llllllliPpI^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^ win iiij»,i«wiiwui*,y^m«MPH'i!HW(mnv!^ i'w"', - -â„¢11."11" ."*w:i.;i',:d. y^wlw'p*pw7yf|f^ SOOEIT AWAITS B FORSTER EVENT Distinguished Exponent of Children's Songs at Skokie "School April 14 UNIQUE MUSIC EVENT Cyrena Van Gordon on Even- ing Program Carhivdl oftiong Gingerbread Man, Japanese Dolls, * A* Skokie School on Daffy-Down-EHily, Princess Lotus Blossom, Dolly Randolph, the Colonial maid, and Raggedy Ann will come to life at the Skokie school, Winnetka, on the morning of April 14 when Miss Use Forster will give a program of children's songs in costume. The Princess Lotus Blossom cos- tume is a ceremonial robe, embroid- ered on peachblow satin with gold, and was once worn by an empress of old China. In the Raggedy Ann cos- tume Miss Forster is said to be quite as flopsy as Fred Stone in "The Wiz- ard of Oz." Introduces "Bunny Rabbits" Miss Forster will sing for the first time a little sorig called "Bunny Rab- bjts," dedicated to her by the com- poser, Phillip"Warnerrâ€"She-will be assisted by Miss Anne Branyan, who will tell the young folks what happens "when we haven't said our prayers," and will recite "Maymie's version of "Red Riding Hood." A number of prominent north shore society and club women have offered to serve as patronesses, and those who have heard the program say that "it's just like going to, the-birthday party of a princess." Miss Forster, who before taking up her vocal work, was a concert violin- ist and a choir singer in Philadelphia's most fashionable church, has been specializing inchildren's songSj banjo songs and ballads. Called Second Nordica Cyrena "Van Gordon, who, with Miss Forster, will give the program in the evening, assisted by Harold Ayes, vi- olinist, has been heralded by the critics as a second Nordica, and pro- claimed " the most beautiful Brun- hilde on the stage." She leaped into fame almost over night several seasons ago by her sen- sational performances of Brunhilde, and was heard last season in such Chicago Opera^eompany productions as "Parsifal," 'TChe Snow Maiden," and "Aida." H llBiliii:: iffiSHlfeftS^saj I8H':-:1'".â- "':â- ^ufe-SXSr hH HBHyjI'iiRX-" Blllll ^^pj:>iiSl ^^^S|||H HHb^eIs- â- Hiiiii: lllBH [pi isniffm^ iMHI HHhB--^ -®'?' H 1 BH|tej.i3s Use Forster GIRLS TEU HOW TO BE ATHLETIC Abstention from Sweets one Factor Eight hours sleep, six glasses of water daily, and no sweets between meats, is making star athletes of Northwestern university girls, ac- cording to Miss Gertrude Hawley of the department of physical educa- tion at Northwestern in Evanston. These facts have been brought to lighr'as the result of a record of each freshman girl last semester. Miss Hawley devised a -question- aire which each freshman girl had filled out each week. Listed were such questions as the following: Did you sleep eight ' hours each night? Did you eat breakfast be- fore classes each day? Did you brush your teeth twice daily? Did you eat sweets between meals. The perfect score for the semes- ter was ISO pointw and Iris Boulton, of Evanston, was-Jfrighest in the class with 145 points; Mary Thompson^Ql Evanston, a*nd Coirnelia Kennedy, of Canton, South Dakota, each had 144 Reputation THE biggest asset of )the business man is his repu- tation. The good will of his^omm^ more to him thdn any Qth* er one thing. If those who know him are willing to tmsrhim,he^^ succeed. ^^^ || ARAM K. MESTJIAN is thought highly of in North Shore towns. This is proved by his ever in- creasing business^ iOvm- ers olOriental Rugs send them to him to be cleaned â- afid repaired.! They know that the work will be 8dints; and Ratherine' Clark, 6702 reenview avenue, Chicago, obtain- ed third rank with 142 points. The Scores