Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1923, p. 20

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smmmmm . w,wmmm*m»v»«mm*imummamw'mmvw ^'^m^^' SHORE.: NEWS,' ffiBM^J&<& 30»"*9?3 ' lilsffl^^ BAPTIST CHURCH The Easter Program at the Baptist Church is as follows: 9:45 A. M. a Pageant entitled "The Dawning" given by the Junior, Inter- mediate and Senior Departments of the Sunday School in the place of the regular lesson under the direction of Miss Minnie Mae Schmidt. 11 o'clock. Easter Worship of the Church and Congregation with ser- mon by the Pastor, the last of the ser- ies on Christian Fundamentals, the topic being "The Christian Hope." The following numbers will be ren- dered by the Wilmette Baptist Choral Society, "King of Kings," by Simper; Tenor Solo, "The Resurrection" Shel- ley, sung by A. C. Youngberg; an- ,them, "As it Began To Dawn" by Bochan. Easter Baptismal Service at the First Baptist church, Evanston, cor- ner of Lake and Chicago Avenues, 3 o'clock. 3 ;45â€"Meeting of the Junior and In- termediate Societies at the Evanston Church. The Societies will go to- gether to the Evanston church leaving Wilmette Avenue on the^ 2:27 Local, on the North Shore. Line. 5:30â€"Meeting of the Senior Young People's Society "at the Church. The regular mid-week meeting of the church will be held on Wednes- day evening at 8 o'clock. At this time the Pastor will present for considera- tion the plans for the remainder of the Church Year. S The regular rehearsal meeting of the Wilmette Baptist Choral society will be held on Thursday evening at 7:45 at the Church. ^'Friday, April 6th, will be the date of the Annual Meeting of the Wo- man's Society at the Church. The White Cross Workers will assemble at \ 10 o'clock in the morning. Luncheon will be served at 12:30, and the pro- gram including annual reports and the election of officers for the ensuing year, will begin at 2 o'clock. Ad- journment at 4 o'clock. The Wilmette Baptist Church is lo- cated at the corner of Wilmette and Forest Avenues. The Pastor, Rev. Francis C. Stifler, may be seen at the Church Study during the mornings of the week, of by appointment. The Church Office willbe open from one tp five in the afternoon in charge of Miss Mattie Jean Badger. Church telephone, ,2235. "The Crucifixion," a sacred cantata by John Stainer, will be rendered by a Renoir of 44 voices at the church Good Friday evening at 8 o'clock, under the direction of E. J7 Munson. A. C. ; Youngberg, tenor, and W. O. Haas, bass, will be the soloists, and Mrs. Margery Forsythe, accompanist. Every resident of the village is cordially in- cited to hear this program of sacred music. There will be no offering. The CantatarpfogTam follows: [Recitative...................... Tenor The Agony.,..... Chorus and Bass Solo I Recitative___.------. Tenor andTBass yprocessional to Calvary ............ lif .......... Chorus and Tenor Solo i Recitative..................... Bass I The Mystery of the Divine Humili- ation .....-----........... Chorus ENGLISH LUTHERAN Greenleaf avenue and Seventh Street. William Guise, pastor. Bible school at 9:45 A. M. There will be a short rehearsal by all the children who have part in the after- noon program. Worship at 11 A. M.. There will be a short sermon on "The Conquered Stone." The Holy .Communion will also be administered. Children will be baptized. New members will be received. We anticipate a joyful and well-attended service. The council will hold, the monthly meeting Monday evening in the church. The ladies of the Missionary society will meet Thursday afternoon, April 5, for the monthly business session. The meeting will be in the church. Since this is the time for election of officers a good attendance is deserved. A service of worship also will be held in the^hurch^G^odJFnday eve- ning. a*§ The Mystery of the Divine Humili- IfiffiiifRation ..,*ff.... ... v.'...,........ v: Tenor ^i^^eettati»e;°^v>-nrrri>.vV7r-rfW. -Bass- fpllgXSod .So Loved the World .".'/.â- â- 'Chorus §ff!§â- â-  'Litany of.the Passion ..â- ----;. Chorus |if% Recitative ....... % Tenor and Chorus gffl So Thou lif est Thy divine Petition .. )M0^s0m^^*w..vt:'r:*^' •........'•â- Â«. .'