Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jan 1923, p. 7

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jSOCIAia ACTIVITIES - ITEMS OEJ PERSONAL* MENTION | I... -. ... . J j' * W^n».rt«v/j«B«arv 81. at the I Mr. ana Mrs. Harry W. Hone and I Mi» Harriet K»nat*kt. 204 Woofl l0Mw.^^i«2^^»«!!«S^ iise Bedlan and William Mitchell <5fr Wednesday,-January 31, at the Wilmette Woman's club, at il'-a>-in., Mrs. Harold B. Maryott will'give--an- other of her delightful talks, this time *%. • on "Tae instruments ot the Modern In Inint (.nnrPft Xlw&eaW* Mrs. iiaryott--tmr^ees III JUIIIl V/UIIUUHrf^^orite speaker at the dub for the past two seasons, both for her thor- ough musicianship and for the fact that she invests any subject she treats with charm and interest of her own personality. It is regrettep that this will be her last talk for the year. Luncheon will be served at one o'cfoQk. In the afternoon there will be songs by Mr. Glenn A. Drake, tenor, of the Bush; Conservatory. Mr. Drake has appeared before many north shore clubs, and also sang at the annual luncheon of the Conference of Club Presidents, where his unusual ability as well as his pleasant engaging man- ner won him many friends. It is hoped ny win bff pr««ftnt »" h'pnr thlS-p ISS ELOISE BEDLAN, i|»ianisf daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bedlan, un- til very recently residents -of Wilmvette, will appear in rgcitat with William Mitchell, ar, on Sunday, January 28, at the /house. Miss Bedlan's artistic lities are well known here on the shore, for she has appeared on |y club and church programs dur- recent years, and on several oc- )ns has accompanied Milan Lusk, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Mons and family, 921 Oakwood avenue, and Mr. Mons' parents of Rogers Park, re- turned last week from a six weeks' so- journ in Miami, fla* While there, Mr. ahcTTOrs. Harry Mons took the boat over to Havana, Cuba, where the* spent three days sightseeing and en- joying the wonderful climate that city affords." -.-â-  â- '•'<' 'â- '-- "â- " young-artist. Additional pictures to the collection or paintings by Chicago artists, known as the Municipal Art Gallery* which are now in view~tn Harris Hall, in Northwestern .university campus in- clude: 1915~"fhe Golden Age"â€"Walter C. Victor C. Hlggins. 19i5_«The Golden Age"--Walter C. Clute (deceased). 1915â€"."The Sketch Class"â€"Freder- ick M. Grant (prize purchase Art Students' League). 1915â€"-"Under the Cabbage Tree"â€" Paul T. Sargent (prize purchase Art Students' League). 1916â€""The Charms of the Ozarks"â€" Carl R. Krafft._ ~-s . 1917â€""Mother and Child'VAda Walt er Shulz. * 1918â€""Log in the Stream"â€"Adam Emory Albright. The Auxiliary Building Fund of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette is giving a card party in the home of Mrs. B. W. Lynch, 827 Ashland ave- nue, on the afternoon of Friday, Feb- ruary 2,'At two o'clock. The proceeds will be devoted to the new school fund..,,.?*;"1/' ,-:/ :'":f-'J';u\\ â-  i> i'Mr. and-â- â- 'fttts* Charles Ostrahv 719 Washington ^avenue, and Mrs. W. D. Hamilton, 835 Sixteenth street, were and Mrs. ^ettneth Craat in Alfcon^uin, 111. On'7Sui|d^A'\ibLcvL>ttejajd'e4- the Ski Meet, at Gary; ill; ; â- â-  -.•• â-  , â- â- â-  '" --L_bâ€" ;, ; Announcement is made by Rev. and.