PH â- ,.,,-a. »»i>^^^^gyi?g'^T^ga pjS^ â- ^ t t*^ORE NEWS^FRIDAY, JUNE 30 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS BatabllafaeC 1»1 J with which Is combined THE WIIiMBTTB IiOCAIt NEWS Established 1898 ^ IS0UED FRIDAY OP EACH WEEK by fcAK«B SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY f H2* Central Ave., Wllmette. Ilfc Telephome.............. Wllsaette 1930 SUBSCRIPTION.........#340 A YEAR All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon to Insure appearance in current Issue. ________, Resolutions of condolence, cards or thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. ________ Entered at the postofflce at Wllmette, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, undevthe act of March 8. 1879. A PLACE ON THE SEAS If A place on the seas is the ambi- tion of the United States, an even chance at the world's commerce and a fair share of the benefits that come from it. The United States has never before had much concern for shipping. It has been content -to import from other countries, to use ships of other ownership, to sub- mit to the general dictum that this country has no penchant for seafar- ing. The war with the demands it put upon us for transporting mate- rials and men overseas has revealed to us our capacity to do business on the water, a capacity that we have no disposition to allow to become weakened by disuse, or to slip from us for lack of ambition to exercise it We are willing to accept and ob- serve the motto, "Live and let live. We have no design upon the com- merce of any other country, except as may be gained in the legitimate way of honest competition. America has a way of doing what it sets out to do, when there is de- termination and justice in its favor. We shall secure that place on the seas that rightly belongs to us, and we shall use the position that it gives us to the general benefit, if we are as-scrupulous as we should be in recognition of the rights of others. Motorcop's Quick Wit* Avoid Serious Accident While riding in Evanston moton cycle policeman Henry Brantigan, of the Wllmette traffic sauad, narrowly avoided a serious accident when he cl?med with a bicycle ridden hy George Clark, " *^J^JJVfiJ corner of Poster street and West Ran r°TheaVD?y "had been riding behind a unhurt. Witnesses «^|nth*tJ!r^; tigan saw the bicycle in t me to swerve to the side so that, although ?he bicycle was struck, the boyâ- *» unhurt. Witnesses stated that Bran- tlgan was traveling slowly, or a more serious accident might have resulted. Extractian Specialist* Guaranteed Painlmu - STAR X-RAY f LABORATORY ] 22 E. Van Buren St. near State. Automat BM|« Next Door to Roth«cMd»» • n-rt«i*m*nf storo. Sell Vis Classified Ads AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-ft. Continental Motor 11695 F. O. B., FACTORY C.H. BRIGGS Evanatpn MO ,S49 Sherman Avenue The Smartest and Beet Dressed Women In Chisago have their Sport and Week End Skirts Made at THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "Made irtthj^urojm material" SUITE 1418 STEVENS BUILDING Randolph 3219 17 N. Sf to CHICAGO U N.Wahash | Jtgjt FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1922 § SHIRKING THETOB^t^ f^The President is finding it diffi- cult to keep the government func- tioning because of the habit of be- ijrig somewhere else that is developed too highly in the members of the Congress. Work is all but at a standstill, and matters that are badly needing attention _are Jeft^to take care of themselves. It is a failure in the discharge of duty that ought to be met by a more severe corrective than the displeasure of the President, for it is inimical to the public good and contrary to the demands of the proper dis- charge of their duties. It is hot in Washington at this time of the year, uncomfortable' weather for working, but it is that in the greater part of the country and people remain at their posts of duty. A little close attention ap- plied to their work would put Con- gress in a position to expect free- dom from their labors, freedom that has been earned by a performance [£f_Jhe__jMgaiic^^ \ them. Under the system of hit or miss absenteeism that is fretting \ the President, there is little more r accomplished than could be done during a recess and nobody enjoys the sense of holiday that ^u^7 to r be present ^heii^there^if;;|pjjgska-; |Joj^|;,;wofk;; li^SSJDEFYINO AGE WWS W&i _^^w^ffv All shingles aren't alikeâ€"there's just one brand that insures a 10 dollar's worth of good looks wear: pB^^ofind? «• Ki Defying age by surgical methods It is ^wingaknost common. News- (^paper reports of the progress of the f§ subject of gland grafting are read fj with increasing interest, particularly ifby ihose whose claim to youth is los- f ing the element of convection. I Nobody likes to grow! old. It is agthe rare person who accomplishes this natural change with-any* partic- ular grace^ .Son^ cHn^Jtojfee^e^ ternal appearances of youth and ___iage only to be silly. Others seek to keep young in thought, culti- .^Jvating sympathy with young peo- ^le^adâ€"eliangirig custpms^as^a^ »ieans of avoiding those ruts into awhich the middle aged are likely Sfto drift And yet others seek to i§retam their youth by keeping up ^heir^fnysical condition to youth* 2§E^tandar4s^y^exercisei reerea- Ifftioh, diet; and "avoidance of the ^drains Upon strength and diges- tion ftiat may be ivith safety en- dured during the period of youth. £ But defiance €f age is njost effec- -^tive when it is unconscious, when -there is COfgetfulness of self and a idesireto give useful service to those fiabout It is this group that grow Jild, to be sure, iti a physical sense, imt do so so jpacefully that the %hitebairs are Uke a crown of glory and the little decrepitudes a testi- monyto years^ot giving to others. It isHite egotist who succeeds in warding off the signs of age by culti- vation of the physical being, the self-centered who try again for the signs of youth._Agezghould beJtjw F rcSwlfing~periacr oT life, the lime L l^wbenj^st^nay be enjoyed afterthe years of service, when one may take f position a little out of the turmoil of Hfeaflde^jo^fora^ea^oii^thecon- oTa ll^i.odiiii jsiyuN^^ 17 Grade* pU^Maai"^^. They last twice as long as brush-coated shingles or natural wood. They are creosoted against dry rot, decay, worms andjweather. They save time, muss and expense of etaimngcn the gob. Best earth pigment colorsâ€"no aniline dyesâ€"no wedge-shaped shinglesâ€"no waste* I •111...... Come in or ifto tot Sample Colors on Wood, and Price* J