m W<8^^ Annual Report of 1 Infant Welfare Shows S III $2850 in Treasury /Hp^HE work of the infant welfare -..,.. I Board of Wilmette for the year â- *â- 1921-22 has gone steadily for- ward. The same duties as in previous years has been accomplished and new responsibilities undertaken. Nine all day meetings have been held and much sewing accomplished. In addi- tion to making regular weekly visits on Friday afternoons to New Trier Station on West Chicago avenue, which Wilmette helps to support, the Board has taker turns spending each Thursday afternoon at the Economy Shop, thereby securing a percentage of the profits for theHStation. •The Qhristmas party for the mothers and babies who come to New: JTrier Station was a greaJLsuccess aj usual and gave joy to a large number who have very little of it in their lives. At the Tea given on May 25, at the home of Mrs. Charles McCue, the collectors for the annual drive were addresses by Miss Place, superin- tendent of Nurses, and Miss Spry, chairman -of »he Woman's A\ix*liary of the Infant Welfare Society of Chi- cago. Their suggestions and advice served as an\ inspiration to those present and Uhe beneficial results have been reflected in the annual campaign for funds. The treasurer's report shows that $2,850 has been collected iip to date and it is hoped that the sum will reach $3,000 as that amount is needed for the broader yni* planned~for the Station white crepe romaine and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and lillies of the valley. Her tulle veil fell from a coronet of rose point lace. Miss Alice Miller attended her sister as maid of honor, and wore a gown of yellow ^repe romaine, "carrying an arm "bouquet of pink roses. Mr. Carl- ton Casten Gould, served his twin brother as best man. Upon their return from a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Gould will be at home at 620 Emerson street, Evanston. â- :â- • â- -.xi^-'" year. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Lloyd Doty announce the engagement of their daughter, Helene Eleanor, to Hugh Scott Whipple, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Whipple of Medinah, N. Y. The announcement, which came as a total surprise to her friends, was inade last Saturday afternoon at an "At Home" given for three recent brides, Mrs. George Schumacher, Mrs. ErTOl Mates and Mrs. Willis van Pelt ^xjf Chicago, members of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, at the Doty home, 33 Crescent place. Centuria and angel breath formed a most attractive decoration for the house and each guest was presented with a corsage of pansies, into which was tucked the tiny' announcement card. Miss Doty is a graduate of the Uni- versity of. Illinois, and Mr. Whipple is a Dartmouth man. The wedding will occur on October 7. Another lovely June wedding was that of Miss Elva Grace Southward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Charles F. Southward, who became the bride of Herman W. Pomper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto R. Pomper of Glencoe, Sat- urday evening, JunV^tw^nty^fth^M- the Union Church of Kenilworth, the Rev. Dr. College officiating. Miss Southward's bridal gown was of crepe chiffon beaded in crystal and 'pearls and her tulle veil fell from a coronet also beaded, on the side of -which hung clusters of orange blos- Her sister. Miss Helen Irene soms. "â- ->* ~â€"â€" ------ - _ - ^Southward, was her maid of honor ana ^her gown was of peach-colored chiffou and she^carried a shower "bouquet of *ea roses and larkspur. The bridal fboiraiiBt was ot white sweets-peas, Groses and valley lilies. The bride's other attendants were her four little ^cousins, Miss Marjorie Jenkins, Miss Gertrude Faulkner of Kansas City, Miss Jane Simpkinson of Dallas, Texas, Miss Doris Batzel of Bloom- Aeld, New Jersey, and three little cousins of the groom, Miss Elizabeth -^and Irma Osdrander from Michigan and Miss Wanda Wickert of Chicago. The "kiddies" were gowned in little frocks of pink and blue crepe de chine and parried baskets of fl°wer»vjf^f Wanda Wickert was the train bearer. Mr George Rice_AJife long friend of the groom, served as best man and the ushers were 0»vor Haywyd_ of: Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone has as her house guest, Mrs. I. Bruce Howard of New York. Mrs. Howard was the guest of honor at a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Rathbone' on