reached in the Health records compare well with the abil- ity of the girls in. athletics. Miss Boulton who scored highest was a member of the volley ball varsity, and also the hockey varsity team. She weighs 113 pounds and has twice the strength of the average gifl. To carry the comparsibn a degree far- ther, the girls' who scored in "health," stand well up in scholarship. Miss Hawley said that her chief reason for keeping sticn records was to create a spirit of friendly rivalry among the girls and take away the monotony of the gym classes. She believes also that this competition gives the girls excellent opportunity to put into practice some of the rules and lessons taught them in their compulsory hygiene classes. ___ IP Easter Eggsâ€"Special for Saturday W^mgOther. Specials for Easter in Ham, Bacon and Fresh Meats pSk I « Ridge Ave* near Phones Wilmette 191 and S4l^^^^W Boys'Storeâ€"Sixth Floor Prep Shirts In a New Department Devoted Exclusively to Them High school chaps ate built so differ- ently horn men, chat we have had Kingly make us a complete showing of shirts, proportioned specially to fit these young fellows. One of SiliTBroadcloth horn England m white or colors is $10. Others Polo style in HiGlo or Oxford. Even Silk Stripes and Woven Madras at $2.50. Boy*• Hmadwear Need* Are Carefully Thought Out Her* Light overplaids in thick fuzzy caps; ' Feb Hara~-cohtrasring bands. Cloth Hatsfor Spring. $1.95 to $4.45. TheFineet Whitm Wonted „ Sweater Procurable, $10 Not ordinary wool, but the purest, thick worsted yarn; will last a high school chap years. , A Pure Silk Pongee Btoa** â- JlF I* Underprieed at $3.50 The best Silk Pongee Blouse value we know ofâ€"Has neat buttoned-down collar and sport cuff. â- , Random Knit Unparwear ln~Betwmen Smaeon Weight* , \ } SI**"..,;;. That fine soft underwear with the mottling of gray woven in. Unusual value at §145; large sizes, $2. New Showing of Eton Collar Bipu***, Si. SO and $2 Trimly tailored little blouses with smart Eton collar Attached and sport cuff. Complete lines just in. Fin* Oxford* for Boy* Can B* ..-,J. Smearod Hero at $S |f||l§ For years we have been intelligently fitting Boys up in good shoes. Spring lltfllftiS^tft Every Lively Boy in Cbicago!SiWe| . • Devised a Better Suit for You i 'w$mm Oxfords are in alTUsta, calf Ir patent leather and have rubber heels. ;;. A Doubly Reinforced Two-Trouter Suit It*8 better in every way. Has stronger tailoringâ€"double seat, extra-sewn seams, reinforced pockets. All those places where most suits give out are extra built to with- stand wear. It is even waterproof. Sty lee are those you like best, including those new strap Norfolks, in a wide choice of Foreign and Domestic woolens. Other Two-Tr outer Suit* for Spring9$lSto$3S LyttonHiSuits,$25,$30,$35 A SpecialFirMt-Long-TwO'Trouser Suit Lytton Hi is designed specially to fit your brother who is going to wear his first long trousers this Spring. He s" almost a man, but different inn •> man in build and tastes. He wants his own Rtyle and wants it to look tight. These unusual suits, many with exua golf knickers in place of the extra "long ones," are made for him. Other Firtt Lang Two-Trouter Suit* up to $48 Spring Topcoats for Every Boy The Topcoats we have for you carry the air of a real young man. We've imported the fabrics from England, Ireland and Scodwd.made them up over here. ^There are Dunmurry Tweeds, tah^Polos, Whipcords 'mi'": Gabardines for all ages. They cost from $16.50 to $40. Official Chicago Headquarters for Boy Scouts of America "tlilltl limtiir Mmm ARAM K. MESTJ Wilmette 1949 «Pii*i»S 511 Main Street Highland Park 54 ll||:lf 3f"' M± US; r. . ' â€" -â€"â- """"â- ^ • - -â€" â€"-â€"â€"â- â- ___â- â- ii ll«mr^M^â- - -h^-j.-ml......' i â- »-,»aaa^: