Vj'^;^^^ T.;; .- ,-^j '^P!!S^f!PlJH fji.ua THE LAKE SHORE. NEWS, 'FRIDAY, .MARCH 9, 'mf&mmim^mm PPSf ocjALncnvrriE Beethoven Trio To Appear at Club Next Wednesday PRESIDENTS' Day will be cele- brated on Wednesday, March 14, at the Woman's club with the presidents of the clubs in the Tenth District, about forty in number, and a Beethoven Trio few other organizations, as well as the -officers -ofâ€"the -District, -asâ€"guestsâ€"=of- honor. Mrs. Edward S. Bailey, President of Illinois Federation, Mrs. James A. Campbell, President of the Tenth Dist- rict, and Mrs. Charles S. Clark, Pres- ident of the Conference of *Club Pres- idents and Program Chairmen, will take part in the day's program. The music for the afternoon will be furnished by The Beethoven Trio* consisting of M. Jennette Louden, Piano, "Ralph Mich- aelis .violin, Theodore Du Moulin, violin- cello. The Beethoven Trio is well known in musical circles in and around Chicago. Each is an artist in himself which is sufficient guarantee of the quality of the program. A social hour will follow and ~teaTis~To~be~ served; The morning meeting at 11 A. M. is under the auspices of the Art and Lit- erature Department. Dr. Rowena Morse Mann will speak on the "Significance of Modern Drama." Dr. Mann gave an interesting talk at the club on November 8, and is well worth hearing again. Luncheon will follow at one o'clock and reservations are already pouring in to Mrs. Moore, 1225 Lake avenue. Two dialogues in French were given by members of Mrs. Henry J. Smith's classes at her home, 806 Oakwood avenue, Saturday afternoon, March 3. Mrs. C. P. Van Schaack, accompanied by Miss Winifred Mickey, presented a group of French songs. Mrs. Smith's pupils are: Mrs. Herman Aâ„¢â€"Brassert, Kenilworth; Mrs. J. Mel- ville Brown, Mrs. William M. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. C. C; Carnahan, Miss Grace Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Crawford, Mrs. H. A. Hooker, Mrs. S. R. Mason, Mrs. M. A. Mergentheim, Mrs. Ralph Potter, Mrs. Gertrude Lees Roberts, Mrs. J. J. Siddall, Mrs. Donald Sim- mons, Mrs. L. Willis Strong, Mrs. Thom- as E. Sullivan, Wilmette; Miss Gertrude Abramson, Miss Pearl Barker, Mrs. F. H. T. Potter, Miss Caroline Willard, Ev- anston; Mrs. Henry Thomas, Mr. San- ford Schluessel and Mrs. Marie Siden- ius Zendt, Chicago. The Woman's Society of the Baptist church held an all-day meeting Friday, March 2, at the church. Mrs^jLC^iBlay- lock spoke of the Educational and Com- munity Center^jyork in Detroit, Cleve- land and- Chicago,, and the_aidlgiven .the twenty Baptist universities and colleges throughout the south. This has all been accomplished through the Baptist Wom- an's societies. Rev. F. C. Stifler showed stereopticon views of this work and the twenty schools. Mrs. E. A. Beach, a friend and admirer of Johanna P. Moore, pioneer in Woman's Society work in the Baptist church and the founder of the Fireside schools in the south, imperson- ated that worthy woman tejling the stoxy Wilmetet is to be honored in having the delegates of the Tenth Congression- al District of the Illinois Federation of Women s Clubs assemble in the village on Wednesday, March 21, as the guests of the Woman's club of Wilmette. The delegates will convene at the congregational church and as this is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the District, the program will be in keeping with the day. Luncheon will be served at the Woman's clubhouse and reservations should be sent to Mrs. Hayes McKinney, ol5 Linden avenue. t 9? v" Patrick's Day afternoon, Mrs. J- M; Krafthefer will open her home at 901 Oakwood avenue, for a card party to be given by the Building Fund commit- tee of the Woman's Catholic club, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the new school building fund. Mrs. L. W. Crush is