Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Feb 1923, p. 10

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IKis •'4|fty,^jiW^ 10 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, frttBttirARY. 23, 1923 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The very contemplation of the Law of God leads inevitably to self-exam- ination, it is therefore of utmost im- portance that Christians, whether they are members of the Church or not, take time to think of the La,w and their relation to it. It will help every- one who wants to do the right to hear the Sunday morning messages of Mr. Lloyd, who. during the Lenten season is speaking upon "The Character of the Law of God" as suggested in the 19th Psalm. The subject for next Sunday is "The Testimony of the Lord is Sure Making Wise the Sim- ple." The service is at eleven o'clock. The Bible school meets at 9:30. Splendid graded courses of study in all departments. The Covenant class will meet the pastor in the church office at four o'clock Sunday afternoon. The Young People's Fireside group will meet in the parlor at four-thirty. A fine program is under preparation and a good time is assured. The North End O'rcle, Miss Nourse. chairman, will meet at the church on Monday the 26th. Luncheon will be served at one o'clock. «â€" » The Tuesday morning Study class will meet in the Parlor at 10 ;30, The subject in the course on "1£he Prac- tice of Christian Living" is "Prayer That Wins." The class session closes promptly at 11.30. The Wolf Cubs will meet for drill and instruction at XuKL on Tuesday. Roosevelt Troup, Boy Scouts of America will assemble at Scout head- quarters on Tuesday evening at 7:15. The^peakers at the Church Night service on Wednesday evening will be Mr. F. D. Newey and Dr. D. J. Davis They will speak respectively on "Im- petuous PeteF^ and "Prosaic Philip. This is the third in the Wednesday evening series of "Studies in Apos- tolic Types." to lie, and how can we overcome them?" Senior1 C. E. will meet in the church every Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock. "How far should custom determine standards of conduct?" Ruth David- son is the leader. Remember, be at the Wilmette Presbyterian church at 1:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon if you are going down to the Moody- church to the Christian Endeavor Rally to hear Dr. Frances E. Clark. The Boy Scouts and Junior Scouts will meet as usual this week. Monday at 7:15 p. m. the older Scouts; Tues- day at 6:45 the Junior Scouts. The Chicago Presbyterian is hold- ing an Older Girls' Conference in the Fullerton Avenue Presbyterian p. m. The delegation is limited to Church, Thursday, March 1st at 6:30 two girls and two adult leaders from each church in the Presbytery. Our Sunday School is graded. Les- sons strictly adapted to the ages of the pupils. School opens 9:30 a. m. Classes meet at 1,0 a. m. Teacher of woman's classâ€"Mrs. F. R. Quayle. Teacher of men's classâ€"Prof. George BAPTIST CHURCH The Wilmette .Baptist church is lo- cated at the corner of Forest and Wil- mette avenue. Sunday services as follows: Bible School with graded in- struction for all ages, 9:45; Morning worship at 11 o'clock; Intermediate and Junior young people society at 3 o'clock; Senior Young People's so- ciety at 5:30. Wednesday evening meeting of the church at 8 o'clock. The pre-Easter series of sermons on the Christian Fundamentals is be- ing given by the Pastor, the topics as follows. February 25......The Christian's God. March 4....^,.