Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Feb 1923, p. 2

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/- % THE LAKE <MO*K NEWS. FRIP*V FEBRUARY 2, 1923_ smBMMB OF New Trier Orchestral Asso- ciation Has Ambitious _____Plans for 1923-24 7 CONCERTS, PERHAPS Next Concert to Be Given February 20 With the present concert season of the New Trier Township Orchestral association drawing to a close, plans are being formulated for the 1923-24 season on a scale much greater than was hoped for when the association was formed last fall. It will be re- called that the present season consists of five afternoon concerts for the chil- dren of the grade and high schools of Wllmette, Kenilworth,. Winnetka, and Glencoe, and four evening concerts given for the adults of the same vil- lages. The orchestra for the chil- dren's concerts has consisted of twen- ty-five pieces, and the price for season tickets has been $1.50. The present thought of the management is to give the children seven concerts next sea- son for this season's price. The orchestra for the adult evening concerts this season has consisted of from thirty-two to thirty-eight pieces, and on each evening there has been a well-known assisting artist. The price for the season tickets for four concerts has been $2. It is hoped that, by raising the price of-the season sub- scription to $3, the same type of pro- grams and artists can be had for a series of seven concerts, one each month from October to April, in- clusive. Next Concert February 20 While J;hese-plana~may^ require some modification, they will be presented to the subscribers of the association at the last concert of the season, to be held in the auditorium of New Trier High School on Tuesday even- ing, February 20th. On that occasion subscribers will be asked to sign sub- scriptions for the following season. At the beginning of next season such subscribers will be notified of the date to make payment, and the membership, tickets will be mailed. This method will save a great deal of time and in- convenience on the part of both the subscribers and the several village committees. Every effort will be made to give preference to the subscribers of this season's concerts in the renew- al of subscriptions. It is very impor- tant, therefore, that subscribers at- tend the next concert in person and renew their applications, as there has been a waiting list all season for in- dividual concerts and doubtless there .. flt^beâ€"many waiting-txrtake^ up de- faulted season ticket subscriptions. Grandqulst Is Soloist - On February 20th, '<The Little Sym phony" will be expanded for the even- ing concert to about 38 pieces. This ^wiH^be-gsseBtiaHyâ€"for the pnrpose^of giving adequate accompaniment to the soloist, Mr. Arthur Grandqulst, of Wilmette, who will play a piano con- certo. chicaWbankbuys local school bonds The Board of Education of School District No. 39, Wilmette, has sold to the First Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago $76,000 of four and one-half per dent bonds of the district at a premium of $1,180. The bonds mature serially $4,000 eacll year from July 1, 1924, to 1942, inclusive, and are part of a total issue of $120,000 authorized by the voters last September for the purpose of building the new school at 1.7th street between Lake and Wash- ington avenues. Additional bonds will not be sold until during the sum- mer when additional funds will be needed. Thus interest will be saved, it is explained. This sale is one of the most ad- vantageous transactions ever made for Wilmette, it is said. Although the voters authorized the Board to pay as high as five per cent interest on the money thus raised, the price received by the District makes the money cost the voters only about 4.3 per cent. The price was secured as the result of a sale at public auction at which nearly a score of investment banking houses were represented. No school district in the vicinity of Chicago has borrowed money more cheaply in many years, which speaks well for the credit of Wilmette as a community. Work on the new school building is progressing rapidly. The open winter weather thus far has been favorable for construction. Public Library Ne*vsand Review?