general chairman of the affair, and is being assisted by Mrs. A. W. Boylston, chairmanr oT reTresEmehts, Mrs. J. D. Pahlman, chairman of pub- licity, Mrs. John Budinger, chairman of prizes, and Mesdames B. F. Patterson, M Retta Tisdelle, P. J. Joyce, Clarence Weiland, and Frank Bleser. "The Garden Scene from Faust" will be presented in costume as a part of the especially delightful musical program ar- rangedJorOuilmelle Country «lub mem- bers and their friends tomorrow eve- ning at the clubhouse. There will also be some delightful southern melodies, and a part of the Sextette from Lucia will be given. The personnel in the operas will include Arthur Deane,, "baritone, who played the part of Captain Corcoran in "Pinafore" at the Country club three years ago, Miss June Lacy, soprano, Wil- liam Mitchelf, tenor, and Clare Stewarjt, contralto, formerly with the Boston Eng- lish Opera company. A men's class in Effective Speaking conducted by Miss Maud A. Miner, is be- ing formed to meet in Studio 718 Fine Arts building, Chicago, on Monday eve- nings. Miss Minej-m-esents the subject The ladies of the North End Circle of the Congregational church will entertain their husbands onfW Thursday evening, March 15, at.the home of Mrs. J. A. Nourse^ 1137 Greenwood avenue. A dramatic evening has been planned. Mrs. Charles R. Pickard, entertained twenty-five members of the Women of the Empire State at luncheon on Wed- nesday at her home, 1121 Greenleaf ave- nue. Other Wilmette members of this organization, are Mrs. John Segsworth. Mrs. Harry C. Boyden and Mrs. Emma Schreiner. Mrs. Luce D. Bond, 1210 Lake avenue, who suffered a broken leg as the result of a fall near her home during the icy weather a month ago, has returned to her home from the St. Francis hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. Hess of 4816 Drake avenue, Chicago, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daugh- ter, Joan Elizabeth, on Monday, March 5, at the Evanston hospital. Mr. W. A. O. Munsell returned this week to his residence in South Pasadena, Cal., alter being the guest of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Keith Roberts, 1014 Lake ave- nue, for several days. The Culture Class of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette will meet this afternoon-at two o'clock at the residence of Mrs. John D. Pahlman, 360 Gregory avenue. John and Charles Patterson, sons of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Patterson, 918 Lin- xlen avenue, who have been ill with diptheria, expect to be out of quarantine by the latter part of this week. The Chicago Alumnae chapter of Gam- ma Phi Beta sorority will hold its month- ly luncheon in the South Grill at Field's at 1 o'clock, Saturday, March 10. Mrs. David Crabb, 921 Greenleaf avenue, is confined to her home with a sprained ankle, following a severe fall on the icy pavement a week ago. Miss Marion Thayer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard H. Thayer, 522 Cen- tral avenue, is leaving today to be the ^^^ _________,. .___......._____j__week-end guest of her cousin; Miss Mil- from a praclicare^pomt^ndimparts dr(:d Thayer at the University of Ulk to her students self-confidence and en- nois< thusiasm.^. Haw la. gathex,^jrranget and present material for effective speaking is not only interesting and worthwhile, but also indispensable to any thinking man or woman. The first meeting will be Thursday, March 15, at 7 p. m. Further jin formation and particulars may be ob- tained from Mrs. Edward Charles Pick- ard, 819 Fifteenth street. Miss Virginia Hope Duncan* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes Dun- can, of 701 Central avenue, will sail March 20 on the Aquitania for England, where she will be the guest of Mr. • and Mrs. Thomas Agar at their home, Gay- ton, in Wimbledon, London. Miss-Dun- can, while