___Christian Prayer March 11.......The Christian's Book. March 18......The Christian Church March 25..........The Christian life. April 1...........The Christian Hope Th;6 church co-operates with the q^XIv Evening club which present fon"ghty a!The Congregationalt church ^7*30 Professor Sloutz of the Mo* Sine Park school, Dayton Ohio who will speak on the work of the Parent Teacher association. Monday afternoon at 2 o'clockj, the Mission Study class of the Women s department, .using the book ine Trend of the Races," will meet at the church. At the "Wednesday evening meeting of the church on February 28, the discussion will be based upon the Question Box instituted in connec- tion with the series of sermons being given on Sundays. The Wilmette Baptist Choral so- ciety will hold its regular rehearsal on Thursday evening at the church at 7:30. The March meeting of the Women's department will be held all day oft Friday, March 2. There will be Whit* Cross sewing at 10 o cock in the morn* in* Luncheon will be served at 12:3% and the program of the day will com- mence at 2 o'clock. The program of the afternoon will consist of a pres- entation with the" lantern, and with impersonation, music and other meth- ods of the work of our Home Mis- sion society for the negro, and will be one of the most unique and im- pressive programs of the year. This evening, the officers and teach- ers of the Bible school will hold their regular February Conference at the church at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow evening a George^Wash- ington Social will be given at the home of Mr. Phelps, 260 Wood Court, by the members of the Senior Young People's Society. On Friday the Central Avenue Cir- cle, Mrs. Russell Smith, chairman, will hold its February meetmg at__the church. The Blue Birds will meet in the par- lor at 3:30 Friday I This church joins the Parent-Teach- er associations of the Village in a most cordial invitation to all the peo- ple to hear Principle Schultz of the Moraine Park school, Dayton, O., at the Sunday evening club next Sun- day evening, February 25. Dr. Schultz is an orator of high order and will speak on "Some Changes that are tak- ing place in American Education." PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH First Presbyterian Church of Wil- mette 9th Street and Greenleaf ave- nue. Pastor, Rev. Geo. P. Magill, D. D. Sunday Schoolâ€"9^30 a, m. -----â€" Church Serviceâ€"11:00 a. m. Junior C. E.â€"3:30 p. m. Intermediatesâ€"4:30 p. m. Senior C. E.â€"5:30 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH *t £;.","â-  There may Jbe Aimes ^when 4n-judg- ^Ing the church and its achievements be either too optimistic Or tod pessimistic.__Of course, there may ha many things contributing to this Jstate of mind, but often it may be due tit© our getting a proper ancKaccuirate lyiew of the real situation. Fair mind- ^„.,„ied people are always willing to give SIIIBdue consideration to those things milSwhich may-be designated orproven flfllfliajiS'I facts.- The sermons next Sunday fill llntorning will consider this in relation jBfJto the churchj^thesubjectbejng."Are p|^vV^^ling;toTace; th<;Factsr â-  L__ ISHS:. â- â-  The Woman's Society.....of-ihe-Pw- pliiibyterian church will hold a Praise illlllleeting in the church parlors Tues- liSP&ilay afternoon, February 27, at 2:15 p. Iff! in. Mrs. W. H. Wiser of India will Jlfl he'the speaker. , _, |S: P* On Tuesday, February 27, at 6:30 |M p. m. the Rebecca Chapter of the Westminister Guild will hold a regj Wt ular dinner and meeting in the church I ^ i parlors. This is for all members and IJL.friends of the Guild. â- 'Ill Beginning with ,next Wednesday ip3 evening the midweek services will be ® of special interest and importance as |i|3;,r jpe are approaching Easter. -l;4ll^ The next program for the confer- I ence of the parents and^ teachers in t the Sunday School will be presented ^rr-fa the Sumtsjr SchooT rooms of the church Thursday evening March 1st V at 8:00 o'clock. Questions pertaining to the relation of the home and the Sundlay School will be considered, ^ Which will be in the nature of an open â- f forum conducted by a leading expert 16 I in this field. Following the program P..there will be refreshments and a so- 5p'ji,. cial hour. Th& Church school at 9:45, Mr Lewis E. Larson, superintendent Public worship and message at 11 o'clock. Dr. Jean Zimmerman will deliver a brilliant address on her in- spection tour in Mission Lands. Dr. Zimmerman made this tour on be- half of the newspapers of the country.' The occasion is the Annual Thank Offering Service of the Woman's Foreign^Missionary Society^ of _jthv parTsB. Great hymns will be sunc-. The Choir, Mr. Borchers, Director, will