â- ' Tenor-Bass |§|^SS?iru-:.;:-v\;' .. Daet |f|||f^he.,,-Mystery of Intercession â- ........ WfMjMMm-j* • ♦.-•:.......»••'••.........-Chorus p^l^-Reeilative'. â- .. â-  Tenor, Bass, and Chorus llltl^The Adoration of the Crucified.^...... lllii|K. â- ;:;â- ..Vv.,«.v........___â- .'..'..-.>.; Chorus. &lll-f|lecitative:'||;'Tenor, Bass, and Chorusâ-  Recitative...................... Bass #he Appeal of the Crucified .. Chorus Recitative ........ Tenor and Chorus $or the Love of Jesus ....... .Chorus MEMBERS OF THE CHOIR ^SOPRANOSâ€"Miss Marion Allison, Miss Dorothy Bennett, Miss Mil- dred Burns, Miss Hazel Green, Miss Helen Hsjtire, Miss Margaret Haire, Miss Cliara Moore, Miss Signy Ouse, Miss Ruth Olson, Miss Grace Reid, Miss Mabelle Rennacker, Miss Min- nie May Schmidt, Miss Louise Step- hens, Miss Sylvia Turner, Miss Ruth ITpton, Miss Helen Wortman, Miss Ethel Wright, Mrs. J. D. Dingle, Mrs. E* C/Carr, Mrs. G. R. Olson, Mrs. S. G. Swanberg, M<rs. M. P, ^bre> Jr., 4lrs^ A* G. Youngberg. S HIH^LTOSâ€"Missi':..&theL . Buseh, _ Miss Charlotte Schmidt, Miss Eula Whit- ing, \Mrs. J. C. Blaylockt Mrs. C. A. Borgfedt, Mrs.;Edwin Phelps, Mrs. JO. W -Schmidt. "W0-m^mm-::w&:S S. Campbell, Mr. -C G. Hosmer, Mr. Behjaman Richards, Mr. Raymond Stephens, Mr. A. '{* Youhgberg, Mr. Mr. ^M Burns, Mr. Fl,8oiB:*-^f"i^"JA.-Ef ^tvJQ^W. I&as* Jf rl Edwin Phelps; .^M^^Rem,^ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The Easter Services will be of un- usual interest this year owing to their varied character and the large num- be of people participating. The morning service will begin at 10:40 instead of 11:00, the usual time. An Easter Cantata, entitled "The Risen King" will be rendered by a quartette composed of, Miss Harriet Case, soprano; Miss Mary Welch, contralto; Mr. Cecil Morgan, tenor; and Mr. R. H. Dahlquist, bass. Mrs. Marie Edwards Von Ritter will- pre- side at the organ, and has arranged a splendid program of music. At the Vesper service, the Junior Choir, under the direction of Mr. R. D. Burtner, will be assisted by the Choir from the Swedish Mission Church of Rogers Park, under the di- rection of Mr. Otto Hyfield. Both choirs will render Easter music. The program for the sevices follows: EASTER SERVICE (10:40 A. M.) ORGAN PRELUDE "Resurrection Morn" ......,..........._.. .Johnston HYMN "Alleluia" LORDS PRAYER ORGAN RESPONSE SACRED CANTATA "The Risen King"................. Schnecker ANNOUNCEMENTS ., â-  OFFERTORY "Easterlining" .777: .......................... Mailing SOLO "Resurrection"........Shelley Mr. Dahlquist RESPONSIVE READING "The Eas- ter Story" GLORIA PATRI RECEPTION OF MEMBERS The Minister and the Deacons PRAYER DUET "The Magdalene" Miss Case and Miss Welch ___ SERMON "My Strength and my Redeemer" ~~~: -;.;;' â-  â- . Rev. S. A. Lloyd HYMN "Hark ten thousand Harps The Board of Trustees will meet at the home of Mr. E. S. Harlan, 430 Sheridan Road, Kenilworrh, on Mon- day evening. On Wednesday the April Church Night Dinner will partake of the na- ture of an April Fool Celebration. Mr. Walter Gore Mitchell has charge of the entertainment, and the Crescent Circle will serve the dinner. Get your reservations in early, for the number is limited. Thusday the Cozy Corner Circle will hold an all day meeting at the church. Members will bring their lunch. Coffee will be served. On Friday the Central Avenue Cir- cle will meet at the church. Mrs. I. R. Adkins is the Hostess and will be assisted by Mrs. F. L. Joy and Mrs. H. Russell Smith. Luncheon will be served at one o'clock. The Assistant Minister, Mr. B. S. Stoffer, will preach next Sunday. This will be a fine opportunity for the people of the parish to hear and be- come acquainted with the man who will have much to do with the educa- tional work of the church. It is a fitting close to Easter, that the Sunday Evening Club are present- ing, as the program for this evening, fifty members of the Apollo Club of Chicago, who will sing "The Creation." The series of Union Services held during the past week, with Dr. Snow- den as the speaker, was inspiring, il- luminating and stimulating in the extreme. Our only regret is that the entire community did not hear these addresses. [SL JOHN'S LUTHERAN Bass4-5ASTER §fi*fi smfMm and Voices"^ BENEDICTION ORGAN AMEN â€"â€"- POSTLUDE "Easter March" ...; n.. ......................