•'•Vvy^;'.^-0;' â- ' :7^'U>^r/J^^^^ â- \:-'---'-x; THE LAKE SHORE-NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1933 ociALncTivrriES ricket-on-the-Hearth to Be Managed by Alpha Phi Sorority RS. DONALD GALXiIB,JR.; of Evanston is in charge of the corps of workers who have volunteered their services to the !ricket-on-the-Hearth tea shop, which apened Tuesday morning at 632 *hurch street, Evanston. Most of hem are members of the Alpha Phi Lrority, whose chapter house build- ig fund is to benefit from the enter- prise, but a number of prominent korth shore women, whose connection merely one of personal interest i sympathy with the object of the Undertaking, are included on the Hst. Alpha Phi members from this iillage who are giving a part of their lime in service at the new tea shop Xde S.â„¢i£Jd _«£«?-«?te3S££and Mâ„¢' â„¢ St°W Miss Jennie Linn, of Carlsbad, New ^awrence F. McClure, Mrs. Carl Wid- Mrs. Robert Wooden, Mrs. Ed- Badger, Mrs. Thomas C. Mould- lie,"Mrs. Staver '. _ :ing, Mrs. Warren Fifer, Mrs. Mat- thew Beaton, Mrs. Ralph Potter, and Misses Frances and Elizabeth hitler, Clara Gage, Margaret Couffer, )orothy Hess; Miss Helen David, Winnetka, Mrs. John Balch, of jfvanston, formerly of Winnetka, and md Mrs. Donald Mercer of Glencoe. Pupils of- Miss Edith toy Young irere presented in recital last Satur- lay afternoon at 1319 Washington ivenue. During the afternoon plans the organization of a Musical club mre formulated, and officers elected „. the ensuing year. George Glover ras elected president of the new or- inization, Marjorie Banning, vice- ^tr--a«d--AFth*K^-Xan-,neurseiL,. tecretarv. The president will take fcharge of all future recitals, and at bach meeting the life of one composer nil be studied and one of his or her Compositions played. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Bichl and North Shore alumnae of Rockford college have taken over the Hoyburn theater in Evanston for the evening of Friday, February 9, and arranged for the first Evanston exhibit of "Turn to the Right," starring Alice Terry, in order to raise money for their endowment fund. An addition- al attraction will be a film showing the history of Rockford college from the time of its organization in 1849, the oldest college for women in the west. The usual schedule of the the- ater will be observed with shows at 2 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and at 7 and 9 o'clock in the evening. The ushers are to be nine Northwest- ern university students who have at- tended Rockford college. Nort£ shore alumnae of Rockford are Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch of Ev- anston, Mrs. Charles Newton of Wil- mette, Miss Joaephine Landon, Mrs. Charles Ostrom, Mrs. E. C. Andrews and Miss Newman of Winnetka, Mrs ;ex: and Mrs. W. C. Braun, 807 Central avenue, last week, left on Friday for an extended stay in the east, visiting in Washington and New York. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Clark * Die- trich have given up their apartment at 4724 Beacon avenue, Chicago, and willjbe with Mrs. Dietrich's parents, Mr.~and"Mrs. W. C. Brauir,~807 cen- tral, temporarily. Mrs. Ernau Blythe Akely^ pianiste, assisted by Madame Hathaway, vio- linist, gave a recital Saturday after- noon, January 27, at the Sturkow- Ryder studio in Chicago. Madame Ryder accompanied Madame Hatha- way. ~-beri Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Koepke, 414 Washington avenue, left Tuesday for a three weeks' sojourn in Florida. They will go direct to Sarasota, and from there to Havana, Cuba, then back m.; anin m,T .â„¢2£T Mr to Key West, Miami, Palm Beach and amily, 1120 Chestnut avenue, ' Mr. _ *' sti' md Mrs. Edward J. Schager and f am y. of the Edgewater Beach hotel, and r. and Mrs. Charles A. Barton and imily, 1216 Chestnut avenue* left Jr.nday for Pasadena, Cal. The Bar- ons will return home in about six (reeks, but the other families will re- gain there until early in May. Mr. and Mrs: â- â- * Wend|lii* P. Seng, 101 Lake avenue, are leaving on Frl- lav to spend a mon|*f at their bun gatlow, "The Maywendf," on, Silver ake, Leesburg Fla. Mrs. Charles *Sanford Clarke is eaving on next Tuesday to spend sev- eral weeks in Clearwater, Fla. Mr. Clarke and his son, Guernsey, will reside at the Edgewater Beach hotel. and Mr. Sanford Clarke will attend the University of Illinois during her absence. The Clarke residence at 526 Washington avenue, has been rent- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fogg who are moving here from the east, For a three months' period. __„ card and- bunco party will be given under the auspices of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league at the home of-Mrs. N. N. Henrich, 972 Elm street, Winnetka, ^on Lincoln's :»rthdav, Monday evening, February L2 at eight o'clock, the proceeds to go :owards Judge Mary Bartelme's work ^n the Juvenile court and St. Cath- erine's Club for Dependent Girls. Mrs. Charles^N.