^ Mrs. BJ. J. Batty, of Natchitoches, La., of the engagement of their daughter, Helen Armitage, to Mark Wesley Ells- worth, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ells- worth of Libertyville, 111., formerly residents of Wilmette and Evanston. Miss Harriet Konatzkl, 204 Wood court, is leaving early next week tor an extended visit in Los Angeles, Cal Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Clampitt have just recently moved into their newly built home at 1029 Chestnut avenue ___lady* Irene Phelps, i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Phelps, 260 Wood court, is., ill -with' â-  bronchitis. I11SM *Â¥he' Drama Study1 Clufmet Ttie day in the home of.«Mrs* „|^A^ur^%M 812 Greenwood.. avenue*,. :.{|Mli&aW Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanton Orne, of 6156 Kimbark avenue, Chicago, an- nounce the marriage of their daughter, Margaret Naomi, to Charles Spinney Knickerbocker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Knickerbocker, of 617 Washing- ton avenue. â€"oâ€" Mf^ and Mrs. John H. McNamara, 1004 Ashland avenue, have gone south for the remainder of the winter. Aft- er an outing in Tampa, Fla., they will soiauwub/ome-by-tl^-jw*y~ot^ ,r'i tf § *f^&Wi ft-/ mton Woniarts ub m0M^sm Church" Street At Chicago Avenue J^ggH|gi|S..'> M â- ' ^m Saturday Morning at 10:30 Saturday Evening at 8:15 The most gorgeous, complete and entertaining Marionette ______. J______â- ::_ __:_.. show.....ever^produeed.., y;^4^M^SffSff9^- Adult's tiekejts, $1.65; Children's; tickets, $1.1Q, including taa? On sale at the: North Shore^ Talking Mchine Co., 603 Davis St. â- -. â-  and at Lee's D^/Store/90r^Chicagir'Ave.WSSW^' Direction: Rachel Busey y iff: 1919â€""SlreanT~ttr tne Meadow'^â€"Kdi^otrffe^^Bnoxi, ocean_Springs and New Miss Elolse Bedlan ^violinist; Mr. Mitchell, is also „______n^hureh~a^d^nTusic_clr- He will he accompanied by May Wells. The program which will at half past three o'clock,^ "' the following numbers: isie and Fugueâ€"G Mino ......... ,*m Bach-Lispl Miss Bedlan lis Has Such Charming Graces .......H. bane Wilson It. and Aria \i$&.\%&v&.:i Sound an Alarm*;.;.*.*•.Handel -♦ Mr. Mitchett.i^fem^^g cturne Op. 15. No. -" ^â- ^'â- ^^.^» ^tz OP. 70 itasie Impromptu OP. 66 .,.,,,,.â- .*';,. ............. • ^Mi-Chopin ¥§^'-^SiB» ^dlan' ##•** â-  • - ^ompense ^ ^.. rf^^... ♦ ^Ham/mond ing of the Water. .Campbell-Tipton sing By.....v...w....• • • -Purcell n't I* Bain?.'& ,*J$v77T& .Burleigh ttasy ;,..,.,.I.i-.4. • • ^jp&nml â- "':'.::;K:-.; 'Mr. Mitchell %MM&K^ d*v Ban............. • i. f.Ravel a de la Mer |,i.;.iv..%Arewtky ccato Etude ...?;..... ^..Rubinstein Miss Bedlan n February v;fi5thV Miss Maude m, who is one of the most con- uous women- in- Bnglani^today^ 1 speak at thes First Methodist rch in Evanston at eight o'clock.^ ^«oy4em,~4aughter of Sir Thomaa dem, head of the Cunard Steam- . line, was both a cripple and thus [y acquired a knowiedger of suffer- After graduating from Lady s college at Oxford, she took first step in social service, by ling a woman's settlement in Liver- bl. In 1908 she entered a larger Id, namely the Woman's Suffrage Ivemeht. ; She was one of the jngest leaders, basing her arga- Ints on religion and consistently op- Ward B. Butler. 1920â€""Autumn, Brown County, In- diana"â€"Charles W. Dahlgren.' ^92t=*«Moth"erhoM^^NT^h761 a s R. Brewer.