gPi^ii^gsgpgigigfji «StfWBss:,ie;;» THE LAKE SHORE NEWS/-PRHSay "ISbRUARY 9, 1923J PHOTODRAMAS AT NEIGHBORING THEATRES THE NEW EVANSTON ice Brady, in "Missing Millions", been booked for the New Evanston Monday, Taesday^nd-Wednesday: addition to the film feature, the , Evanston management offers the binary special orchestral attractions, novelties and short screen subjects. imcs Kozak, talented .pianist and di- ^)i- of the New Evanston orchestra, attracting wide and favorable atten- all along the north shore for his ex- ent work. The orchestra has won a Let place in the hearts of New Ev- ict! patrons and is providing enter- Inutit of exceptional merit. fhe stage features, particularly those Sng interpretations of favorite songs, fre become a permanent and highly lular feature of New Evanston pro- Ims. II m<i HOYBURN THEATRE tincoln's Birthday will be fittingly ob- kd at the Hoyburn theatre in the Awing of "The Deerslayer", adapted bm James-Fenimore Cooper's classic Lithcr Stocking Tales". ThfL-pidugft \] be shown on Monday, Tuesday and cdnesday, February 12, 13 and 14. 'The Deerslayer" is characterized as masterly production faithfully adapted j>m the powerful works of the inter- fionally famous author. It is drama- picturesque and thrilling. )n Thursday and Friday, February j and 16 Hoyburn patrons will have the lasure of viewing the film adaptation the famous novel and play, "Thelma", Jth Jane Novak in the leading role, fhelma" is said to be a beautiful pic- version of the celebrated story by lry Corelli. ifThe Half Breed", picturization of iver Morosco's stage success of that will be seen at the Hoyburn on In and Mary Anderson will be the ^characters m ^this interesting ima. HOWARD THEATRE fack Holt will be the star in the Mure attraction at the Howard. Sun- ,-, February 11. "Making a Man" is vehicle in which the famous screen lor will appear in a particularly inter- ring part. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, bruary 12, 13 and 14 brings the film [rifling Women", to the Howard. rOmar the Tentmaker" is billed for Howard programs on Thursday and iday, February 15 and 16. 'Captain Fly By Night" is booked for jtturday, February 17. The feature of the Howard program Sunday, February 18, is "Parted Cur- ris". "Back Home and Broke" will be seen the Howard on Monday and Tuesday, ?bruary 19 and 20. An attraction billed for the near tUtuIi? at the Howard is "The Flirt", Booth Tarkmgton's masterpiece and a faithful depiction of American life as ^njy Booth Tarkington knows it.______ ADELPHLTHEATRE "Omar the Tentmaker" is booked for the Adelphi for Sunday, February 11. With the film presentation of that fam- ous story and drama will be shown a special comedy feature starring Buster Keaton in his latest screaming success, "The Electric House". Beginning with Sunday, February 11, Adelphi patrons will have the pleasure of viewing America's most popular serial film star, Pearl White in "Plun- der". The first episode of "Plunder" seen this Sunday and there will be an episode every week until the con- clusion of the film. "Plunder" is said to be the most spectacular and interest- compelling serial ever produced. 'TCick In", starring Betty Compson, Bert Lytell, May McAvoy and Gareth Hughes, comes tu the Adelphi on Xhv coin's Birthday, Monday, February 12, and will be seen for two days. Critics have termed "Kick In" the greatest crook-love-melodrama ever filmed. The setting is amid New York's "jazziest lights and most secret shadows". Wednesday, February 14, will bring Alice Brady to the Adelphi in her latest success, "Missing Millions". â€" Carlyle Blackwell, in "Bulldog Drum- mond" will be seen at the Adelphi on Thursday, February 15. The usual double feature day will be observed at the Adelphi on Friday, Feb- ruary 16. The atraction listed for that day include Shirley Mason, in "Pawn Ticket 210", and Hoot Gibson in "Kind- led Courage". jtnrdav, February 17. Wheeler Qak=_â€"Saturday, February 17, will see Jack Holt at the Adelphi in his latest power- ful screenâ€"preserrtatrorrrâ€" "Makings a: Man". HOYB URN * * THEATRE * ^ 615 Davis St., Evanston Matinees 2 and 4 Evenings 7 and 9 NEXT WEEK Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday February 12-13-14 Special Lincoln's Birthday Attraction "The Deerslayer" Adapted from. â€" James FeTihnore~Gooper*s =~^ Classic "Leather Stocking Tales." A ©Masterly Production, faith- illy adapted from the power- il works of this internationally mous author. ^turesquc-"T~hTHl3- Thursday-Friday Feb. 15-16 "THELMA" with JANE NOV J A Masterly and Beautiful Pro- duction of this Celebrated Story by Marie Corelli. SATURDAY, Feb. 17 99 "The Half Breed with Wheeler Oakman Mary Anderson Oliver Morosco's Stage Success Big North Evanston Realty Transfer Made by J. Hahn John F. Hahn's north shore real- tor's Evanston office has moved $160,- 000 in Central street, Evanston, va- cants in the last 60 days and immedi- ate building will follow, he announces. Seven stores and three flats will be erected at Prairie' avenue and Central street, Dan Webster says, who sold $75,000 of the amount. Thirty-six apartments are planned for Eastwood and E. Railroad. Two stores will be built at Ewing and Central;"^1;"5?;;?^^^ Half a million will be under con- struction in spring. A. C. Galitz, of the Hahn office says. Central street district, the office states, is shown the cream of their prospects for home sites. It is pure- ly residential, arid just off Central street. Transportation is excellent. There is the "L'\ Evanston streets cars and -Northwestern-railroad Wilmette beach is very near and there are ideal places for outdoor sports./tfforthwestern university ath- letic field is on Central street and nearby is the community golf links. Forest preserves are but a short distance away and not far is the open country. It has the combination of being within quick transportation dis tance of Davis street and Chicago shopping district and but a walk from the country.____________ '..______^ N. U. VS. IOWA * Followers of the pastime of basketball ^re^fmiclpmtn^an^el^nlng of great ex- citement Saturday/February 10, when Northwestern meets the strong Iowa quintet in a Conference game. Game time is 8 o'clock. Patten gym is the piace. NEWELL AND RETCHIN H The House of Harmonr V% «& 4 Pick of the Picture* W owarD AdelphI N W. "L" Station at Howard SAT WM. FARNUM "Brass Command- ments 9 9 OUR GANG COMEDY SUN. JACK llOLT^-------- "Making a Man " MONTY BANKS F. Q. B. AFRICA MON. TUES. WED. "Trifling Women" WITH A Cast of Distinguished Players THE OLD SEA DOG THUR. FRI. GUY BATES POST IN A PICTURIZATION OF HIS GREAT STAGE SUCCESS Omar, the Tent Maker €€ 7074 N. CLARK ST. ...........SAT. "NIGHT LIFE IN HOLLY- WOOD" INTRODUCING MANY FAVORITE STARS^â€" AL ST JOHN "OUT OF PLACE" susr. ~~~"GUY-BAT£S POST------ THE STAGE STAR IN "OMAR ^e TENT MAKER" BUSTER KEATON THE ELECTRIC HOUSE At The Matineeâ€"Pearl White Episode No. 1â€""Plunder" MON. TUBS. Betty Compsonâ€"Bert Lytell "KICK IN" "THE OLD SEA DOG" WED. THUR. RICHARD BARTELMASS "FURYW Clyde Cookâ€""High and Dry" ' FRI. DOUBLE FEATURE DAY SHIRLEY MASON * PUBLIC SAiES „_We__hajfe^__pnrcliase4JM22^)00 pair U. S. Army Munsbn last shoes sizes 5% to 12 which was the entire surplus stock of one of the largest U. S. Government shoe contractors. ^ ; ^ This shoe is guaranteed one hundred percent solid leather, color dark tan, bellows tongue, dirt and waterproof. The act- ual value of this shoe is $6.00. Owing to this tremendous buy we can offer same to the public at $2.75. r Send correct sizei |?Pay post- man on delivery or send money order. If shoes, are not as rep- resented we will cheerfully re- fund your money promptly upon request. â- "â- \:^:^^"^?Siil jM!- Bay National | | State Shoe lir ~AT7STTJOHN "OUT OF PLACE" "PAWN TICKET 210" UNIVERSALIS STAR^ASTT^T "KINDRED COURAGE" Company 296 Broadway, ;P||f '.' NEW YORK, N. Y. * ...... ^ The Brightest Spot Nin Town ^Y EW EVANSTON Clyde Elliott, Man. Dir. Fri. and Sat., Feb. 9th and 10th MARY CARR The Star of "Over The Hill" In The Wm. Fox PRODUCTION BEAUTIFUL .VERWINGS And The Eminent MONS.G. DORI Singing Opera Selections MON. TUES And WED. ALICE BRADY In The Paramount Special "MISSING AtttHONS^ « ORCHESTRA Stage Featuresâ€"Short Subjects Get The New Evanston Habit! Bargain Mat. Daily Continuous 2 to 5:30 p. m. Evening Shows Continuous 7 to 11 p. m. Saturday Continuous 1:30 to 11 p. m. RUGSTrom Now Included in The Annual Sale A remarkably fine collectionâ€"nearly all of recent importationâ€"offered in all sizes and a ancTa wonderful arrayof excTusivegesIgns. ;^:i!l "iff" Htfe 15,000 Square Feet at Prices that Represent Than Regular Retail Valuation This means you nowimve an opportunity to acquire the choicest of Chinese Rugs at prices from a little^above wholesale to considerably below wholesale. The partial list gzven below indicates to those who know Oriental Rug values just how much lower the prices are than they have been in years. plaza_%*m\tt_ -.-library. plaza hotel 1z:::::z:£vanston THE finest jewelry shop on the North - Shnrp maintainincr a renair.....<4«nartâ€" 4.6x2 , sale price $20.00 4 x2.6, sale price 32.50 5 x2.6, sale price 35.00 5 x3 , sale price 43.00 6 x3 , sale price 52.50 7 x4 , sale price 68.00 8 x5 , sale price 95.00 9 x6 , sale price 183.00 10 x8 , sale price 190.00 12 x9 , sale price 265.00 |= We invite new charge accounts as a further means of serving the convenience of =s _ jqul customers,__________________________ %%; lanftofliers Native \y Itxiporters 28 and 30 South Waba^H =r CONSTANTINOPLE CHICAGO