_____' New fiction recently added^to^the itbraryr Hergesheimerâ€"Bright shawl. Hichensâ€"December love. Singmasterâ€"Bennett Malin. Wilmette Chapter, American Association of Engineers invites you to its meeting Thursday, Feb.8,1923, at 8:15 p.m. in the Wilmette Village Had Mr. Ransom Kennicott Chief Forester for the Cook County Forest Preserve will speak about Our Treet What are the trees on your lot worth to you? $500? $1000? Probably you would not sell them for any price. Mr. Kennicott will tell us about our own trees in WiU mette and point out some magnificent trees which are slowly decaying from lack of proper care. ------------JF. ^4. Mefcfiior , Secretary Next meeting our state representative, Mr. Lewis Springer, will meet with us. Block Carbon Trouble -with the OH that Realty Does It POWER loss, ugly noises, and permanent scratch- ing of your cylinder walls. Costly cleaning, dis- turbed adjustments, annoying tie-ups of your can Head them offâ€"eve>rxpne-i'--with the oil whose carbon flies out as fast as formed. * radhams Tempered 'otorOil barmtoai________ ofcarbott-oon-liarl- enlag-so light and flaky that it tends toblowontwlththa •xhattst,wltlMrat m> Idneoffdlakerygrtt "Tempered'* is more than self-carbon-cleaning. It is the oil of oversize, service, tempered to a greater staying power, longer life, ruggeder resistance to heat, friction and dilution. f ___ _ ___â- ^rr===^r. Wh^nwiU YCftjbe here? i Miller Brothers JWLMETXE, Snaithâ€"Van Rooi Wellsâ€"Seoret placeKpf the heart. Rinehartâ€"Breaking poitf Canfleldâ€"Rough-hewn. Balmerâ€"Breath of scandal. Walpoleâ€"Cathedral. Ferberâ€"Gigolo. Doyleâ€"His last bow,. Lagerlofâ€"Outcast. Parisâ€"Kimono. . Maxwell-Spinster of this £f X' h* Websterâ€"Joseph Greer and his daugn- ter. ______________________ Bennettâ€"Lilian. Hutchinsonâ€"TKJS freedom. Swinnertonâ€" flfliree lovers. Oemlerâ€"Two sfiail be born. Burnettâ€"Robin. Wharton-<Himpses of the moon. Norris-Certain people of importance. Beachâ€"Flowing gold. Lewisâ€"Babbitt. Byrneâ€"Messer Marco Polo. Sinclairâ€"Anne Severn. Arnimâ€"Enchanted April. Richmondâ€"Four-square. Whiteâ€"On tiptoe. Lincolnâ€"Fair Harbor. Orczyâ€"Nicolette. Kyneâ€"Cappy Ricks_retires_.----------- Ruckâ€"Wrong Mr. Wright. Westâ€"The judge. Byrneâ€"Wind bloweth. Sabatiniâ€"Captain Blood. For Beautiful Eyes Make the Use of Murine a Daily Habit. I This Refreshing Eye Lotion soon makes ^ Eyes Clear, Radiant, Beautiful! Harmless, Er Sold by all Druggists. Write for BocST MURINE CO., 9 East Ohio A. S. Van Deusen Grocery Telephone* 510, 511,512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 ____ SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Wilmette-Central Aw. and 12th St S % CASH U DISCOUNT Cash and Carry......5% Discount On orders of $1.00 or more of Normal Profit Goods. Cash and Delivered.. .2% Discount These do not apply to Meat Department. Special PRICE DOWN Sale Feb. 2nd to 10ft Not Cold Storage. Lb. bulk SUGARâ€"Cane Granulated-â€" The best quality only. 5 lbs............. BUTTER. Extra Fancy. Elgin Creamery. Fresh made butter only. GREENING APPLESâ€" Very fine fruit.. 10 lbs.................... CRYSTAL WHITE LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" Buy now. Jobbing prices are all up. 10 bars Coffee. Roast Santosâ€" Mild, sweet, Lb, _,.,.,, ^*«.. ^«. »^^ ._^...._*^*- REINA OLIVE OILâ€" First Quality. Quart................... PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOESâ€" No. 2 can. Doz., $1.45; 2 cans ....... ^..... 0 If # CRACKERSâ€" National Biscuit Co. All bulk crackers are nearly one-half the price of package crackers, and exactly the same-quality. Premium Sodas, lb. ......_... 18c N. B. C. Sodas, lb...........16c Graham, lb..................18c Ginger Snaps ...............19c Lorna Doone, lb............28c Fig Newton, lb........f.....24c Vanilla Wafers, lb...........35c All 15c packages, 6 for......80c COFFEEâ€" , My own blend. Equal to any 45c coffee; in cans, lb............35c COCOAâ€" Walter Baker's, J4 lb. can ...21c Meat Department We sell only the best, and we try to please you in service, quality and prieer^ Native Chuck Pot Roast Beef, Ibvâ€"r-.