Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1922, p. 7

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'IKS!? : . '• ftWi :SMf«r.: ^MiMM ^iglllf ^^?ia-1 mm. THEfLAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1922 â- It (S^iii'.' ®8'â- ':'â- ' Bull-Behnke Nuptials Will Be Among First -of Smart June-Weddings THE first of the June weddings this season will be that of Miss Dorothea Bull, whose marriage to Wallace Blanch&rd Behnke of ChJ- cago, will take place on Thursday eve- ning, the first of June, at St. Luke's church in Evanston. Missi Bull is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Bull of Wilmette, and following the ceremony, there will be a large recep- tion at the family home, 524 Maple avenue. Dr. George Craig Stewart will perform the ceremony, at eight- thirty o'clock. Miss Virginia Bull- will attend her sister as maid of honor and the- brides- maids will be Miss Elizabeth Doane and Miss Mildred"IHdlt" of Evanston, Miss Mildred Moore and Miss Ruth Jackson of Chicago. Little Miss Bar- bara Jane JBuU, * sfster of the bride. and Miss EveTyn MaceTher cousin, will be flower girls. Harold Chetham at Milwaukee wHl be best man, and the ushers will be Philip Adams and Albert Welser of Dubuque, la., Dean .Harris of Lincoln, Neb., Arthur Craw- ley of Peoria, Walter Geisler of Chi- cago, and Franklin Osborne Alexander ? of. Evanston. Mr. Behnke and his bride, who are both former students at Northwestern university, will be at home after Sep- ^t^mbe^r 1, at 538 Roscoe street, Chi- cago. Miss Bull is a member of the Delta Gamma.' sorority, and Mr. Behnke a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. .-â- 'â- '. Numerous affairs are being given this week and early" next week for Miss Bull. On-Tuesday afternoon, Miss Mildred Holt was hostess at a tea at her home in Evanston, honoring the bride-to-be!. The f^ljftwfrpr "**«"•• noon, Mrs. Paul Date, formerly Miss iHelen Aiken, ^gaTe-~another--tea--tor. Miss Bull. Miss Elizabeth Doane-will lentertain at bridge tomorrow after- noon at her home in Evanston, and on iMoriday afternoon, Mrs. Martin Pease iof South Bend, Ind., will entertain at tea at the home of Mrs. Chester Hand, $20" Isabella street. Decoration Day afternoon, Ml ihg a bridge, and oh. Wednesday eve- ining, the 31st, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bull will give the bridal dkmer at the North Shore hotel. The- annual recital given by the" T>npi% of Mrs. Bertrudf^ Lees-Roberts will take place on Monday evening, June 5, at the Wilmette Woman's club. The following will take part In the #rograni^ iJane Baudouine, Bichara Roadman. Stetepii jiarnran; Cecil Kerr, Grace Cooke, Jean Culver, . Ruth Wach*, Margorie Cooke, Ruth Davison, Austin Cooke, Mary Lent, Vera John- son, Marion Wolf, Blake Roberts, Ruth Patterson, Charlotte Wachs, Billle Nunnr Eleanoi" Culver; Richard Nicholes, Henry Barnes Crawford; Jane Whitson Crawford,^ Stanley Smith, Virginia? Kerr, Robert Craw- ford, Jr., Isabel Thompson, Brice Stephens, Ruth Webster, Jack Mc- ^rty and~ Doroi^:l|Iuiin^-!_lTX^ - The Travel Club celebrated its an nual Daughter's Daly on last Tues day jyfteisoo^jyLJfche^ in the home of Mrs. S. A. Wheelock, 822 Central avenue. In addition to a special program, including-some^Nor- ^wegian1 iftusict rappropriater tb~the study of Norway which has been taken up this j>ast year, and some specialty dancing anTnsohgs~^yTTSnsC Emily Pope of Glencoe, there was an exhibit of pictures of all the countries which have been studied by the Club in its past travels, as well as some souve- nirs picked up by Mrs. Wheelock on her trip abroad a few years ago. One new member, Mrs. C. W. Crocker, was taken into the^ationi4^ki - y Announcement is made of the. ap- proaching marriage of Miss Ann Car- ney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas libar^ey^of Glencoe, to