THE LAKE SffnUF. NEWS. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1923 Public Library News and Reviews SWINNERTON THE THREE LOVERS. Mr. Swinnerton has narrowly miss- ed writing a conventional love story in his newest novel, happy ending and all, says The Literary Review. But whatever may be charged against him jm that score is more than his shrewd presentation of the char- acter of Patricia Quin, the type of ego- centric young woman current in books, and, if one may credit some observa- tions, in life. Mr. Swinnerton has a reputation already as a penetrating analyst]of the motives of women, es- peciallyVyounger ones of the romantic and his study of the beautiful Patricia, while not so mordant, and perhaps not so deep, as those of some of his older women, is certain to add to the general belief that here is a man who "knows women." The book is the story of Patricia's love affairs with three men.....Harry Greenless, handsome, ever on the alert for a new nymph, is the first lover. Monty Ros- enberg, older, a connoisseur of wo- men, sensual, cynical, is next. Monty is a bit too much on the side of the vil- lain of the melodrama, perhaps, but real enough as Swinnerton presents him. There is left Edgar Mayne, wealthy business- man, sane, whole- some, and more in love with Patricia by far than either of her other lovers, even if she does find that hard to be- lieve for a long time. But, enough of the plot. There is good whjting in this novel, as in all of Swinnerton's books; his people ^are convincing, and he is entirely happy in many of his atmospheric passages-----"The Three Lovers" is already a popular book, and its popularity is for the most part well deserved. WALPOLE THE CATHEDRAL If you tui^from The Cathedral be- cause scene and problem are those o" the JBnglish Church, you will miss the ripest work of Mr. Walpole's hand. True, the Cathedral dominates the bookâ€"its mass, its height, its crowd- ing beauties, no less than its great tradition, says The Atlantic Monthly. Exquisite use is made of it as back- ground for human struggle, in the chapter where 'the green cloud' floats at sunset over three separate pairs of lovers, as if listening to the words of each, and carrying them aloft to somi recording angel.. .Archeacon Brandon is the central figure of the book. Handsome, ...dominant, self-satisfied, regarding himself as a favorite of God, he yet has a spark of the mystic spir- itual flame within him. As the book progresses, the whole structure of his life crumbles about him. His pride destroys him. Deserted by son and wife, his popularity turned to deris- ion, his influence in Church and town wholly gone, one yet feels him to be in some sort a victor, since his last cry is not for himself but for his- deep- est faith___The book is not named The Cathedral simply because the great Church frames the scene. Mr Walpole shows us, as born in these A Great Percentage of All Auto "Accidents Are The Result of Carelessness If you don't have your car examined at regular intervals, you are apt to have an accident that could have been avoided. Let our experts overhaul your car. We are the distributors for AGNI, the new motor_fuel. Onces you Jhave jtried this wonderful mixture you will use tiothmg^se^HEt^ives you grealerpower, more mileage, eliminates carbon and makes your motor start easier in cold weather. Just Try AGNI Kenilworth Motor Co. Service- - -Satisfaction Ted R. Twining, Mgr. C. A. Thorsen, Prop. PHONE KENILWORTH 261 OFflWO MTlYouAdopl It Isn't the Best Policy to let your car go without attention uatit^general break- down occurs, and then have to lay up for extensive and expensive repairs # * I â- "Discretion Is the Better Part of Valor"------ and it is much the better plan fo have your car inspected periodically, which will result in keeping it in good con- dition throughout the season, at a minimum expense and with but little loss of time. WE HANDLE COLE BATTERIES CARS^MASBEDANSLJPOU&HEIPL MILLER BROS. NORTH SHORE GARAGE til Main Street Wilmette Phone 234 wm later days, in the very heart of the Church itself, a passionate desire to tear away all that prevents men from seeing clearly the figure of the Christ. Some may deplore Mr. Walpole's show- ing-forth of the faults of the Church; but those who read between the lines will know that one who so glorifies the Church's Master will not destroy His dwelling-place, as he drives out those who defile it. Hugh Walpole writes as the true artistâ€"that he may catch and fix aspects of human life upon the printed page. He is no vender of drugs to better conditions. But it will be a dull reader who does not gather from these pages cheering prophecy of a good day, when the re- ligion of the spirit shall have a new birth, and shall find ways to use all the art, the rites, the men and women of the Church just to further the search for Christ. The holiday season is now a thing of the past, but February brings the birthdays of men whom we delight to lionor. Your library now has a set of books on Our American Holidays, edited by Robert Haven Schauffler. There is material for each of these days on their celebration, spirit, and insignificance in prose and verse. We hope that you will find them of use through the coming year. BARRIE DEAR BRUTUS You will also be glad to know that we have "Dear Brutus," the play so charmingly acted by William Gillette and Helen Hayes, and recently produc- ed with much success by the North Shore Theatre Guild. In his whimsi- cal, inimitable way, Barrie shows that even if we could have that wonderful second chance for which we have all sighed, we would probably make no better use of it than the first, for, as Cassius says in Julius Caesar, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But injjojirselves, that we are underlings." __what would it cost y€>uto rebuild your house tom&r- row in the event of your having to do so? ^ â€"how thankful ohe isâ€"in case of a lossâ€"that they have been wise enough to have sufficient insurance. â€"it is the part of wisdom to be fully protectedâ€"-a telephone call will start you on the way to obtain the proper amount of pro- tection. ___ „..____â€"â€"â€" ^ A. J. WOODCOCK Proprietor Agent for the Leading Companies 513 4th Street Phone 1304 WILMETTE i The Man Who Has Never O RN ^Duf-Suksâ€"and is Man Who Doesn't appre- ciate them and recognize them as the finest. 3llllf|[l!llllllllllllllllllllllllll;[illlllllllllll!lllllM SCHULTZ & NORD 1152 CENTRAL AVENUE V WILMETTE 1559 Sherman SAT. ONLY Cash Meat Market We handle nothing but the BEST OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH Evanston Illinois SAT. ONLY] IWe have cut our overhead expense down to a minimum, thus enabling us to offer oui Icustomers, fresh, High Quality Meats at the lowest possible prices. Very Best Peacock Hams '....'..........................25^c Very Best Peacock Rib Bacon.......................... ,32c Very Best Sirloin Steak...................... ..........45c Very Best Porterhouse Steak.....:............... 55c Very Best Pot Roast..............................\\\\\i&y2C Fancy Leg of Veal...... .................;.........] .2$y2c Strictly Fresh Roasting Chickens..................... .32j^c We have cut our overhead expense down to a minimum, thus en- abling us to offer our customers, fresh High Qii^lity Mfftttat the ^^"^'^SMble'prKe^' """"' J.7 '" Fresh Pork loins (small) per id* *«*«..•.«... •«.... 19k ^ancylegl^^^^~Uunb, per id. .»...*....«, •••••• 34c~ Swift Premium Bacon "T whole) per lb........\,. 33ic Very_Best Peacock Bacon ••*•••*•••••«•• 33k 8#i*'?;nK**-^##&^