?Tlwwg3iw;MM, â„¢'"f WWWmW^mm^m â- ?.^«W; msmiisgsi THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAYpFEBRUARY 23, 1923 •^tW'^H^f'^^^^ SEES U. OF I. AS BIGGEST SCHOOL ---------------------------------â€" / â- Writer Foresees Remarkable Growth - . "The consensus of opinion among eminent educators throughout the country who are intimately familiar with the slow, steady, and successful development of the University of Illi- nois is that it will be pacemaker as the greatest American university with- in the next half decade," says George H. Dacy, D. €., in a recent article. "From every scholastic and investi- gative angle it is tackling and solving involved and complicated conundrums and in every way possible is working for the upbuilding of the state through the university," he says. Short Courses Valuable "The university carries its messages of science and its lessons of advance- ment and education into the homes, stores and shops through short courses in home economics, in agriculture, drainage, engineering, and industrial education. Furthermore, it has been active in uplifting and improving the scholastic standards ©f the high schools throughout the state and in creating civic pride and developing community ideals. It is co-operating in* an exhaustive forestry survey of the state which has as its program the establishment of a permanent forestry policy. Great Clearing House "Many people think of a state uni- versity as merely a teaching institu- tionâ€"a sort of an enlarged high school And just so many people are in error. Teaching is only one of the many fea- tures of a tremendous, complex, and yet wholly efficient establishment-like the University of Illinois. Such an institution is a clearing licmse-ior old and new knowledge, a forum for the discussion) of present-day problems and an organization for the solution of these problems and "for the discus- sion of new truth. It teaches the un- der-graduate students: it trains re- cruits .for its faculty and executive staff; it undertakes investigation and research for the sake of correcting old beliefs and for the discovery of new facts wltlTwhich not only to im- prove teaching but to advance the in- dustries and refine the arts of life; its representatives attend meetings, conferences, conventions and con- claves where leading men meet and discuss questions of progress and at which the university's advice and as- sistance are sought. High School Dramatic Club Rehearses "Pomander Walk" "Pomander Walk" a three-act comedy by L,ouis Parker, author of "Disraeli, is to he given by the New Trier High school Dramatic club, Saturday, March 17. The cast for "Pomander Walk" in eludes the following pupils: Frank Reynold*, Richard Steeler Seorge Martin,_Robert Kortez, Edwin Felke, Ch<Vles Feischman, John MacLean Helen Bradford, Gertrude Smith, Mary Mills, Janet Olmstead, Virginia DeLay, Gertrude Moeller, Constance Von Weller, Helen Heckler. Mrs. Edward Carlson was hostess at a luncheon and card party on Monday of last week at her home, 1530 Washing- ton avenue, in honor of her sisters, Mrs. Earl Blakeley of Chicago and Mrs. Roy Johnson of DeKalb, 111. The Reading Circle will meet with Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, 723 Eighth street, on Monday, March 5. North &M&i 513-4th Street Shore £npijj Wilmette Properties ^fl^P Phone 1304 A. J. WOODCOCK, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Burbach of Battle Creek,......Colorado, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Ralph Donald, on Saturday, February 10. The North Shore Musical Society was /entertained at the home of Mrs. Henry Dirks, 816 Lake avenue. Jack Robbins has been initiated into the Sigma Chi fraternity at the Illinois Wesleyan university. â€"--â- -*â- - *- One of the Tuesday Luncheon and bridge clubs met this week at the home of Mrs. Charles R. Mack, 707 Central avenue. Mrs. Enoch Steen entertained iniorm-* ally at cards at her home, 1535 StocnctoWi-^i.,, avenue, on Friday afternoon of last week^|||||§ Mr. James D. Swan, 932 Lake aveni»|f?i^ returned recently from a visit with his; Iffli son, James, who is a student at Prince-yisup ton. ..........: zs:.d.M£. 1559 Sherman Sat. Only PALACE Cash Meat Market WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE BEST OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH SjlS;f Evanston Illinois ill Sat: Only Highest Quality Meats at the Lowest Price VeryJEtest Peacock Hams r% A 1^ per lb...................-^^C Very Best Peacock Rib Bacon o f% ^ "perlb. Very Best Sirloin Steak A £\** per lb....................40C Very Best Porterhouse Steak 1>f\r* per lb..................OUC Very Best Pot Roast per lb........ Fancy Leg of Veal per lb* 18ic 2&\> Strictly Fresh Roasting Q£ ._j Al\*% Chicken., per lb. ... jft wm14UC Fresh Calves' Sweetbreads C*tL*% per lb. ..................DOC Saturday Special 3 lbs BEST BACON Sliced $1.00 Fresh Pork loins (small) per lb............... Fancy leg of Spring lamb per lb..... 1 71q a^35c Swift Premium Bacon (whole) per lb. ....... Very Best Peacock Bacon per.jb..^.............. 32jc 32k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * V 4, * * * * * * * + * * * * Open 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Closed Saturdays 1 P. M. FOR~~BGfcL AR~ DAYS FEB. 27 and 28 25% DISCOUNT on Embroidery Stamping Patterns Laces, Rope Silks and Sewing Machine Oil A.M.CARY .' ^ --tJStGremfeaf Averâ€"----- Near Wilmette Avenue Electric Station Phone Wilmette 2354 41 +***********************************jr******++++++*> Western Undertaking Co. &. FUNERAL DIRECTORS - We Stnvejto Please Our constant desire when called is to render the most EFFICIENT and COMPLETE SERVICE and to supply FINE FUNERAL FURNISHINGS at the very LOWEST COST. LADY ATTENDANT No charge for distance HrTNEELY - â€" â€" ^^-MANAGER t~^r022^avis^t.-----:â€"â€"â€"â€"ZFhone Evanston 9fr Evanston, TIL ^ Phone Wilmette 280 BOOTS m Per Pair Children's & Misses' Tennis Shoes $1.00 per pair $1.00 Off on any 2 pair of Shoes ___ Dollar Day Saleâ€"Feb. 27 & 28 KASPAR'S SHOE STORE All Kinds of Shoe Repairing WSWmSttt&TOppoiitrc &N. W-R^x. Statim Phone Wilmette 5! /-?£$' fc 3§3ai£i&i§--^f