^"^iiiat^ lake shorr nt j,ECAL NCfflCE:gg;g;- (Continued from Page 20) bronze frame, two enam- eled reflectors 100 can- dle power, type C series Maasda lamp or equal, film Mogul socket wired in- clusive of all labor and material for erection on r concrete foundation, at $63.00 ..,..... «••••••• 72,261.00 *7-l0 ft. 6 in. 400 lbs. one light cast iron orna- mental standard complete with, lantern type fixture clear rippled glass pan- el, bronze frame, two en- ameled reflectors, 100 . candle power type C -^ series Mazda lamp or equal, film Mogul socket wired red bull's eyes 4 in. in diameter 8 in. above the base of post with a 60 candle power type C series Mazda lamp or equal, Mogul socket wired installed in base of post inclusive of all labor and material for erection on concrete foundation, at $81.00 .. 4,617.00 «â€"3 ft. 6 in. one light red warning signal cast iron ' ornamental pedestal com- plete with all labor and material included. at $120.00................ 720.00 6â€"Portland cement concrete foundations 18 in. ^dia- _j_________ meter x 30 inTdeep ap- proximately 4% cu. ft. shall consist of 1 part Portland cement, 3 parts sand and 5 parts crushed stone, all to be by vol- ume, complete with 4 an- chor bolts % in. x 12 in. and 3 in. cable duct for red light warning signal, at $7.60................ 45.00 36600-ft. No. 6 B & S gauge Single Conductor solid wire 5/64 in. wall rubber, taped % . in. lap, 3/64 in. lead, one layer of Jute, 2 layers of .030 x %___________ in. steel tape, one lays? â€"-â- of saturated Jute for 1000 volt service inclu- siveo£ all laborand.ma- terial for trenching, lay- ing in 6 x 24 in. trench, backfilling, splicing, con- necting, bonding, cable to transformer potheads and lamps, at $270.00 per 124930-ft. No."8 B& S gauge Solid single conductor wire, 4/64 in. wall rub- ber,* taped 1/16 in. lead tarred. 5/64 in. Jute, serve tarred, two steel tapes, .030 in. x % In. â€"â€"«yf«= inr Jute^serve tarred -â„¢~â€"â€"^ overall 600 volt service inclusive of all labor and material for trenching and laying in 6 x 24 in. trench, backfilling, splic- ing, connecting, bonding, cable to transformer pot- , heads and lamps, at $260.00 per M ft....... 82,481.80 187395-ft. No. 6 B & S gauge solid single conductor wire 4/64 in. wall rub- ber, taped 1/16 in. lead tarred, 6/64 in. Jute serve tarred, 2 steel tape .030 x % in. 6/64 in. Jute serve tarred overall 600 volts inclusive of all la- bor and material for trenching, laying, in 6 x_________ 24 in. trench, backfilling, splicing, connecting, bonding, cable to trans- former potheads and lamps, at $271.00 per M f t# ,.................... 50,784.05 4000-ft. No. 6 B & S gauge single conductor wire, 4/64 in. wall rubber, in- sulated, 1/16 In. lead covered,, for ,600 volt service, inclusive of all labor and material for pulling in conduit con- _----- -necting, bonding, cable to transformer potheads and lamps, at $171.00 per a M ft................... 684.00 66860-ft. No. 6 B & S gauge single conductor wire ' 6/32 in. rubber wall tape % in. lap 4/64 in. lead for 5000 volt service in- clusive of all labor and material for pulling in K, conduit connecting, bond- ing, cable to transformer THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDA^^VPRIL 6; 1923 9,882.00 disconnecting device* and lamps, at $274.00 per M. ft. . . .............. 7000-ft. No. 1/0 B A 8 gauge stranded three conductor cable 6/32 in. wall varnish cambric Jute laterals 5/82 In. belt var- nish cambric 7/64 in. lead for 12,000 volt ser- vice inclusive of all labor and material of splicing and connecting to cable end bells pulling in con- duit, at $1697.00 per M 2700-f t." No.' 4 . B* & 8' gauge stranded single conduc- tor 3/64 in. wall rubber taped 1/16 in. lead for 600 volt service inclusive of all labor and material for pulling in conduit, splicing and necessary connections, at $150.00 per M ft............... 8980-trench ft. excavating, laying 2-3 in. fibre con- duit (including concrete mixture envelope 14 x 10 _ in. deep) top of con- crete envelope to be lo- cated at 2 ft. 0 in., below the surface of the street paving, back filling re- placing superstructure on parkway or alley not paved at $.85 per trench 4185-trench ft. excavating, laying 3-3 in. and 1-4 in. â€"fibre conduit, sleeve Joint., or equal, (including con- crete mixture envelope 1 ft. 39Tin. x 1 ft. 3 in. deep) top of concrete envelope to be located 2 ft. 0 in. below the sur- face of the street paving, back filling replacing su- perstructure on parkway or alley not paved, at SI.26 per trench ft. ... -trench ft. of excavat- ing, laying 6-3 in. and 1-4 in. fibre conduit, sleeve Joint or equal (including concrete mix- ture envelope 1 ft. 8 in. x 1 ft. 944 in. deep) top of concrete envelope to be located 2 ft. 0 in. below the surface of the = street paving, back fill- ing replacing superstruc- ture on parkway or alley not paved, at $J_76 per trench ft......VWTTrrrâ€" 420-trench ft. of excavating, laying 11-3 in. and 1-4 in. fibre conduit, sleeve Joint or equal, (including concrete mixture envel- ope 1 ft. 8tt in. x 2 ft. 2% In. deep) top of con- crete envelope to be