----- Merkel EASTER VESPERS (4:00 P.M.) ORGAN PRELUDE......Von Ritter HYMN "Alleluia* INVOCATION ANTHEM "Come ye Faithful"...... ......................... Sullivan Junior Choir Anthem "The Man of Sorrows" ..___ ....------^ .. ...-----. ... Goodell Quartette SCRIPTURE LESSON ANTHEM "Palm Branches*" _^Fa Junior Choir Presentation of Infants for Baptism ANTHEM "The Bells of Easter t Morn" ...........___.... Chaff in Quartette Baptism of Members of the Covenant .....'---â- ..... .....Class ANTHEM "I am the Resurrection" -----......................, Harris Quartette Reception of Members The Minister will be assisted ...,,::^v... . ,.by â-  â-  â- :%*â- â-  s Deacons Clifford and Howard Linden and Prairie avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M. A. Pastor 406 Prairie Avenue, Telephone 1396 THE CROSS ? "Blest they who seek L While in their youth With spirit meek The way of truth To them the sacred Scriptures now display Christ as the only true and living way. His precious blood oh Calvary was given - To make them heirs of endless bliss in heaven; And e'en on earth the child of God can trace Thei glorious blessings of His Savior's grace For them HE bore His Father's frown; For them HE wore The thorny crown; Nailed to the Cross Endured its p ai n , That His life's loss Might be their gain. -~â€"â€"Then haste to choose That better part Nor dare refuse The Lord thy heart. Now look to JESUS who on Calvary died, And trust on HIM alone who there was crucified." Good Friday services begin at 7:30 o'clock for those who are to take the Lord's Supper. The regular ser- vice begins at 7:45 P. M. ^Subject of the preparatory address; Remem- d^e»iteB€«^4»ulce-22r40-6Z The sermon is based on the Last Word from the Cross: Father, into thy^iiands Icommend-my spirit. Luke 23, 46: The Peace of Calvary. Both the children's choir and the- senior choir will sing during the ser- vice. * â-  â-  ' 'â-  - 'm^'- brary Hall. This will be followed by the usual devotional and lecture hour. The Rev. Henry Kowert of First St. Paul's Lutheran Church Chicago, and secretary of the Home Missions in Foreign Countries has agreed to ad- dress the society on the work and field in which he has long taken an active part. On Thursday evening the usual business and social meeting of "The Builders" Young People's Society takes place at Library Hall. Con- secration, Education, Recreation is the motto. The opening service be- gins at 8 o'clock sharp, and in order to begin the lecture period promptly it is hoped that all members will be there on time. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH There is no message of the church to the world of today which has greater significance that the Easter message. If the Easter story be true, then every believer therein should be glad for the opportunity to evidence his belief. We are glad, as is proven year after year by the great throngs who gather to participate in thejserv- ices of Easter Day. Blot out the Easter story and what would happen ? A despairing world. Then what? Something to think about. The sub- ject for the sermon in the Presbyteri- an Church next Sunday morning is "E:hoes from the First Easter Morn." A very important ana interesting part of the service will be our custom- ary reception of new members and baptism of infants. A special musical program approp- riate to the Easter Day will be pre- sented, composed of the following numbers: Organ Preludeâ€""Resurrection Morn" ....................E. F, Johnston Anthemâ€""By Early Morning Light" â- .................___.... DickinsorhJ-|g Anthemâ€""They have taken away my Lord"................ Harrington Tenor Soloâ€""Hjosannah ....Granier Anthemâ€""Christ is Risyi...... Scott Argan Postludeâ€""Alleluia ..... .Dubois Quartette Sopranoâ€"Mrs. C. Russell Small Contraltoâ€"Miss Georgia Sanborn Tenorâ€"Mr. Clarke B. Shipp Bassâ€"Mr. Chester Lawrence __^ Organistâ€"Miss Erma E. Rounds. On Easter Sunday there will be a sunrise prayer meeting at 7 o'clock in the morning. This meeting is for all the Endeavors, Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors. They in turn extend an invitation to all to participate in this service. Frank Reynolds is the lead- er. The young people's Societies of this church will unite in the Union Service this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Congregational church. There willâ€"be appropriate Easter exercises in the several departments of the Sunday School. The Begin- ners and Primary Departments will have their program in the Sun- day School Annex. The Junior and Intermediate Departments will unite in presenting "The Life of Christ in Story and Song." 9:30 Sunday morn- AMMEN '•Victory" 17.77 _ Hopkins â-  .-'.«.â-  Junior Choir SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S ::.: ::.supper a0Z:27v^zi:^z::j.:i7:j i DQXOLQGY^li^:^ i BENEDICTION*Hh-?^. â- '}. â€":7^'^ '. choir ^spcmm^mwimfmA POSTLUDE '-^^Mlk^^^i^^r | Monday, April second, The East ^nd GifCle will be entertained at the EASTER SERVICES 7 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible class at Library Hall. 9:45 A. M. First service and sermon at the church. 11:00 A. M. Second service and ser- mon at the church. "The Savior's Resurrection a Pledge in Time and Eternity." John 11, 25-26. Special Easter service will be held in the Sunday school next Sunday morning. The children's choir will sniffy --SinQ--every- cniio.....yF€S€i»t'""i^rti"ir" ^fcâ„¢ ceive a little token of the day's mes- sage. On Monday evening April 2 a Get- together dinner has been arranged for all those interested in the second term of the North Shore English Lu- theran Sunday School Teacher's- In- titute. This is to be given at Bethle- hem's School Hall, Lake and Ash- land Aves., Evanston at 8 o'clock. Tickets are 75 cents each and are limited in number. Make your reser- vations early. Good speakers are on the program and a large meeting is home of ,M*s^Ralph E. PetthV lfm cordis! invitatkm to all the women of Ashland Avenue. Luncheon .will be served-at. one.o?clockig|| expected. A meeting of the North Shore Lutheran Pastoral Conference is an- nounced to take place at Zion's Church, Highland Park, froni Tues- day, April 3 to 5. The Ladies' Aid and Mission Society meets on Thursday April 5 at 2 o'clock at Library Hall, Wilmette. Thi> Will,. The Annual meeting of the church and congregation jwilj take place Wednesday evening, April 4, at B o'clock. Reports of the work of the church for the past year-wilr be pre- sented at this time and new officers for the ensuing year are to be elected. Preceding the business meeting there will be a church family dinner. The Amicae Chapter of the West- minister Guild will meet in the church parlors for a regular meeting Monday afternoon, April 2, at 2:30. In this connection the Light Bearers will meet in the Sunday School Annex. Wilmette Presbyterian Church Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. Pastor, Rev. George P. Magill, D. D. ^- Sunday-School 9:30 A. M. Church Service 11 A. M. # I Easter Sunrise Meeting 7 A. M. Nprth# Shore N. U. Alumni Will Enjoy Dinner-Dance President Walter Dill Scott of Northwestern university, Gen. Nath- an M. McChesney, president of the Alumni association, Mrs. Carl R. Latham and George S. Dalgety will be the speakers at a dinner-dance to be held by the North Shore Alumni ofâ€"the^universityvâ€"Monday evening, -April 9. .:^7,.-^^:..':.--^^^^m.-:0|f' The alumni will be guests at the home of Mrs. Walter A Strong, 1337 North avenue, Winnetka. Dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock. Members of he -north shore sec- tion of the Alumni association who have failed to receive inyjiatfnw* fr>r thc„dinner-daTic~e^eittteflrom the fact Christ "God so Jc that he || gotten Si ever should have ever! To thu the$ mimi The Wilmette Baptist Ob Forest and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Francis Stifler first Congregational Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Stephen A, Lloyd The First Melbo Lake and Wilmettei Rev. Gilbert Sm St John's I Linden and B Rev. Hem the society and, congregation to a luncheon at U3^^^o^^js^ ^^, iiig^Ti---*' .divisi011 has extended a~ that they were listed in other sec tions or had recently changed their addresses, are asked to consider the «fW;Spapef-notices as^air mvitation

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