THE LAKE SHOUE' .NEWS,' 'flffl^ W,^vW,1^V"A4,.-.-', SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Auxiliary Gives Annual Program at Club Next Week THE YOUNG WOMAN'S AUX- ILIARY of the Woman's Club will present their yearly program on Wednesday afternoon, Febru- ary 28, at 2:30 P. M. For this occasion they have chosen Franklin Bliss Synder, professor of Literature at Northwestern University, to talk on "Some Novels ana Novelists of Today." Professor Snyder Prof. Frankun Buss JSnyder is one^of the club favorites and a very profitable and delightful afternoon is as- sured.! This is not all, for two of the Auxili- ary members are to give of their talents. Miss'Pauline Pettibone will play a group of piano numbers and Miss Marjorie Mann,! soprano, will give several selec- tions. (! * â- Preceding this program will be the usu- .*! morning session at eleven o'clock, when jMr. F. A. Kahler, of New Trier -SJgfejSgjibolt will speak on the "High ^n^of^oy,,;~~J=*Hm tnlhâ€"ifi- tindwr. tin auspices ef ihe Child and Home depart ment and should be of intense interest Jo__everyniother in Wilmette. This is the village are invited. Luncheon will follow at one o'clock and reservations must be made with Mrs. C. J. Moore, 1225 Lake Ave. One hundred' and sixty-four girls, many of whom are from the North shore, have been chosen to take part in "Milady's Bandbox," musical review to be given by Northwestern girls under the direction of the Woman's Athletic association at New Trier high school on April 27 and- 28, Marion Drew, senior and member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority, is gen- eral manager of the review. She is as- sisted by eleven girls, comprising the exe- cutive committee: Helen Schlemen, as- sistant busyness manger: Virginia Bull, stage-manag^i^JEleanojLFJsher^assistant business manager; Jean Calhoun, poster ___publicity; Thelma M. Butts, press pub- licityr ^argaret-Gouffer^and Elizabeth Cutler, costumes; Emily Watt, proper- ties; Ethel Flentye, music; and Marion Copper, programs. Of the cast chosen thirty-six will be ponies, fifty-nine show girls, twenty-one show men, thirty-six specialties or leads, three models, seven character parts, and two leads of the jazz band. The cast is subject to changes. The cast is composed of many Ev- V anston and North Shore girls. Spe- ^ cialty or lead: Elizabeth Boring, Kath- erine Bott, Mary Braddock, Geraldine Brode, Evelyn Brown, Miriam Bruno, Margaret Clayton, Marion Copper, Marion Case, Margaret Couffer, Opal Daniels, Ri<th Dillon, Leora Dingee, Dorothy Duncan, Agnes Durlacher, Eleanor Halloway, Frances Helmkamp, Elizabeth Hilton, Gertrude Hirth, Jean Howell, Mildred Kinney, Alice Kellogg, Ruth Kreutzer, Gertrude MacRae, Grace Madock, Alice Mason, Catherine Mc- Culloch, Dorothy Miller, Adella Mitchell, Sara O'Neal, Dorothy Pearson, Hester Wilhelmina Mueller, Dorothy Olson, Perry, Elizabeth Pope, Lura Jratt, Gen- evievc Proud, Dorothea Rapp, Lyda Ray- mond, Katherine Redfearn, Ethel Saari, Lila Saari, Helen Schmidt, Idamay Schoonover, Gertrude Schirchardt, Eliz- abet Shriver, Frances Smedberg, Dor- othy St. Claire, Glenn Sternberg, Dor- othy Suddard, Virginina Sullivan, Isa- bella Taves, Phyllis Tenney, Marion Warnes', Ethel Wellington, Anne White, and Lillian Woodworth. Ponies: Hestor.Abbott, Agnes Biese- mier, Alice Bovee, Evelyn Bowman, Marion Coleman, Helen Craig, Caroline FndJerjHelen Finn, Norma HazeT^ra^rT'^^^-T^mgpmr^-e4 at dinner fnr_ their fttiests on Fri- Irene Goche, Jean Harris, Nancy Hat tery, Vivian Holmes, Margaret Hauser, Emily Irwin, Eleanor Krieger, Naomi Leitz, Esther Lewis, Helen Limrick, Elizabeth Moore, Sally Morgan, Helen Nash, Henrietta Oliver, Mary Pfeiffer, Doris Powell, Georgine Raithel, Gen- evieve Sapiro, Louise Snoop, Helen Showalter, [ Alma Vanderberg, Lucille Wait, Rosamond Ward -and Mildred Weber. iv • 'â- â- •' > s- .