Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1923, p. 21

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,^A THE1\KE SHORE NEWS/FRIDAY,.....MARCH 30, 1923 agjjy^iijF^jp^f^M ; Risen l the world lis only be- U whoso- h in Him >erish, but ng life." ch Church w Jpiscopal Church rleton ........ te EnglisKlithcr an Church eenleaf Ave. s William Guise be Pint Presbyterian Church _ ll^inth and Greenleaf i i^mS} Rev.-George P. Magill ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH The rector wishes to urge children invited to.any party or entertainment on Good Friday afternoon or evening to refuse the invitation. Good Friday is one of the holiest and most sacred days in the year to any Christian and entertainments should not be coun- tenanced on a day of such sacred memories. The services today (Good Friday) in St. Augustine's are: Three Hour Devotional service from 12 to 3 o'clock, with seven addresses on "The Seven Words from the Cross" and devotional period between each address. In the evening the choir will sing from "The Crucifix- ion." On Easter Sunday there will be Celebration of the Holy Communion at 6 A. M., 8 A. M., and 11 A. M. There will be no session of the Church school at 9:45 A. M. There will be, a Children's Easter Flower service at 4 P. M., when the children will drape a huge cross with flowers and lay their Lenten savings at its foot. There will be a short talk to the children by the rector. There will be celebration of the Holy Communion on Easter Monday and Easter-T-u#sday,-each-mo«iing- at 8 o'clock. Today, Good Friday, there will be showings of the Devotional Motion pictures "From the Manger to the Cross" at 3, 4:30 and 8:30 P. M. This beautiful picture was photographed entirely in Palestine at the original places"pictured; The^e^hmg shltJwTiig^ at 8:30 will begin at the close of the Evening service to give the congre- gation an opportunity to see this picture as an aid to theri devotions. There will be devotional music at this showing. Mr. and Mrs. Royal D. Smith, of 706 Elmwood avenue, are paying for this picture. Yesterday, instead of the usual mo- tion pictures, the Children's Movies at St. Augustine's Parish House were shown sixty slides of "The Discovery of King Tut-Ankh-Amen's Tomb and the Dust of Egyptian Kings." These slides are from the Earl of Carnar- vois' pictures and are shown by his permission. Dr. Carleton gave talks to the children describing everything picture as an aid to their devotions. This educational showing on a sub- ject so much to the fore at present was provided by Mr. William Barrow, 236 Laurel' avenue. Next Thursday, April 5, the Chil- dren's Movies will show Charlie Chap- lin in "The Kid." This picture is pro- vided by Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Aborn, North Shore Hotel, Evanston, grand parents of one of the small boys who enjoys the Children's Movies. Mrs. W. C. Reinhold Miss Margaret Stafford Miss Ethel Sturgeoir ^ Mrs. S. P. Watkins â-  . : Bum Mr. W. Franklin * f Mr. J. W, Humphries Mr. L. H. Hanawalt Mr. A. M. Long Mr. Joe Miller Mr. R. Moulding ;------- : Mr. James Reinhold Mr. Albert Varley , - "The Crucifixion" A Meditation on the Sacred Passion of the Holy Redeemerâ€"by John Stainer. .'.'" Program ' ORGAN PRELUDEâ€""Prayer in G Flat" Gluimant HYMN-ISO "Ride On, Ride On in Majesty" Dykes SCRIPTURE LESSON Luke 23: PRAYER RECITATIVE (Tenor) "And they came to a place named Gethsemane." THE AGONY (Bass Solo and Chorus) "Could ye not watch with me one brief hour?" RECITATIVE (Tenor and Bass) "And they laid their hands on him and took him." PROCESSIONAL TO CALVARY (Chorus) "Fling Wide the Gates'* TENOR SOLO "How Sweet is the Grace" CHORUS METHODIST CHURCH Wilmette, Illinois, CRUCIFIXlOrr-SERVICr Good Friday Evening ------â€"~~.Eight-©^e4#©k----------â€"*==,- 1923 Choir Conductorâ€"Mr. Orville Jennings Bor- chers Organistâ€"Mrs. Anne Dyon Gramb- ling Soloists Miss Adelaide Jonesâ€"Soprano Miss Virginia Burchâ€"Contralto Mr. Fred Wiseâ€"Tenor Mr. Frank Dunfordâ€"Basso Sopranos Mrs. Frank Birr Miss Anna Boyajian Mrs. R. J. Burrows ^_ _- Miss Luella Borrows Miss Carlston Mrs. E. G. Fisher Mrs. L. H. Hanawalt Miss Clara Huebner Miss Lillian Humphries Miss Adelaide Jones Mrs. A. JN". Page Miss Mabel Teal Miss Lucy Tolhurst Mrs. T. H. West Mrs. E. Williams -<- Tenors Mr. G. Anderson Mr. O, S. Beltz % - , Â¥r. Irvitig Belote Mr. F. F. Hueri Mr. H. Lundberg Mr. J. Papageorge Mr. M. J. Ryan i : Dr. L. W. Strong !