lo- cated 2 ft. 0 in. below the surface- -of the- street---= paving, back filling re- placing superstructure on parkway or alley not paved, at $3.80 per trench 200-trench ft. of excavating, laying 14-8 in. and 1-4 in. fibre conduit, sleeve Joint or equal (including con- crete, mixture envelope 1 ft. 8tt in. x 2 ft 814 in. deep) top of concrete envelope to be located 2 ft. 0 in. below the sur- face of the street paving back filling replacing superstructure on park- way or alley not paved, at $4.10 per trench ft. 2130-square ft. of relaying ©emem _i*ewaik7-at-^lH- per square ft........... 2556-llneal ft. of brick pav- ing to be relaid at $2.30 ?er lineal ft. .......... x 6 x 6 ft. brick man- holes 8 in. wall, with con- crete roof slab 6 ft. 8 In - x 6 ft. 8 in. x 8 in. and cast iron manhole *top '742 lbs., at $220.00..... 50-3 ft. x 5 ft. x 5 ft. brick manholes 8 in. wall with ^concrete roof slab 6 ft. 8 in. x 6 ft. 8 in. x 8 in. and cast iron manhole top 530 lbs., at $110.00.. 26-4 ft. x 6 ft.«x.6 ft. brick manholes 8 in. wall with concrete roof slab 6 ft. 8 in. x 6 ft. 8 in. x 8 in. and cast iron manhole top 742 lbs., at $140.00.. 1342-Portland cement con- crete foundations 20 in. x 30 In. deep, approxi- mately 4% cu. ft. shall , Illlil' 18,819.64 11,879.00 405.00 7,638.00 6,231.25 8,465.00 1,386.00 820.00 852.00 6,878.80 2,200.00 5,500,00 8,640.00 ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that on Saturday, the 14th day of April, 1923, an Election will be held at Village Hail, in School District No._39, Township No. 42, Range 13, County of Cook, and State of Illinois, for the purpose of electing a President of the Board of Education to serve for a term of one year, two, members of the Board of Education to serve for a term of three years. The Polls if ivhich Election «will be open all one o'clock "P. M., and close at five o'clock of the same day. ;-:£-\â- :.:>^S?=;- /â- \'K^^:'^W-'-i^'^ S By orefer^^ is Ba^e^rlhl^lnaf ^y of A^ril, 1923^ ||ii:^ttest|,!- J. R. Harper; Secretary Arthur H: Howard, i fonsist of one part Port-: ^ land cement, three parts t sand and Ave parts k crushed stone, all to be ; by volume, complete with 4 anchor bolts % in. x It in. and 8 In. cable duct for one light ornamental «„5£ftP/lard-' J* 17.50A each 21000-lineal ft of 2 in. ; wrought iron pipe gal- vanized for^ crossing paved , streets, , alleys a?*L -Prlv*te driveways, at $.90 per lineal ft. .... 1420-lineal ft. 2 in. wrought iron pipe galvanized for crossing railroads and street car crossings, at 10,066.00 ' 18,900.00 ...... ^1,065.00 iipf.75 per lineal ft Total estimate of labor and material .......... $310,395.88 18,623.76 ?Por lawful,costs and ex-*§§»* rpenses of ' making ^ and MM, collecting the assessment p$$k for said improvement at'"":"' 6 per cent .,..,..^...j,..,^.. Collectable in ten (10) â- annual installments, ac- 'ZW^n cording to law. '.___. ';-av:'-^-;;^g^ Notes In this estimate the words "wire" and "cable" are synony- mously used; "group' ^iggtiranswrmjL^ . __ s"iASâ€"--â- Wherever iitflused. also the Zilwrmaoli words iers are synonymously *""* concrete .'â- !•;, specified the mixture is one part ^Portland cement .,,â€" _-----. oement sand, > .and.;' five :«j .^crushed stone. three . parts I hereby certify that, in my opinion, the above estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the lmprovemen {tosed and the lawful expenses ng the same, -â- '- ........~..~^~ -â€"â€"-- -:::,,^:zM:": BJdtrard.'21pt:SSM '"SiMp 'President of the Board of ": tflt^Iiocar"tmprOvsments of "thej Tillage of Wilmette. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Tuesday the Seventeenth day of April next, at the VU- lage Hall in the first precinct; at the Vil- lage Hall in the second precinct; at the Blaisdell Barber Shop, No. 505 Fourth Street, in the third precinct; at the Fire Station, No. 829 Main Street, in the fourth precinct; pt *he F» 'SI Library, at the north east corner of Park and Wilmette Avenues, in the fifth precinct; in the Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, an election will be held for the ^followinij-Vffl^ sis ONE VILLAGE PRESIDENT 1 ONE VILLAGE TREASURER 1 THREE VILLAGE TRUSTEES! TWO DIRECTORS OF FREE i^HI "^ifii Mbmm 'Wmm -'ssfi.0- PUBLIC LIBRARY ts>S!Â¥i!! Also, the requisite petition having been filed in the office of the undersigned Clerk in proper time, requesting that the following pro- position be submitted to the voters at the next General Election: .S^^pSWiSsl^'-III^^^^S or against the adoption of the following .....""ii"'" Fowler the amount due them, without interest, amounting to Four Thousand Two Hundred and Ten Dollars and Thirty-Five Cents i vS'5W,Sfe> 210.35) for side walks laid by them in the Village of Wilmette in 1900-1901 under ordinances after- wards held to be void, for which work they have|§-m^» never been;:^BsM/t::^ o'clock in the morning, and will continue open until 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of the same Given under my hand at Wilmette, Illinois, this Sixteenth day of March, A. D. 1923. WMWM â- I§itl ||§5spSlS mmmm â- mSmm iSilsSlflli EARLE.ORNER, illage Clerk.