\ . â- '../ The marriage- of Miss Eleanor Wil- liams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H., Babbitt of manston,-to Mr; Warren B.I Ewer, son of Mr. arid ^M'rs. Charles D. Ewer, 1111 Ashland Ja^tenue, willstake place tomorrow evening,- in the Rogers Park Congregational church. The cere- mony will be read at eight-thirty o'clock,! by Dr. John S. Nichols. A reception will follow at the Kvanston hetel.- Miss Wil- liams will be attended by her sisters, Mrs,,E.'M. Gallup of Glencoe, as matron of honor and Miss! Gladys Babbitt of Los Angeles, as maid of honor. ♦"Mrs. Daniel O. Hubbard of Winnetka, Miss Frances Sweet of Evanston and Miss Margaret Shugrue of Rogers Park will be the bridesmaids, and little Barbara Gallup wijl be flower girl. Mr.' Wallace Thompson of Chicago, will serve Mr. Ewer as best !man and the ushers will' be Messrs. John Bett- ridge, John Tilton, Julius Collins and E. M. Gallup. Mr. Ewer and his bride will reside Sheridan jgmLâ€"Rogers Park, â€"- .."â- -'»"' 'ii -t-ran it-- â- »»-»"> upon their return from a wedding trip* There have been many prenuptial par- t~^Sf-=^rt^r-^UIl44ni^"' Z.'"" "1 ties *or Miss Williams, among them a ;aret Shugrue, a dinner party given by i,. M. Gallup, a luncheon by Miss Mar- Mrs. Daniel Hubbard, a luncheon given another luncheon given by Miss Frances by Mrs. Archie McLain of Wilmette, Sweet, and a luncheon and dinner party given by Mrs. Charles Ewer. The brid- al dinner will be given this evening at the Evanston Hotel, by Mr. and Mrs. Bab- bitt. Mary Day, Alexandria Dodd, Louise Ellis, Ethel Flentye, Dorothea Frye, Margaret George, Dorothy Harris, June Harrison, Helene Herman, Helen Houghton, May Johnstone, Norma Lawler, Aleen Lihd, Zeta MacDonald, xv*wier, meen una, ^eia Macuonaia, «»««y »,,.*„.« \J. I;-'* Melba Mathienjane MrKenna, Elizabeth- Crossley, Hekn Hall, Audrey Bauer, McMein, Alice Meadows, Adello Mit chell, Louise Nottingham, Martha Oliver, ------Hildui^JQbuse^^ Phyllis Schulze, Winifred Smith, and Marion :__ Youngquist. Show menTTXois Baieker^ertrud^ Beck, Margaret Beegle, Dorothy Clay- son, Helen Davis, Constance Freeman, Margaret-Harding, Elizabeth Heathcate, Louise Heppner, Esther Hess, Isabelle Hinds, Elizabeth Martin, Dorothy Mum- â- r£_ ford. Geneva Robertson, Dorothy Todd, â€"â€"Sybda_ Tbria^EhjEHi^^ etta Vance, Madeline Wengelvalid~DoT^ ; othy Yonkers. â€" Show girls: Sylvia Ames, Jessie lAnglin, Eth^^Arries, Marion Blessing, Eleven women from the Wilmette Baptist church attended the meeting of the Mission Union of Chicago and suburbs at the <Belden Avenue, Bap- tist church on Tuesday, February 13, Many of the speakers from the Amer- ican Baptist Foreign Mission Society convened in Chicago, did double duty giving an unusually interesting pro- gram for the Mtsston^Union. The meeting was an all-day affair with luncheon served. at the church, and the Wilmette delegation, which in- cluded Mrs. Edwin Phelps, Miss Annie Beach, Mrs. E. A. Beach, Mrs. Elmer Williams, Mrs. H. A. Bush, Mrs. W. J. Weldon, Miss Beach of Batavia, Miss Cornelia- Foster, .Mrs. P. G. Turner, Mrs. J. C. Blaylock and Mrs. J." R. Wood, felt amply repaid for attending. The afternoon of February 22 at the Ouilmette Country club was reserved for the children. A delightful "Colonial Dream," "Hiawatha's Wooing," a Wash- XT - _ * > --------- â€"ri-^-^jjngToirpiayletrand several other delight- Norma Craven, Margaret Bracken, TuT~faTnmsieir-Tvere-presented by local talent, all pupils of Mrs. Ross Van Pelt, under the general direction of Mrs. W. D. Lawrence, chairman of the Juvenile Auxiliary committee. Among those tak- ing* part were Gertrude Copeland, Beth Brower, Isabel Macalister, Julia and Jean ffiSSGretia Boyle, HelOT~Buehle7r_V1rgTOa^ ^ih^pfaf^Rt tV «*"«* rtf th{« week. There ^Bufl, Kathryn Bumettr:Emi§MS*rli5ler ^wei^coyers for twenty! sruests Florence McCoy, ^fazie Mouat, Dorcas Tuttle, Marion Suit,s