â- !5iprg!ffi?w^ ITr^^^^f^^s^^W^W^ â- â- â- â- '• "'-"'â- ffygCT' : 'wmW^^WM "â- Salt â- .'- â- """fl THE LAKE SHORE NEWS.' FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1923 '^^"-^ '^^^^^^^ JAMES E. KEITH DIESe AT KENILWORTH HOME James E. Keith, for 52 years a res- ident of Chicago and the north shore, died at his home at 515 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, Friday, December 29, at -th*-ag«^f-Z4_years. He had been suf- fering from heart trouble~foFHrerlast six months. r Mr. Keith wasns native of Iowa and served through the Civil War with the 8th Iowa Volunteer Cavalry. After coming to Chicago he was en- gaged for many years in the commis- sion business on South Water street, with the firm Of Price and Keith. He was a 32d degree Mason and a member of the Union League club. Mr. Keith leaves his widow, Emily J. Keith, a son, Roy J. Keith of Chi- cago, and two daughters, Mrs. R. P. >ross, of Kenflworth, and Mrs. E. P. [all, of Edmonton, Canada. Funeral services were held Mondav, ijanuary 1, at the home in Kenilworth. Complete Optical Parlor to Be Located in Wilmette Announcement is made this week of the establishment in the new Rockhold building at Wilmette and Central avenues of an exclusive and thoroughly up-to-date optical parlor by Dr. O. H. Bersch, optometrist, who now has offices in Ravenswood. Dr. Bersch has had 13 years' ex- perience in his field. He was for some time manager of the Optical depart- ment of C. D. Peacock, Inc., of Chi- cago, and in recent years has been located in Ravenswood, where a completely equipped office and lens grinding department. Dr. Bersch comes to the north shore FOR Economical Transportation CHEVROLET with the sense of assurance that this community is prepared to welcome the first class service it will be hie purpose to render. Frank L Baker Bequeaths Fukids to Chicago Charity The Home for Destitute Crippled Children and the South Side Crippled Children's Aid were included in chari- ty bequests made in the will of the late Frank J. Baker of Wilmette, filed in County Probate court this week. '.:•â- ., Most of the estate, said to be about $500,000, is left in trust to the widow, Mrs. Gayle Nelson Baker, and to two small children, Channing Baker and Nona Gayle Baker, it was announced. ASSESSMENT PAYING TIME Wilmette Village special assess- ments are due and payable, says collector Edward H. Kerr. The Village hall, WMmette and Cetftral avenues, Is the place of payment. Passing along Collector Kerr's sage advice of last week: "Pay at the Village hall and save, time, money and worry." Who's selling the CHEVROLET in Evans ton? ForbesFrocks Making Remodeling Exclusive Models Room 217 Hoyburn Bldg. .â€" -^Javis Street, Evanston Tel. Ev. 7467 POISE BEGINS * THE FEET As hostess In your own home, your poise, the most desirable of social graces and your attentive interest in others which causes friends to call you charmingâ€"these depend a lot upon comfortable footwear. Ill-fitting shoes, forever nagging one, are on your mind and spoil jrour^ conyersa^ tional ability. As hostess and as guest, at tea or the theater, shopping, working "or walking, you feel comfortably shod and more at your ease in Cantilever Shoes. Free from the foot-strain which you may have experienced in other shoes, your mind will be easier, livelier and your manner more charm- ing. Trim boots, smart oxfords; it is easy to feel and look your best in Qantilever lasts. Cantilevers are patterned upon the lines of the foot They are graceful, comfortable shoes. There is toe room without cumbrous width. The smart heels are set to establish good posture, which medical authorities proclaim essential to good health. A flexible shank allows the foot per* feet freedom. No concealed steel shank piece restricts the movement of the muscles. In Cantilevers the feet grow supple and healthy because the muscles exercise as you walk. Circu- lation is stimulated. Foot troubles, poor carriage, nervousness and fatigue are banished if you wear Catnilever Shoes. On Sale Exclusively on the North Shore by NORTH SHORE BOOTERY 529 DAVIS STREET Phone Ev. 67$7 EVANSTON, ILLINOIS To insure proper -fitting^ we have installed an X-Ray machine in our store. This service to you without charge. Our Cantilever Booklet Sent on Request Start Now to Economize! USE THE WERSTELV Lubrication and Inspection Service and Save Money Failure to grease all the friction points of yojir carâ€"while itr may save the price of greasingâ€"will ~ eventuaUyjx>st many times more _ _____in the renewal of worn^parts,______ OFFICIXE SEMITE EDBIutaTIOir^SERVrCE STATION WERSTED MOTOR CO. Formerly Winnetka Motor Co. WM. T. WERSTED, Prop. (Same Management) & ACCESSORIES BATTERIES ?