Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1923, p. 12

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u :' V/'^ ERIPAY, MAY 4; 1923 ^P^^P|gPi;'::"ipsi:.;! ,-^ ^^#:fi:if;:jf|i|illlli=!i ii*i fe^liii^lll'wSpSiWv? :<•?« :k^v"â- ': "'â- 'â-  \ £'l^il^S^^I: AFTER critical study of the most attractive hotels in America and Europe, the designers of The Orrirtgton selected the Georgian order of Architecture. For rkhaess_ combined with stately dignity, there is no order of architecture that could have been more appropriate or employed more effectively for Evanston's most beautiful hotel. The mellow white of Indiana limestone and soft coloring of rough red brick blend the elegant lines of The Orrington into a monolith of beautyâ€"a home in which anyone might well be proud to live. , Mm^^^^^^^-^-----^--r^m As the^m^r^fo^^llHT^^se^^o view it cannot help but agree that the two years spent in the study and preparation of plans before a single sod was turned, have indeed been time well spent. _ . Renting Offm Nine A. M. until Eight P. M. i EV^fSTON ILLINOIS Ready September First Maytime Brings Forth Several Interesting Betrothals, Weddings MR. and Mrs. Edward D. Li- Heriffeld, 861 Michigan road, have announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Vir- ginia, to S. Henry Foreman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Foreman of the Mor- aine hotel, Highland Park. Mrs. Lihen- field and her daughter were hostesses at a luncheon on Saturday of last week in their home at which time the an- nouncement was made. Miss Lilienfield has been instructing in folk dancing and athletics in the Eyanston Public, schools this year. The program given last Thursday eve- ning, at the Wilmette Woman's club, by Helen Ley and George Swigart, pu- pils of Marguerite Fitzgerald and Wini- fred Townsend was, as one music lover among the many in the large and en- thusiastic audience, said, "a truly artis- tic affair," commencing with the D Minor Veracini Sonata for violin and piano and played with astonishing fine interpretation for such youthful artists, down to the Mendelssohn G minor con- certo, which little Helen Ley played with a weU-developed- technique, elasticity of wrist, smooth runs and fine shading al- Ouilmette Country club has issued the following program^ of events for the B month of May:' 0;-i-v':Hv"""';:f:C!:': v-lp' Saturday, May 5, Informal Dance.tllll . Monday, May 7, Afternoon Bridge/isp Thursday, May 10, Buffet Dinner..|f»- Saturday, May 12, Bridge.' 'f§f||ii Monday, May 14, Afternoon Bridge^l' Thursday, May 17, ;/BuJferxDinife« Bridge. â-  â„¢^â€"-â€"â€":-- jgjgg: . Saturday, May. 19, May ..Party, DinneiW Dance. â- â- *.--â-  .:~*.,i. â- â- â- ?$& Monday, May 21, Luncheon, Pivot ip Bridge, â-  •â-  ' ';$*** Thursday, Max 24v Buffet Dinner. Vi§||§ Friday, May 25, Juvenile Party. Monday, May 28, Bridge. h> Thursday, May 30, Buffet Dinner^ Bridge. ;â-  _ _ ._.:.$,_,.. On Saturday, May 12; a drive fop" ia^ the sale of season tickets for Ravinia Summer Opera will be launched ii£!|l| Wilmette, according to Mrs. P. 10SF* Smithers, local chairman for the sale it of these tickets. #1 The following have been named_a*l|| the committee to assist in this pro-H^BI ject: Mesdames Lester Wood, CharleliSi Harrison Smith, Charles Braith-lfS*1 waite, Frank H. Gallagher, JosiahJ! Paneoast, Harry Hooker, Blanche f * " Wanner, William Holmes, Edward- ^Iftf Lilienfield, Frank A. Brown, George'ISitff B^ WilHams, Ghasi- C. -~Hendersonpf||f George T. Hellmuth, Leroy A. Rand^iil most!incredible ^on«-^so-youngr-Her Adam Wr^awford, Clyde^rTHays »A BANK MCCOUNT Lees ft For Ihis orlginf| motto the Chicago dueed it in the April 24th is^lie. yfitf â-  ll&lH!! III •ill Sti§atp5iW of the land fshould adopt and observe* -When it comes ^^j^&0nsg^t.