abroad, will attend the wed- ding of Miss Kathleen Agar, who was recently presented at Court, and will tra- vel in Scotland and on the Continent, re- turning in the late summer. "Rushin' Review," a vaudeville show Consisting of stunts used at rushing par- ties, followed by an informal tea, was given last Saturday afternoon, at the Chicago Northern Masonic association building, under the auspices of Delta Gamma for the benefit of the Delta Gamma national scholarship fund of that sorority. The theatricals were staged under the direction of Miss Eleanor Perkins of Evanston. One of the -Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Benjamin Roodhouse, 427 Laurel avenue, on Tuesday, March 20. Mr. and Mrs, George H. Bird. 1010 Chestnut avenue, will return Sunday from a lour week's trip to Miami, Palm Beach and Havana, Cuba. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Venton, 243 Linden avenue, have both recovered from attacks of influenza. Rennolds Ostrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Ostrom, 715 Washington ave- nue, is recovering from an attack of in- fluenza. Mrs. Horace G. Drury and Miss Flor- ence Drury, 622 Central avenue, are spending several weeks in Florida. Mrs. F. A. Gerould and daughter, Patricia, of East Orange, N, J., arrived here on Monday, for a visit with Mrs. Samuel Hypes, 104 Crescent drive^ Glencoe. â- v: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Joyce and daugl ter, Ruth, left Wednesday evening for Sea. Breeze, ;FJa^; wher<|;;|h^q|||. rj until Easter. &m4|«M »**»«Ba*MU« " ' t»'n'l«i«Vl " " ^^L^$'-'-i!-$iZiJiiwi& ' Mr. James Prentiss arrived' "lionte'^clil Saturday from a ten day's visit wiUtp|| Mrs. Prentiss in Asheville, N. C. /= as,.;* .IIP 3*Ast* ftntpt Cantos ':â- â- -â- â- â- 'â- ' !r«mattr Art m..... â- ;â- [ 1527 JtimMJMUw'^im Iustnutmt msy k* ktd t» Bmumu t'!w*B" ' â- 4u Ckitmgt Ph*usHarrif*7949 Bwslm l&S INSURANCE] Buafnese â€" Life â€" Estate \M} J. B. SWIFT TKAIi Representativeâ€"New York Mfe North Shore Headquarter* 1017 Central A-reaae, WUsaette Phone WUmette 97 7*. Takes theWorry OutpfiLife* llBf mm- of her life in the first person, and caus ing a smile from her audience when she said, "I died and was buried with my people." The Fireside schools were so called because Miss Moore gathered the people together at their own firesides and taught them there. This program came as the elimaoe-*o-an miusra ful study of the colored, race. President and Mrs. David Kinley of the University of Illinois will be guests •of honor at a banquet to be given by the north shore alumni of the university Fri- day evening, March 16 at the North Shore hotel in Evanston. W. J. Wardell •of Evanston is general chairman of ar- rangements. Mrs. Elmer E. Stults of __Winnetka, is chairman of the reception committee, which will include Mrs. George Frazer of Winnetka, a daughter of former President Edmund L. James of the university, Mrs. Howard Bent ofâ€" Kenilworth, and a number of local alum- -â€""tnaer' â€" ~ ~~^~'â€":â€"â- â€"~~~~â€"~â€"â- .. â- â- " "-*:" l" Mrs. John Segsworth, 1147 Wilmette avenue, spent last wfeek-endâ€"with^ her daughter, Miss Evelyn Segsworth at Rockford college, and attended ihe-pfctyr "The Tragedy of Nan" bv^John. fctase- field,presented by "tEe I>ranSfic^HuTof the college, and in ^(faich Miss Evelyn Mr. 9haw Desmond, formerly editor of the London Weekly, wilTaddress the Wednesday Evenings Lecture Course at the home__joLJMrs._aniL-MrgL. Joseph Michaels, 1035 Greenwood avenue, on Wednesday evening, March 21. His subject will be "Europe and the Next World War?' Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, U4 Linden ave- nue returned last week from a visit with her sister in Lansing, Mich. Clinton and Harrington Mitchell, her two sons, are leaving this afternoon for Joliet, to at- tend the New Trier-Joliet High school graduated from* St. John's Military acad- emy at Delafield, Wis.,'in February, has returned. hdmeiiv"-^:.