Wed- nesday evening at the Blackstone, later taking their guests to the theater, and on Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Atwood of the Drake gave a dinner and a box party to see "Jeanne d'Arc" at the Patten Gym- nasium iu Evanston as presented! by the North Shore Players. Mrs. How- ard will visit in Portland,-Oregon, be- fore returning to her summer home in Cornwall, New York. - Miss Elizabeth Mulvey, 800 Oak- wood avenue, is leaving tomorrow to spend the summer at Sherwood Forest Camp in northern Wisconsin. Junius Mulvey will leave the first of the week for Ty Glenn camp near Rhinelander, Wis. ;..a , ;;,::VF:,,5:;'-^ vffMr. and Mrs. Thomas Skinner of Evanston, announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen Somerville, to Theodore E. Joiner of the Chicago Athletic Club on June 17. The Skinners were former residents of Wilmette. » : â- - ..r-^v^s*^;; The Misses Jane and Virginia Ken- dall, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kendall of Los Angeles, Cal., formerly of Wilmette, have taken an apartment, at the Beach View hotel, Chicago dur- ing their extended^ visit Mre this summer. |;/v!:;|!|||^||^i;!|||/V:\'^-i •?:'-P ........." -"-,__J0^:>"......"""â- 'â- - ••":â- • "â- *.- â- â- ......-â- Of interest is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Lucretia Abbott Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wright of Evanston, to Mr. Frederick Williams Sharp on Satur- day, June 24. Mr, Sharp is a well known organist on theNorth Shore. The""" Misses Evelyn and Florence BseuujiLjax_i Kletzing, 522 Washington avenue, are Mrs Howir leaving Monday to spend the weelrat Lake Geneva. Upon their return they will accompany Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kletzing on a motor trip, to Mackinac Island. Mrs. Charles EMHdge, 1029 Lake avenue, is visiting in the east. Miss Leila Eldrldge, who spent sometime in the east with her mother, has re- turned home to attend Northwestern university summer school. Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding and Miss Ruth Moulding, who* have been In the east the past fortnight, attending the annual convention of the Alpha Phi sorority, will return home Sun- day. â- ^^IIJI^I'^; !!?|'S!f a!:'^|!|v.-i: / \!:. â- .â- 'â- â- ^â- A;V-::; â- '!.;,-;:;{^1 Belknap Hawkes is expected home from New York on his vacation Sat- urday. '%=<:"': -"': â- â- ;'::v-;#:^.^^i':-:*R!.-|?^^fe.'; Messrs. Albert Snite, ':-%tt:P msA%-:m-'r street, and Stanley Culver of 914 Etal||v^! wood avenue, left Wednesday warm,„lii ing to attend the Woodcraft School at ,^ â- Culver, Ind., for the -coming"' eighju||f,;;.;, weeks "' â- â- â- 'S â- "â- 'â- '«i|p ':-? . ^^ f w:;i|^|^aule|"Intertafnld'W-^:; \j luncheon hurt Wednesday at her home, ^ 821 Forest • avenue. Covers â- were, laid. • |fcg for sixteen guests.- A group, ot de*: ^Jw lightful' songs were given by: Mrs. Ji0$mm f. :cordts. m^^^im&i^s^W^ Mrs..' Esther .Stone, of the 'firm- of J§||§| extended California trip, Hil and Stone, left recently for an gssp inmiiiiiiiintinniitiiuiiiiuimnui HEMSTITCHING Oh Wednesday Mrs. Gardner!-Wat- kins of 1322 Greenwood avenue/ left for Mitchell, S. D., where she will spend the summer in concert work, and visiting friends. Upon her re- turn in the fall, she will join Mr. Watkins in Homewood, 111., where he will be in charge of the public schools, and where they will make their future home. Mr. Watkins received his Masters' Degree at Northwestern uni- versity last week. - â€" Oâ€"- â- ........-- â- :*-!. ng the boys who are leaving on Drs. Arthur H. Tuttle and Alice Tuttle, 622 Washington avenue, who left recently to spend 'several weeks in Frankfort, Mich., will be joined next week by Dr. and Mrs. George D. Upson and family, of 607 Washington avenue. In Gold. Silver. Irish Point. Picoting. Etc .AUoButtonaCovlfet I||',|l Pleating. Machme Scallo^and H^^ ^SPtl Transfer Embroidery Patterns for Societies, Church Emblems an^J||| . Central rVorfa ^M^^-s^^^^^^^U High Class Work; Quick. Personal Setyice? ^: ^vmzm AM; car Y^Sf"**! 