^er^ is no better evidence of ^ltihriii';v]ii^^l^^ambitioa9 than the posses^ H^ion, early in life* of a bank 'I^SiA^'glfg^ Weiwvi&y^W us Pis ^ftsS^^^^g^a=| '0^t^rt: rstNati iiiWMETTE Mi "M # llBlilPlBf two groups of shorter numbers, asnong them the difficult Liszt Gnomereigen and the Leschetizky arrangement for the left hand only of the Lucia Sextette, were given equallyâ€"well. George Swigart showed a ^poise and fine position many older musicians might copy* He,. exhibited a lovely singing tone in. the" Pe Beriot concerto N, 7, 1st movement, and in the Hauser Hun- garian rhapsody gave an astonishing staccato run in the cadenza. In these as well as all his short numbers he disr played good bc^injg^adejgu^ affiTHeerffngeri; Estelle" Swigart played most of the accompaniments for her brother, with accuracy, and a fine sense Of .rhythm. .':.;--â-  :r&;>, A program given try the entire class is announced for Friday evening, May 11, at the Wilmette Roman's club. The^ Woman's Cathoictlub of Wil- mette held its annual luncheon at the Ouilmette Country club on Tuesday, May 1. The affair was a very delightful spring gathering, the tables being deco- rated with sweet peas and a variety of spring flowers. The club had many guests of prominence; among them Mrs. F. W. Blocki, the new president of the Tenth District. At the jonralsion__pi HjoyabTe program was rendered, the artists being Madame Alice Driscoll, dramatic soprano, accom- panied by Miss Weske, and Miss Jean Powell Burns, who gave an intensely interesting reading. The officers elected for the coming year are: Mrs. W. L. Ballard, president; Miss Gertrude Ketcham, first vice-president; Mrs. R. E. Holmes, second Vice-presi- dent; Mrs. N. J. Conrad, recording sec- retary ; Mrs. T. J. Joyce, corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. W. Boylston, treas- urer; Mrs. G. E^ Ludwig,i_Mrs. P.J. Vandenorth; Mrs. A. Johnson, directors; Chairmen of Departments: Mrs. E. E>o- lan, Sanctuary; Mrs. F. J. Oelerieh, Fine Arts; Mrs. F. M. Nolan, Philanthropy; Mrs. J. J. Mills, Civics., :;„._.:^^.^:^_,^|^' The annual luncheon of the North Shore Catholic Woman's League will be held at the North Shore hotel, Evanston, Tuesday, May 8, at one o'clock^ Atithis^ uncheonyMrs?~A. TSTTilroe, who has been the president-fbr the past two years will retire, Jffld pre^^and-binstall,i^Me ew^pT^idernvMLrs. Wi jA. KittermaUter d"f Glencoe. ;:.â- â- ;.;:•â-  The principal speaker will be ^Rev. Wil- liam J. Cartwright, C* S. P. Superior of the Paulist Fathers in Chicago, atttd pastor of old St. Mary's^ Also there will be greetings from the old and tijeyt.: presidents "dl the Tenth District, Mrs, James JL. Campbell- and-M^^Freidfw; Reservations must be thade by Siirl^ day evening^ May 5, to Mrs. J. C. Wil- liams, 850 Cherry street, Winnetka^ or to Mrs. John S. Cook, 1017 Greehleaf avenue, ^ Wilmette. ' -P-ti§:: *On Faries* Wings," a group of plays given so successfully by the students of the National Kindergarten and Ele- mentary collegt at the Studebaker theater, a fortnight ago, is to be re- peated at the Skokie school in Winnetka. on Saturday afternoph, May 26, at thret o'clock, j. ..'.....,â- '.',";?'<.' lit' and Byron H. Knapp. Miss Sue R. Lake^ presented the fol- ^wing pupils in recital on Saturday eve-: ning last at her residence, 1500 Birch- j wood avenue, Rogers Park: Harriet Leach, Jean Kirkland, James Baker, Elizabeth Hardy, Charles France, Esther - Stoddard, Larry Mouat, Marion Kirk- ^ land, Mazie Mouat, Marion Brandt, ; Helen Wood, jean Crossley, Jack Stod-1 dard, Beth Brower, Dorothy Gesler, Martha Crossley, Betty Lawrence^ Fordj Stc>ddard, Ann Lawrence;^ Ethel Gif- christ, Margaret McCueV and Helen ,'Neweyri.j..