ifyr^BP'^p 12 illWM.WWK.ii" 'm "I"'" "â- â- iilWii Wjpiiu ...).,,ti,tW.vi W""'â„¢"'; â- W'ffcw THE tAKE SttORJ frEWS, FRIDAY. MARCH 30, 1923 4Smmm§ II THELAKESHORENEWS Established 1912 with which Is combined THE WILMETTE LOCAL NEWS ;>? Established 1898 ISSUED FRIDAY OF BACH WEEK by LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. 1222 Central Ave., Wllmette, 111. .Wllmette 1920 $2.00 A YEAR -Telephone SUBSCRIPTION story^ aloud; the non-essential citizerf who, looking over your shoulder, retfds your paper; the ---------â€"well, there are number- less other specimens of this dis- agreeable family. Let's be sure that we're not social offenders. All communications- must be accom- panied by the name and address of the Writer. Articles for publication should ^_„ ------- reach the editor by Wednesday .noon tolperience "Just Insure appearance in current Issue. ,|i ____â- » u_ Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary, poetry, notices of en- tertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge-will bl made or- al collection taken, will be charged at regular advertising rates. Entered at the Postofflce at Wllmette. Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of, March 3, i»7«. FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1923 HIKING TO §t7 LOUIS % When we were younger we used to go on long hikes. It was so long ago that we never "hiked;" we just plain "walked. The word "hiked" has come in since those golden days of long ago. We walked from South Haven, Michigan, to Benton Harbor and back again. The distance varies from thirty to fifty miles or thereabouts. We walked to Ben- ton Harbor along country roads juid returned by way of the lake shore. We started out with vim and enthusiasm,, our hearts in tune with the spirit of Whitman's lines: Afoot and light-hearted, I take to thg_Qpgn_i:oad, Healthy, free, the world be- fore me, The long brown path before me _____________. • _^__ ^=:1^e^mg-w Henceforth I ask not good- fortune,â€" "* ~ I myself am good-fortune, Strong-and content I travel the open road. But it was not long before the soles of our feet began to burn, and blisters developed. The poor muscles began to complain, to protest against the unwonted use. We tramped on, however, finally reaching___SoJith JHLaven. ^Having engaged a room at a convenient boarding house, we bathed the aching members and soothedâ€"our ardent soles, gapped a little, I believe. The hour for the return came. Well do I remember the heavi- ness of our feet and the soreness of our muscles. As has been said, we returned via the beach. Only by sheer, perseverance, by lifting and dropping one leg after mnother, did we finally arrive at South Haven. EBut it was a wonderful ex- perience to talk about, and we made the-most^ol it. We hope that the Wilmette Scouts who _Jo St Tennis-will live to tell.the tale. WAY BACK IN 1898 Unless you are one of the Olde Towne Folks of Wilmette you don't know from dir*ect ex- r__[_ ] how things were here way' back in '98. Did you see Brethold's front sidewalk floating down to North Evans- Ton? Did you see the boys in bathing suits .swimming on what is now dry land? Twenty-five years ago is a long time back. A quarter of a cen- tury. Auld lang syne. When you and I were young, Maggie. Sil- ver threads among the gold. The old oaken bucket. And all such sentiments. All the old-timers will be there on April 10th. At the annual Reunion in the Woman's Club you'll see (if you're one of the Olde Towne Folkes; otherwise you're not invited) your gray- haired fellow citizen. They'll be tottering round the floor in waltz and two-step. Maybe some of them lived in Wilmette in '93 and "having spent the day at the World's Fair yawned their way back to Wilmette via the C. & N. W. at midnight or there- abouts. Is this year your twenty-fifth in Wilmette? If it is, tell the news to James Watson at 212 Woodbine Avenue and you'll get a bid to the 1923 Reunion. ing held on Wednesday evening, February 28, there was a discus- sion of the delivery of mails in a section now without sidewalks, of ways and means of getting money for the library, of opening up Cen- tral avenue to Ridge avenue. WlUYS-WlGHT^VERLAm SL2SS.00 F. O. BToMo mifSZS.00 SALESROOM SEKVICE.STATION ipii 1540 SHERMAN AVE Phone Bvanston 14© =C. H. BRIGGS; 1824-26 SHBRMAJf AVE. Phone EJvnnston 746 â- assail BOYS AND GIRLS AND RIGHTOUSNESS e^i that the young can learn only throughâ€"experience, "stjft- many dangers to be avoided and good roads to success can be pointed out to them by older people. The girls and boys must, indeed, do their own traveling, but older people can give them suggestions for saving,time and trouble, But profiting by suggestions demands open-mindedness in youth and jwjsdom_jn_ elders.__IfLadvice js given but not taken it had bet- ter not been given. We trust that the words We spoken to the boys- aaoLgirls at me Hi-Y conference in Evanston fell on fruitful soil. We also trust that the men and women spoke as those who remember the needs and desires of their young- er days. It inspires one to recount the influences exerted on the North' Shore to help boys and girls grow up into good, vigorous manhood and womanhood. The destroying agencies have tre- jnendQU^.strengpth^_and_jve_men and women must help our chil- ren win the upper heights. FORD PRICES REDUCED on New Time Payment EFFECTIVE TODA Y Ford Runabout or Touring Cars can now Jbe bought with $100.00 down and balance monthly. This includes fire and theft insurance policy for one year, $16.50 Seng switch wheel lock, jail interest, including freight, war tax, I gas and oil. ^ ~'â€":â€" Your family deserves a car. Phone us today. fllfl mm RELIABLE TV EPENDABLE Cunningham Sale* Manager M. P. LOUEN AUTHORIZED DEALER FORD ^ LINCOLN 810 Church Street 4884 Phones 6049 1842 lomoi ;i§|lffe p ENEMIES OF SOCIETY : - 11 Have you ever seen a man on a train after' having read a news- paper deliberately; drop it in the aisle j'- Having done with it, let it slip down'on the floor of the idsle to be stepped on, kicked at, pursed at, by passengers on leav- ing the car? We all have seen m^Xf, iiuch human beings who have slid ilfclHIilack: into: a. bygone stage of evo- lution^ proving to Observers that v ^ig man isr related to the k small- (|J1|I: -brained': br^tig-butahg.j;^^^^^i |J|^^^";lSuch^a man is.the husband of |^^^th€::;woWianJwho-in: -her limousine (t|lt|;-.junsdown pedestrians:';-on the Illlpt^utjHc highway.ilWhy don't pep- |i|iS':::.|»Ie, look•â- where^ they're going?. llH^"- -^faearT this is very." annoyingt li||^:"' feet's- not wait any longer.. .â- To the |RP'^«b;'James." .- Thomas .Meig- iSJSjjt'MriV film presentation of "Man* ^^P^llaughter^^;shows.:..; just such ., a IS^iaiyoman; "^v- â- '>'"â- â- â- ->-â- .. »l|^PS:.':This--man and O Or O O D O D O O O O O- o O O O D O 0> O O D O O O O O O O ... - â- ..:.....j&__ Don't neglect your floors! IF your floors gel worn and rough, your whole house will 5=We^fT~srncereTy grateful to the Hi-Y movement for the great work it has done and is doing. ®Sni§8 This- do man ana tnis woman ^p^pp-wot..represent a very large group. ^^^ But-such peopleL_are_met_i>iien wjeliough^toâ€"just if y-^eonsideration. m 0ihee individuals 4*>tlike traits l^eiith^ man who spits on the lideW^i^boriitheiito WILMETTE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Every citizen of Wilmette ought to be a member of the Improvement association; v Every Wilmette man and woman who is at a,ll interested in the town's welfare should at once join an or- ganization whose sole aim is to make Wilmette a better *place to live in.-'. ."â- â- â- '.:.-' â- i Ther^ officials of Wilmette admin- ister well the regular civic business* We have no fault to find with them. But in every progressive commun- ity there is real need for such an .. activity as the W. I. A. If every M citizen is a member there will be m no danger that crying needs will be neglected. Every spot will be un- der keen inspection. A dozen peo- ple will see that there ought to be street lights on a certain dark cor- And being thoughtful people, 8ir Or o^ look old and shabby. Let me go over your floors with my new machine. They'll look lished table-top. c c c c c o e c c c c € C C C 0 0> homewiUbe pStokitiji. laughs'::! jc$r y the perspn JI^jsneezes gener ^ .peopie behind you^^Jn_______„ li^fe;::;;^theater i^hi^ead^jflie ;the..asspciation^:.v.At;.^ D O D 0> O 0> 0 O 0> 0> Ol"' 0> o 0> 0 OUR NEW RE-StJRFAClNG MACHINE ner. they will inform the association and the chances of there being a Heh will be increased. ^The ^ssociiatioh is a whore-village w affair. 'No one section is preferred ^ above any others. -West is East, & and North is South, and co-pperate.| Note the varie^r all four o 0> o o m o^ o o o^ Ol O I'Aulvliucl GUARANTEED €^ErPAYNE 1ST O m € 0- â- *- *â- â- c c c e c ;r*mm â- f :'^r Wilmette Phone Wilmette 204