^oberts, 1014 Lake pryeauey-returneth Sunday from an ex- pended trip through the south and [west. During .the last month or so. [Mrs. Roberts has been the guest of [her daughter," Mrs. Charles'"'"Glennon, Jin Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Misses Sarah and Margaret Gallagher, 901 Greenwood avenue, left Thursday to spend the week-end at Madison, Wis., and to attend the annual Junior'Prom, at the TJniver- | of Wisconsin, held in the Capitol j building. fâ€"The Economy Shop committees | wish to thank the villagers for their. i generous response in donations dur- ing the past month. There is still a very urgent call for men's wear, particularly shoes...... Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Frankel, 700 Laurel avenue, have returned from South Bend, Jnd.» where they spent the week-end with Mr. Frankel's par- ents. â€"- J __Mr. and Mrs. H. L. CornelljqfJWest- ern Springs, 111., were Tuesday guests of Albert A. McKeighan and family, 1606 Forest avenue. / ' Mr, ana Mr*. aamHftl O. Qlltt §5^ tertaineiT thirty guests last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Nate S. Akely and children, of 615 Lake avenue, are leav- ing February. 8, to visit Mr. Akely's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Akely, at their winter home at Ocean Springs, Miss. Philip Bright is" returning to the University of Michigan today, after spendipg the fore part of the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bright, 731 .Ashland avenue. Mr. arid Mrs. George B. Frint, of Middletown, N. Y., who have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frint George, on Elmwood avenue, re- turned home on Thursday. Mrs. J. Nye Macalister has returned from Omaha, Neb., where she was called because of the death of her father, G. W. Hervey, of that city, well-known jburnalist and agricultur- ist promoter in the west. The members of the Cozy Corner Circle will entertalST their husbands and friends at dinner at the Congre- gational church,_on Friday evening of this week. â€"MrsrTrank 13. King entertained her Bridge club at luncheon on Tuesday at her home, 825 CLreenleaf avenue, Mrs. King is leaving next Tuesday for fortnight's visit at her former home in Gallon, O. Mr. King will be in New York city on business for the next week or two. Mrs. Simeon C. Colton returned to her home at 600 Central avenue on Sunday from the Evanston Hospital. Misfr Catherine Colton, who has been in Rockford, during her mother's ill- ness, has also returned. St. Francis Auxiliary will hold a pivot party at the home of Mrs.~*B~. W. Lunch, $27 Ashland avenue, jou_ Friday afternoon, February 2, at two oclock, for the benefit of the School Building fund.â€"All games will played. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rindell, of 1317 Elmwod avenue, are entertaining their son, J. Harmon Rindell, and Miss Frank Tyler, at their home this week. Both young people are students at the University of niinois. Mrs. T. H.' Maddock entertained in- formally at luncheon and bridge for ten guests on Tuesday, In celebration of her-*irthday anniversary. â€"__,_ Mr. and Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher, 716 Central avenue, who left several days ago for a trip through the sduth, located at OroeHoa~Ea1coT nea^ hrcve" Orlando, Fla, Mrs. Aura Minerva Pouts, of Green- leaf avenue, left on Wednesday for Syracuse, N. Y., to visit her great- grandson, James Whitney Bibblns. Miss Virginia Krafthefer, 901 Oak- wood avenue, has gone down to Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind., this week- end, to attend the sophomore "prom." Mrs. E. R. Stone was hostess at a dinner party given Sunday at her resi- dence, 619 Greenleaf avenue, for four- teen out-of-town guests. Mrs. Lawrence Tower and small son, 1132 Forest avenue, are., leaving next Tuesday for Clearwater, Fla. Mr. R. E. Pattison Kline's subject at the meeting of the Current Events class of the Woman's Club of Wil- mette, on Wednesday, February 7, will be "The Political Trend in the United States." Mr. Kline will also discuss the Ship Subsidy bill. Mrs. Benjamin T. Roodhouse, enter- tained one of her Luncheon clubs informally on Tuesday at her resi- dence, 427 Laurel avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Winter,- burg and family, formerly of Evans- ton, are nicely settled in their new home, 190 Sheridan road, Winnetka. Miss Margaret Speers of. Lorens, Iowa, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McKeighan, 1606 Forest avenue. Kenilworth Happenings Mr. Charles Huntington of Evans- ton, formerly an attache of the Amer- ican Embassy at Paris, gave a talk on "France" before the Kenilworth club on Monday evening last. Mr. Wil- liam Mason Nichols gave a very in- teresting musical program in two groups, including the-foHowing num- '8? Prelude in G .........Rachmaninoff On Wings of Song. .Beethoven-Liszt Sonata . .