_ --„â- .." Mr. Thompson -. Mrs. P. Bontecou .'... 2;^/-#^;>%;fe Miss Edna Davidson â€"â- -'â- J-^ Miss Evelyn Humphries Mrs. Mary Jackson- Then on to the end to endure and suffer and die" *:â- :-; RECITATIVE (Bass) "And when they were come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him." l HYMN "The Mystery of the Divine Humiliation" "Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow." RECITATIVE (Bassrâ„¢""~7rr "He made Himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant" TENOR SOLO "The Majesty of the Divine Humiliation" "King Ever Glorious" RECITATIVE (Bass) "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness" QUARTETTE "God So Loved the- World" HYMN "Litany of the Passion" RECITATIVE XTenor and Bass> ~~ "Jesus said, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." DUET (Tenor and Bass) HYMN "The Mystery of the Inter- cession" "Jesus, the Crucified, pleads for me." RECITATIVE (Tenor, Bass, and Male Chorus) "And one of the malefactors railed on him, saying." HYMN "The Adoration of the Cru- cified" RECITATIVE (Tenor, Bass, and Male Chorus) "When Jesus therefore saw His mother" RECITATIVE (Bass) "Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by" CHORUS "The Appeal of the Cruci- fied" "From the Throne of His Cross, the King of Grief cries out to a world of unbelief" RECITATIVE (Tenor and Male Chorus) __ ___________ "After this, Jesus, knowing all things were accomplished, saith, 1 First Discipleâ€"Miss Margaret Staf- ford t___. â- â- â- â- * â- ___dJ_ . â-  . SecblidT^TJiscipIeâ€"3KIss£:# Marguerite Lundberg y$:&i;h fit â-  Third Discipleâ€"Miss Ethel Mae Sturgeon Fourth Discipleâ€"Miss Lilly Mae Humphries Fifth Discipleâ€"Miss Mary Ellen Bentley Sixth Discipleâ€"Miss Jessica Varley ANNOUNCEMENTS f The Pastor* will baptize infants, children and adults at the altar of the church Easter morning, at U :15 o'clock. Membership into this church ly transfer, profession of faith, and into the Preparatory Class, has been ar- ranged for Easter morning, following the sermon. â- â- ^,,.. ".«%vk., â- â- : ' -^ The young people of the Parish will conduct an Easter Dawn Service, Easter morning at 7:00 o'clock, in the Chapel. A special speaker, good mu- sic and a quiet, joyous service is as- sured. Girl Scouts in their regular meeting at 4:15 p. m. Wednesday, Junior Boy Scouts Thursday night at 7:00 p. m., and Boy Scouts of America Friday night at 7:00 p. m. ! MIDWEEK PRAYER AND PRAISE SERVICE Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Stansell will begin a new series of Bible Studies at this service â€"Bring Your Bibles. . EASTER SUNDAY MORNING, the Pastor will speak on the subject "Light Upon Immortality." OFFICIAL BOARD MEETING at the Church Monday evening, April 2, at firelock. __ __-_ m RUMMAGE SALE is anounced for Friday and Saturday, April 13 and 14, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid. Any saleable articles for this sale will be immediately called for by the com- mittee. Phone any of the following ladies: Mrs. Mons, 2289; Mrs. Hana- walt, 1086; Mrs. Darst, 867; Mrs. Hooper, 793. The Ladies Aid will meet Thursday at the church for-airday. The Fourth Division will serve. There will be a domestic sale in connection with the meeting. Next Tuesday evening the ladies of the church will serve a Manufactur- ers' dinner. Many tickets have been sold. A few more are left. Reserva- tions should be phoned to Mrs. Ed- wards, 764-M, and Mrs. James, 1015. ML • ' â- â- ' â- ';', â-  â- ""â- ^'#Jj8 the States Attorney is . the proper :â-  of- ficer to file the bill to foreclose the <f| the