30 ess THE LAKg SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. MARClI 16. 1923 v1 AD EXPO AIDS CIRCLE'S FUND Large^ Ckow^_AttenjdLAff air At Church The Central avenue circle of the First CongregatkmaLchurck last Friday netted $225 from a unique Advertising exposi- tion staged in the church parlors by Wil- mette business houses. Luncheon, donated by various local markets, was served to 250 guests and the numerous displays commanded the interest of a large crowd throughout the morning and afternoon. . Of particular interest was the Rasnian Brothers display which found Mrs. Kash- ian, gowned in Armenian nuptial attire, demonstrating the making of Oriental rugs. The wedding gown worn by her has been in the family for more than 100 years, it was explained. Another feature was an impromptu fashion show staged by Flinker and Flinker, the Unique Style Shop, Kiddie Nook, and the Charlotte Shop. This de- partment of the exposition proved so popular that it was decided to make it the outstanding event of next year's ad- vertising exposition. Firms to which the Central Avenue Circle is indebted for the success of the exposition are listed as follows: McAUister-Worthen company, Cosmas Bros., Van Deusen's Grocery, Richelieu Canned Goods, R. H. Schell and com- pauy, Wilmette Grocery and Market, Charlotte Shop, Wilmette Glass Works, W^G. Beyrer, John N.Pappajohn, Wil- mette Dairy, J. W. ScMoesser, grocers, John Millen Hardware company, Wei- land Florist, Motor Sales company, The Lake Shore News, Lulias Bros., William Brinkman and company, Sterner's Paint Store, East End Cash Market, Van Ars- dale's Handy Shoppe, Swansdown Flour, George Baldwin, Hardware, Snider and Cazel, Taylor's Dry Goods, Wilmette State Bank, White Cash Market, Skokie Tire and Vulcanizing company, Wilson's Bakery. Renneckar Drug company, Cha- pell Ice Cream company, Snowdrift, Wilmette Shoe Store, Aram K. Mestjian, Cecile Shop, Kiddie Nook, Flinker and Flinker, Unique Style Shop, Kashian Bros., Wilmette Bird House, Beach Nut Products, and the Village Theatre. Appears in Concert Noted Prima Donna To Be On North Shore The Even- ing Of April 14 Carl H. Bruse Family Returns To Wilmette Carl H. Bruse, formerly of 807 Green- wood ave., will return to Wilmette th.s Spring, having purchased the residence at 914 Oakwood ave. He takes posses- sion May 1. George G. Lawson, General Superin- tendent of The .Northwestern Terra Cotta company of Chicago, has purchased the residence at 1218 Forest ave., and will take possession May 1. John F. Connell, of Chicago, has leased the home oi E. J. Cusack, /16 Eleventh Street and will move in April 1. Miss K. King, realtor, negotiated the -transactions. O. S Tronnes Handles Publicity for Hotels The accomodations and attractions of the Library Plaza hotel and the new Ur- rington hotel at Evanston. will be adver- tised under the direction oi V. g. Tronnes, who until 1909. resided :*c 936 Sheridan road, Wilmette. Mr. Tronnes has been engaged in ad- vertising" promotion and publicity work . « • . .. xt__iU.....cti>rn nnivpf- ever since leaving Northwestern univer- sity in 1913 and comes to the Victor L-. Carlson company of Evanston with a varied and liberal experience Literature will be issued shortly^ des- criptive of the many interesting and un- usual features of the new Orrington, which will also be advertised in suburban and Chicago newspapers. With its spacious grand lobby, palm court, fountain dinning room, banquet halls, ball rooms, solorium, roof garden vâ„¢^^*. and large one, two and three room suites, llilii j\ the new Orrington promises to be the 'â„¢*lmit ^5 center ^f^n^thsshore social activities *^ ind thehome of families and individuals oi-r^nnement. CYRENA VAN GORDON OUR BOY SCOUTS (Continued from Page 19) deserves great credit for its work. May we have many more such. Our basket ball team is doing good work, having won three games and losing none. Last Thursday night they defeated the Kenilworth Scout team in a hotly contested game by a score of 10 to 9. The interest at our regular meet- ings is very keen. The boys are kept in fine tune by talks, such as was given recently by Mr. Albert Nys- ,trom. He showed slides and described the important things concerning his last trip to Europe. N. T. NATIONAL MEET Senior and Junior swinging squads at New Trier High School are entered in the Northwestern university National Interscholastic meet to be held at Pat- ten gym, Evanston, March 23 and 24. Both of New Trier's teams remain un- beaten after sixteen contests during the current season. Are You a Member? CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB * Established .1906 J. G. STANTON Wilmette Branch Mgr. North Shore Hotel, Evanston 6400 1-4 Millioni Cash Returned by auto insurance ~fe- partment in 1922 FORD WASHING Skokie Motor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized FORD Dealers JOHN R. SWEET SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Gutters, Down Spouts, Sky Lights PHONF WILMETTE 1247 1209 Washington Ave. WILMETTE, ILL. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING of the Highest Quality AedMotor^Xo-r Phone Winnetka 165 J d±4^Better^Plaefrtfr£at 99 PROLONGED READING^ § STRAINS THE EYET i Don't overwork them, as na% ture will rebel if you &or~x i a Glassesâ€"if correctly madeâ€" cool, rest and strengthen thfe optic nerves. We have started hundreds of 1 ejres on the road to improve- ~~ment---byâ€" turnishin& glasses^ \ that examination proved were yj>adlyiJieededâ€" â€" --â€" ^ Your Eye* Mif Be in tke . Danger Zone. I*i %If «o, We Can IWp Tnom* ii.O.H.BERSQH The Sheridan Cafe Will Open Monday, March 19th -at- 601 Main Street Corner of Wilmette Ave. wfe* â- â- ' eock» .Inc. â- ::â- :..â- §^MSM For Appofhtment Phoaa WO. 27<# __Here ymi ™«y -imate^ur £rien4M^owiag4hey^w411â€" -appreelate-the-quality-and the -cleanliness- ^>f the food andenjoy the re^ne^ehlTotllie^eriid^n^fe. QUICK SERVICE hlT^Made-Goffe^ SPECIAL pFFER_ During the Month of March on purchases of De voe Paint Products We will give away FREE to every customer making a purchase of ONE DOLLAR or over I Fine Large Sponge IS w With a purchase of TWO DOLLARS or over we will Give Away FREE 1 Fine 3-in. Paint Brush With a purchase of FIVE DOLLARS or over we will allow you a discount of ONE DOLLAR or $1.50 Worth of Merchandise FREE DON'T FORGET: This Of- fer Is GOOD ONLY During this Month. If you need anything in the line of PAINT VARNISHES ENAMELS WALL PAPER KALSOMINE and BRUSHES Be Sure to Take Advantage of this SPECIAL OFFER and SAVE MONEY WILMETTE GLASS and -PAINTâ€" WORKS "Anything in the HneliifL Glass and Paint" 2^S^JWaiw*te^A^renue-^ â€" -^Wninet6^iflr