Dorothy Durham, Ruth Kniep, Charlotte Moody, Isabel Thompson and Mary Elizabeth McNulty. Patsy Krafthefer appeared in two solo dances. Announcement is made of the engage- ment of Miss Beatrice M. Hudson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hudson, of 509 Forest avenue, to Earl P. Shnable, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shnable of 1005 Michigan avenue. The February meeting of the North Shore Musical Society was held at the home of Mrs. Henry Dirks, 816 Lake avenue. An Irish and Scotch program was delightfully given by Miss Eloise Bedlan, Mrs. Cordts, Miss Dorothy Rae, Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Akely, Mrs. Stew- art and Mrs. Fuerman. The guests in- cluded Mrs. Burton Atwood and Mrs. Arthur Dean of Winnetka, Mrs. Patti- son Kline of Wilmette and Mrs. Effie Marine Harvey director of. Music at the North Shore hotel, in Evanston. The afternoon was greatly enjoyed by every- one. â- ' 'iVi&vY'/ Economy Shop acknowledges the re- ceipt of a gas stove, a hot water heater and a book case, all in excellent condi- tion, during the past fortnight. Other household furnishings, such as dishes are greatly in-demand, as weir as cloth- ing for folks of all ages. In the Ex- change department, there has been a big reduction on the chenille tufted bed- spreads, as well as one heavily fringed ones. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bikle of Hager- town, Maryland, have been the guests of Mrs. Bikle's aunt, Mrs. Charles . Heller, 808 Elmwood avenue, while Mr. Bikle attended the Leather Trades Convention in Chicago, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Heller entertain- mm day evening of last week. There were covers for fourteen guests. Friday, February 23, at 10:30 A. M. is the time set for the members of the Woman's club to view the exhibit by artists of Chicago and vicinity at the Art Institute. Miss Lucie Hartrath will conduct the tour. The Philanthropy department will meet at 10:00 A. M. on Friday, March 2, to sew for Mary Bartelme Home. Lunch- eon will be served. Donald Pattison, son of Mrs. George H. Pattison, 823 Ashland avenue, who graduated from the University of Illi- nois this month, left Tuesday evening to accept a position in Cleveland. O. Walter Pattison, who is attending Harvard university, spent the inter- mission between semesters, with his roommate, Wilson Smith in Portland, Maine. Mrs. E. H. Yonkers entertained with a houseparty over the Lincoln's birthday week-end, in honor of her nieces, the Misses Margaret and Frances Lillian, daughters of Professor Bertram Griffiths Nelson, the noted public speak- er. A box party to see "Sally" formed the rendez-vous, the previous Saturday afternoon. Miss Dorothy Joyce Yonkers left for the East Monday to attend the marriage at Scranton, Pa., of Miss Alice Boiling, oi the Tiistbric Boiling family of Vir- Iftrtarw â€" *** " Yonkers is to be maid of honor. .While in the East she will visit in New York city, and at Dartmouth. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bateman, 735 Michigan avenue, have recently returned from a fortnight's visit in the east, stop- pings, in New York, and in Providence, Rhode Island. Mrs. Bateman has as her guest for the several days, Miss Mamie B. Voight of Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. R. E. Pattison Kline, 1311 Green- wood avenue, delivered an address on "Oral Sa4esmanship" before the Adver* tising Selling League of Omaha, Neb., on Monday evening. This league is com- posed of 1,200 of the^ leading business men in Omaha, and is the &rgesVof its kind on the world. Mr. Maurice Maynard, who recently returned to his home at 731 Central ave- nuejJ^omDavenport, la., where he was TfrrTahd Mfs^Chailes D. Ewer-^egSfe tained at dinner onâ€"Wednesday evening in honor or Miss Eleanor Williams and Mr. Warren Ewer, whose marriage will co!meeted~witlr