Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1923, p. 18

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wWffW*" tfWffW! *m*m*t*mm»mmmi0^t'**^ ipiif" iWffli llfflB|P!PI)j S 18 THE T AKi? ^HQRE NEWS, FRTHAY. APRIL 6, 1923 RECOMMENDATION. ESTIMATE. SPECIFICATIONS AND PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR AN ORNAMENT- AL STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM -Mm' -THE VILLAGE. OF, WILMETTE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE: We herewith submit an Ordinance, Sroviding for a local improvement, as ollows:â€" That; Chestnut Avenue from Village Limits on the West to West line of Sheridan Road; Ashland Avenue from » point 149 feet East of the West line of Village Limits to the West line of 7th Street; Greenwood Avenue from Village Limits on the West to Weft line of 7th Street; Elmwood Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to the West line of 15th Street and from the East line of 15th Street to Lake Michigan; Walnut Avenue from the East East line of Ridge Avenue to the West line of 15th Street; Forest Ave- nue from the East line of Ridge Ave- nue to the West line of 15th Street and from the East line of 15th Street to the West line of Michigan Avenue; Lake Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to Lake Michigan; Spencer Avenue from the East line or lfth Street to the West line of 15th Street; Washington Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to the West line of Main Street and from the East line of C. N. S. Electric Right of way to the West line of Twelfth Street, and from the East line of 8th Street to the West line of Michigan Avenue; Highland Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to the West line of ISth Street; Central Avenue beginning at a point 616 68/100 feet west from the West line of 17th Street to tht> west line of Sheridan Road; Greenleaf Avenue beginning at the East line of East Railroad Avenue to the Sanitary District Right of Way; Wilmette Ave- nue beginning at the East line of Ridgje Avenue to the South line of Elmwood Avenue; Linden Avenue from the East line of Prairie Avenue to the West line of Sheridan Road; _ HJUj-â„¢,-^ Street from the East line of 16th Street ^^rptiON t to the West line of Prairie Avenue; ««*-*«'«.'â- â€¢ Laurel Avenue from the East line of 8th Street to the West line of 4th Street and from the East line of the C. N., S. Electric Right of Way to the West line of the Right of Way of Sanitary District, and from the East line of the Right of Way of the Sani- tary District to the West line of Sheri- dan Road; Maple Avenue from the East line* of 7th H^ree^to-the~West line of Sheridan Road; Gregory Avenue from the East line of 16th Street to the West line of Park Avenue and from the East line of 10th Street to the fixture and reflectors with film cut out series socket and lamp. Installed. by excavating* trenching and laying cable in parkway and the necessary conduits and manholes. By installing the ne- cessary sub-station which is to house the control circuits, constant cur- rent regulating transformers, power transformers, control panels, meters, disconnect switches, oil switches with necessary protective relays, installing a lightning arresto*. trouble testing set; bv installing th{ necessary group transformers with disconnecting de- vices, by installing three conductor cable in conduit from the Sanitary District Sub-Station (point of supply) to the Wilmette Sub-Station (point of distribution), located on a triangular plot of ground, described as triangular part of alley, West of the North 44 feet of Lot 24 of Westerfleld's Re- Subdivision of Block 27. Village of Wilmette, in Township 42 North, Range. 13 East of Third Principal Meridian, to carry a complete orna- mental electric street lighting system throughout, and otherwise improving the same in the manner set forth as Specifications, and in the plans and drawings attached to said Ordinance, all of which, together with attached estimate of the whole cost of said improvement, are expressly madeâ€"a- part of said Ordinance; and we recom- mend the passage of said Ordinance and the making of the improvement therein comtemplated. Respectfully Submitted. Edward Zipf, Harry M. Bachman, Frederick Tilt, L. T. Starkel, Wm. H. Ellis, Board of Local improve- ments of the Village of Wilmette. Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, March 14, 1923. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLA- TION OF AN ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM, IN THE VIL- LAGE OF WILMETTE, COOK COUN- TY, STATE OF ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI- DENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUS- TEES OF THE VILLAGE OF WIL- w__________. That a local improve- ment shall be made in the Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, the nature, character, locality, and,description of which local improvement is a follows;â€" That: Chestnut Avenue, from Village Lim- its, on the West to West line of Sheri- dan Road; Ashland Avenue from a point 149 feet East of the West line of village Limits to the West line of 7th Street; Greenwood Avenue from Village Limits on the West to West line of 7th Street; Elmwood Avenue «;- *â€"7." â€">- o 7, ov.-"a*. *!«..♦*. hoi* i from the East line of Ridge Avenue West line of 3rd Street; North half I to the Wegt line of 15th street and of Isabella Street from the East line of Nanzig Avenue to the West line of of Main Street and from the East line of East Railroad Avenue to Village Limits on the East; East half of Ridge Avenue from Village Limits on. the North to- Village Limits on the South; 18th Street from Village Limits on the North to North line of Forest Avenu __ ___ , je"IlmTt8 on the North to Village limits on the South; Fernleaf Avenue from the Souch line of Wilmette Avenue to Village Limits on the South; Nanzig Avenue from the South line of Wilmette Avenue to the North line of Isa- bella Street; 16th Street from a point 141.2 feet North of the North line of Elmwood Avenue to the North lin^ of Isabella- Street; 15thâ€"Street beginning at the West line of Main Street to the North line of Isa- bella; 14th Street beginning at the South line of Wilmette Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; 13th Street beginning at~a poFnt 166.7 feet North of the North line of Hill Street to North line of Isabella Street; Prairie Avenue beginning at East line of 15th Street to North line of Isabella Street; Park Avenue beginning at South line of Lake Avenue to North line of Isabella Street; Doyle Court beginning -af'SoUth line of Oakwood to North line of Prairie Avenue; Wood Court beginning at South line of Oakwood Avenue to North line of Ftairie Ave- nue; Oak Circle beginning at South line of Wilmette Avenue to the North line of the first alley on the South; Main Street from Village Limits, on the North to a point 141.5 feet North ?of Elmwood Avenue and from the South line of Elmwood Avenue to ithe North line of Isabella Street; 13th Street from the South line of Chest- from the East line of 15th Street to Lake Michigan; Walnut Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to the West line of 15th Street; Forest Ave- nue from the East line of Ridge Ave- nue to the West line of 15th Street and from the East line of 15th Street to the West line of Michigan A â€" oW^EWTSasYTlne o Ridge Avenue to Lake Michigan; Spencer Avenue from the East line of 17th Street to the West line of 15th Street; Washington Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to the West line of Main Street and from the East line of C. N. S. Electric Right of Way and from the East line of 8th Street to tha JWest line of Michigan Avenue; Highland Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to the West line of 15th Street; Central Avenue beginning at, a point 516 68/100 feet west from the West line of 17th Street to the west line of Sheridan Road; Greenleaf Avenue beginning at the East line of EastxRailroad Avenue to the Sanitary District Right of Way; Wilmette Ave- nue beginning at the East line of Ridge Avenue to the South line of Elm- wood Avenue; Linden Avenue from the East line of Prairie Avenue to the West line of Sheridan Road; Hill Street from the East line of 16th Street to the West line of Prairie Avenue: Laurel Avenue from the East line of 8th Street to the West line of 4th Street and from the East line of the C. N. S. Electric Right of Way to the West line of the Right of Way of the Sanitary District, and from the East line of the Right of Way of the Sani- tary District to the West line of Sheridan Road; Maple Avenue from the East line of Tth Street to the West line tnut Avenue to Jhe North line of Lake Avenue; 12th Street from the South line of Chestnut Avenue to the North ?Iine of Central Avenue; 11th Street from the South line of Chestnut Ave- nue to the North line of Lake Avenue, and from the South line of Lake-Ave- nue to the North line of Linden Ave- nue; 10th Street from Village Limits on the North to North line of Gregory Avenue; 9th Street from South line of ChestnuJt_A^^nue--to--the-worth--line" ^Of~Oakwood and from the South line of Oakwood to the North line of Isa- bella; 8th Street from the South line jstetfeit to Isabella Street; 6th Street from the South line of Elmwood Avenue to North line of Isabella Street; 6th Street trom the South line of Forest Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street, 4th Street from the South line of Lake Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; 3rd Street from the South line of Washington Avenue to the Nortn line of Maple Avenue and from the South line of Maple Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; Dupee Place from the South line of Maple Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street^ Golf Terrace from the South line of Maple Avenue to appoint 239.7 feet South; Girard Avenue^from Limits on the South to a point 208.8 feet on the North; Garrison Avenue from Vil- lage Limits on the South to a point 208.8 feet on the North; Sheridan Road from Village Limits on the North to Village limits on the South; Michigan Avenue from the intersection of Sheri- dan Road at the North to the North line of Lake Avenue and from the South line of Lake Avenue to the North line of Washington Avenue, and from the South line of Washington Avenue to the intersection of Sheridan Road and Michigan Avenue; Oakwood Avenue beginning at the East line of Park Avenue to the West line of 8th Street; East Railroad Avenue begin- ning at the South line of Wilmette Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street, all in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, BE IMPROVED, by constructing over, along, and under the said streets and avenues within the said Village, an ornamental electric street lighting system, consisting of 1342 ornamental cast iron electric lighting standards set on concrete foundations with lan- tern type fixture and reflectors with film cut out series socket and lamp, installed by excavating, trenching and laying cable in parkway and the neces- sary conduits and manholes. By in- stalling the necessary substation which is to house the control circuits, con- stant current regulating transformers, power transformers, control panels, meters, disconnect switches, oil switches with the neces- sary ^ protective relays, installing a lightning arrestor, trouble testing set; by installing the necessary group trans- formers with disconnecting devices, by installing three conductor cable in con- duit from the Sanitary District Sub- station (point of supply) to the Wil- mette Substation (point of distribu- tion), located on a triangular plot of ground, described as triangular part of Alley West of the North 44 feet of Lot 24 of Westerfleld's Re-Subdivision of Block 27, Village of Wilmette, in Town- ship 42 North, Range 13 East of Third Principal Meridan, to carry a complete ornamental electric street lighting sys- tem throughout, and otherwise improv- ing the same in the manner herein- after set forth as "Specifications", and in the plans and drawings attached hereto, all of which together with at- tached estimate of the whole cost of said improvements are herebyâ€"express- ly made a part of this Ordinance. GENERAL INFORMATION. . These specifications are intended to cover a complete electric street light- ing system for the Village of Wilmette. Three gig-gaga Of^ ^ghtlnff-^ahaAL^Aft^n^ staltettT^HamelyT business, through boulevard and residential. The busi- ness and through boulevard lighting shall consist of 250 candle power lamps on 12 foot 6 inch standards and the residential shall consist of 100 candle power lamps on 10 foot 6 inch stand- ards. i« %£i wfl't ii»a nir Twpift^^^^-J"4*-^6*1^1 energy will be received to the West line of Twelfth-SJreetrtYr^nTthe lines of Sanitary District of Chicago, at a point of supply known as the Wilmette Substation, at the Foot of Lake Michigan and the Sanitary District Canal near the bridge at Sheri- dan Road. From this location it shall be conveyed by means of a three con- ductor cable, hereinafter specified, to the substation, hereinafter specified, along the route shown on the attached drawings, the said substation to be lo- cated on property.described as: triang- ular part of alley West of the North 44 feet of Lot 24 of Westerfleld's Re- Subdivision, of Block 27, Wilmette Vil- lage in T-42 N. R. 13 E of 3rd P. M. The substation shall have all the necessary switching, controlling, trans- forming and regulating equipment. The lampa are to be connected to op- erate in groups, each group to consist of such a number of lamps, either 100 candle power* 250 candle power or both, as will operate in series without requiring a voltage in excess of 750 volts on any one group. The lamps shall be mounted on ornamental cast iron standards of the size, shape and dimensions shown on the attached The completed conduit shall be so p?SlnateTan« not composed of lamin- atll,iaS5dult .hall be constructed of SKHt c'oT^ue^' fhU-w S„4U" ^"S ?;« c€? corrode the lead sheath of the leaa cov qhall be asshownonthe attached draw- ls for the respective l?,c^°nbe Test thickness of the wall shall not be less ^The^IngtfoY &e Actions shall be nvTr5 Weft except that up to ten (10) Ser cent of each shipment may be called for inshort lengths varying fromJwo (2) feet to four (4) feet six mcnes in ^"lie^bore of the conduit shall be true; the cross section shall not vary at any point more than one-eighth (%) ""in rom a true circle. T«e^iner surface shall be free from dent* and otner the unit'per trench foot.ill bid* - Wherever, in the opinion of Board of Local Improvements of ^ Village of Wilmette, it is impractlcabl to provide a manhole with a sew«_.m, A connection, the contractor shall co«1p ^ ^ struct a sump as follows: A hole tw« (2) feet square and two (2) feet deep shall be dug in one^ corner ofth,e man- hole and Ailed with three-quarter {% stone or gravel. A six (6) lncl tile, twelve (12) inches long shall b obstructions as gauged by the failure to pass a mandrel thirty six (36) inches long and having a diameter 86%.or Jhe*nominal diameter of the conduit. The specifications above shall apply to bends with the^exception that the thirty-six (36) inch mandrel shall be replaced by a ball mandrel of suitable diameter for each size of conduit. The joints shall be of the double, tapered, sleeve type, as shown on the attached drawings. The sleeve shall be tapered both ways toward the center at the middle section and the ends of the conduit shall have a corresponding taper which shall make a snug fit with the inside of the sleeve. The joints shall be sealed with an approved standard jointing compound^ v CONCRETE. The concrete used in the construction of conduit lines, lamp post foundations, manhole floors and roof slabs shall consist of one part Portland cement three parts sand, and five parts crushed stone, by volume. a^nxTa The cement used in making the above concrete shall conform to the specific- ations of the American Society of Test- ing Materials, Serial Designation C-9. The fine aggregate used in the con- crete shall be sharp and clean Torpedo Sand free from all loam. The coarse aggregate used in con- crete shall be clean, washed gravel, crushed limestone, free from dust, and the size that will pass, through a screen having three-fourths (%) inch round holes. , , â-  . . „ . The water used in concrete shall be clear, free from acids, alkalies, oil or vegetable matter. ^ All concrete shall be thoroughly mixed "*for a period of not less than one (1) minute in a batch mixer of a type approved by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wil- If mixed by hand, the concrete shall be mixed on a tight, movable platform of sufficients! inch-stone or gi tile, twelve (12) ., set vertically in the, gravel at such _ height as will bring its upper end flush] with the finished floor. I FRAMES AND COVERS: The frame and covers shall be of the shape an< dimensions shown on the attacheaPfflllf drawings and they shall be, made oMpI the best quality of soft grey Iron wlth>t§f§g out the admixture of .any inferior Wm materials. *.«***.*. ;9fli!l The covers must fit the frames per* whs fectly and conform to attached draw»|||t|t§ Each cover shall be.--- ^ letterediS!! "W E L", as shown on drawings. J!#pf The weight of the street type man-"ilfif^ hole frame and cover shall not be lest -ifP« than 742 pounds. . H The weight of the parkway typevgA.slit manhole frame and cover shall not be S?il#| less than 530 pounds. ff Sample-bars one (1) Inch square, five *g: (5) feet long, cast In said moulds from %%>.,,- each heat, or lot of castings, shall be lilii tested to sustain 500 pounds controlled ISii load on a clear span of four (4) feet iffs six (6) inches when tested in the rough ISpi! bar. Failure to do so will reject all SSili castings made from that heat. $?Sl?S| PATTERNS: The Contractor shall furn- §Hp! ?JJ?%«l1iw iSS^f ?Rtle^tL^7^l drawing. The conductors for supplying U^V£j£tei& Sl££± SSf&SZ ft! electrical energy to the lamps sITall be West line of Park Avenue and from the | East line of 10th Street to the West line of 3rd Street; North half of Isa- bella Street from the East line of Nan- zig Avenue to the west line of Main Street and from the East line of East Railroad Avenue to Village Limits on the East; East half of Ridge Avenue from Village Limits on the North to Village :limttsh onâ€"^tlreâ€"south; 18th Street from Village Limits on the North to North line of Forest Avenue; 17th Street from VillagfiJUmlts^ojWhe jBUt=JkKe»ue==*©==*h«-N^ akwood Avenue; 7th Street from the South line of Greenwood Avenue to ppgi A point 224 feet South of the South ^0M â- ' line of Laurel - Ayenuei-jCresoent" place ptfts -Tfrom -ar}©iht224 feet south of the south line plipa of Laurel Avenue to the north line Mllir of Oakwood Avenue; Woodbine Aver- figt||iv.»ue;--from'-::the"vWest".....line .of Crescent ptsli'-Place to the North line Of Isabella fef Street; Broadway from the South line felHl of Crescent Place to the North line of ite#S -^Isabella Street; 6th Street from the ||gj20 South line of Elmwood Avenue to Lpf^*"*1 fr^glâ„¢ ttlSi North line of Isabella StreetTTihStreet|^rth ofth« plIglE from the South line of Forest Avenue siiii to the North line of Isabella Street; iiiif;.*th:..:Street, from the South line of USttil!/Lake . Avenue . to' -the North . line of ^«MJsabella^-^tr«et;-^rd-"-Street^fr6m^Tie^ .Wmm "South line of Washington Avenue pflsl to the North line of Maple Avenue and ililf; from the South line of Maple Avenue g«i:tp;.:the North' line; of Isabella Street: ;l^fl:Dupee Place- -from the' South.' line- of MllMl Maple Avenue to the North line Of igpiflllsabelle â-  Street: Golf Terrace from the liUftll Sotith line of Maple Avenue to a point . Sp$p239.T Seet South; Girard Avenue from â- 00$fi: Village Limits on the South to a point gg|pI208.8 feet on the North; Garrison Ave- ^Itftlnue from Village Limits on the South pMtllto^avcpoint. 208.8"' feet, on 'the North; KliSiSSNridan Road from Village Limits on m$m the :Northâ- â- . to.: Village Limits: .on the liiilll South; Michigan Avenue,* liplM'teTBeclrto^^^ the $£$$£§ North to the North line of 'Lake Ave • MfilSSitiue and from the South line of Lake lSifiil|Avenue';to*the North line of Wash- Ifelifillngton Avenue; and from the South »^_______________ ..^^^^.^^â€"^,â€"«.«««. !8Sii!il,M*^LJWM&tSS^.. Ay^me_tO-Jthe-4n-- ^AveiraeritOtirSlreet from Village Lim ;i^«l|te«iec«onrof Sheridan Road and Mich- its on the North to North line of Greg g|^^l(l«an':Ayenu(e;'.;;.04k:wpod Avenue be- ory Avenue; 9th Street from South line ^i^^ .Easttline of .Park Ave- of Chestnut Avenue to the North line itiltSSgnue. to the-West .line of. 8th Street: - - - â-  - - - - ---------_#*--.-. BaSt*^Rjailroad Avenue- imgtnmtig'M Lltnltson the South; Fernleaf Avenue from the South line of Wilmette Avenue to Village Limits on the South: Nanzig, Avenue from the South line of Wilmette Avenue to the North line of Isabella Street; 16th Street from a point 141.2 feet North of the North line of Elmwood Avenue to the Northr line of Isabella Street; 15th Street begftgning at the West line of Main Street to the North line of Isa- bella; 14th Street beginning at the South line of Wilmette Avenue to the North line of Isabella -Street: ^iMh Street beginning, at a point 166.7 feet North of the North line of Hill Street to North line of Isabella Street; Prairie Avenue beginning at East line of 15th Street to North line of Isabella Streets Park Avenue beginnihgr at South line of Lake Avenue to North line of Isa- bella Street; Doyle Court beginning at South line of Oakwood to North line of Prairie Avenue; Wood Court begin- ning at South line of Oakwood Avenue to North line of Prairie Avenue; Oak Circle beginning at South line of Wil- mette Avenue to the North line of the first alley on the South: Main Street from Village Limits on the North to a point 141.5 feet North of Elmwood Ave- nue and from the South line of Elm- wood Avenue to the North line of Isa- bella Street; 13th Street from the South line of Chestnut Avenue to the North line of Lake Avenue; 12th Street from the-South line of Chestnut; Avenue to the North line of Central Avenue; 11th Street from the South line of Chestnut Avenue to the North line of Lake Ave* nue and from the South line of Lake installed underground, except within the standards themselves, and shall fol- low the routing shown on the attached drawings. The business districts are defined, for the purpose of this ordinance, as fol- lows: _ Main Street-orâ€"Westâ€"Railroact Ave- nue, Washington ^Avenue__to__4_00 feet south of Wilmette Avenue, both sides, of street. Central Avenue east^frotti Railroad Avenue^-to â€"ESeventh ^Street ^iolhsfdes of street. Wilmette Avenue east of Railroad Avenue to Lake Ave- nue, both sides of street. Twelfth Street east of Railroad Avenue, Cen- tral to Lake Avenue, two blocks, both sides of street. Greenleaf Avenue east of the Northwestern Railroad to Elev- enth Street-both^Blder of-street-------â€" Linden Avenue on Third to Fifth Streets, both sides of street. Fourth Avenue, Greenleaf to Laurel, both sides -of'street Through boulevards aire defined for purpose of this ordinance as Sheri- dan Road from the south corporate limits to the north corporate limit of the Village of Wilmette. The portion or portions of the Vil- lage _not. included in the above defirii ish a sufficient number of patterns to enable him to make the deliveries spe- > cifled in his proposal. The patterns shall become the property of and be 1 delivered in good condition to the Vil- ^ lage of Wilmette, when contract is com- " Dieted. TRENCHING AND LAYING CONDUIT. The conduit system is to be installed in theparkwaya or alleysâ€"and -shall icoTTsTsror the number of ducts, sizes, and lengths as shown on attached drawings. The conduits are to be surrounded by concrete envelope of the dimensions as shown on the attached drawings. Top of concrete envelope shall be at least twenty-four (24) inches below the surface of the paved street, alley surface or improved parkways. All conduits are to be installed in such manner that they will be straight and that they will drain to the manholes located at street intersections. After the completion of each conduit section and adjoining manholes, each and every conduit shallbeTveJdjBjd_and- tested for obstructioTfiB*=by~Tnlsans of a test mandrel. The test mandrel shall be twelve (12) inches in length and one* fourth (% ") inch smaller in diameter than the conduit through which it is to be passed, and provided with steel plates at least one-eighth (%") inch thick at each end. Wherever parkway cable of the group circuits leave the manhole or where a conduit crosses a paved street or alley, an addtional three (8) inch conduit will be laid with the main conduit line, and theendj the-manner^heTeiTisrteT specinec ORNAMENTAL STANDARDS. All standards shall be of one-light ornamental cast iron type, of the sizes and design shown on attached drawings. The standards ofâ€"the res- pective â-  heights shown on drawings shall be erected at the location for the respective classes of service as indi- cated on attached drawings. _______ â€" The weights of individual standards shall not be less than that given in the following table: For 12 ft. 6 in. Standards............400 pounds, For JJLft6Jn^____-_~-â€"«â€"--â€"------- StaTTclaras .. .T........300 pounds. For 3 ft. 6 in. Pedestal Lights......125 pounds. They shall be made of the best qual- ity of grey cast iron. Each post must be carefully moulded in steel flasks, from aluminum patterns. Posts must be free from blow holes, scales or other defects. The thickness of the iron shall vary unlformally from the base to the top, and shall be not less than three- eighths (%) inch at a point twelve (12) inches below the top and not less than one-half (%) inch at the base. Standards shall be provided with suitable lugs for bolting to the foun- dation, and with a door in base to give access to interior. Door shall be fast- ened with a latch threaded to fit three- eighths (%_) inch brass machine screws; latch to fit into guides cast in door and so arranged that there will be no tapped holes in door or post; head of bolt must be counter- sunk in door. The 12 ft. 6' in. post shall be twenty (20) inches in diameter across flats at base. Diameter of column at largest point above the base, eight (8) inches tapering to about four and one-half (4U6XJhche*-4ust belowâ€"the top. The post is to be octagonal with alternate flat and concave sides as shown in at- tached drawings. .. . J£h*=£0 ft-=#HB^post=i!tfill be stxTeen (16) inches in diameter across flats at base. Diameter of column at largest point above the base, six and one-half (6- % ) inches tapering to three and one- half (3-%) inches just below the top. Post is to be octagonal, with alternate flat and concave sides as shown on at- tached drawini i MANHOLES. _ ^ , LOCATION AND GRADE: On the at- tached drawings are shown the design giving the dimensions, locations and number of the various sizes of the manholes. '. -.-... ^ „ * The tops of all manholes installed in sidewalks or pavements are, to be located at the elevation of the sidewalk; the tops of all manholes installed in parkways shall be three (3) inches above the level of the parkway and the surface. All manholes shall be drained to catch basins. Where no catch basin is within 190 feet from the manhole, a sump shall be installed as hereinafter specified. WALLS: Manholes of the respective type, shape and dimensions as shown on attached drawings, shall be con- structed at the locations shown on the attached drawings. The walls shall be eight (8) inches in thickness and shall be built of good quality, whole hard burned brick, laid in cement mor- tar consisting of one (J.) part by bulk of the best Portland cement and three (3) parts by bulk of clean, sharp sand. Immediately before laying, the brick shall be thoroughly drenched with water. The sand and cement shall be of the kind and quality hereinbefore specified. ROOF SLAB: The forms for the roof slab shall be erected in workmanlike manner so as to leave a smooth, even surface to the slab when the forms are removed. They shall be well braced. The roof slab shall be reinforced with three-quarter (%) inch square rein- forcing rods placed six (6) inches on centers, as designated by the Board of Local Improvements. The bars shall be of the best quality reinforcing steel rolled from new billets. All-bars to-be-cut to-required^lengmr No splicing of reinforcing bars will be permitted. The steel shall be placed on the forms in such manner thatsjhe cen*«r=of the^^tosrs are=lJlfe= andr^on^ half (1%) inches from the bottom of the slab. M , ^ ^. „ ^ . . . The roof slab shall be constructed of concrete of the materials and pro- portions hereinbefore specified under "CONCRETE", and shall not be less than eight (8) inches thick when fin- tacned drawings. ___,_________â€" ished. Thetcp_sujrtfocej9f_jfch^ â€"T*etop-tJf-ttrenpbsT^hlflTTe^o^Bon ^all^b^rtliitsnWsnTb^tirby means of a structed that the lantern type fixture hereinafter specified can be placed on float As soon as the concrete has hard- ened so that the surface will not mar, it shall be covered with moist earth to a depth of six (6) inches. An open- ing of the size shown on the attached drawings shall be left in the roof slab for access to the manhole. FLOOR: Each manhole, shall be pro- vided with a floor ofâ€"concrete con- I structed of the materials and propor- tions hereinbefore specified under pwaJthe South line of Wilmette Avenue to ^â- fe^be:;-Nortlr-.line"of Isabella Street, all In the Village of Wilmette* Illinois, be ^l^ill^ JhjB^kntthJin^ &$kJ&?kFT^£-*^^ South of the South line of Laurel Avenue; Woodbine Ave- nue from the West line of Crescent Place to the North line of Isabella Street; Broadway from the South riZZJBBH^SwlthiH the said village, ah orna- mental electric street liKhting system, , .consisting of 1342 ornamental cast iron "leetric^ lightings standards set on con- The units for the business districts, | as hereinbefore defined, shall be spaced approximately 75 feet apart on alter- nate sides of the street, as shown on attached drawings. The units for the through boulevards shall be spaced approximately 125 feet apart on alternate sides of the streets, as shown on attached drawings. The units for the residential districts shall be spaced approximately 150 feet apart on alternate sides of the streets, as shown on attached drawings. Each group shall terminate in a man- hole in which there shall be a group series transformer w;hictr shall be con- nected to a primary circuit leading to the substation and connected to a con- stant current regulator. The conduit system is to be installed ______ __ ___ _ in stfeets and allej^jfta ahixwji^n^at^ Avenue to the^ NpjjlL^ine--of^-LtedcVHacfe consist of the number'and size of ducts and of lengths as shown oh attached draw- ings.. #'â- '.::. . CONDUIT* â€"â€"â€" of .Oakwood- and==from =thlr South line of Oakwood to the North line of Isa- bella; 8th Street from the South line Of Chestnut Avenue to the North line of Oakwood Avenue; 7th Street from Conduit of the various sizes shall be installed at the various locations in the various arrangements, all as shown on the attached drawings. "fibrer-except-for ^entrance to the sub- station, where vitrified clay conduit shall be used, as shown on attached drawings. The materials used in the "CONCRETE". The earth shall be lev eled and any loose earth well tamped to provide an even bearing for the floor. The concrete shall be placed to a depth of not lesfrthan three (3) inches and brought to an even and. compact sur- face, and a coat of cement mortar one- half (%) inch in thickness laid and trowelled to smooth finish. The mortar shall be composed of one (1) part by bulk of cement and two (2) parts bjr bulk of sand of the kind and quality hereinbefore specified. The floor shall be sloped to the sump or drain connection. Before the floor is laid, the iron pipe for ground cone, hereinafter specified, shall be driven into the ground, ,.. â-  A four (4) inch back pressure valve and trap, with perfora^^jcejnffivaMe^-ineh; i^thiclnieiffC"conipdsed of one inlet-guard,;â€"^haTTTfe" furnished and placed in the side wall near the floor of each manhole designated, and the same shall be properly connected by means of a four (4) ineh tile pipe With the main sewer. Where conditions preclude the instal- lation of a regular sewer connection, the Board of liocal Improvements of fhfLYJIIftgfi of Wilmpttfi nhaH-tmthnrl7?r in writing the installation of a four (4) inch tile pipe beneath the conduit line connecting, the back pressure valve to ad jacent manhole. The excavation and tile required " making^of-flbrg=jgondjultJ*ftal^ adflltlOnW that required for conduit erate* woo^tflbreTmpregnated with a work, shall be the post, held by means of set screws, all as shown on the attached drawings. FOUNDATIONS FOR ORNAMENTAL STANDARDS. . Each standard shall be installed on a concrete foundation. The foundation shall be constructed of concrete of the material and proportions hereinbefore specified under "CONCRETE" and shall be of the shape and dimensions and contain the appurtenances as shown on the attached drawings for the respec- tive 8iZ68 ...'..".."..". Provision shall be made at time foundation is poured for Installation of cable, by installing in each foundation, - two (2) two-inch (2^') fibre* conduit fi bends imbedded in concrete as shown â-  on attached drawings. Where pothead or base lamp is to be installed in baser of standard, the support shaU be im-ia W bedded in concrete as shown on at#f tached^ drawing's.. "'.. v,;-:.' ' ':';S'll|§i Elbows shall extend four C4y.ihohesPfe above the concrete base where con- "S tinuous runs of conduits are installed * between lamps in the business district. ^ Top and sides of concrete foundation? fi block where exposed above grade must- be finished with finishing coat j>ne~4I)§^* part Portland cement to two (2) parts clean sand. The finishing coat to be applied before concrete has set. •â- -:â- ;.....--â€"•-:-":::-;'^:v.-G1ES.DM!."',i ,, The- trench in which - the conduit :liHk to be laid shall be dug to such a depth Mi and in such a manner that the conduit "f^' When installed phft11 l<*» in n fitrnight, -true line and shall have a uniform «« pitch from one manhole to another, Bp sufficient to completely drain the con- duit.........â- .-.:..:..,',------- â- ' . ..... ;';.:;vy:'!|i|-::;. â- '•'.' v'?;-'-|l|5 „jrh^-*rAde-of^the-top-Tn^^ concrete foundation for either 10 ft 6 Kv© in. or 12 ft 6 in. one light ornamental standard shall 1 tnued on Page 19)

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