â€". . .^rv ................ 22c Boneless Rump Corned Beef, lb...........................28c Lean Short Ribs of Beef, lb... 1254c Fresh Ground Hamburger Steak, lb..........................25c Lamb Patties, lb......,.......30c FOSTER CELESTE FIGSâ€" Remarkably low price. 10-oz. "^ZZi.Z~tZZ-----Z7â€"7--' -â€"-«- j *oai* ~ -ww. Extra fancy No. 1 square can can, doz., $2.40; can ..... ...^20c tn-_*,««----- _ ._.______. MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€" Fancy, white, tender No. 1 square can. Doz., $4.50; can......37%e VIRGIN CORNâ€" Extra standard. Doz.^. „. ..$145 Can...................... 12c CARMELO SWEET GARDEN PEASâ€"......._.....„,.... ...-,^... ..,..„.., Very sweet and tender and a* great- bargain. Doz., $2.00; can^iij,,,.^^................17c SCOTTISH CHIEF ----------Si TOMATOESâ€" Extra standard quality. Large No. 3 can. Doz., $2.00; can.. 17c SUNBEAM MAMMOTH ^ WHITE ASPARAGUS POINTS LIPTON'S YELLOW LABEL MOIR'S IMPORTED ENGLISH BITTER MARMALADEâ€" 1-lb. jar, doz., $3.00; jar.....25c, Doz. $4.90; can --rr.......... 42c SUNBEAM SWEET CORN- Tender, sweet. A great favorite. Doz., $2.10; can.............18c y2 lb. can...................42c iCOLATEâ€" Walter Baker's Premium, lb., 35c PRUNESâ€" Santa Clara, 40-50 size7TbTT.20c SUNBEAM JELLYâ€" RICHELIEU SIFTED SWEET Pure Red_Currant and^Crabapple^WRnTCLED JPEAS- 10-oz. jar. Doz., $2.90; jar...25c ?ne °1the £nest in PEACHESâ€". PLYMOUTH ROCK PRE----- SERVESâ€" â-  Strawberry. 1-lb. jar. Doz., $2.75; jar.........................23c line. Fancy, Peeled, lb...........30c APRICOTSâ€" Fancy, Blenheim, lb........38c TABLE RAISINSâ€" Imported, Spanish Clusters, id. .........•.......*•......ode RICHELIEU SEEDED RAISINSâ€" _ 15-oz. pkg. .. ........ .^..^t^. 19c liHEESEâ€" Richelieu, White Cloud, Ameri- can, lb.........riTTTTTr.... .34c DR. PRICE'S PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDERâ€" 12-oz. can................. .21c WRIGHT'S MAYONNAISE IALAD DRESSING-^ Broz. jar...............»,. .28c ROYAL BONELESS SAR- DINESâ€" Imported. At a snap price, J4s. -~- Large can. Doz., $3.00; can. ,27c SyNBEAM-SHRIMPSâ€"+â€"-â€" No. 1 can, doz., $2.15; can... 18c PLYMOUTiTROCK TUNA FISH-^ COMB HONEYâ€" Fancy, White. Each ........25c RICHELIEU STRAINED HONEYâ€" Pure. 1-lb. jar .............38c SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUN- DRY SOAPâ€" 100 bars in box............$4.00 10 bars....................40c MONSOON SOAP CHIPSâ€" 2-1K pkg....................32c ARMOUR'S START RITE SOAP CHIPSâ€" 1-lb. pkg....................14c ........28c GOLD-DUSTâ€" „Xarge No. 4 pkg. KITCHEN CLEANSERâ€" Large can.................6$<£c the Richelieu Doz., $3.00; can...... .25c RICHELIEU TOMATOESâ€" There is no finer Tomato packed. No. 2 can, doz., $2.15; can... 18c No. 3 can, doz., $2.85; cin...25c RICHELIEU CRANBERRY CUT STRING BEANSâ€" Splendid, and look at the price, doz., $2.25; can .. .^^JQc RICHELIEU SMALL STRING- LESS BEANSâ€" Extra fancy. Doz., $3.25; can.......................2lY%c BEECHNUT BAKED BEANS- With rich tomato sauce. 1 lb. net can. 2 cans.............25c MONSOON WHITE CLING PEACHESâ€" Splendid fruit, heavy syrup. No. 1 can. Doz., $2.40; can..___20c SUNBEAM FRUIT SALADâ€" Fancy assorted fruits for salad. No. 2J4 can, doz., $5;75; can..48c PLYMOUTH ROCK APRICOTS Fancy quality. Heavy syrup. Large No. Z*/2 -cainâ€"Doz., $3.35; can ...................-28c LUXURY TOILET PAPER^- A perfect white toilet tissue. ^Large o^oz* rolL Doz. ....... 85cr PLYMOUTH ROCK -â€"-------CLTNG PEACHES-* O'CEDAR FLOOR OILâ€" Large 12-oz. bot. .......'. . 45c SOAP FLAKES Fancy Large Aa&i-can-^........:.....;.. .28* quality. Heavy No. 2y2 can. syrup. Doz., All Tuna Fish is scarce, and this will not last long at this low price. No. x/% can, doz. $2.90; nriv^^V.V.V...;....25C Pkg. DANDY BROOMSâ€" Good broom corn. Well made. % 5 sewed. Each............ ,80c ..10c SUNBEAM HAWAIIAN PINE^ APPLE-* Highest grade. Sliced. ^ No. 2 can. Doz.. $3.50; can...30c No. 2j4^can: Doz., $4.20; can...35c CS||iSSl^^

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