sing, "God is Love" by Shelley and "How Lovely Are the Messeng- ers" from Mendelssohn's "St. Paul." The Vesper service Sunday evening at 4:30. Dr. Stansell will'speak on "Whatsis the Relation Between Be- lieving and Receiving in Christian- ity?" If one says fast enough and often enough what he wants to come to pass does that have anything to do with it. Which is the more vital action believing or receiving, and which gives the greater.pleasure. Dr. Stansell will speak frankly. At 5:30 Miss Varley and Miss Stok- er will complete the studies they have been conducting on the book, "India on the March" for the Epworth League. The fellowship hour will follow. The Junior and Intermediate league will meet at 5:30 in the Primary room. Tomorrow, Saturday, at 2:30, M r. Borchers will meet in the chapel air the boys and girls who wish to helrr This evening at 7 o'clock the boys of Scout Troop Nso. 3 will meet at the church. Mr. Stokes and committee of men will be in charge. The Fourth Division of the Ladies' Aid is having an all day meeting today wTtTTMrs. SpnngerT 707 Central Ave. ^BLednesday ^ejtenjng the===28th, Dr. W.' D. Schermerhorn will be our guest at a-church dinner at 6:30. The Fifth Division of the Ladies' Aid society will meet next Friday. March 2, with^Mrs. Lloyd, 640 Greg- ory avenue. Dedication dinner for M. E. Old People!s Home, Friday evening, March 2. Father and Son banquet Saturday evening, March 3rd. Pub- licity committee is composed of Messrs, Emrich and Cox. Dinner committee of Messrs. Zipprich, Mann, Stokes and Kraake. Program commit- tee is composed of Messrs. Bontecou, Williams, Emrich and Cox. Plans for two hundred plates are being made. The banquet is under the auspices of the Boys' Work committee of the parish. > v> Junior Christian Endeavor at 3;30 iiii-Sunday^ftemoonv-The topi^w^Gtty m^m noon. Jack Ryerson is the leader. S|§„ jfopic i ..What ,/are^ ,;s<pe^ tf mjtf §fcp* Girl Scouts will meet at 4 P^ M.. "Wednesday. Second Bird Lecture by Mrs. Colton. Dr. Gilbert Loveland, Missionary Education Department of the Board of Sunday Schools, will deliver his great illustrated lecture, "The Youno Idea," Sunday, 5 o'clock. The Young Woman's Missionary Society is pro- moting the lecture. Tht Ladies' Aid Society is planning and preparing a Rummage Sale for Friday and Saturday, April the 13tb and 14th.â€"Please femenibeil7the date. .- -Any_saleable-*rticles for-this sale wittf be Immediately called for by the com Intermediate jiLliL,Iw'iU meet mittee. PhoiRr either of the following chureh-at 4:30 Sunday after- ladies: Mrs. Mons, 2289; Mrs. Hana- wahvJ086; Mrs. Darst, 867; and Mrs- Hooper, 793. USED BY PERMISSION -2=3*- A LENTEN MESSAGE "Again and again we come back to the CROSS as the _ characteristic symbol, the central fact, the crowning manifestation of all that Christianity is and means^ And we come back at each return only to find in it a -^deeper meaning-, sfrngher poweTy a futter revelaHorTof love, and sin, of man and of God, of the mystery of pain, and the ideal of holiness; to find that the old, old story which touches the hardest^and .stirs the rough- est, and is within the reach of the simpliest, and is new to the oldest, ever grows with the growth of our minds, and deepens its roots in our hearts." All the Churches have special topics touching on the significance of The Lenten Season its a good time to start the habit of regular Church attendance. Come to Church Sunday The First Methodist Church REV. GILBERT STANSELL First Congregational Church REV. STEPHEK A. LLOYD St. John's Lutheran Ornishâ€"â€"^ REV. HERMAN W. MEYER â€"=â€" REV. WILLIAM GUISE St. Augustine's Episcopal Church REV. HUBERT CARLETON - The First Presbyterian Church REV. GEO. P. MAGILL The Wilmette Baptist Church: REV. FRANCIS C. STIFLER i "^*v r?*\i ;y*y] y*\ n ?*Yi iY*vi .y*\1 r?*\i i/«Yi r?»vi r/SYirTixi rTsvi iviS 1 fa i>rti\ M m\ v, ff\ hY«\ Ht'mXiU :fe^y^^i%^^/Ssfey: fe1 iSfesiiliSs Ijllll^ll^^ .........._ ^ _.....„...^.^......... .....„..,,,....._.......,..........,,-„................................ 'Hi

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