^ff^^'^^^Wo^WrS W§ flfifK^ qf interest Idvertbe^ Eight full-page ads in The Lake Shore News last week! One-quar- ter of the paper used by full-page ad space! Our business men are con- vinced that, under certain" conditions, a full-page announcement of mer- chandise produces the best results. The Roll of Honor printed here- with shows after each name the num- ber of full pages used by that firm since January 1, 1923. Full Page Roll of Honor Hubbard Woods Lumbctt-Coal Co. 6 Wilmette Bldg. Material Co. ___2 Shoreen Motor Company ........• • 2 Winnetka Coal-Lumber Company.. 2 Wilmette Shoe Store .«..••......1 North Shore Bootery ."............ 1 R. H. Schell and Company ........ 1 J. W. Schloesser & Co.............1 Edin'ger & Sons ..... ........ 1 Skokie Motor Co. ... ...;?........ 1 Evanton Bldg. ^fat^Cd. ..."".___1 Lulias Bros. ....... .........., | interesting fact that it was to Edinger that Mr. Lloyd Hollister sold his very first full page! Think how he felt when he sold his first full page I Tbfc noteworthy event occured way back before the War, in 1914; to be veiry exact, on April 2, 1914. Moreover, both parties to that transaction, Ed- inger and Hollister, agreed Jo use the self-same heading for April 13, 1923, that was used on April 2, 1914. Edgar Allen Poe, Tolstoy. Nathan- ial Hawthorne, Sir. Conan Doyle and a number of other famous authors I- are represented in a special offering! of books at the Renneckar Drug com- pany. These -volumes are sold at ten cents each. Fine to carry on the train, or even to read in ,the library of you home. Edinger and Sons, fufl-page ad in last weekV issue calls to* mind the David L. Barry, Evanston rug deal- er, is said to t>e the only store on the north shore dealing exclusively in rugs, carpets and linoleums. Mod- erate prices are made possible be- cause of the specialization in a single line of merchandise, Mr. Barry ex- plains. i>.vi&fSf - il^0si$-s0fHiljfe}" l The North Shore Roof Crafters of Evanston -thisâ€"week entered into"a .contract for continuous advertising in the Hollister Inc. publications. The firm recently established an office in Glencoe. It has been active on the north sFofe for several years. ~ There^is no doubt but what the man who is thrifty is the op«e wlip suc- ceeds. But it is on old saw that "Tllef|*s always room at the top". So why don't more young fellows start savingTronTtlie^ waiting until they have taken several costly lesions in the expensive school USE -"^aaaaaawaaaaaHBaaavavaaaaaMBHai ^mifRINE WightandMorning rrrtliSii^T^^ Have Clean, Healthy Eyesy /%||rH^^8 If they Tire, Itch, £Py*^S«|^g^* Smart, Burn or Dis- Fill ID FVF\ <*argeifSore,Irri- â- VUKL.1LO tated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Refreshes, ^ Soothes. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. _ , 1â„¢*!°* Fne & *"*• Murine Bye Remedy Co.. 9 Bmmi Ohio St., Chiea. 517 W. Railroad At* STERNER'S Decorators, Tai. WiL 2491 STORE Hanging* You Would Hardly Believe that we cleaned your rugs and carpets after we have delivered them to you, they look so new and beautiful. But it's, a fact that we do the finest cleaning of Oriental rugs and carpets, draperies, portiers, along the North Shore. Our work is sTe^onabTeT * ARAM K. MESTJIAN Wilmette 1949. Highland Park 54. 607 Main St. Wilmette, III. of fe^cperien When asmall sum like a dollar will open an account at this bank, we can see no reason for delay. I rtMmm J^$3$0§ I III Your Nome Dank- Phone Wilmette 2600 |f 72111am St., Wikiette, Bl. WffflMLMSNB^^ Everything for the Automobile ma WILMETTE STATE BANK CentralAve.atTweffih "V For cp^I pr^ered^iibwyour §M. TviU be a great deal smaller than if ordered later. Aid3|o|^ ftiot be jiG^y^^^^§^^ iHIMlsV So call usiup right Iff a^pld order yoiirhescflvmB