland, playing at Skokie. Won't it be some Tour- nament? The new Stadium which is being erected at Skokie will seat a thousand people and will be completed .June '24*' *â€" •â-  " Now a word about the Juniors, Til- den is going to bring from Philadel- phia two very good youngsters, Sandy Wiener, and Don Strachau. Lookout, you fellows IffsTafce it from me, they can play. "Just you watch0 their ex* hibition match which precedes the Skokie tournament. Yes; they are eligible for the Boys and Junior match- es and are entered in both, t gium. â€" â€"----------;â€"jâ€"â- â€":: -----â€" - It is interesting to note that during the semi-final round, when Mile.. Leng* len was playing Miss McKane of Eng- land, the score .was ^ love Jin Mlle.'s favojf first set, at this point however, Miss McKane took 4 games straight, breaking through the. champion's ser- vice twice. At this stage she looked like a certain winner, for the champion began to complain of pains near her heart. She faltered in her strokes, and her service hardly came over the net. The champion* rallied enough to capture the set at 10-8, then as Miss McKane tired, won the last Set 6-2. '> Now for the big news, Mrs. Molla Bjurstedt Mallory, woman's national tennis champion sailed Saturday May 20, from New York for England, where she will ipake her third attempt to wfn the British Tournament to be held at Wimbledon June 26. Mrs." Mallory h^s been seen, playing at Forest Hills Long Island this Spring, anjL_her game isjietter than ever. John McEwea jr., KTalcOtt Griswold, land Loren Massey are entered from {Malcolm Stevenson, John B. Mordbck, The Indian Hill club for the Chicago [Daily News tournament. Mrs. Mallory sincerely hopes that she will meet Mile Lenglen, as it will set-at rest> the question as to who is the better player. .^ --V;..- ' ,-'â- 'â-  It was my good fortune to~Save witnessed the* last meeting of the, two, at Forest Hills, last summer, and I do not hesitate to say that if Mrs. Mallory plays the way she did then, she will defeat the French champion ttforniar Iâ€"do not believe there/' could be a finer spirit of sportswomanship shown, than this act. of Mrs. Mallory's, going abroad* to giv« her rival another chance. ;. ... V â-  Vinny Richards has lust' a tew rankings tor his last year's work on the courts. I give them in the order of their appearance: National Men's Singles Number 3. â- ;. , National ^9i^^^n,JS^g!^^ (with Tilden)|p^pi^|%mSmII ' National Men^s ISoubles Numberâ- 'â- 'â-  ""4 (with Voshell). National Junior Singles Number 1 Metropolitan Tennis association. ~-4N, Y. Division) Men's Single num- ber 1. ' Metropolitan Lawn Tennis associa- tion Doubles 1 (with Vblshell). m\ SSB"•â- â€¢'â- â- "' HH i HI â-  : •â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ^â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ^â- â- â€¢â- â- â- â€¢â- .iliiiw â- â- â- : â- ^^â€"-â- â- ^gg f§t" :;3& I '#f â-  i i i i i i i i i___ •<-â- * i â€" i i â-  A U T O T-" PAINTING '^IMMINGM ^! DAY WASHING--SIMONIZING--GREASING ;B Cars Called for and Delivered PhbiuPSSr "^^ s " 40*^lei|coi Road m Junior Column â-  ^IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIim'HIirailllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIIIIIIIIHIIUIUIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIimi......â- â- ""â- Â«Â«.............llll.ll«Mii«»»>»-'"™™.m,â„¢m.m.»..ra^| Tilden and the youthful Bettins de- feated Washburn and Hardy 7-5, 6-2 in an exhibition match at Larchmont on Monday. There is. a rule that prohibits â-  the use ot a player's name on any racket etc., wonder what is agoing to be. done about the] Pullman 'conjrpany. They have named a car TILDEN. The car usually is attached to the Lake Shore Limited Number 19 Train irom Wifeless telephone ^Ree^ing,^S^mff^ RA DIO SUPPLYlf HOl 508 Linden St. I asked Vinny about his ankle, which he sprained in San Francisco. He said it was doing fine, but regretted that it had forced him to retire from the Pacific coast matches. From Bet- ttorl lealmed that Vinny-was playing Howard Kinsey, and with the score 7-6 and point set up,* Vinny put over an ace, came down on his ankle, spraining it just as he had won the first set. He: is looking well and Jias put on more weight. . I .have" not. ieeh Vinny since his return from predict that than ever. 4] up from his uda in April and I now more dangerous think. Tie will move ber 3 standing. After lUnclfebh *all hands headed for the Penh Station where we found Mr. Stevens of "The' ChicagaJDaily News" awaiting usr Mr, Stevens had some pictures taken of the bunch and then, it*was Vgood-bye; good luck; see you-soon