12 THE V.Am SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. APRIL 6. 1923 THELAKESHORENEWS j' Established 1912 with which is combined w- THE WlkMUTTBJ I.OCAI* NEWS --- Established 1898 ISSUED FRIDAY OF BACH WEEK by LLOYD HOLLISTBR, INCV„ 1222 Central Ave.. Wilmette, 111. All communications must.be *ccom- nanled by the name and address of tn<? welter Articles for publication should Teach the editor by Wednesday^noon to insure appearance in current issue. -Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary, Poetry. :not ces of en- tertainments or other tMalru^Sw an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged at regular advertising rates irntnrad at the postofflce at Wilmette. mi?o?"i. mS! r^ttr otthe second class, under the act of March 3. 1879 GOLDEN WEDDINGS Any couple that has lived hap- pily together for fifty years has achieved a remarkable success. That two have lived together, ex- isted as man and wife for that length of time is rather unusual but that they should have lived together happily, is, in these days well worth dwelling on. Indeed, the very thought of be- ing married to one person for so long a time frightens many. £ A golden wedding is a precious thing. Humanity might well pay a handsome premium to those whose golden wedding is realized. Such individuals show humanity the jrich possibilities of married â- 'Utter-......t?â€"_ ~ • ' - - ' Sweethearts can point to these connubial veterans and assure "'themselves that love can live, if years. These older ones show the younger ones what can be done. •Then, too, a golden wedding, like that of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis? Norton of Winnetka, affords Ipleridid material for students of the effects of environment. If one desires to know what changes man or woman undergoes by liv- ing with one mate for a consider- able period, let him study golden- wedded people. He will see a gradual reciprocal adaptation of one to the other. (The adapta- tion must be "reciprocal" in the case of those who live "happily" together for half a century.) The student of environmental effects will see a sort of growing togeth- er, a recreative unification of two ivho were at first somewhat dis- similar. And this unification will hot be a monotonizing of two var- ied tones, but the creation of a new and valuable type, different from/any mere individual. In-twenty-five years we^re'gcP felt when they became fully con- scious that here was an occasion on which they would* not be call- ed on to settle up! We're pretty sure that some of them out of pure habit reached down into their jeans. But, no, the ladies did the entertaining! If woman suffrage and rights and emancipation and all that will hasten the time when wives will go fifty-fifty on the house- hold bills, we're for it, heart and soul and pocket-book! EX-SPIRITUALISM We see that there was an ex- spiritualist in our midst a week or so ago. We didn't see him, nor did we witness the ex-spirit- ualistic exhibition. No doubt ex- ghosts flitted about and perhaps some of the women ex-pired. But we congratulate the exhibi- tor on being an ex-spiritualist not a spiritualist, a has-been not an is. We believe that spooks ought not be called back to the scenes of their former activities. We have enough other troubles without be- ing annoyed by these unearthly visitors. They're as unwelcome -departed husband re- turning unexpectedly to his hap- pily remarried widow. If you have any influence with these filmy folk, tell them to stay where they belong. eration from local artists, busi- ness and social leaders. But why not ask him to return to his home in the North and put up a little play-house, a haunt of the muses, near the shores of Lake Michi- gan? Come back, Mr. Hinsdell! Ten dollars and costs is little enough to pay for the honor of being one of the first speeders of the season. In this case honors are equally divided between a Mr. Dietrich and a Mr. Slyck, the referees being Peter and George of Wilmette. Judge Mickey made the award. RE-R05QX! RICHARDSON CO. FLEX-ATILE 37 YEARS IN BUSINESS JOHNS-MANVELE FLEXSTONE Originator of applying over wood shingles Let us give you an estimate PURNELL ROOFING CO. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2569 A LITTLE THEATER It seems that Oliver Hinsdell of Evanston has gone to New Or- leans and put up_ a little Theater that is "marvelously successful. And the question occurs, why do we let him stay in New Orleans when he might build and conduct M somewhere on the north shore? The little Theater in New Or- leans is an artistic gem, and Mr; Hinsdell has evoked much co-op- tng to celebrate in beautiful prese !a^!amond~weddtnj WIVES ENTERTAIN HUS- fetiO^U- BANDS _-^v,- lilflfSIIWe".' being a' mere man^ were lilBPliaturally pleased to hear that plftlllcertain Wilmette .women- eriter- ^illfll:tained their husbands on or ^i^about-St^'Patrick's"Day. .;,,;a: fllfllflpWhen nusband and wife go out ^iiillogether who;: always pays; the |l|liiifear-fare, the dinner-bill, the ad- pSililmission . fee ? Why, the'. man,. of ^^^onr^e.d4To:Kim,.i^:^ven_.|fee, «nt &e prrviiege of digging down in- |o his pockets and handing oyer the wherewithal. Why does a man have so many pockets and t£ woman so few, or none? At ^iPlplieast,^ two, if not three, pockets ^^llireim^ DODGE BROTHERS Motor Vehicles WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE Motor Cars WERSTED COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Painting, Repairing, Supplies and Storage For all Make Cars 562 Linden Ave. Phone Winnetka 165 iff^^ illSSKOSEUBSUM COMPANY || FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON TELEPHONE 5023 § SEES ; **""*Ti | CHICAGO STORESâ€"3120 LINCOLN A VEM 5228 N. CLARK ST. j I Elegance Without Extravagance | It pays to buy furniture here. We know what kind of furniture the great majority of the people want and we know what prices they are- glad to pay. That's the reason why econ- omical householders find it pays to buy furniture here â- T»-1--- --• offer and you'll prove to your own satisfaction that Company. why Below are some values we now you can do better at S. Rosenbs woman needs, no pockets, since |he usually has a man along when '"" sKJs^toj^tr^ §o it was with a peculiar grati- v* i^nsfi^iiiQeJti^^ that we heard of one time at when the tabled were re- versed and the wives entertained Ihe "husbandsVuil Yes, we .know at the^iadiejs^ii »j5lap^ a»y- "~ t lat%&&. time; %ut jjtejts^ sume â- ihtalf'tneme& for once, did IfteJttM. How^stramgely The Rise of Sensible Shoes It is quile:tbe_lashioiL now-to-wear sensible and efficient shoes. Once upon a time they were cbhsidered^otd" but since the college girls a"nra^ women's clubs and the Y. W. CT~A. girls turned to good-looking shoes modelled upon natural lines, the whole world of style has turned its back upon the sharply pointed toe; ^- _ Low heels for daytime ^ear are il- lustrated in the fashion magazines. The sharp toes of two years ago seem very out of-date- Comfortable shoes make life so much easier for every woman, wheth- er she spend her day in the business district or whether she passes the hours in duties of household and motherhood, it is no jwpnder the styles have' changed/ |ffi/.' 'ffty â- . ; iQiie of t)tie; best joking of sensi- ble shoes is the Cantilever Shoe, which we recommend to you with per- fect confidence. You will find its na- tural lines most agreeable to your ioott JtSmflexible„.axch ijnd^t .delighlful when "your walk and want your feet to feel free and strong-. If you stand a good deal, its snug fitting instep will prove most restful. Proper heels, medium or low, with good room for the toes to feel at ease, are other features that go to make Cantilever Shoes so delightfully comfortable that every day you wait y^w^^e-HirasSi*^^ Come tomorrow, see* how smart look on yjAwr {po^ f ul they feel l^-^mmmm Sold in WilnMlto We tOUCH BEDS • DA-BEDS -HAMMOCKS Z. RafaUki, ander Double-Da-Bed 'Built for beauty and double duty" ITH one motion', you can change the ENGLANEERPoubie*Da-Bed from a beautiful day bed to a full-sized bed for sleep, jjf ^Fhe graceful lines ^ 5^e~~many models in 4aaH metal, w.ood anjl reed, e^i^; ^e jstur^ly? sani- tary cohstructiotirthe excelieiice of the spring and mattress, the cretonne , upholstery, are additional fenuresl|h^ have thtsl J^pI<ANI)ER; production in your "'iijj^ij|j»f^?jffejj . ^v^um^^j^^^ w$&$& Regularly for $47.50 Specially priced atpfflj >fTering a reduction of from 10 to 20^ on almost every piece of furniture m our store this sale. People have learned that every piece of furniture we sell; from a complete -outfit U) ^i^i^ual^l^^^^^^l^^^^^^^^pg^i^feiaMi; jtwwhere ^_ sold :at ^jo^^vgp^^^^gg^Sl^^f^S^rj^^ ^likmmKmm^m^Uff^^-