- â-  ^'fe*- 1922â€""Red Oak"â€"Susie Hartrath. ;f ..:.f„., V .... .â€"Oâ€"â- :'./...â- ..; ...... K-ii- ___omer B. Vanderblue, formerly a professor at Northwestern university, and now professor of Business Eco- nomics at Harvard, and Kenneth F. Burgess, of Evanston, are authors of a text, "Railroads: Rates, Service, Management," which will be issued by MacMillans, January 30. The text is a study of railroad regulations in 1^ United* Stirte»*i**^ Transportation Act of it20ii and the interpretations which th« Courts and commissions are placing upon it in its practical application.^ rm!M[ ^M$:-Wi Mme. Eda Goedecke, whose studios are located in the Boulevard building in Wilmette, and the Fine Arts build- ing in Chicago wiK present several pupils in recital on/Thiirsday evening, February 1, at ^o'clock kL the Win- netka Woman's club. Participants in the program will include Frances An- derson of Winnetka, Marie Flentye and Ruth Truskaâ€"ot^ Wilmette, Harriet ^hllds-o^WiniietlBi^B6tith7Aak^^ Majorie McElveen of Wilmette, Marge Hyat^and-Marion Oaten of Winhetka. Orleans.: iâ€"Mr^--M41tonâ€"Ev-Barkerr^who-ieftâ€"ar fortnight ago to spend a few weeks with Mrs; Barker and the children in §an Bernardino, Cal., hag been ser- iously ill with pneumonia, since his arrival there. A late report however, brings news of his improvement. , The January Junior parly takes place_this evening at the Ouilmette Country club. Tomorrow evening there will be a formal party at the clubhouse, in the form of a dinner- dance. The afternoon card party. if -scheduled-itoi^^ex*|sMo1faay afternoon a| ;tWO^J^ClgCk,, _. $: "; .,. |,> ' ,>r, .' ^ "'firs/'Ar'^r'Ouhl of Evanston an- nounces the engagement of her sister, Mies Zora Treider of Evanston, to Mr. Ralph H. Ambrose, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ambrose, of Evanston, formerly of 'Wilmette/l|S||fe.;,vi: x^':';%, ;:.. v/^ff Mr^v and Mrs! Wendelin P. Seng arjS entertaining sixty friends at a dinner dance and juvenile party tomorrow evening at their home, 401rtiake ave nue. The music will be furnished by Arns' orchestra. dng the militant policy. ler international fame as a Preach came during the war when Joseph t Newton, an American minister, :ed Miss Roydem to become his lar assistant at the City Temple London. She built up a large con- igation and made a brilliant success „ the face of much opposition against woman occupying thia position to a lurch. In 1911, before she was inter- ______y famous. Miss Roydem came America^on the invitation of Mr. Arnold Shaw to deliver some lec- ires on literature and to aid the lerican Women's Suffrage cam- gn. In April, 1922, she came oyer speak-at^thoâ€"eonventionâ€"ofâ„¢ the- rang Woman's ^hristiair-ABSOcia^ an at Hot Springs, Ark. Several jge New York churches opened leir pulpits to her at this time and le demand for iecture fnd speak- engagements led fa this, thirfl _„ which-is-a very brief one. ^v fMis^^loylleffi-wflr spealr^on "Can Je Set the World In Orderr*^a sub- ct whic^lB^vttSHy interesting-and^ becially when treated by such an. lie speaiter..a»^SI "- M^'apa,' MH. John ' w;"'1MCtfl%erriil (Katherine Scheidenhelm) of Evans- ton, were members of the bridal party at the marriage of Miss Elizabeth ScofieldDafter, daughter of Dr. Emma Tyler Dafter ofl Evanston and Nuel Dinsmore Belnap, which took place on Thursday evening of last week at St. Luke's churcn in Evanston. Mrs. McPherrin as matron of honor, wore a gown of brocaded cloth of silver caught in a front drape with an orna- ment of green crystals. Mr. McPner: rln served as one of the ushers. Mr. and Mrs. F. Joe Koza, 627 Maple -|avenuo~ were, dinner hosts last Sat- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST3CIEN|||f â€"â€"â€" W1L Announces Mm iiiS^^B CHRISTIAN1 SaE^CEf^ *9 ?