wssm tup ARDEN SHORE Bl IHAP Fill ^S'^gsISi Boys and Girls of the Tene- ments given a Chance to ll|Take Places as Citizen*^!! FUNDI! DRIVE IN MAY Camp at Lake Bluff a North [WW:M Shore' Charity$i|iiiiii?| To old residents of tfii'hortnlhofi the history of the founding and rapid development of the Arden Shore camp at Lake Bluff is undoubtedly familiar, but as there are many new comers each year this brief outline is presented-thatâ€"they -may-know mmm^mmmm mmmmmmmm tmmmmmmmmm â- â- â- â- â- ill mm. ^mmtmm.^m I^KE SHQl^^^ flf' about this great charity to which all the villages of the north shore will contribute duringthe month of May; This fresh air camp was started as an adjunct to Gad's Hill Settlement then,'as now* in the neighborhood of 22nd and Robey streets, Chicago.:l|:? Was Gad's Hfll Camp J. In 1901 the camp was first establish- ed on the nine acres of" ground be- tween Glencoe and Highland Park and was called Gad's Hill camp, There were no permanent buildings., only tents, and but thirty guests could be accommodated. At first during the short summer season the camp was supported by each north shore village for one week and the women of the villages did volunteer service. Now there are more than 21 acres of land, owned by the association, many perm- anent buildings, a capacity of 500 ^guests at fmf time, and a regular pai clothing for their faitiili&TTI&cIoth-: »ng is generously furnished by North Shore. women, v7 ^, |iip;|l?iiillSiPi' â- The babies get tit^rlmeol'lni^in- telligent care they need and groups or little convalescent children from Chicago hospitals have a chance to grow strong and rosy during the long summer days. A visitor asked one little tot who was lying on a cot un- der a big tree if she would not like some toys, and the answer came: "No ma'm, I don't need any toys here. T just like to look at the trees and the lake and hear the birds sing." Games, picnics on the beach, danc- ing and singing jn the big amusement hall, and best of all swimming in Lake Michigan every day, make the vacation pass all too quickly. One poor woman said, when the time came for her to go home: "I feel like I was leaving Heaven when I go away from Arden Shore:" â- \ pfWould Help Mow Boy. siif During the winter of 1923-24 the di- rectors of the association- wish to install a new group of boys at the icampâ€"little fellows about 12 who have finished their required school work but are too young and under- nourished to be given working certi- ficates^ - If they~can_he-given a good physical start this early in life they will have a much better chance when it__is time for them to enter the in- dustrialworldT The present staff^can take care of this group in addition to the older boys if the needed equip- ment and extra funds for running expenses can be obtained; S^fiiiiiSl^feiil .......litlfMs iLadies* full-sized flesh and white. staff of workers. It was in March 1908 that the pres ent site of the camp, a beautiful tract of forest land overlooking Lake Mich- igan, just north of Lake BUmy was purchased and the name was changed to Arden Shore. The camp is now open almost^all i the year round, a brief interval being allowed late in the spring and early in the-fall to change from winter to summer work and back again. , Real Health Camp The camp was formerly devoted en- tirely to vacation work among the mothers and children of Chicago's cpngestelFdistricts and that is_ still a targe part of its laisaie! years, however, the work has de- veloped more and more along the lines of constructive charity. Groups of undernourished children, girls in summer and boys in winter, are taken to "the; camp and scientifically built up by good food, rest and fresh air until they arejphysically fit to enter the indiistriar world and take care of themselves and help- support their families. Their attitude toward life is also changed and sullen, unhappy little beings, who believe that life holds nothing for them but hard knocks, are converted into healthy, happy, industrious little citizens who believe in the friendship of their em- ployers and are ready, to take and effi- cient part in the world of work. '-'• J(t?':%' Vacation* For-Mother* v^Iil " "Tn^ummier, besides~lhe nutritional work, vacations of two weeks or long- |£~anL giveaJs^moth^e^and children. The^othersTiave ^IFcTianjce tcorest and play, alsb th ey learn how to ^ake care of their babies* keep their houses clean and how to make over Statistics Show and authorities agree Jnat'.Wijjt:. of School Children's ityes are defective. ^That of these at least 25$ are retarded in their studies.