-5!^-,. ;i^. ., viaf^^j^WAi" 1~<i The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold a union meeting with the Woman's Missionary Society of the Glencoe Methodist church in the home of Mrs. William S. Hamm, 270 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods, on Monday, May 7," at 2:30 o'clock. The meeting will be addresed by Mrs. Robert Nightingale of Chicago, who is chairman of the Missions and Temper- ance Committee of the Methodist church. Mrs. W. V. Merriman will sing. A cor- dial invitation is extended to the women of the north shore. Mrs. George E. Cole returned to his home at 911 Greenwood avenue this week after spending the winter in St. Peters- burg,* Florida. On his return trip Mr. Cole spent sometime visiting friends in Jacksonville/ Charleston, Florence, South Carolina, and in Richmond and Nor- folk. From Norfolk he sailed fup the Chesapeake to Baltimore, returning home 'on' Tuesday. ".-' Mrs. James White, 931 Chestnut ave- nue, anounces the engagement of her daughter, Alice Mary to Mr. Hugh Paterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Paterson of Wilmette^ Mr, Pater- son graduated from Northwestern uni- versity in 1918. The announcement was made at a luncheon given by Mrs. White on Sat- urday,.' April' 28.;:,; â- "â- â- l^^M^WMUA'^ On Monday evening, Mr, atnd Mrs. Charles A. Koepke, of 414 Washington avenuii ente#tairiedh-at d^er^r~lthe Hamilton dub, followed by a tiieatter i>arty seeing the ^^fofnumc^df^^^lly." ThTe^estr#ere|tn^ eni^^eeiCwcersT and diree^teoTs of the KeystoniB ^rust an«i Savings Bank ol Chicago, of which «i- ^tiitotio||^M^|^oepke -;is;-;|n'es.ident^ i Mrs; ^h^uiiel â- ^uglas/Mrs^-Charles Wachs i0&- Mrs. Karl D. King, jdele- gates f rom the Central school Jpareni- ilea#er Association,; and - Mrsvy oiui ^L ^ ^oelzV dele@^rifom "the Logatti school #arerit-Telacher Association, are atteri4- nig tlie^ State Council of Parent-T^a^ers Associations in Decatur, 111., this "week. f Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Mildred Confer, a ^orimr er resident of Wilmett^^^^geoyrge W. Rand of Hanove^* Nevv^irfampjr- shire. The marrlatee^took place oil Wednesday, April 25, in Nevv;" York ^city, where Mr. and Mrs. Rand wiH .make " their^;hoihe4{Siife;^i^^SS|^ ;s If? flPhe Ladies* Aid society of the Methf odist church will have an interesting children of all ages, including very much growri-up children. The proceeds of the entertainment will be added ltd:; the col- lege building fund. Those in charge of the sale of tickets are MrsA, Walter Wallace, Winnetka, general chairman, assisted by Miss. Anna Murray, Evans- tbnj-Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, Wilmette, Miss Xois-Oioltf-^Centlwormr^frsT^falffice Millef^Glencoe, Mrs. Allan I. Wolffj Ravinia^ aj^Mr^FKmees-Cutlerjpfi^ lanH Part :iidm^^'^m^:mmm^W^^^^^i land Park. These fascinnatinf plays^-^lealfW ^siffiiaUmeetingH»ext^u^ m i rough rTtbrida ^SiarCali- ...........i^ISi the church parlors. Each member hais ajearne^ a dollar during -thev'i^r^etr^ Svwks, and at this time will tell in prose 6r_verse just how ihis feat was„"ia^con# plisned. 5l';;;^::1S.c:-::trg|i;||jn:wj^ â- ; â- f :;Proce^S;Tf'rottiUr^ -;; ^"verLthlsJalfleai^^ James F. By/hesii 8C^ Ashland avenu4, â- nhde^3^ih£:^ans|»ca^^ , ^Rc^l Buildfltg fra Mr. and Mrs^M. R, Rosett^04S Em^ WoW avenue. jeiJ_5Bndjy_Jox ^r^^ ^treet,_atie; spending^ ten days; at Franchf

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