Ihe Smith Music com- pany, has accepted a position with the Wurlitzer Music House in Chicago. The meeting of the Drama Study class which was to have been held at the home of Mrs. WxH. Iliff, 1115 Greenwood avenue, on Wednesday, has been post- poned for a fortnight. Nineteen members of the newly or- ganized Neighborhood club in the 1200 block on Lake avenue, met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Williams, 1229 Lake ave- nue, on Tuesday afternoon. The New America Shop Executive; Board of Directors will meet Monday,; February 26, at 1:30 p. m. Room 921,- Fine Arts building, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Scheiden- helm, 704 Lake avenue, have been travel- ling through Italy and southern France these past two months, and expect to sail ft»r-home on February 28 North Shore alumnae of Chi Omega sorority, held their semi-monthly luncheon at the home of Mrs. Munroe Cole, 911 Greenwood avenue, on Fri- day of last week. . ij^^^v^^^w,.., ' 'Mr. and, Mrs. S. G.^'Swanlei^ntif Fifth street, had as their guest last week, Mr. Swanberg's mother of Minneapolis, who came here to attend the Coue lec- tures in Chicago. , i; ^:H^^^^:^;;>;|i||pl &lr. and' Mrs Hugh Bersie will en- tertain at Bridge on Monday evening next at the residence of Mrs. Bersie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Paul- son, 715 Washington avenueâ€" r-r Mr. Frank J. Scheidenhelm, 804 Forest avenue, is spending a great deal of his time these days in Mendota, 111., on ac- count of the serious illness of his father. George Schilbach, 1612 Lake avenue, left Monday on a business trip of ten days or so, in Des Moines, Omaha, and Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plate returned to their home in Omaha, Neb., on Monday, after spending several days last week with their daughter, Mrs. Leonard Star- kel, 925 Oakwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, of Milwaukee, were week-end guests at the-W-. C. ShurtlPff hmr.«»f Sis y,ak» avanue. â€"^â€"-â- â€"- Chaliapin will appear in his farewell concert at the Auditorium on Sunday, March 4, at 3:30 o'clock. Tickets may be obtained at the box office. Mr. Harry Field ancLson, Bryson, 1203 Elmwood avenue, left this week foi St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth. iw/w/Awwy^^^ Gala Farewell Concert CHALIAPIN Auditorium Sunday March 4th 3:30 P.M. TICKETS ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE yit. and Mrs. Edward Lilienfield, 8lj Michigan avenue, are spending a fort- night m the east, stopping in New York city, and Atlantic City. They will i^ ti«njthe latter part of next weekif/;/ ;â- .Mr. and Mrs. R. DT ^cffliefM Greenwood avenue, left Monday for New Orleans on business and will visit sev- eral other resorts on the Gulf coast, be- fore their return. ; ^IJP'Wj; Wt -m mWm Grace and 1 Physical Training in â- 'â- > |he privacy of yottij(>r own Koom. -$$$•â- • \/\<-:-~f--\^I Correct cirliage oi the body brings Grace,â„¢ • *nd Healthsâ€"^j^lli will wjojtk with you until you have formed The Good Habit ^of ! .Daily Exercise.:. : • -lli^i â- b. Learn to enjoy doing Snappy Sitting Up Ex- ercises/Toss the Medi--'&m cine Ball, Rope Skip- ping, Road Workbor Hiking and Walkingpi:t ..... 'i-can*t^aiH^yifefc._.._ Personal instructions only I- EILEEN K. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Rogers Park •no LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEl EVANSTON "^ 1 THE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jewelry. We announce the Opening 3*00te Haw* Hattiiis Bramattr Art 1527 Kimball Building Instruction may be had m Boanjton as mil ~ J* Chicago Phonts Harmon 7949 . Bfonston 169S J. E. SWIFT TEAL BUSINESS A LIFE INSURANCE IMew York Lift In sura no* Company '"~J01? Central Avanua, Wilmette Phone wilmette 87 'Ii Tub* tk* Went Out of Lift" CECILE SHOP 1139 CENTRAL AVENUE Wilmette, Illinois Sweaters Sport Hats