^ A good many are con- sidered dense or stupid when they have never had a chance. The mere fact that a child can see well is no assurance that the eyes are normal. ^ ; Only a thorough examina- tion will determine the pres- DrO.H.BERSCH -mm Optometrist mmi Formerly MgT. Opt. Dept. . cock* Inc. C. D. Pea- For Appointment Phone Wil. 27(M i?:,. or Residence Wilmette 1707 _ ' From ercry section of tliU store come timely item* attractively priced for two days only. Things you need now, are so reasonably priced, you will be riiany times repaid for a visit â- to this store during these two days. :^^^SKiii^^SKSSi^^iPI^^^^^^^^I Towels Â¥oile* Beautiful new voiles, in origi- nal and distinctive patterns in combinations of brown, tan, orange, etc., 37 inches in width, special, â- ,-j:J|4*-^J „ a;:;yardt ;...^*..;..,..... Jif flitiil size, medium heavy weight, turkish bath ,towel,;;« plain white, measures 22x44 inches. A regular 50c value, S| and?||Wednesday:: ||| number, W^M'SWM^M siiiii*1 Ladies^ blobnwrsm inch lengths, made from flesh colored checked batiste mercerized 'finish, ,liinitcd;'number,5ivl|S|ll* special â- ........v;,.;..^..1.'^!^^!! 79c Gowns gowns, slip-over styles, in Iboth Made from nice quality longp Regular' -sizes-â- only^fe^fi' Oftg^V"' Union Suits Ladies' knit union bodi suits, made with either regui or loose knee, sizes 36 to 44. Closely woven Rag Rugs, in hit-and-miss patterns, H§ full size 27x54, fine for^^ ^ be^rooms^ Jetc. Chowel||.,,l aSlM! I^variety' .of 'Sputglikf*co1ota?.:.,«ras; New cretonhes;; in JKS-inches in width. The weight is just right for sun porch drapes, pillows or covers* -OVI Choice of any pattern :i^|^.«il?'*:fi^^^ 1©t SfSfll not ever 10 bars fo&nji Etfi** S|iS'.. customer, ,whik^l^t*dL^i<JinUi^liasjB^% â- vW iftttfi; ;sl|Two;;':bars. for. â- ^^i;g^;.i^p<^^^.,*;, all: over: the â- 'store^'.next."Tueslay :and "Wedne^d^f r'M on tables and counters, plainly marked, on these two days. O. iiiMie siicbef s of [^i^^S^^^f0^' hi Wil- J§ mette is due to th%sqiia]u^^ the JJJ right prices ^^|&§Spfflf^SS^^^i^ B Our line is the best obtainable. ||We are ^^pmks^on qwaUty, W^ Wcj know that wh^ we sdl you an article] we h^p made a friend, you will come back j againlf Our personal endorsement fe ^tiar^^e.lli|I18iWi!lH^tt Isn't fflft^ I ind be «afi^tlian cheape||goods .lift ;:lorgy/|^^9^^^^^^^pii u mnt kind to ui in tbt rich array of|-|||| "ruit which. sh« provides. And mooWrn tran«porta4iS|||p itunt has made it po««ible for as to enjoy :.naluf«*i^S bounty. A wonderful fresh stock always to be found in our :«t«r^ili|i|||i^^^|i^^^ SPEOAlf SAl£mAlimJM^^m mUtaAMi Strawberries, Mashtvoms, Cucumbers, Watercress, Ra^ftlies, Endire and Peppers at JOHN MILLEN HARDWARE tain Phone 60 W^ymi^^^M t^ffiHetii : Fresh Peas, â- %llf^£;^!^^ iiSjk.:-|5e-3 lbs.â- â- â- 'iiM^Mt^^^.tl^W^^^ iSr......â- ,. Ftntj Garden â- Spinach,^'pccJi";/..^^|l§^i;2»c- Green Beans,'quart [vi:0iJ^^^^^^Mp |Fancy Asparagus, .Is^e;'lnmches||||i|.lde. Extra large bunches â- >;^^*^f^^SS &0C New Carrots, bunch ,:.^Trtflillii^tt': ;"Sc- |New Beets, bunch, ^V.^;^;^|^|^^:..ife; |Fresh;':G«^^Pnion|^"# Cauliflower ... '*":».; Jl*^ -*::,»'ti" * ^irtr-i 10c 20c and up .Fancy Tomatoes, lb. |SB^^^^^ -^Ajrtichokasy-'ejf^ Rhubarb, VtM^'im^m*::...... .::v^^i;v'Miill§.10c^ Celery, bunch, iS|W..;,;-. 10c, 15c and 25c Bananas, dozen, ......... 10c, 15c and 25c Special Indian River Grapefruit |g,per. case|||i|||*'*.;|||>;%;. ^$£&$h§?£$Mi;.$4.60| ^"iQlhiers at 5 .M ' Green Apples Z lbs. for . [win lbs. for "Fancy Idaho Russet Potatoes, 2 bushel bs»^jt^&|^ e^oc 'Offl^AFEW8AI»Lm^TllISjS^^ :'â- ... ,-.J'.'iu.;,i..;^.....:.;..._,..,., ';. .;'L,.'.1._^„.;,......._......l0^'i^sSM^M^Mi^^^&:^~-