"T^f^f* -f^W^1. T„V T.AKF. SHORE Tâ€" â€" *V TAN.UARY 19, 1933 fill WEIL We Mean That Business Men's Pleasure-Jaunt Fifty-one north shore business men. members of the New Trier Commercial association and theirguests, gave them- selves over with happy abandon to a rare good time Monday evening of this weefc in a session of sheer enjoy- ment. ~ Business worries were left in Wil- mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Hub- bard Woods and Glencoe, depending upon the location of the various places of business and the "boys hied themselves to Milwaukee via the "Road of Service," more commonly known as the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Electric railroad. At Milwaukee there was a theater party at the Palace Vaudeville house that left every man chanting the mer- its of the "bill" on the joyful return vice." Officials of the North Shore line, Thompson, Moran, Seymour, Grant, Welch, Shepperd, Cordell, Mr. Motor- man, Messrs. conductors, chef de cui- sine, and even the dusky waiters out- did themselves to insure absolute comfort for the travellers. A dinner, containing everything from s to n, but surpassing in quality and quantity most anything ever en- countered in the eating line, started matters off right as the'train was leaving the north shore. TalkfestSf singing, bridge and the inevitable "rummy" kept everyone enlivened on the all-too-brief journey to the me- tropolis of the Badger country. -iTfien-^Be_T1rea1«i^witlrail the best there Is in variety productions, and the return trip, with more talkfests, song, cards and ever *more of the same, all in the pleasing atmosphere of fragrant havanas. Home again shortly after midnight. SEND CLOTHING TO VETS An automobile-load of clotning was conveyed to the disabled war veterans at Speedway hospital, Chicago, Sun- day by the Wilmette Post of the American legion. The generous donation of clothing came from Wilmette homes in re- sponse ^o an appeal made by the fegion Itt the columns of last weeks issue of the Lake Shore Neios. Persons desiring -to make dona- tes of clothing to the disabled men at the hospital are asked to commu nlcate with Carl Benneckar, telephone Wilmette 28. Soap Specials This is the week to lay in your supply of high grade soaps. Here are a few of the prices, ana with each dozen soap we sell you a large English Rubber Sponge, suitable for the bath, for 10c. Lulias Bros â- "Si 639 MAIN STREET .$#8 Palm Olive.. Coleo..... Klenzo ..... Klenzo Tar . Laco Castile . Ivory .. Doz. 90c . .Doz. 95c .Doz. 98c .Cake 10c .Cake 23c Box 60c , Cake 7c f Olivilo.......... Life Buoy----- Transp. Glycerin. Almond-Cocoa . • Jap Rose....... Pummo......... Harmony Bath . â- Clintonic Big Bath........ Rexall Toilet . Auditorium Bath, â€"TJozrSOr . .Doz.95c ..Doz. 90c . .Doz. 98c ...Doz. 98 ..Doz. 95c .. Doz. 95c .. Doz. 95c Cake 8c .Doz. 1.15 Cake 10c ..Doz. 95c Doz. $1.50 Cake 14c ..Doz. 98c CakrtOr uimintiiiiiiiiuutiiiiuiiimtuiititti.it Wilmette Wrestler Defeats I Chicago Man at Gross Point Benjamin Ginsberg ot Wilmette de- feated Jimmy Groyer of Chicago in a wrestling match at the Gross Vdint Village hall last Saturday evening. Ginsberg won in three straight falls. Charles Peterson of Chicago took a match from Jack Miland of Dubuque, also winning in straight falls. RENNECKAR DRUG COMPANY Wilmette, 111. Another Money Saving Sal It will pay you at all times to trade here, because our prices are always low, and our quality high, j But here is an unusual chance to save money. Look these prices over. J mf. III Htfs W â- r'PP m m si* Grapefruit, 5 for 25c, 3 for 25c, 2 for 25c. By the case, ^al^sizes ^_-j"*jj_*jj„'..............................v&OS ^r^r^^dozT^cT^KT^Oc and ------....................Wc Jonathan Apples, by box...........................*&&â- Extra fancy Roman Beauty Apples, by the box.......$2.55 Extra fancy Spitzenberg apples, box..................I&95 Extra large fresh pineapples, each ....................40c California pears, 5c; big size, 8c, 2 for........... ... •-Wc Fresh Strawberriesâ€"lowest prices. Fresh mushrooms, box........................ .......*&c Spinach, per peck....................................30c Brussels sprouts, quart........... ...............23c Cauliflower, each.........................• • • -Mc and up Large size artichokes .................................M? J^Uce-^risp-celeiyr4>unch.................... ... -25c Lettuce, 10c, 15c French endive, lb......... Cucumbers .................. Greening apples 4 lbs. 25c; bu. ^rjeening-ar4ilesjff_jhej^rr^ ?perg .......20c .......35c ___...25c .....$2.25 .....15.50 THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TOISAVE MONEY USB ____ WRME Nightand Mmming - ^r^e Have Clean WRtYp Healthy €yes If they Tire, Itch, Smart, Burn or Discharge, if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine, Soothes and Refreshes, Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Pniggista V Wrtte/or Free cV $oo* MURINE CO., 9 But Ohio Street, Chicago W9Xi&i Doughnuts Just bite into one of the de- licious Doughnuts and you'll want them on the table every mealâ€"and every day they are fresh. Friday^and Saturday will be Doughnut Days this week. Big special sale of our de- licious Doughnuts I at 25c the dozen LI Get Behind the WffWet --imm The Seven-Passenger Touring Car .__ Driving the Lincoln brings a new sense of* complete mastery of time and roads. Riding under all conditions and at any speed, is a smooth, even flight.