again." T c (Series^ 22) â- 'â- ^s£2b^ ^^-^Bntry blanks for the^ JDailyâ€"News4 I Gold Medal tournament, for Boys and A Girls and Juniorsv^eaTT be had at the ^tfffice~otthlrTjapeT^^^herr fs~no-en- I trance fee. All matches from this §f district will be played, at Skokie. | ffSv%here is a dandy practice board at IsThe Indian Hill club, the board is ^proving very popular, and certainly jis a fine "place to tune up one's strokes © The "Tribune" announces that this I season's match schedule wfll be in Hcharge of regular umpires, and, as the li"Tribune'? puts It, the association has ilreached a point of Hard, Hot, Aggres- ilive Play, where a decision on one ilpoint may well sway the fortunes of f the entire club. #t • „ ^ .. I The 'Umps' Job soon will be a hot tone, especially if the home club stands *to lose even part of its fortune, guess I there will be a. call for the special tfpolicr^o-eseort the 'Umps' fromJM ^COUrtS.. ^â- S::~râ€"^-----;----'â€"^Xl';-: - -; â- â- ' :--.= -. r":-..... instructioX to ^ecentt^ gave some a golf fan, who thought he would take tup tennis, he waxed enthusiastic when It mentioned, Keep your eye on the ball, follow through and the words, slice, chop, swing,â€"drive, top, spin^ distance. ° " v T^ia weelt's Question for the diesr i. Can a player, reach kid- over the net Jwitiirhis racketTprovided »e has play- his own " ~ side of the ^net? -,--i. MUe. Lenglen, the French rata* b^a-won^tiie-womans Tennis Bingles -HafonDdurr This price is $240 LESS than lowest previous price xni^jLexington equipped with ^â€"^famoxnrifcnsted EngmeT^incluftng^r^ Moore Multiple Exhaust-System "^â„¢ e Store for Children 1160 Wilmctte Avenue Hi^SWamettel iLITTLSlFOG^ 1PRINTSW.... SANDS OF JIME mm tr HIS new car is offered for the express purpose ^ of unquestionably establishing the greatest fine ear value at the lowest price on) lharbm^ It is sure to be the big automobile sensation of 1922! It will do All things a fine car should doâ€"do them Better and more Economicallyâ€"and will Endure longer^ We know that this claim -w^l not go un- challenged and are only eager to prove it by jMCtual performance demonstrations. . Get the MOST Cor your money---get this new | Ahorse powerâ€"123-incli ^ leather upholstery~<able brake system and other, exclusive .features 3ILEXINGTON SZftCJiGQ COMP^J^ Evanston |Brimcfi---1|^ n U«Sd Car Department'-1464 Sherman Avenw Do^rbu remember^ when %$% Baby tame?- What an evenf| was eacli act and ntttraiicfl oi this^;4ittleiiine^-cpmerl. And how tunnif|f looked th^j first tiny^gpcvv>M<<s.«^ bootees, everything yolKput on. the*-mfantlsl"\Vras:.:.<ahy^ thing too good *6t this pref| cious heir to all your fortun^ "and life itself*!te i)o you Creeper? femeinber GST how that baby seemed, at the first isign of CTeepw^i^rae^liew probletns immediately arose|t Many 'new things must b||| provided, and you were eag^ 'â-  er to get everything needed tor^inake the little teilovgr -comfortable and contenteJ^ the more unusual and cutej you could dress the Babyp '"ilie' I wilder "becam^'fo^r^di^ -,.x:--:":- â- -.â- ._... 4^^s$f^feS^£^'-;>Â¥'v?^^?!;f ^^S^i^^ Tbe Store for Gm'^ren^unji derstarids how to provide for every mother who -takes pride in her little ones, and it is our missitm^'to/Tleeep",4ief|r advised of the best and new|- > est ideas lb dress^ and amuse' childhood %r6perly.p|^^m|if , brings us to a little* stbry^ •whichjwe will tell you thii weekl.::l#dM^^^ There~Is-d.^yejry jpracticaf: mother in our rteighbdrhooc^ who has written us the |ol^ lowing letter: ^gggit i?f ||iii|;: HiS Dfear Kiddie ^dotef" T Havis raised several children; and want to te^ you how much 1 appreciate the convenience of having a store Vk& you in our midst. * I hope every mother will appreciate and suport you whlle^ they have_ the opportunitjsil^ I have pbaeryf d that you sho#| a reijriarkaMe understanding of the practical needs of children. ? I therefore ask you to pass upon. 6 new design of Creepierv which?: I have 'developed from pra,ctical experience. J;}Undoubtedly|||yott __will agree, that it is very novel, attractive and inexpensive. |Ji have had it patented, as I_wan0: it made at a price whlOh wilf* : be ^ within the^ reaclt~JX ^ywy^; mother." t know you are itisfe'% the kind pf store to- introduce this Creeporlto the public, and hope it will provo as^ wjlcomti^ to others as-it has to:. m^^^§^ ^The above letter speaks forl!|^ Iteli, and we invite you to come in and see this clever new* Creeper. A limited stock of onl and two year sizes are mowoi M ill ifli sale at^n^ntroductory price oT4 'H

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