• TIRES REPAIRING Apni Motor Fuel Increases your mileage and potter Prevents preignition knock Preo$nb*arbonJtouhfa and carton knocks Increases flexibility of your motor Practically eliminates crank cos* dilution Increases lubricating efficiency Prolongs HJe of your motor • Mixes wittgasoline Ask the Man Who Uses It PAINTING SIMONIZING STORAGE WELDING ----------526 LINCOLN AVE. WINNETKA ""THONE â€" WTNNETKAT6T â- iBHl Write for our FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOK picturing and describing this unusual value in homesites in Highland Park on the North Shore..... For convenience use the information blank shomi below. Make This Your New Year** Secure a Homesite in Beautiful Do it nowâ€"while the "Gate of Opportunity" is open. There is practically no other desirable North Shore property close to transportation, left at even twice the price of Sunset Terrace. ^ ^ LOTS now selling as low as $ 30.00 A FRONT FOOT Payable on convenient, ^easy terms ; Wonderful Transportation Facilities In selecting a homesite, transportation is always a big factor. Sunset Terrace is easy of access via the Chicago and Northwestern Railway or Chicago & Mil- waukee Electric, to Highland Park. Walk west on Central Avenue until you reach Sunset Terrace. If you drive, take Sheridan Road or Green Bay Road to -4 Central Avenue, drive west on Central Avenue in Highland Park to Sunset Terrace. All Modern^mprtnrnnmk^^--'^^:-^~3 Being a part of Highland Park, Sunset Terrace en- joys the rights to all the conveniences of city life, such as sewer, gas, water, electricity, telephone service, city delivery, etc. Also, this new part of Highland Park has good schools and churches, fine roads, golf links, private community beach and splendid social environment. -^â- â- !#® Community Golf Links and Bathing Beach Immediately to the north of Sunset Terrace across West Park Avenue is the Exmoor Country Club, to ^ the east is Sunset Park (the Natural City Park). To the south immediately across Central Avenue (a paved road running frim Highland Park to Deerfield and § Waukegan Road) is the Community Golf Links (onlys#i . $10.00 a year)7~IiTrEhe""distance the beautiful Skokie^L Valley lies below you. i' â€" __^ No fimelMce^thiPresent^BUY NOW Now is the time to secure your homesite in beautiful Sunset Terrace. At $30.00 a foot up, property in Sun- set Terrace is the best real estate buy in the Chicago territory. Desirable North Shore property, close to transportation, is scarce, very scarce afeven twice, this price. It is only because of a most fortunate pur- chase that we are able to sell this exceptionally fine property at such a reasonable price. Come out and see this wonderful part of Highland Park for your; self. Or, if you Want more information, send the in- formation card below for our FREE BOOK pictur- ing, describing and informing you fully on Sunset Terrace, the new parfof Highland Park. ^M ;#1 INFORMATION .COUPON- BRANIGAK BROS. CO. 117 N. Dearborn St., Chcago, 111. Please send me your FREF, BOOK on Sunset Ter- race, the new part of Highland Park. Name ...........___.......â€" ..;___. ...-.*........•... Street .....•.........................................r Telephone No. ...................................... A Home in Sunset Terrace means LIFE ^and=the=most^dclightful environment imaginable. BRANIGAR BR^JS. GO? 117 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. _ - ~^-_ For information, telephone . , .;: _ Central 8147 or Highland Park -flSJi-i^jgS J' M W^MMMSmMi. m: