if? ;lp!|f! 16 -?w.i;?f'.,*p. jg^fr? THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 9, 1923 STUDY FAILURE FAULT AT HOME Says Teachers Must Have Parental Instinct Declaring that "the general spirit ot the college student, his resistance to sin and temptation, and the ability to co- operate with others for his own good depends very largely upon the home con- ditions that have shaped^ his career. Dr. Elmer E. Jones, Director ot the School of Education of Northwestern university, gave "the proper training of parents" as the solution for a great deal of the difficulty in training children. Dr. Jones' opinion was rendered last Wednesday beiore the student body of the National Kindergarten and Element- ary-cottege, and is of general interest be- cause of recent attention given to activ- ities of college students. >f "It does not seem quite fair, Dr. Jones declared, "that when a boy or girl in the freshman year â€"fails, they are put on the scrap heap and sent home, with- out taking into consideration the home itself." Praises Kindergarten related to parental - careâ€"-it is a deep- lying instinct that dominates and con- trols the mother heart. There is in the teacher, and particularly in the kinder- gartner, something of this same parent- al instinct that enters into the profession which they learn and are endeavoring to perfect. To me it is impossible for the teacher to succeed unless in one way or another she can actually participate in this eternal parental instinct, for children are placed with her a certain period of every day, in much the same way that they are under the care of the parent the remainder of the time. In many in- stances the i public school is taking the place of the parent and giving the care which parents arc unable to give. "Many parents think their responsibil- itv ends when the child enters school. This is wrong. There should be co- operation with the teacher but she is not his parent. Parental care involves a thorough study of the child in order to help him to do something and be something worth while." CONFINED BY ILLNESS Dr. O. H. Bersch. optometrist with , „..,,. .______._____ offices in the Rockholdjmilding, has been By-€^mpa*tsonr-B^-^ne3-pi^isrrhthtr jmnrmedTTo Tns "home for^a"tew~days investigate, the does not >eem to f§^- kindergarten, which home when the child fit into his work. Dr. Jones said in part: "I have a feeling that the kindergarten is more interested in the home and in parents and their efficiency than any other educational institution. At college when a girl or a boy in the freshman year fails and we put them on the 'scrap heap' and send them" home, we never take into consideration the home. It makes very* little difference to us. This does not seem quite fair, because undoubtedly the mental ability and train- ing, the general spirit of the student and his resistance to sin and temptation and ^biHtyjto co-operate_ with, others for his >wn jgood dependvery largely upon the home conditions that have shaped his scafeer. In my observations of the kin- dergarten you do pay attention to__home- ^conditions. If a child does not seem to fit into the work that you are trying to <fo for hftn the first place you investigate i$ the home. You ask the co-operation of tfie parents and fn many cases find the ,cause for the condition by contact With the parents. 3fv^|£u*jiaft beings are not the only aojjtials (hat give parental care. It is quite .interesting to know that this whole questioiti of parental care begins at the Marfiong human beings and extends a t':/p£ down the biological scale. In |h€/V«y lowest forms there is no par- â- &tiWs'$lfeâ€"reproduction is taken care of bfwtt division. A little higher we htfveMhe fishes, turtles and the like, who at least pick out a favorable spot to de- posit their eggs, though they take no further care of their offspring. Higher still are the birds who build nests, shelter, feed, protect and teach their young to fly. The dog is probably the most intelligent of the lower animals, and the parental care is correspondingly „. |ppy (efficient • £^£V9r -. ~.....-.......--^9- ,!i- t...... '.â- ';flf#&::<:' Stresses Parental Intfineft . ..; ^ilf "When we come to the htjman being, ;-:-iplHrtt^is1 not amiss to say, that the most ;.:â- :â- â- ^^^::>|Mj|ptiliil 'and most worthy .function in P^Hij|if€'.is to reproduce one's kind, and in ?^|||| reproducing probably the rtojftjpowej"-^ SliSI ful and vital instincts are born amLare llilftt site? ELECTRICAL "DONTS" Don't leave the electric flatiron con- nected to the circuit and go to use the telephone, visit with the neighbors or to call at the grocery. Don't use lamp cord wiring in your home. It is unsightly and unsafe. threatened with pneumonia. At the same time, his 7 year old daughter. Ruth Jean, was taken ill with a mild case of in- fluenza. Both are reported progress- ing nicely. Electric Appliances <J In the,borne they save time labor and <J Theyjincrease com- fort. "fl They multiply con- jllvenience. q The list of them is long. <S We sell them all. Any of our custo- . mers has a credit account with us which he can use in buying any ap~ pliance, the terms given being a little down, balance in monthly parts, ic Service Cp. of Northern Illinois Salesroom - - - - Evanston ^iu*me RlflPI 9 §§i§l Hip Home Owners g| We have 3 clients who wish to buy East side Homes from $15,000 to $18,000. 1 We also have 4 clients for homes $20,000 to ; $24,000 and 2 clients for homes from $25,000 to j$30,000. 1 These customers are responsible business men, wiro will maks substantial cash payments. They are out to buy NOW. Owners can retain gossessiorLito April t5th to- May 1st. PHONE US IMMEDIATELY 410 Linden Ave. Wilmette gTwo Phanes-^-WOnie*te^^^ Says Woman and Ballot Has Not Changed Things Advent of the woman voter has not changed political conditions, accord- nng to Professor Walter J. Shepard, department of political science, Ohio, State University. "There is little or no perceptible difference evident, so far in the char- acter-of the vote since the advent ot the woman suffrage amendment, de- clared Professor Shepard. "Women do not* vote differently from men, as they are subject to practically the same influences as are men. They divide the issues along lines similar to males," he continued. "Even on the liquor issue the ex- pected did not happen. In Illinois, where it was possible to tabulate the women's vote, woman suffrage did not work to the advantage of the dry cause, at least to the extent that had been expected" North Shore Properties 513-4tb Street Wilmette Phone 1304 A. J. WOODCOCK, Prop. m m Wilmette Cafe:::!::-â€" 1181 Wilmette Avenue Opposite Village Hall ^Giea^Kiteben That is what we pride ourselves on, for, from our kitchen comes the most palatable of foods. You'll agree, onceyouhave dined and chosen from our varied menu. Club Breakfast Served from 6.00 a. m. until I / a. m. Llinckeonâ€""Forty-five and Fifty Cents __Served/torn I IJIQ-a. m. untilS.3&prmi- Table D^Hote Dinner----Seventy Cents Served from 5.30 p. m. until 8.30 p. m. Table D'Hote Dinnerâ€" __X- Regular Dinner, 85c. Special Chicken Dinner, $1.00 Served from I LOO a. m. until 8.00 p. m. Short Orders and at all hours Service^and Cmn^u&A^ pfSlilfil a