^S1K:-<a;'i%*V'i&5^!^^^i I PfE^er y^Ross, C. S. B of San Francisco, California tSm& Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church ^^ The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts THURSDAY fVE||ING, F^BRUARl| 1ST, 1923 IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE ;:|;';||i|f|P|H' 1003 Central Avenue, Wilmette Corner Tenth Street The public is cordially invited ,~,w-*>v.m^to'attend '^mmm^m Mrs. Ilichard Cody and son, Rich- ard^lQ23^Ashland avenue; have moved intojhe house at the corner of Tenth street an<f; GreenleaTlw^enue; !â- ;• urday evening in honor of their house- guests, Miss Emma Harvat, an aunt of Mrs. Koza'sand mayoress of Iowa City, la, and Miss Mae Stach, also of Iowa City. The nWdrSSS attended the Good Roads convention in Chicago last week. fefMlBs Ruth A. Knapp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron H. Knapp, 900 Forest avenue, left Saturday 61 last week for a three months visit on the ^western coast. She will be the guest ofhgxslgter^MrS. Albert W. Rockwell '^•^.^1 [The Philanthropy department o rette" Woman's chib will have a^ |l-day me^tinjgTOnJBVIday, February -*,- 5§n to afl^bmen of the commiintty. le usual sewing will he done, and Uncheon will ^be served at^one art*.-.-'.â- â- .'»â- ' W-;^^MU":.:MS^ inr^an-FraTiciscoranir later wilTvisit old school friends in Piedmont and Oakland. 'â-  ::,:.i.-, '^kM::^ Grace Frocks Making Remodeling lExclushre^ftfodeJs Room 21* Hk^rburn Bldg. :, j , DavUStr^t, Evanston ....."*"lTel.Ev.746r, En route to Florida, Mrs. Russell (5. Helm of Minneapolis, and her mother, Mrs. O. Andersoifol Grantsburg, Wis. spent a few days with Prank J. Con- rad and family, 619 Laurel avenuii. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grubb of ?3vans- ton, will leave tomorrow for Los An- geles^^aTT, wTiefe they wiir visit their daughter, Mrs. Lester B. Mee, and her two children, who have been in the west the greater part of the winter. - Mrs. Prank Kunz of 171 Prairie ave- nue, is this week entertaining her sis- ter, Mrs. Henry Reuter from Kanka- kee, in. Prize MASQUERADE Thursday,Jeb. 1st. Jones Hall, Wilmette ^SlSffi by-the -f*?-;'â- /â-  â-  Dellwood Club J. E. SWIFT TEAL BU8INESS A LIFE INSURANCE Representative-^-- â€" New York Life Insurance Company 1Q17 central Avenue, WHmette ^ Phone Wilmette 37 EMBROIDERY PACKA^OUTFnf l^iWMlW&M \:PAF»^^ Bungalow Dress Apnons of finest quality percale, cham- bray and black satin in the new smart long waistline effect and neat design. EDLEWORie ITS EASY TO Pi â- â- â- . : >â- â-  â- -â- â- -.â- â-  •â-  eon A. :i5vHS> iCHEVROLEt OUR WAY ^^B â- & «%cfi i^Full linedjof Royal Society ^^ to V y^ a»^^ ^ ^^^ __ » ^ as well as stamped and pack* ^ •":n*".r'>4S • 4 m&r^M:^ 'Come'"'M"anj^^;t^^"l«y^ m%5 l-^iinclef Ato||H|^^^ ^T*.»^^^:i^^^^^l Northwestern Motor Co. | I lilmfsQi^^

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