mnnnmH**"1 r^!f§fi I^^PSHHPI: (^^||p" â- "â- '"â- ':^J^ !S???S WS- =WH IW illi ;P^'^S:;:.lfi ^iiiwuinw^wiimw.iMim'JULiwiaga lyijii nil nw THE LAKE SHORE NTSWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 86, itoi PHOTO DR&MiCs •The HOWARD THEATRE Man from Hell's River" will )e the attraction at the Howard The- atre on Sunday, January 28. "Clarence," plcturization of Booth Tarklngton's famous novel and stage success, will be on the Howard pro- eram Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day January 29, 30 and 31. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January-It 2 and 3, will be unusual days for Howard audiences.â€"Billed for those days are three big attrac- tions comprising "Sure Fire Flint", starring Johnnie Hines; "The Electric House", with Buster Keaton in the stellar role, and the latest "Leather Pushers" productions in which Regin- ald Denny takes th§iieadlng_ park_: Films billed at the Howard for the near future include Vera Gordon in Your Best Friend**, "Kick InVwith Betty Compson and Bert Lytell; and Trifling Women/' ADELPHI THEATRE Adelphi followers are to be greeted by programs of unusual interest be- ginning Sunday, January 28, when 'Manslaughter," .with Thomas Meigh- an in the leading role, comes to the Clark street playhouse for a three- day sojourn.. c Pollowlmr,<MTOrBlaugtttef,!<- the Adei- phi has booked "Youth' to Youth'*, starring Billie Dove,r an9 "The Edu- comedy featur- i Hamilton. • ns for Febru- le bill day at The Man from e Power.of: a cator", a screamin ing the Inimitable* The Adelphi at ary 2, the weekly. the house, will ijTCra Hell's Rivererand Lie." „/.'•.. /• .^. Future attractions-Jtor the Adelphi include "Cla^rence^r^^The Flfst-De* gr,ee", "Kick In", aiid "The,Streets of New YorkAr HOYBURN THEATRE "The Dangerous Age", with an all- star cast including Lewis Stone, Ruth Clifford, Cleq Madjson, James Morri- son; Edrth^R6Â¥erts and Myrtle Sted- man, witt-open nelctrweek's product tions at the Hoyburn Theatre, Evans- ton. The picture will be at the Hoy- burn for three days with the last per- formance on Wednesday evening* Jan- uary 31. February-starts out auspiciously^ at the Hoyburn with many attractions of great merit arranged for the faithful followers. ,â- /-â- •- Martha Mansfield appears at the Hoyburn in "The Queen of the Moulin Rouge", plcturization of Paul Potter's famous play of that title. The pic- ture will show oil Thursday and Fri- day, February 1 and 2. On Saturday, February 3, the Hoy- burn will give another of its popular Children's Morning shows. This time "Aladdin and the Wonderful4 Lamp" will be the attraction for the kiddies. There will be performances at 9:30 and 11 A. M. The regular Hoyburn bill for Saturday will feature "The Power of a Lie", with Mabel Julienne Scott, June Elvldge, Earl Metcalf and David Torrance in the cast. Hoyburn patrons will be interested to hear that the following pictures are billed for the near future: "The Flirt", Booth Tarklngton's great story; "The Deerslayer", "Thel- ma", Vera Gordon in "Your Best Friend", BuBter Keaton in "The Elec- tric House", Johnnie Walker in,"Cap- taln^Efeby^Nlght^Johnnle Htrfen in, "Sure Fire Flint", Guy Bates Post in "Omar, the Tent Maker"; Richard Barthelmess and Dorothy Gish in "Furry," Norma Talmadge in "The Voice from the Minaret", Lorna Doohe"i "Brass", "Main Street",, and "Beautiful and Damned". - NEW EVAN8TON i, ^Ljghta of Neyy. York?' It was once said of Wall Street and quite, truthfully, that it starts in a graveyard and ends in. a river. At one end of the street stands the fam- ous old Trinity church, at the other is the East river. If it had been plan- ned inTalvance that WaTPStreet was laters, no more appropriate terminals to the street could have been suggest- ed. Around the corner on Broad Street, stands the imposing structure of the New York Stock exchange. The picture will show this Saturday.- Starting Monday, January {29 IT'S EASY TO PAY FOR A CHEVROLET OUR WAY -v..; Northwestern Motor Co. ^mw£u.^roj<&TawN w m The House of Harmony WW Howard N. W. «'L" Station aT Howard Friday, Saturday, Jan. 26 & 27 TOM MIX '•ROMANCE LAND" SUN DAYT^ IRVING CUMMINGS "THE MAN FROM HELL RIVER" Mon. Tues. Wed., Jan. 29, 30? 