Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1923, p. 17

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?*?s^f»rkling' 'Comedy ms$$$$$®& enchanted aprii<" -.:iip .^y^ilgf.13^^;.page-& Company -â- ,v.^,-::'â- .'.â-  $1.90 ":"--â-  â- â€¢^•^,- â- ::HSlBflRcvicwed;by Keith'.Preston ;®S|f • Husbands, as most readers know, are the pet hate of the lady known as "Eliza- beth," as she has harried the enemy through a delightful series of serio- comic novels. At first it was -Hun" husbands, but "Elizabeth" can claim the rare destinction of showing up the Ger- man before the war and laying off him afterwards. In her last novel, 4fVera," she showed that the British hubsand could be quite as deadly as his German cousin. In "The Enchanted April" the British husband though again a target, has been treated with an unusual kind- ness which makes this novel the most mellow and charming of the entire series, "The Enchanted April" is a modern Lysistrata, or_ revolt of the women. Two .jdc^"-wrv«iL^iL.bla8^»vVirgiiil: and a withered widow, rent a mediaeval castle in Italy for the month of April The ob- ject, with three at least of the four hero-; ines, is escape from the men, but as the wonder and beauty of an Italian Spring unfold around them it grows clear that something is lacking in this Adamless Eden. By the end of the first week there is treason within the walls and one of the four defenders has invited the enemy into the citadel. As surely as the buds unfold, the plot thickens, events climatic and climatic combining with nature's own logic. The fair rebels find the winter of their discontent made glorious summer by the sun of Italy and the story ends with every prospect that all will live happily ever after.*',; ^I!?":!^6"^Three' -. GenerstixmsB^M^M'C By Nalbro Bartley i^idtiu^i.Gi\Â¥.;'&mafafs- Sons $2.00 ;: This is another novel of America in the making. We have three generations, the first but lightly sketched in. Jones Bynight a cockney carpenter and Sophia ;fHeiser a German "hired girl" are thrown '^together by similarity of circumstance. ;As he says to her "Your folks died in Crossing to America. I never !ad none. fNobody gives tuppence for ul,, You and yme can start an AtnericiirTfaimty. No ley^pc m^t^^ deling circus offer of a free minister and threepiece parlor suite to ~~" -|C willing to be married in the {e^^Eiie second Jortesfiyrilghtl marries a school teacher, Martha Dtnv nihg and it is with Marthaâ€"Martha-in- the-middle as she thinks of herselfâ€"and Jones Bynight the third that most of the story is concerned. It's a story that holds one's interest to the end . Esther Rood. "Your Hidden Powers" is the name of a simply written book published by Alfred A, Knopf I on psychoanalysis. It is written for people who are looking for guidance as to how they should ^ Jive, how to overcome iheir^U.. â€" ~ weaknesses, in short, how to^M, make the most of themselvesâ€" fc; and whois not'it,t thiscatagory?'v:M. "MYSTERY AT GENEVA" By Rose Macaulay Publisher: Boni & Liveright ^ â€"$1.7$ " :When the author of "Potterista" and Are Yoa a Member? M CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB 7;;.g! â- â-  Established; l»a«|;:i||fgfl| g|;%^: WUmette Branch :»l^5if|l North Shore Hotel, Evanaton MOO Returned by auto Insurance de* partment In 1922 ^Dangerous Ages" turns ber talents to the writing of a mystery tale, we may expect something worth while. This she has done m "Mystery at peneva.'*!?! ... The fourth (or fifth) Assembly of*the League of Nations had but convened at Genev4 when its newly elected President suddenly disappeared leaving no trace. In a few days another prominent dele- gate vanished. The Assembly was panic stricken. One by one the best brains of the organization were taken ^t~3ml unknown hand and the League itself was &*!Sen£L7wtl1 fflsraPtwn. Where were they ? Who was responsible for thef outrage? And what was his purpose? We venture that few will discover the answer until the author chooses to reveal it-..;, ;..."."â- ....,;',',,-;. ./^;/.:;;^:â- â€¢'â- ,;;â- /;^'.:. v The book is admirably written. As interesting as the story itself are the parenthetical observations of the author on life and affairs. :;Mmx WM'0W:^ Copyrighted by HamM-'uf'&Mid. IF. I. Barnhart toG«fci6yr #|p J|rt|:j§ 1613 Orrington Ave. :^r§ lISP itilp Picture and Mirror Frami m Greeting Card* iiiMSSfVS H. SUP.. COVERSli^ Including Labor and Material ,"CnOt»i |||||lP#1i:Aft â- â€¢ Ab»o- lllllhfe ?11.00 • hi I?1* f BEm Chair .ill «at««d 1V|lp. ;$6.50 .AJm a wo*d«>rfal selection at lai. porttil CoTert>s4 «t « trcsscaaV o» redaction die to oar wftae experleaee la, the smakina; of C«v< en, cuikltag m to gfTc jam san- Save Stt% oa yoar Aatoatoblle eovers. Order AivSet GOLUN BROS. | Bros. j|§§ Remodeling :;|^;|K||| Room 217, Hoyburn Bldg. ^JJ^I>avis.' 5trnst^B*an»ton;|f |fi Give, tlrfn, w»«k iawm new life. Revive* worn p|P oataoO. Replaces plant food for rpotasnd make* trow. IswnVsM*fteaaytome. Remits areImmediate. Be-sow yonr old lawn or make your new one witn or make your new one with ieed. It sets a tjopa wH>-- ft always creen. »i value In Brand Lawn or phone your nanus and and; l»ou howyoO^ean rafcea so«]dlawn with Lawn, 18^m^ ij^lra Seed. DonHbe wWioirtttlfjn* >tljrouwantafln«tawn.Wrttetoday.n'Bfr«). With Msndel f»-....-^--';«ali or Write 713 MAIN ST^ EVANSTON ki :." Phoas Ewaastoa' C121 mi- !*!§"- MB. NtJRSER«piilii; â- :;â- .:..for .Mothers' M-fes*i»;; by Louis W. Saner^ M. A. M, p.- Senior Attending Pediatrician **' W^mrf^^Wie^nmMmm â- W&k- iccy is now made possible through the ,'^sSii'1. ':*&:'â-  n make^e^^44fe#^afage>t&i^^^ faniilv ra râ€"^fo jjajit it Wlthiti th<j wmmmm' rfeacli of iHe imHipti^ of ^oplf ^hd have never bell pBllIigfi |>urin^::tWe;;pas|:;iS^^^^ |Seen placed ill the han^ l^illion and ^ half o^ yet there are still milHotisof fa |n|-;;'f orwar d'. ;to;;the:;da^ mi^ Under thC^ aside a small amount each week and you will be surprised ho# soon you will pMrn it* In the meantime^ y^ safely deposited to your credit in one of tlie local bariks where St-will draw interest^»^ ll-hittk it over. Pive dollars will startB family can partkipatritti^^ 5terS;-'each doing a 'Mw^ifggig J Why not start tod^ jningham^ J^Mdealeffi Itails of the plan and h^lp 3^W snip"tir=a v'y^^p^- fi^fSSs^^l s^ftSiisitt INCXiLN liliiiill^^^^^W ..... ..._.....^.....-.__-....... Sales': Manager M. P. LOUEN 48M mM-

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