JmimS:SMi§:MMim§^:::':'i'r'-' - wv lll^jflillllll THE' 'LAKE:'SHf\PTr^ IUGGEST HEALTH W PROGRAMS hurch and Schools Expected to Help The last week in April has been esignated by state proclamation as linois Health Week. In this con- ation the accompanying suggested ogram has been formulated by the hicago Tuberculosis Institute which >nducts the Grosse Point Heath inter. Health Sunday Sermon on health or short talks by tiysicians or health workers. Announcements of program for the eek from pulpits. Monday. 1. Reports on conditions in com- lunity. (a) Annual death rate; (b) nfant mortality; (c) Amount of tu- erculosis, etc.,,'..?- 2. Report on community equipment or health work, (a) Board of Health; b) Hospitals; (c) Control of fpp4, irater, and milk. Tuesdayâ€"Adult Health Talks on: 1. Value of periodic medi- al examination. 2.' What to expect in a thorough examination. 3. Positive health. May hold Tuberculosis Clinic. Wednesdayâ€"Infant Health l Day may be devoted to a baby jelinic, or talks on Prenatal Hygiene, Hfant Care, Nutrition of Infants, etc. l§Ko demonstrations of examination of infant, preparation of milk formu- la, etc. . :; Thursdayâ€"School Health Each school may present a health program to which parents are invited, or, program for general meeting may consist of talks on: A School Health Program, Control of Communicable THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. raiDAY, APftlfc \l|J923 mmm Diseases, Sanitation of School Plant, or demonstrations of individual and class room inspection. Program may include plays, programs, parades, etc., ZusfejzFftSrof Modern „ Friday Hon* and Town in Relation to Health Reports and studies of home and town planning are health, beauty, sanitation, drainage, parks, etc. _,. ti Saturdayâ€"Recreation Field Day: Contests between schools and between adult groups, as as baseball game between bankers and merchants, doctors and lawyers, teachers women, etc. Drills and exercises. Demonstrations of playground equipment. Outdoor pageants, parades, etc. Clean-Up Week Clean-Up week may be combined with or may precede Health Week. Mondayâ€"Clean cellars and base- ments. Tuesdayâ€"Clean attics. § Wednesdayâ€"Clean* yards.!si Thursday-^Clean: :*wysM$MI$'^ Fridayâ€"Clean vacant 16fcs7 a Saturdayâ€"Inspection of streets, al- leys, yards, and vacant lots by £oy Scouts; ,.v:.;â- â- â- â- â- .;?.:'.."â- '";-â- :;t'j:\'-"r .^-l^;'a:'(â- ^â- ^rr^t- RAZOR^BtADES Sharpened Mail us your old dull safety razor blades. We will sharpen them like new and mail back to you. :;,: Double edge blades...35c dozen Single edge blades... .25c dosen Satisfaction guaranteed â€" 24 hour service. Give us a trial. Chandlers |» +/bunfain. Sfuare * &± â- â- ^* BVAN g TOM 7 V.:.;;5 23 "i$^^M^^^^^i4§^^0^90^ ^^l^^^^|^||0^PP^|PlM^ppu^p|H|;?|| •"M? Epraordiriary J^alues ir| ^urnew Aristo Point f,shown :,^.j!L^;;||i^|^ npHE finest jewelry shop on the North -* Shore, maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jewelry. i'iipi W- ^i^^J^ftii Shoes and Hosiery for Women and Children 460a CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON, IUL vf??â„¢W$?^*?ffi$^f>:.'! fllfe ILong Distance Telephone Calls at Low Rates V ON many long distance telephone calls the . party wanted is present and therefore reached promptly at the number or location called. Had the call been made by number or by giving the name of the subscriber at whose tele- phone you expect to reach your party, and wi th- put asking for a particularperson^wanted, that Bfogrsoit might hare III This feet, proved ty-aaii^ ^^fong e*pcric^^has^sugJj| gested a class of long dis-|i(&:3ft P.M. to midnight),a; J tance service, which wefcal||| still further reduction is | "station-to^tetion ice* and which we-are ableff tion" calls. From midnight | to supply at about twehtypi t64^50 A.ltL the night rate 1 per cent less than the o^llon"station-to-station'lil dinary, or *'person-to-per||l calls is about one-fourthtf| ; ;:,son".;servicej|fff^^ clay rate. (The mini-; j #f^f n"-inany^cSs^'tR®^QS^* reduced rate on these: | w .vj%necessary to talk to a gar;|i:mef^^ ^s|?iicular" t^rsonspThevbusi^&g^ '.â- â- 'â- '"}-^. 3** \. . ."^PHR ^esscanlietr^ someoneelse, v&*'ite«*^dSl^^-.;^^^^ W^ -which meets ^ %fthecaHcanbeleftr '^i^whcn-^distwce ^W^^^^f'-'^^^Sf&^M IP till' SEP 'long distance'* '* long distance" answers, give her your name and telephone num- lany nome cans, it is oice«ber^and tell heryou wish to just as satisfactory to:tal^matea««statj6l^tatbn»| W9W? §ftl larly home calls, it is < 9*s6iM ^,Is? Par^Hfcname and telephone nurn^ °' ea5|berand tell her you wish to , \tal^makea'-statibn-to-station*l to any one who may be at^ca|j to^(givingfirstthedisi home. ^ f1f|tant city or town and theri 1 "Station-to^station flithe telephone number). If calk meet all these si tua- you do not know the number tions and many others. WeN§§give the name and address aiggestthatyoustiidyyouriiunder which the telephone longdistance telephone re^f|lprobably is listed. It will <ju^ments^vii^a^view^^ using this service. . ii| you will talkto anyone who The rates for "stationlli answers. The charge be- %^^ta^lbn,* callsrare aboutpf gins when the distan| ||wenty j»r cent lower tharj§| phone is answered! por further information call "Long Distance" who m w& People whose business makes ':S^oW(ii ^ejL.:SSBir-MiatBii reguia occasional Iraveler how|muchs|North phore^ervice reaM means^|Thouyhi|ul iis^s^iHdi^siiSAM *aiiKiii, iS&f^ s^usssi Limited trains leave Wilmette for Chicago ^very thirty minutes, operating around the running through to 63rd Street on the vess; trains for Chicago â- leave .. W»^«»|||iiBitiil^KiBi ^Ij^y^M'-tn^ )W$$ia$mX Baggage checked to all points on the line. ii^Â¥$'& &*(*â- ?&<&â- :hP'^iPJ- :mmm..... HaaaHiMM.