31 ____WALLACE RiUXâ€" "CLARENCE" kLOYP HAMILTON "THE EDUCATOR" Thurs. Fri. Sat., Feb. 1, 2 & 3 BIG TRIPLE BILL JONNIE HINES "SURE FIRE FLINT" BUSTER KEATON "THE ELECTRIC HOUSE" REGINALD DENNY __ 2nd Series of the The £ Pick of the Picture* â- •» ADELPHI 7074 N. CLARK ST. f FRI., JAN. 26 Y Double Feature Day WM. DESMOND 'THE PARISH PRIEST" ^5LADI^WALTOf+ "DANGEROUS GAME' SAT., JAN. 27 HELEN JEROME EDDY HARRISON FORD "WHEN LOVE COMES" Reginald Dennyâ€"No; 7* "The LEATHER PUSHERS" Sun., Mon., Tues., Jan. 28, 29, 30 CECIL B. DE MILL'S "MANSLAUGHTEft" .'„;â- .â- : with- %<:;:,^£y& THOS. WTE1GHAN AND A CAST OF Distinguished Player* Wed., Thurs., Jan. 31, Feb. 1 "YOUTH TO YOUTH" â- and ...;,:.-.;;; â€" LLOYD HAMILTON "THE EDUCATOR" 1 "LEAfffcR PUSHERS" | THE NolrTH SHORE'S MOST REPRESENTATIVE THEATRES engagement "Shadows'" will open an at the New Evanston. Wilbur Daniel Steel's name de- serves to go down in history as the only author who ever said he was pleased with the way the movie pro- ducers were treating his story. He has expressed his approval of the UOYBURU I I THEATRE | j| 615 Davis St., Etvanston Matinees 2 and 4 Evenings 7 and 9 mkf Wtfek Monday, Tuesday*, Wednesday, January 29-30-31 "THE DANGEROUS AGE" with Lewis Stone, Ruth Clifford, Cleo Madison, James Morrison, Edith Roberts, Myrtle Stedman WHAT 18 THE DANGEROUS AGE? Thursday-Friday, Feb. 1-2 Martha Mansfield "The Queen of- the Moulin Rouge1' From F'aut~^tter*Ks»'-Fam©ii8- Play ^ SATURDAY, FEB. 3 Children's Morning Show •sd Ihe Wonderful Lamp" 9:30 Ay M; 2nd 11 A. M. |Show2pl'M.to11 P.M. POWER OF A LIE" >el Julienne Scott, June, Efvidfle, Earl Metcalf and t^;' David Te>£ance ? vWlas; Scott wiH ; be remem- bered for Her- splendid charac- terization In "Behold My Wife." work done by Preferred pictures in translating his prize story, "Ching, Ching, Chinaman," to a screen vers- ion. He says that Lon Chaney, Har- rison Ford, Walter Long, John Sain- polls and Marguerite pe La Motte coincide remarkably with his orig- inal conception of the characters. He added that he was a_little fearful that proper types to fit the colorful back- ground of a New England fishing vil- lage would be difficult to find, but his satisfaction with the cast finally se- lected â- is complete, ^t^':&W%£$?<!fii| t?l :m *t "FOR YOUR PLEASURE" â- #;:.^fi^til FRIDAY AND SATURDAYf g Wm. Fox Presents the Super-Production " LIGHTS OF NEW YORK'} With Estelle Taylor and Marc MacDermott I ORCHESTRA - STAGE FEATURES - ORGAN Always a good Show at the New Evanston! i$m Ml STARTING MONDAY | The Greatest Story Ever Told in Motion Pictures fcfc Adapted from -^ypur^Bwiie^^teele's, 7 famous prize story, "Ching Ching Chinaman" Bargain Matinee Daily Continuous 2 to 5:30 p. m. COME AN _ Portrayed tjf-4- _ ^ Lon Chaney Harrison Ford Marguerite de la Motte Walter Long John Sainpolis Buddy- Messenger Evening Performance Continuous 7 to 11 p. m. Y T rM El' ifa , m$- W$" At all Hrsfclass-^ ':W^$^it$ty$l&$ '*%0*&.£t^kIvvV-*['--" "â- -.":yfv-J!-^rr""â- r"'-'--^':"^};'^"^£t>*$fc' f^u^^^^^^^WM^^MMM 'i&H Cnfosbb IUXURY is not sacrifice<^^it is emphasized! *i That is what discriminating buyers are looking for, more than ever, flow that closed cars have become so jpogukr â€" More is expected of ajSne closed car, more, much more, is given in this new Lexington, The unusually rigid chassis, combined with improved body construction, keeps the new Lexington Sedan free from rattles and squeaks. It is an ideal five-passenger family eaiy wfth"t^ ijM^iffM'WS serve in place of theof dmaryToc^ famous Ansted Engine, its flexibility is especially fitted for closed-car service. It is strictly a deluxe vehicle. Come and see for yourselfâ€"or ask for demonstraton. THE LEXlNGTOW^^^^WwAN^^. Main Office, 2234 South Wabash Avenue ^ v iF Sales, 2209 South Michigan Avenue- Telephones Victory 3770, 3771, 3772 Branch No. 2â€"3944 Liiu»In Avev W~ Branch No. 3-^006 Washington Blvd. Telephone Wellington 2371 ,l!fSSI?iWn*^'K«Wi601^ EVANSTON BRANCHY 1008 DAVIS STRlifH iy$ ?*>$}£ iir s^S|l SSi :-iBp8|