-;-gk^^ Balasso Wins Name of ;§p^- m "The Good Bread Maker" m i Stanley Balasso operated the Bread Shop in Evanston with remarkable success ""ana^lila -would invite a similar enterprise con- ducted ;,,i^4j^i'|^'.:.^'(i^r»onal. super vision. m ery at 1183 Wjlmell^ iyenup in the Rockhold .'building.;:.â- â- *«â- â- -â- : ^v;^;^";$..' â- Mr. Balasso's decision was cioriilcl» for his new establishment has met with immediate success. He irivites the public of the village, to inspect his strictly modern bake rooms. mt" .Dentists, Doctors â- â- 'T^;:*^- Suites in Rockhold Block Offices in the new Rockhold build- ing were in immediate demand when the structure neared completion this â- winter.';1" ?:i-;^^--'^-f.,:::y::: At present suites' are occupied by Walter G. Omar, dentist J Dr. D. W- Rapp, dentist, and Dr. R. H. Hender- son, eye, ear and throat specialist. Another suite is to be rented soon to another physician who will come to Wilmette from MichiganT as* mm TSPwlfFpswS: ^l?,t*i '^^n^man Who Can Smile whd cian siiife is the - ?|i^.ni^:^orth while" it is sai^ .And. j^p^iiMy you find lie is me man ;^^itpa substantial Bank Ac- J^ * coiiilf who knqw$ hot the mean- C'W -So ;^^il^ihouldtt,t:Wrstnile?* â- â- >; ,'; â- - Jfe^S|Its|S"||iat feeling of security. as' re- J;i-|%:;'iaiii^e^ future that brings content- fSjIlJmen^ youll al- ways §e smiling if you open a Savings A^ciffltit with us| We'll help along by paying 3 per-eent interest* May Ewe expect an early call from you? OF^IU^PTB 11 s#f ^ '-op^bMfiiTr A BLESSING TO SIGHT 1| Im The wontderfiil advancement in the restoration of faulty , vtsioi^w^#itetM! prbfession-i â- ^of;;'C)p^^^*p^as" saved ;tl|e| sight of millions of people, !&>Kl If your eyeffneed assistance, have them $x*^jji3$^^ as delays are SSSmmS«!: I^s0.BliB Optometrist Formerly M*r. Opt. Dept. CD. Pe»- 1177 Wilmette Ave. I For Appointment Ph<m« Wil. 27SS , or R«.id«»ce WiUnotU 1717 We have clients seeking homes, Jgll^^g,......_ __ __ B..........t......^.„1„„TOTCr.ww,w-^.w-.»m Bungalows for $10,000 or less som^ 4 ;-f'.V'#:.^^^ . WpMWw llitSi ..... . ....... ~jpo*ite Village Hall ^ipliSi^^«^_ ;"H$P fill ; mm fipsi :.'Slfl', ISl eGii|ctl|;::cM 1 sis Iffillthife wrong tn%irman --^-Iwears 'SI |elothesitt;;^ |#e:d.4ti:n-g! ||(jh^ a;|^;h: e ifuneral? â- iâ- .:.â- â- â- :'â- '.â- /.â- --^^^^iM^^^^^i^^^^^^M^^f^iM^"::^--'B^^-' •^"K':";".';"5'5 '." "CIS Cleanifmssii. Bfl«l!illlIfti|to'. make. clothes^ rli Wilmette^3201I»»lilSl^ 'WILMETTE ------i-iâ€".-----â- i . <! ' ' â- *^*>*â- â- •â- ••â- 'â- â- ^#IPS' ' - "" T&e Nifthaore'f Pilrt Tailorinc EiUMpent TT;.,:. ,'..â- .• >:. ,..-â- ... ...: ...• . â- -.. ..-SE- ,-,v,;..\...-;«CT<.«i^«»MaSjMiMMHWmtW«!»'»^^ ":W'i Pot Roast Native Bee ' jfe.:#'S5;5*<?'S;Â¥i*S3S#iSl ft^^te|l&:.>::::.»:|;Hfiv5iV.;':s';;';.; is & pictiirl |rf our new sti^e in the recent ||;#^^S;f|j||^: |Ro<Mi^4^Blo^i T^ store fe thoroughly up4o-date#j^^gj loaod^ S «vi# particular, strictly sanitary,. and::spo1i;s^|sl m"anct"See-i^.."#»"':A«'i"- â- -; -s^- '^;.^. ^.::"^^,--^-^«^^^: '^^p^i^^j^ :f^^8^ft|:l'i fA|Mril2l W Sugar cured, Ib.^lttSf! l2V*>C |SShi)ul^ lil^ith pocket for stuffing, llil 5,1 :Vi';!ir,"!" " ' IflSll. â- li? r/i'i'jtft'W'/'-j'i-?*-'"iv-'S"') iS^IMA^sissw& i-^^teB^^Hi- IFoH **!Sv(Sf«.;i; | -l>fin.i"'ID^Â¥#iff§£Vf.'K^£:'k!^.'-^5i!Â¥#*^ ..............,,.,WWPl;|^^^^^^^ M. ill 3 '^iif|i^os We deliver in Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, Indian Hill, Winnetlca ':t^|Si&*i •liMi ae Best ;â- â- ,^g| â- i-"'ip%