1131 Gwenlerf Avenue *s2«£&"- ftSSSSISS&^SSS^ Open 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Durin* July and Au»u.t J^ly-T-^or-Gamp-Q Wa-Kou-Ze,â€"Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada, are William Jordan, Kenneth Page, Clement C. Mitchell, Jr., Arthur Seibold, Philip bright, Tom King, Willis Strong and Robert Drake. The camp is conducted by Mr. Childs, of New Trier high school._and the boys will remain there "for"two months. Friends of Mr. E. R. James, 1304 Forest avenue, will be interested in learning that he is improving rapidly from injuries sustained in an automo- bile accident ten days ago. He is con- â- v^wlng' at th» Wi»fllny hospital | Owing to the popularity of the in- formal dances being held at Anchor ;Inn on Saturday evening of each week, the Delta Gammas have decided to make Wednesday evenings addi- tional dancing nights at the Inn. Mrs. Walter. Knoop and Mrs. Charles Bailey Blake have issued~Tnvitations for a bridge to be given on Tuesday, July 11, at the Knoop home in Ken- ilworth,in~honor of-Miss Marjorie Westerlund of Chicago, whose mar- riage to Mr. Milton Fuessle of Evans- ton will take place this summer. ,.:.: â- â€"oâ€" The Misses Julia-and Emily Meyer, 506 Park .avenue, left Sunday for an extended trip abroad, visiting in Ger- many, Switzerland, Denmark and France. Miss Emily Meyer will re- turn home early in September to re- sume her teaching in the Chicago pub- lic schools, but Miss Julia Meyer will remain in Europe until November. Mrs. Eldred G. Bentley, and daugh- ter, Mary Ellen, of 802 Elmwood ave- nue, left Monday evening for their cottage in Highland Park, near Granfl TTaven, MichTT~where they-ywill rev main until early fall. Mr. Bentley and John Bentley are planning p> join them over the Fourth and many of the following week-ends during the summer. Mrs. Claude E.- Fitcfi^ 1033 Elm- wood avenue, who went east to at- tend the graduation of her daughter, Elizabeth from Weltesleyy is remain- ing in the east with her daughter, for an _ extended visit. Miss Rebeccah Fitch, who also attended Wellesley this past year, has returned home for the summer. â€"oâ€" On the occasion of their fifth wed- ding anniversary, June 16, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Watkins were given a surprise and farewell party, at the home of the S. P. Watkins,-1322 Green- wood avenue, by some fifty iof their friends. They were presented with a handsome mahogany tea wagon. Miss Sara Murdoch, who returned Interesting Berwyn, Sidney H. Jenkins of New York, a cousin of the bride, Victor Spoehr, and Homer Robinson of Chi- caeo The musical program was ren- Sefed by Mrs. Porter, a talented or- eanlst several beautiful selections "Stagâ- sungV Mr. William Jenkins of Glencoe After the service there was / â- ?VeS'io"-* the^home oi^theb^s narents. Mr. and Mrs. Pomper are honeymooning in W^onsin and on - their return will live in Higniana -1|__. .Park-____,___;.. i^.__________ ___ The home of Mr. andJ**^J*oj â€"Albertson at 2711 Broadway *W*â„¢* evanston, was the scene of a pretty ^IdSing last Wednesday .evening, T„«« 2? when. M4«* • Ix>uise Miller, ~~2S£r oi'SrfVSei Falconer Miller ^^S^Alberta, Canada, became the bride of Mr. ^7^p^ A n 1d of 1130 i^ake Mr. and Mrs. H. A. wj'^t^h^imi with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Starkel in their motor,-from Davenport, la*, last week, will be' the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R7 W. Jurdanr-lOl^Greenwood avenue, for a few days, before her re- turn home on next Wednesday. and Profitable T^SS;J'ONE.ffN^ NOUNCES SUMMER MUSIC TERM. Call Wil- mette 2558. She will be pleased to confer with any who desire instruction Piano, Voice and Harmony. Eating Out? Anchor Inn Ridge Ave. at Sheridan Rd. Evanston, 111. NOW SERVING Luncheon: Table d' note, 50c and A la Carte Afternoon Tea: 2:00 to 5:00 Dinner: Plate Dinner, 75c Anchor Inn Special, $1.00 Sunday Dinner! $1.00 an<| ,% $1.50 ;.j«B(^p.-«^ts#**^"' DANCING Millinery Hats made to order? Cleaning _=â€", Btocking^ ^Remodeling - Dry^jGpods Take along2some_ embroidery work on your vacation xnxr stock is complete Se £ tfie^resence of OrftmlH o«f a few intimate friends. Rev. J,.X l?effens of St. Matthews' churchy ^^SsTon^read"ther-Bervice-atr eight JXTrhe bride wore a ?ow^L JB L I N K E R & F L I W K"fi.'R jiii^aEBg^posiLggg^ 1217 Wilmette Avenue Just west of the tracks Phone WiU 2279 -linf|^;;^^ '£^s)^\,v- l?^$i$i$$ "â- â€" so, we :flUJJj|--^^^ii^^^~" you come in this week and prepare*- here you will /i(firf,.*iitf*s*^^ m^mm swimming suits W§mSm: ~a 4:.&!i$Â¥!^$wM and accessories jjf % :bei!'agqihJthis:sea^^ We haMa for men, fwMdmen, aruX Children. v-t^-;^^§i McAllister* WortlmiCol Mm sm fclM giS^ 4â€": fn^^v^i, SOtljMy^'â- f^^.-' Â¥â- â-