Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Feb 1923, p. 7

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l^jsh Wednesday Casts Its Shadows Upon Social Attiitities 'HE first of a series of Wednesday evening informals took place this week at the Iron Lantern in Ev^ anston, under the auspices of^the ma Phi Beta sorority/ whose house will benefit from tjie enterprise. A ier courtesy extended by the Iron will be a ten per cent con- ition from every afternoon tea :, upon the request of the patron. is in accordance with the: manage- rs offer to contribute in the same to the endowment funds of various len's colleges when the alumnae ce the reguest of the cashier. le class in Effective Speaking and [-Expression, conducted by Miss ide Miner, held its preliminary ;ting at the Wilmette Woman's on Tusday morning, February 6. first regular meeting took place fcsday morning at 9:30. It is es- ially emphasized that these classes open to all women of the com- lity, many of those already enroll- ; being non-members of the club. is Miner possesses, to a remark- degree, the faculty of communi- ig self-confidence and enthusiasm ier pupils. This is an opportunity help and inspiration whicli comes rarely. Our every day jobs and |es will be here always. It is hop- that many will make or find time ittend these most interesting' and thwhile classes. For further in* lation telephone Mrs. Hayes Mc- [ney 1143, Mrs. J. A. Bur rill, 1787. tusbands of members in the First lision of the Ladies' Aid society^ the Methodist church, were guests Ihonor at the annual Progressive er given by the division on Tues- evening of last week. The first -se was served at the home of B. C. Davison, 1444 Forest ave- the second course at the home Lrs. Annie Spaniels, 1135 Elm- avenue; and the third course, ;h was. followed by a most excel- progKWiv was enjoyed at the le of Mrs. Albert N. Page, 931 Jland avenue. e February program at the Ouil- e Country club includes the fol- ng events: ay, February 16, Junior Party. rday, February 17, Hearts Party. day,â€"February,â€"19^â€"Af*eme< day, February 22, (Washing- 's Birthday.) Juvenile Party. Buf- t Dinner and Informal Dancing. rday, February^ 24. Informal ancing. today, February 26, Afternoon ridge. \:' h :- [he regular monthly meeting of the lan's Catholic club of Wilmette will place on Friday afternoon of »next |k, February'23. This will be Civics Mrs. K. C. Campbell will be the st of honor. An interesting musical jram will be rendered by the Bron- Circle quartette. â€"oâ€" s. George C. Murdoch of Daven- Ia., will arrive on Saturday to be ?uest of Mrs. C. E. Renneckar, 935 /ood avenue. On the following Mrs. -Renneckar willâ€"entertaii informally at luncheon for her who is to be feted with'many parties during^ her visit -here. â-  -â€" â€"oâ€" [rs. John Rhodes Wallace was less at luncheon and bridge for fcy-two guests, all former child- and school friends, residing in about Chicago, at her residence, Broadway avenue, on Friday, Feb- ry 2, Pink sweet peas, maiden and aspar agus ferns made most ^active table decorations. â€"â€"oâ€" ir. and Mrs. Albert Wiggdesworth n-ned last week to the winter ie in Buena Vista. Fla., after lurried trip here, making their iquarters at the DrakeJiotel. Dur-' ier stay here, Mrs. Wigglesworth red hostess to the members of Luncheon and Bridge club at Drake. . •******♦**************** X>R SALE I Wilmette Home at a bar- gain. Two story brick, six rooms, hardwood floors, tile bath, open fire place. J&ocated on beauti^ ful W&oded lot .50x200 feet on L,ake Ave., near schools and trai * House is one year old. ine Wilmette^84~Z M Mr. Trego * â- g^^y^^^^-ay^; The Education department of the Neighbors^ announces a course on Current Events bv E. S. Adams and Miss Juhe Adams, Wednesday morn- \nAg at, !2:1S» ^bruary 28, March 7, 14, and 21, and April 4 at the Kenil- worth Assembly Hall. Checks for the course are payable to Mrs. Sydney Y. call, chairman. The Woman's Home Missionary So- ciety of the Methodist church gave a birthday party fqr Ruth Moore on Thursday, February 