tax'lien'under Section 253 and un« doubtedly it is his duty to do so, when it shall be known to him that the taxes upon any tract of land in his county have not been paid and the land has been forfeited for such non« payment for two or more years. t| is equally his duty to guard the nab* lie interests in this respect as it it, in any other matter, criminal or other* wise, committed to him as the law of* ficer of the people. It is however com* mon knowledge that, the States At* torney. seldom, if ever, has the time or inclination to presecute such matters, and of late years matters of this kind have been receiving no attention* While the primary duty of prosecuU ing such action is cast upon the States. Attorney, the collection of the public revenues is of such vast importance to the State and all its political sub* divisions that the Legislature has seen proper to also impose the duty upon the County Board of taking all proper measures that may be necessary to enforce the collection of all taxes charged upon the State assessment. Section 33, Chapter 34 Revised Stat* utes. Under this provision if tlM| States Attorney should neglect to perform his duty in foreclosing sucH^ lien, the County Board can order such i^i proceeding commenced by him* and If' -Si for any reason he cannot property prosecute it, the County Board - may employ counsel and order proceedings in the name of the people for the cok lection of the entire taxes due on for- feited real estate; VThe County Board seems to be the only political agency thus authorized to act for and on be* Si half of the people and in their name .Jfl to. enforce .the revenue law;s.'/"-;;t|f.'Ki|^^ County Board '^members^-t^-'oi^l^ whom reside in New Trier township, fit should be importuned to . give::tnti\|f| matter vigorous atention to the end tti InWtMFWlh^effrTBay^^ .,..,._,_...,...-..^r s j â- 'N6rd6r{>.:^i|! Wilmette, I1K1§! Class Rooms for 'Baptist?â€" Church in Week's I^t^Hl|l Building permits authorizing the IH construction of buildings valued atHg|t $28,500 were issued by village jq^,J|1 ircials last week. H n tS:i The Public Forum Sl^ JEtaTi^nSr r'ec'Sei£*"» »£°S*&L2S£LSLZ& the vinegar, He saith, It is finished, Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit. And He bowed His head and gave up the ghost." HYMN "For the Love of Jesus" "All for Jesus, all for Jesus." THE EASTER PROGRAM (5 o'clock, Easter Sunday Evening) Songâ€""Easter Day is Here" Beginners Department Exerciseâ€""Welcome" , Beginners Department Memory Verse Betty Leslie Songâ€""Easter" Primary Department Exerciseâ€""Lily Bells" -Gale Baker, Aldine Davis, Gale Stokes, Janet Wright Recitationâ€""Jesus Knew" Betty Paddock Exerciseâ€""Jesus Loves Me" Ralph Betts, Emma 'Bickham, Ken- neth Bontecou, Sylvis Bontecou, Katherine Bowman, Billie Kline,, El- wood Mons, Eleanor Moulding, Carl Zipprich, John Zipprich Songâ€""Jesus, Jesus" Junior Department Exerciseâ€""The Angel and the Wo- man" Margaret Bickham, Betty Burrows, Justine Emrich, Lois Han- awalt> Pauline Jones, Dorothy Stew- art, Frances Ward Recitationâ€""At the Cross of My Lord" "Imogene Paddock Exerciseâ€""The Shepherd Psalm" Virginia Burgess, Marion Nettle- man, Lucy Nordorf, Margaret Rout- son, Edna Stiles, Virginia Lehle, Walter Winzell - "The Challenge of the Cross" ^-A-Sa€r-ed Drama Presented by the following charac- ters, aided by the Choir; The permit for the most extensive |^ building was granted to'"C.'.,0.'Witt";f§f iser. Mr. Walliser will erect a brick":tpl bungalow at 251 Greenleaf avenue III at an estimated cost of $15,000.!|lA ! $10,000 permit was granted to H. E. I Mendenhall to build a two-story frame dwelling at 1311 Gregory aif^l nue- ' 'â- â- '.