Mr; Nathan Borre of Wilmette, which will take tolace on Saitoday morning, May 27, at 10 o'clock, at Sacred Heart church, Hubbard Woods. Miss Mary Borre ot Wilmette will attend the bride as maid of honor, and Miss Helen Car- ney, Miss Margaret Cline and Mtes Margai^t-Borre^wilr^sei^re-as~brideB- maids.SMr. John Carney wil be best man and the ushers will be Henry Borre, Frank Schaefer -and Robert Rindwall. . " ^â- /^^^^£^.;r^. L'Mme. Eda Goedecke will -present her pupils in recital on Thursday eve- ning, June 1, at the Kenilworth As- sembly hall. The folowing will par- ticipate: Elizabeth Mather, Mary Lauer, Eleanor Idler, Julia Wild, Dor- ^thy-Bry^ntr^el^n^ll^lbert^beg^ Marjorie Mead, John Adkins, Helen Luckhardt; Jane » Ciornell, Eleanor Thieder W4nifr«d--Moor'er"Mary Mackf -Marie Flentye, Frances _Anderson, Virginia Moore, Dofotny Clyde, Rath truska, Harriet Childfiu_JMarge Hyatt, Edith Adkihs, Marion Osten and Ethel idan road. Each girl escorted another girl's mother to the affair. Sara Gaper was made a Wood-gatherer and Me- dora Bright and Betty Mulford, Fire Makers. Louise Voigfetfwas the only new member taken in. Many special honors were awarded to the girls. Now that Anchor Inn has reopened its doors, under the supervision of the* Delta Gamma sorority, many folks are planning to entertain there informally during the summer months. Com- mencing Saturday evening, June 3, there will be dinner dances evjery week, and luncheons and dinner are being served regularly even at' this early date. Mothers of the Delta Gammas were guests at the Inn' on Thursday of this week, at a luncheon and afternoon meeting. Wilmette alumnae who are working diligently in th«L interest of the enterprise this summer,'include Mrs. J. Ross Stewart, Mrs. Thomas Thompson, Miss Ruth Gates, Miss Ger- trude Michelet, Miss Dorothea Bull and Miss Dorothy" Huh * Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ennis of To- ronto, Canada, will sail Saturday, May 27, from Montreal for Glasgow, They will spend the summer in England and the continent, returning to tgffbrohto late in September. Mrs. Ennis was formerly Miss Mary Quayle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R.. Quayle, 38 Crescent place. Miss Naomi C. Mueller of 619 Greg- ory avenue, is spending a month at the home of her sister, and brother- in-law and sist&r, Rev. and Mrs. F. A. l|Millhouse of Dougola, ffivâ€"She ^wifr also visit friends at Cairo and Mur- phrysbpro, before returning,-home. . SkokMe Country Club will hold its formal opening on Decoration Day, with a dinner dance for members and their guests in the evening. In the morning, the Class A. B. C. Dj Medal Play^will take place, and in *he after- noon, there will be a Mixed Four Ball Foursome Event. Miss Ruth Moulding returned Mon- day to hor homo at 1004 Gieeuwood avenue, after an extended trtp in the jeast-as^ a visiting, delegate to colleges, from the Alpha Phi sorority. Miss Moulding spent several days in Wash- ington, D. C., recently as the guest of Miss MildTed^fcCirlto^ghT^^^""^^^ Miss Roberta Skinner and Miss Virginia Buchanan will entertain at home in Winnetkar in honor, of Miss Jean Alton of Winnetka and Miss Dorothy Bobbins otJByanston, whose marriages are to tafee^-place in the Tietir future: -..'.. . . •........â€"oâ€" 0 Members of the Philathea Class and the Young Ladies, Auxiliary of the Missionary Society of the Methodist church, five automobile, lloads, in all, motored to Glen Ellyn recently to spend the day with Mrs. Ferdinand Larson, the former Lucille Drake. * â€"oâ€" Special Golf events, closing with a dinner dance in the evening, will comprise the proiaanfcioje the formal opening at the North Shore Golf club on Decoration Day. Mr. R. H. Flaher- ty and his committee is in charge of the arrangements. â€"oâ€" . The Music Study, club of New Trier high school was entertained at dinner at the home of Dr. and Mrs: L. W. Syrong, 1115 Chestnut ^avenue, on Thursday of last week. There covers for thirty members, -r^^^;*^ â€"oâ€" After a hasty visit with old friends in the village,. Miss Sara, Murdoclut> left Tuesday to join her family in Davenport, la. Miss Murdoch Ju,st recently returned from an extensive trip abroad. ~~~ The Woman's Home Missionary So- ciety of the Methodist church will meet Friday, June 2, at2\ 30 o?eloek ^at~ the home of Mrs. Harry Mann, 921 Oakwood avenue. Miss Muriel Day will speak. . , ,, " W Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Thayer of Evanston, announce the birth of a son, Bruce, Jr., on Sunday, May 21, at the Evanston hospital,,Mr. Thayer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thayer, 522 Central»avenue, Mrs. Charles Glenhon of Albuquer- que, N. M., iarrived Sunday to be the guest of her parents, Mr. ^ndâ€"Mrs* Charles N. Roberts, 1014 Lake avenue for several weeks. Mrs. Glennon was formerly Miss Helen Roberts. Mrs. George E. White, of 927 Green- wood avenue, has; returned from a two weeks' visit to Tuscott, Arizona, where she went to beNtorith her sister- in-law whose daughter la^seriously ill, Mr. J. DrXonffer,; 90<rtjake^ avenue^ is leaving today. for Colorado Springs, Colo., to join Mrs. Couffer over Decor- ation Day. They will both Wilmette the latter part of next week. Mrs. WD. Hamilton, 835 Sixteenth street? left yesterday forâ€"^tâ€"three weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Indianapolis and at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Red field and daughter, Natalie, of 1131 Forest* ave- nue, sailed on the Aquitania, Tuesday, May 23f foi gland and Coriitinent^ couhtriea. The Ladies, Whist club met Tuesday evening with Mrs. E. P. Fateh, 611 Washington avenue. The Men's club was entertained by Mr. his home in Evanston. Wlilson. at Mr.^and Mrs. Will Rosenthal of Ch± cagorwiir^cculpytii Tlonias SkifftteT home, at Tenth street and Forest ave- nue, for the summer months, after June 1. _ â- â- â- â€¢; ': .•-.; â- .- â-  ' iâ€"oâ€" ""', .- Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt King were-hosts to the "H. and W" club on Wednesday evening at their*"home, 711 Forest ave- nue Mrs. Charles Barton, entertained sixteen guests at Bridge '-on- Friday in honor of Miss Schager of Traverse City, Mich! â€"â€"-<* â- â€¢ j. â- â-  S ----:0-^- Miss Margaret Schinler, 17i8 Lake avenue,. returned last week from a five weeks' trip through Californiavz: ^ P*^ H CO «o =. o o ^ < a P.* vr .gff 6:8 i â-  C 8 o § 5:5 rj. tj tp n . ** \3 >-v O* ofO» ft, D n **< ggampyFiro bAid a Mother's CeremoniaU at the himie of Jeair Bversvl020 Sher- j Tlie rtiuch tallced of Mystery Brict of Ice Cream will be on sale Satur- day and Sunday---50c^%^ I Watcftmf^indow f^ 'ilmette 400 and 401 THE WILMETTE PHARMACT Wilmette and Central Avenues ^isr^siiSiWi] &7%&$%jfiffi %?^*;,^^^;^|^^;fe^ Tele tone â- v^.;'.&c:::iii^iw v^v•v,J-â- v..<â- ^^^.â- .;?.i**aJt3iiMâ-  â- Two- Showcases and Wall^lCasf^^p For Sale CHEAP. 3SHN-R5 SHEETfMETAL WORKS JFurn^csc: Gutters : Down Spoutsjj|kyf|ig||^; PHONE WILMETTE 1^47 1209 W ashlngton Ave. wsiwp r* .jfrtaemvK* »i;'ta'2||Ssi|S.. Ms made to o iicBss'dMai F L I N K E R ar^FX T N K E "'â- â-  :MlLLlNERY\and-DRYr6OOp0MW^iM 1217 Wilmette ttimue JusiweMtflf^ H7/. 2^7«||S', *;:V 0 0 ;,:*â-  W$$x+ ms%: ^Of sat^factidn-"and'" your motor car at all times, is to have it regularly taken care of by people who are familiar with all the ;mmm.wmsi iHsa.-caris-heir' to.,;f ;:^;^I:?|:;|l||lli It's the sensible and econttrnicd .way/:J;:^^:":'fv:tâ- ;;'::;V!';;';""' Z MAKE IT YOURiWAY WITH US AS WaffiQliyMi ""'"wiSail Phone 1322 1225 Central Aye. •^^M&Biii|lg^^^^*^|pi^T--' r. 'M^^4^&? i-f^BK:- ii-ll l&SMsi?S«3#S '0&M^>£^MSS&^^^^^M^s^0$,'^'M:S^ K

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