15, at half past two o'clock, at the home of Mrs. E. R. James, 1304 Forest avenue. Edna Davison will present the third chapter. The Cozy Corner Circle of the Con- gregational church has postponed its meeting from February 15 to February 22, due to the extreme ccrtd weather and the illness of member. However* mem- bers are urged to be present on Thurs- day, February 22. Mr. and^Mrs. W. H. Towne, J144 Lake -avenjaey-^whoâ€"recently-*oldâ€"their home to Mrs. Emma Pringle of Chicago, are moving into their apartment in the Bleaker Hall building, 807 Noyes St., Evanston, tomorrow. Mrs. Pringle and her daughter, who are former Wilmette residents, will occupy the house very soon. » â€"oâ€" Mrs. Marie Edwards von Ritter, or- ganist at the First Congregational church, is confined to her home with a broken ankle, the result of a fall about ten days ago. During her absence, Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt of Glencoe, is filling her place at the Sunday Evening Club meetings. ^MxStThomas C. Moulding entertain- ed at luncheon on Wednesday of last week, at her home, 1004 Greenwood avenue, in honor of her mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Staver, the occasion being the latter's 79th birthday annivers- ary. The Wilmette Hospital Board met at the home of Mrs. Thomas A. Cope- land. 930 Chestnut avenue, last Fri- day morning to make hospital dress- ings in response to the urgent call for more hospital supplies. On Wednesday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Ham- mond, 500 Gregory avenue, were hosts at a dinner dance at the Edgewa-ter Beach Hotel. There were covers for 34 guests.____________________- Mrs. J. Harry Joyce, 703 Greenwood avenue, and Mrs. Joseph Joyce ot Kenilworth were hostesses at a lunch- eon and bridge party for one hundred mests, at the Ouilmette Country club, on Tuesday afternoon. February 6^- Mrs. Fred L. Arnold, 1123 Lake ave- nue, had as her guests recently, her sister, Mrs. Lyon and her children, of Yorksville, 111. Mrs. Robert Wooden, of Evanston, left last week to join Mr. Wooden in Centerville. O.. the home of his par- ents, for the week-end. Mrs. Wooden will remain for a fortnight's visit. Missâ€"Viriginia Moore, "Steve" Lusted and Jack iBurt, are among- the- -Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jordan. 101 Green- students/who have returned to the wnnd avenwe.. "> '*h-&'?--'V '.'â- , j?w^; University of Illinois, to, resume their second semester work. â- . â€"°â€" .':â- â- â€¢' ;, v* Mrs. Louise Bruno, mother of Mrs. Edward P. Fatch, 611 Washington ave- nue, has returned to her home in Downer's Grove after 9 three week's visit. • . Miss Payton, instructor of English at New Trier high school, has resum- ed her post after an absence of a few weeks on account of illness, at her home in Cherokee, Iowa. v Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Kelley, with their son and daughter, Francis and Kathryn, of 1133 Elmwood avenue, left Friday, for an extended yisitrJn^St, Petersburg, Fla. ------,. - -.: Mrs. Donald Ml Gallie, 1115 Elm- wood avenue, was hostess to the Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club on Thursday of this week. Mrs. F. A. Troy of 8?8 Ashland ave- nge, left Thursday of .last week to visit her daughter, Miss Dorothy, who is at- tending college at Swarthmpre, Pa* Mrs.-W. C. Jordan of Irving Park, was a guest recently at the home of Another of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs met with Mrs. Harry S. Grlswald. 619 Seventh ^street > last W£ek»,,..t, :;c<- â- â- ... -. v:\ -j •;•>• -'•;. - .-â-  i Mr .and Mrs. Charles &•â- â-  Rowe of Dundee, I1L, were guests at the Wl S. Campbell home, 229 Ninth street over Monday.-;' -'â- -.:;•â-  Mr. and. Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng, 435 Lake avenue, left on Thursday t>f last week for their winter home in Leesburg, Fla.' 'â- â- "â- - •â- â- "â- â€¢'â- : __ The Village Dancing clv/b will hold J^fflexL-jigLncing par|y on^ Saturday^ evening^February 24. at the Winnetka WomairVcIub. â€"oâ€" â-  Miss Medora Bright is entertaining a group of girl friends informally at a Heart Party this evening at her home, 731 Ashland avenue." Miss Marjorie"* Day, 1233 Elmwood Wm .