<â- : ^.':lif-3 A new frame class room for t|ei Wilmette Baptist church was |^-f proved by the officials. It will be ad- ded to the present plant at 1020 Forest avenue at an "estimated cost of $1,700. E. J. Hoffman will matte 1 improvements valued at $500 on $isi house at 1635 Lake avenue. |]| Permits for the erection of three ^ private garages wereHgranted to A. I W. Dickinson. The structures #il!l be built at 423 Prairie avenue, 4271 Prairie avenue and 232 Oak Circle,? respectively. George Spiegelhau>r»i 1327 Central avenue, also received a permission to construct a priviitel garage. :-/::\^::Mfj^0i While /tKere^:w1rtt--'De^lnlr^Si|pi TAXES The payment of taxes is a very practical matter as we all know, but the consequences growing out of the failure to pay taxes are involved in a maze of law, that it is almost out of the question for anyone other than an expert lawyer along this line to sug- gest a proper or efficient remedy for .................. tmV almost-impossible situation.------[-on^the â€"d*ily^p^og^aiB^ There are a large number of lots ffiette, iffaifrot^whichira^ homes built thereon, upon which the taxes have not been paid for years, with the result that the title has be- come so involved that it is almost im- possible to do anything with them. The owner of the fee is unable to sell, and for all practical purposes, the tax buyer has abandoned the proper- ty. This holds back the development of districts, and requires the Village of Wilmette to advance large sums of money to protect special assessments for improvements which may be made. It would seem that some action should be taken so that either the State, the tax buyer or the owner of the fee could becomie the absolute ^f owner of the property by proper ac- tion within a reasonable length of time and be made to bear its' due share of the burdens of taxation. Section 253 of the Revenue Act au- thorizes the foreclosure of a lien for taxes in any court of competent jur- isdiction in the name of the People of the State of Illinois whenever the taxes for two or more years upon the same description of property shall have been forfeited to the State. Our Supreme Court in the case of O'Connel vs. Sanford, reported in 256 111. 62, has cbnMruedthi^ provfsToinPtd^ confer a lien only in favor of the State and not to the various munici- palities interested in the taxes. Section 5, Chapter 14> Revised Stat- utes imposes the duty on the States Attorney of' prosecuting all actions and proceedings for the recovery of debts, revenues, moneys, fines, penal- ties and forfeitures accruing to the eet-dis^ State or his county or any trict or road district in K- county. linger this p>6Visldn"^ The Statute: Evanston management has elected-;to|SI that might tend to minimize the ?ik*fll Show. Devotees; of 'Gardening'^^^11?^^ View Chicago Exhibit Mrs. Walter S. Brewster, a director! of the Garden Club, of America an<S! president of the Lake Forest GardenP club, and Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard, 849 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka, see** ond vice-president of the Lake For*A est Garden club, are sponsers for an exhibit of miniature suburban gardens at Marshall Field's beginning Tues* day, March 26~and continuing for the? remainder of the week. These g>r«t dejts were obtained by Mrs. Brewster^ last* week in New York at the ex«i hibit of the Garden Club of America at the Grand Central Palace. Photographs of artistic flower ar*w rangements from the New York ex<I hibition'are on display and ways of detforating with flowers for various occasions -are/ shown. The Garden Clubs of Lake Geneva, Evanston, and Lake Forest, which are members of Chicago Federation of Women's clubs the Garden Club of America, were special guests at the" exhibition. ~ The Conservation committee of the Chicago Federation of Women's rlnbi were the guests of the Garden clubs at a luncheon on Thursday and l**re special guest at the exhibition. I Photo Play magazine in a reeemt issue contains a story on the "babies* of Hollywood, which rather upsets the belief that movie stars all spend their spare time in getting divorced. fJAccording to this story, many of the famous stars are bi inging up ufoe IMe^rfftmilies^" â- ^iMl^i^"^&^l'£'- '*i£i£'M>:-$£?- * 'iâ€"' ........;,.;.."i ji|^M|i|^

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