^'-:"^.v;.vV..':^;f::/ Mr. and Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng, HiaveHreen soj|ourmng~at-Leesburg, other points^ in Florida, these past six weeks, will return to^ their home at 435 ~Laknsvenue, ^n^farc1r~17. Mr. aiid Mrs. James G. Wray enter- tained the members of the "H. and W." clufTat dinner last evening at their resi- dence, 618 Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Norman, 1.4.15 Hill street, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Rose, at St. Joseph's, tena ine iNew iner-jouci «iKit swhwi â- *lrt.nit-i nn pphniarv 17 H,u^ k^ii ^^hW+^txte-v-T&ux^his hospital, on February 1/ evening. Carol Jean/ Stifler, small daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Francis C. Stifler, who has been seriously ill with pleural pneu- monia at the Evanston hospital, is report- ed to be improving. It is expected that she will be able to be removed to her 1iome in the-near-ftiture.^-r--^^â€"^ -?â€"- • Mrs. Hayes McKinney will entertain the members of the social committee of the Chicago^Alumnae chapter of Gamma Phi Beta sorority at luncheon at^her= home, 815 Linden avenue, on Monday of next week. Mrs. John Campbellof Milwaukee will spend^he^Kcek-endJlJe hojne ojjier father, W. C. Shurtleff, "SIFT^ke ave nue, and will bring as her guests the Misses Ray Skinner, Grace Coons and SylvuTLeonard also of Milwaukee. Mrs. Joseph Marshall, was hostess to her Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge_club this week at her residence, 1040 Elm- wood avenue. "" , â- ,. .... - ~~~~' -Mrs. Milton E» Barker and twQ chil- dren have moved from San Bernardino to Hollywood, where they have taken a house on Kingswell avenue. They will return home early in May. Mrs. B. F. Lewis Jr., was hostess at an informal tea on Thursday afternoon at her home, 610 Washington avenue, in honor of her cousin, Mrs. M. L. Lewis of New York city. â€"oâ€" Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Lewis oi New York city are guests this week at the home of B. F. Lewis, 908 Central ave- nue. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Thayer, Jr., were hosts at an informal dinner and bridge J for eight guests on Saturday evening last at their home, 610 Central avenue. Mrs. Charles McCue and her daughter, Miss Margaret McCue, 631 Washington avenue, are leaving Saturday morning for a ten day's visit in Washington, D. C. and New York. Paul Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Moore. 531 Washington avenue, who "4ook the leading part as Nan Hard wick. 23* The ^Culture department of .the.. Wom- an's Catholic club is preparing .aa_ Art. Program- ter^Friday^afternopi^ March Physical Training for Women and Girls x- Physical Training for Women and Girls in _^.^i-^he- ^ivac^-^l^-VjOJur^ own Room. Correct carriage of the body brings Grace and Health. rk=wWr=yotrâ€"= until you have formed The Good Habit of Daily Exercise. Learn to enjoy doing ^appT"Strrtng-'Opf'^x=~- ercises, Toss the Medr=; cine Ball, Rope Skip*- ping, Boad Work, or Hiking and Walking. I can teach you â€"-.- Personal instruction* only EILEEN IC^SIIRr -CHICAGO, ILklKOl Rogers Park 9770 r30 JLakefvood Avenue East End Cash Market 403 1-2 Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 1436 ?li Specials for Saturday Sis Fancy Legs of Lamb, lb. . Native Pot Roast Beef, lb, . 28c to 32c Hetzel's Holly Brand Raw Ham, lb. Our Own Home-Made Pure Pork Sausage Meat, lb. . . . 22c Fresh Dressed Young Hens and Roasting Chickens * ^iiillls fill NEWEST AND FINEST HOTEL â- â- â- â- â- â- â- I :.:v.VT\,i;!5i ^/SVr«a&.Bfiiii.iZ'i;!Safa>'SiK • *~J~S^'^J'iiZ^]^i?*%S£*. _-. .. .~^ â- __. â- :4j!*-£.-*Ai^,.. M$&M0fl^mm&i.,.: Ili^^^.