â- : avenue, is leaving on Wednesday, of s^^; next- w€ek for a fortnight's vis Terre Haute, Ind. ' * :":^,A::::'OD2^ Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding, 1004 Greenwood avenue, will be hostess to, the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge cjul* next week. â- ; ;: P..^ â- ^-ij'^)|l|l?|Sl^| .„â- ,.. ..:.-â- â-  -.. .. , I:^rr-.o-^r.=; . â- :aP:;§??pffWPt'§ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark have re- turned f rom thejiL.l^neyjnoon in Florida and are residing at the Edgewater Beach hotel. -'--.J -â- â- â€¢â-  ' vv ' .'.^if':..^^':;."/ :;>,-.. :--#i|§?^f;; Mr. Milton E. Barker, returned Home yesterday from a visit with Mrs. Barker,, and the children in Sin Bernardino. Cal.,i?,,.;;,: â-  •:-:â-  ^ '<:/ -v^-- â-  '-..,'--" â€"oâ€" â- '. ^- ;â- â- â- â- :â- â€¢â- â-  ?i*I'i Mrs. Robb W. Webber of Cham- paign, 111., visited friends in-Winnetka during the past week. mi'! :i f The Manuaka Club met at the home of Mrs. A. L. Arragon, 1218 Forest avenue, on Thursday afternoon. Mr. C. C. Hosmer* 1232 Forest ave- nue, has returned from a business trip through Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher, 715T Central-avenue* are to be -4nâ€"Wmter Park, Fla., for the next week or so. Miss^ Frances Zipf, 925-Lake avenue left last week for a several montss' visit in Los Angeles, and other points in California, with. relatives and friends. The Monday Luncheon and Bridge club was. entertained at the home of Mrs. Charles Hastings, 503 Central avenue, last week. An extra sewing meeting of the Infant Welfare societyâ€" was held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Harry B. Wilson. 633 Washington avenue. »* *- Jessie Unrjr? Umtdta Studio of Sramattr Art 1527 Kimball Building Instruction may be had in Evanston as well as Chicago Phones Harrison 7949 Evanston 1(98 J. E. SWIFT TEAL BUSINESS & LIFE INSURANCE Representative New YQflt I If* IrmiwiiiM Company 1017 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 37 "It Takes Iht Worry Out of Life" wmmmmmmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmmtm Mansagre Electric Treatments In Your Own Home or by Appointment Julia Solea GRADUATE MASSEUSE PHONE EVANSTOBr 5012 PRESCRIPTIONS The symbol xnt the left hand cornervf theHttle^ptece of paper that the doctor hand^ygujsiay_ only mean a prescription to you. To the conscientious pharma- cist it has a far greater signif- It means for him to take of the purest and best drugs obtainable in the specified amounts written by the physi- cian, mix them together in the correct way, so that they will give the desired results expected by the physician. Attention to details is one of the many factorswhich have earnedforusthe right to claim "All that is tight and best" in prescription work. We solicit your patronage on these fun- damental principals assuring you ex- pediency in compounding and prompt delivery. RENNECKAR DRUG COMPANY PrescriptiavrTkniggUH â- -â€"----a WILMETTE Phones 28^and 29 Unusual Values On Sale Beginning Saturday, Feb. 17th. Value No. 1 rj -Waist-bai trom-at- tractive patterns of percales in a ITearstytC "Cftmce^of sev- »rjjQr~~ eral patterns at.........09C Value No. 2 Fine quality percales, made into good-looking apron dresses with sash ties and ric-rac trimming. An unusally large assortment to choose from, sizes small, medium and large. Choice ............ 95c Value No. 3 ^This assortment consists of both gingham and percale apron dresses made into more elaborate "stylesr|han:4eÂ¥:Jfe-27--^hey have the best of workmanship and fin- ish. Sizes small, A H €%£% medium and large. A J, •t£«7 MeAiUs^^Mort 1146 Wtl^i>tt^An^Wilmatii^ ;-JPSI III '"::?KKW. -. ----- -' -.f-"^â„¢-_ ~~^*TT VA':'\. :>%'ir% S^^^gwS'feS^ {â- (;|^f-&3ij :v ^iM!^(t0^W^^^^SfM^ "^'t'w,Rviiuy!'ij%'^»-C""^y^'CK:,%'*"' Ki ^ •.â- '^i'4^ '^M:&\

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