• :1' iy*'^7^3^)4^ â- THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. MARCH 2, 1923 members of the executive committee with the officers. These chairmen will be chosen in the near future At the meeting the directors author- ized the support of a concert to be given at the high school, probably within a fortnight, to aid the chil- dren of the grade and high schools in their work in connection with the music memory contest to be conducted the last of March at Orchestra hall, Chicago, by Frederick Stock and the Chicago Symphony orchestra. This contest is. the same as that held a year ago under the same auspices. Preliminary contests are held in the various class rooms oF~tfie schools to eliminate contestants down to a limited number. These latter groups from the various grades will meet at the high school, where, by the same elimination process, the pupils who will attend the final contest- in Chica- go, will be selected. During the mark- 0«nF w..^ <,i^u nâ€"* v,,,.. >^r.....~,»"g of the pupils' papers, a group of chairman, who in turn will become the "Little Symphony" orchestra will IHULFORD NAMED N.T.0.A.HEAD At the annual meeting of the board •of directors of the New Trier Town- ship Orchestral association held in the library df the New Trier high -sehool Tuesday evening, February 27, the following officers were elected to guide the affairs of the organization during the 1923-24 concert season: Herbert <B. Mulford. Wilmette, pres- ident; Mrs. Homer E. Cotton, music supervisor of New Trier high school, vice president; George Turner, Wil- mette, treasurer; Homer F. Horton, Glencoe, secretary. Name Chairman Soon The association has four directors in each of the villages of the town- ship, who elect their own respective J render a concert for the visitors. A small admission fee will be charged to defray expenses. Subscription List Filled A partial canvass of the subscrip- tions for next season's concerts indi- cates that next season is over-sub- scribed heavily and that there will be practically no tickets available to people who did not support last sea- son's concerts. Original supporters of the association will be fully pro- tected. Those who have not already signed subscriptions will shortly re- ceive a letter from the management with subscription blanks. Comeâ€"Seeâ€"Sample Learn T temhtl merchants on )ri~of^WHmette- FridayTMarch 9 from 10 a. m. to 5 p. nu in basement of CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH „ Souvenirs, samples, and literature will be~distrib~ routed. Luncheon, prepared by special food demon- strators, will be served at noon for 35 cents. Make reservations by calling 836-R. Home bakery goods, Fancy work, and other wares will be on sale. CENTRAL AVENUE CIRCLE IN CHARGE LET THEM LIVE Save those poor old shoes from the dump heap. They are good old friends, and even if they look hopeless to you the fine work of OUR repair shop can give you another season's wear out of them. Whatever the make of shoe our unexcelled repairing can bring back the shape and smart- ness. Our low prices are not one-eighth the increased value to YOU. Kaspar's Shoe Store All Kinds of Shoe Repairing Opp. C. & N. W. R- R. Station 609 MAIN STREET Phone Wilncstte 590 To the Taxpayers of New Trier Township: As a taxpayer, you are interested in having tax m oneys so collected, administered and distributed, that they will bring to your communitj^he-grea test possible benefit. The law provides for the election of a township c ity where payment may be made most convenient ollector who establishes an office in the commun- his office in the First National Bank of Wilmette. ly. The present collector, Mr. Hoyt King, has Real estate and personal taxes collected by Mr. King are disbursed promptly (about April 1st) and directly to the taxing bodies, namely: Village of Winnetka -------------- Village of Glencoe Village of Kenilworth x Village of Wilmette--------------------- Board of Education High School ^Glencoe Board of Education Kenilworth Board of Education Wilmette Board of Education ffl ffl fflfflffl Kenilworth Park District Winnetka_ Board of Education Glencoe Park District ~ Winnetka Park District Wilmette Park District New Trier Township Persons failing to pay their taxes to the collector during his collection period, are required to â€"pav-the county treasurer in Chicago;~subjecting themselves, usually, tc^'some3nconvemence. and, mcaseon^ not reach the beneficiaries above named for about four months. This means that your village^ school board or park district is compelled to issue anticipation warrants, and pay interest on the same. ___-------- Again, the Township is, by statute, entitled to 2% on all moneys collected by Mr. King, the col- lector, in excess of $150,000. Last year this amounted_jo_ibout $6,000. This sum/together with the interest on the money while in the loca l^bank, provided an amount sufficient to meet cur- rent exepnses, and thereby rendered a town tax unnecessary. . In view of the above, the undersigned tax bodies and beneficiaries of taxes now due in New Trier Township, both real estate and_per,sona1, urgently appeal to-yoaf ag a patriotic citizen, for im- ^mediatenpayTOent oF such taxes to Mr. Hoyt King, township collector; aj~his offiâ„¢, First National Bank of Wilmette* VILLAGE OF WINNETKA JbLjshiiJiL^^ S|ltf VILLAGE OF GLENCOE By Frederick W. Penfield, President • VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH ;| By James C. Murray^ President VILLAGE OF WILMETTE ^ -â- By Edward-Zipf^ President ^ ^ GlMiCQM^BOABD OF EDUCATION By Edward-^** Glaser, president KENILWORTH BOARD OF EDUCATION ^ By Ruth Snydacker, President [LMETTK Bl3ARJJT)FnSDljg!AflON gBy Arthur H. Howard, president WINNETKA BOARD .aEJEDUJGATIQN: By Laird Bell, President KENILWORTH PARK DISTRICT By L. M. Willis, President GLENCOE PARK DISTRICT By Sherman Booth, President WINNETKA PARKJDISTRICT ._ - By A, W. TCoriverse, "President JWILMETTE PARK DISTRICTâ€"~ By Louis K. Gillson, President NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP v By Gertrude W. Thurston, Supervisor BOARD Q^-BDUCATiON^OF=^EW- HIGHSCHOOL By Edward J. Phelps, President I I I l^L SPECIAL OFFER During the Month of March oh purchases of "Devoe Paint Products" We will give away FREE to every customer mak- rpurchase of^ONE ^r^over^ One Fine Large Sponge With ai5urdiase~of TWO DOLLARS or over we will^give ^way FREE One Fine 3-in. Paint Brush With a purchase of FIVE DOLLARS or over we K will allow^you a discount of ONE DOLLAR or $1.50 Worth of Merchandise FREE I Râ€"-- DON'T FORGET: This Offer Is GqqDJMLY-DuringjhisMmth If you need anything in die line of PAINT ENAMELS VARNISHES mil PAPER _^-BRUSHES Be Sure to Take Advantage of thb_2 OFFER and SAVE HONEY WILMETTEGLASSY PAINT WORKS "Anythinsrimhe UneWGlMMj^PaJn}*' 1193 Wilmette Ave. fflmetteTTIl; Iggggglfl itSEffiP I â- it ilgaHMLYr ,~--.i-:.i--.-'