*.................Beethoven Bird Song................Palmgren Whims ...................Schumann ,The Art and Literature department of the Neighbors held a meeting on Thursday morning at the home of Mrs. Mark Cresap, 360 Essex road. Mrs. Harry Harrison read a paper on "Paul Manship" and contemporane- ous American Sculptors were dis- cussed. Mrs. Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex road, left yesterday for Philadelphia where she will visit her daughter, Patty, who is a student at St Mary's hall. From there she joins Mr. Fores- man in Richmond, Va., and together they will journey to New Orleans for a week's visit. Mrs. Walter B. Saunders and Mrs. Harriman, 230 Oxford road, gave a miscellaneous shower on Wednesday afternoon, in honor of Miss Dorothy Kasten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Kasten^220 Poplar road, whose engagement was recently an- nounced. The Woman's Guild of the Episco- pal church are giving a bridge party on Friday afternoon, February 9, at the homeJof Mrs^JLJ^ Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth Re! avenue. Mrs. CT T~. r, Jr.r has charge of the tables. Mrs J Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road and Mrs. Harry. Jovce^JTOJLGjreenwood avenue, will entertain one hundred ladies at^luncheon and bridgeâ€"on Tuesday, February 6, at the Ouilmette Country club. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kunkel, 414 Ab- bottsford road, arrived home on Wednesday of last week from New York and Philadelphia, where they spent ten days with relatives. Mrs. Sydney Eastman, 255 Melrose avenue* leaves the latter part of this week for a two weeks' trip to Bay Louisiana, Mississippi.-â€" Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carpenter, 422 Woodstock road, returned home Sun- day Jrom a week's visit in New York city. tr« JJatifcte J Studio of. ___ 1 ramatir Art 1 1527 Kimball Building | Instruction may be had in Evanston as well | as Chicago . .... s | Phonts Harrison 7949 Evanston^lffl | ^nuiiiiiiiinmimiiiiiiimittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiimiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiin? CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB J. G. Stanton Wilmette Manager for insurance Dept. and Membership Committee __NORTH SHORE HOTEL $220,000 In Cash Returned on Policies In 1922 J. E. SWIFT TEAL BU8INE8S & LIFE INSURANCE Representative Mrs. J. H. Newport, 520 Abbottsford road, entertained a few friends at bridge on Thursday, February 1, at her hbme. "*'â- " Mrs. Ralph S. Gromann, 1316 Chest- nut avenue, ^entertained her bridge club at luncheon yesterday. Miss Hope Swanso is the guest of Mrs. William D. Shepherd, 341 Mel- rose avenue, for a few months. Mrs. Warren Pease, 320 Leicester road, was hostess to her Bridge club on Tuesday afternoon, January 30, at her home. Graceful in line J|;||? And plenty of power; It is not our* boait But 'The Car of the Hour." mi â- <â- â- »-•â- â- jaOIHllWEStER^- MOTOR CO. zu ^^^pn^fq^c^r€li^and Monday February 3rd and 5th Ladies' fine quality bloomers, made from fine quality cotton charmeuse or soft, lustre finish, zephyr striped sateen. Both materials come in 27-inch and 29-inch lengths, in green, copen, purple, rose, navy, black, white, and flesh. Your choice of these on Saturday and Monday only, for -----------;.-â- 'â- ;.- $1.55 Watch for other "Star" values later [McAllister-Worthen Co. 1146 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 81 We Specialize in North Shore Property Write or phone us the property you havejfor sale. We'll do the rest. A.*J. WOODCOCK * Proprietor 'Phone Wilmette 1304 Salesâ€"Rentalsâ€"Loansâ€"Insurance ;:4{^lf$l â- ' E Hemstitching As it should Be done, in gold, silver, Irish point, picot- ing, etc. Pleating, buttons covered, stamping, hand or machine embroidery, and beading. A full line of Pictorial Review embroidery trans- fer patterns. f Reform initials in felt. Will, not shrink or break in washing. Also a fine line of laces. Singer Sewing Machines sold or rented. Machines repaired. Also accessories. * ^ , High Class Work Quick, Personal Service PI;j: â- S$$M â- â- WWt â- '?•??' :.,sM â- â- â- M-S â- â- -â- - B - â- â- 4;.<SSl â- :^pfl â- - m ~.;,"'.'0$£i% § evening* attheh* hoine, .518 Washing- ton avenue, in ceieoration of llielr thlfty^thtrd wedding anniveTgary. MI^^^Pd"M^s^^teOTge^I1E^7Martm^n^ Mr. and Mrs. Max Livingston of 215 Woodbine avenue, are -spending ten days in New York. ____ ^ r: ' tertained at dinner at their resi- dence, 1046 Elmwood avenue, onsat- urday evening of last week. There -were trovers tor twelve-guests. IZI New York Life Hisurance company^ liai Qr*»Bleaf Ave. 1017 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 37 ^ "// Takes tht Worry Out of Lift" Near Wilmette Avenue Electric Station Ph. Wilmette 2354 Open 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Closed Saturdays 3 p. m.