Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1923, p. 13

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»i!!Wip»*i!iii|p Hf||^|^ mum h^ifffirtfh 0n 'im THE annual Luncheon and Musicale of the Woman's Club of Wilmette will be held at the North Shore Hotel, Evans- ton, on Wednesday, May 9th at one o'clock. In selecting the North Shore Hotel for the luncheon, the committee had in mind the number of members who had to refrain from inviting their friends, in pre- vious years, because of crowded quarters at the club house. The hotel affords ample room for members and their guests' and a very delightful program has been planned for this gala occasion. Mary Cattell, a dramatic inter- preter of plays, is to give "An Adventure of a Lady," a comedy played by Grace George under a different title. -: ^V°:V-vv!3 Mrs. Gattell is one of the few satisfactory readers. She com- bines unusual dramatic ability with a fascinating personality and has an intelligent understanding of .thei author s . purpose;:;;"â- ;â-  Xf^ff4m^Wm The musical part off the: pro^ gram will be presented by Paul Mallory, a well known;American Tenor. Mr. Mallory has an,envi- able reputation inloratoribv and concert work and is one of the Club's favorites. Reservations for the luncheon must be made with Mrs Hfcake avenue?- F4io^eâ€"Wilmette !ZL4^jn)aL JaleiL^ban^„_Moav3ay., Paul Mallory "::0y:f^g C?J,. Moore; 1225 ____jmgtb«*;!aiN&ife^1^ birthday luncheon and theatre party U# Saturday at the Hamilton club in honor of their son. There were covers for twelve guests.* r:?!^^:!^::^ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker, who have been residing with Mrs. Baker's sister. Mrs. M. W. Zabel, 1247 Chestnut ave- for several months, are moving this week to Highland Park. | Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding, 1007 Greenwood avenue, will entertain the Reading Circle at luncheon on Moti- day of next week. |' £â- ' The North End Circle of the Con- gregational church met Monday afte'r- noon at the residence of Mrs. Frank $. Merrill 1106 Greenwood avenue. | Mr. B. Ward Colegrove has returned to New York after a week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Colegrove, 735 Tenth street. ^| Miss Doris Johnson, of Milwaukee, arrived pestenlay to spend the remainder j>f?the week with her mother, Mrs. Jen? rile Johnson, 729 Eighth street. f (Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Frost, 509 Cen- tral avenue, returned' Monday from a ten days' visit in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. - , *>r- ^ â- :.^;^^:^ SlThe Misses Ruth and Grace Crockett entertained informally at bridge on Saturday evening of last week at their residence, 821 '-Oalcwood_ avenue. _ j| |:;,Mi«f â- .' Eth<eL,^i!ig*^l»f ^160$ Forest i^ipiic, ;Mi$v&$itei' J^^i^ty^of â- iriends.,.,.for â- ..i,pI^IPeM^^iil^W southern^CahJ^ â- â- . '^S^'-'^'iTST^^W Cliicago,' moved into the residence at 1306 Gregory avenue, this week.':; â-  â- â- â- ^â- g^M^^.:. Mr. aritf 'llr& Joseph P. Nilles ilve moved from 723 Park avenue to 1050 Linden; avejMjfc, â- :\ ^.;.::;;. The Thursday Luncheon club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Fred Cam in Hubbajri Woc^s ^||a^ |0, Mrs. H. E. Nunn and her son, George, 920 Greenwood avenue, have returned from an extended stay ;iii Florida. y Miss Betty Rye, 100$ Chestnut^ave- nue* has returned froim a. visit with friends in ..Philadelphia. ^^-J,,^J\:^M Mn and Mrs. Oscar Deis have token over the studio of Mrs. Maye Boettcher Reinhold at 1200 Central avenue^ ^; tlMr, and Mrsv R* D. Clay oftEvanston have purchased and are now occupying the residence at 517 Park av«nue.i :£i« ^====s^ae± Ashland avenue, have returned iroaj * soj :r;: and' Mr*v:J.;:^rie*r. voibiirgfi^ 635 Park avenue, have taken^up-:tb*i|f residence; :to-vWitttietkaV:' ix'$v>i$M: â- â- '.-. '".?|§ ££ iTl.S iMiiii'in INSURANCE . . . ___•• â€" Life â- ^-mtrnmi J. BJ. IW1FT WBAI* <. »o*tk ***** H«#«w»s!f«L^- Ml*. : |3««t*»l Ax****, Wll»«tt* ,. liira SMrilland Mrs. Ernest G. Carry 634 Park avenue, moved to Winnetka early this^. week^x^fig- , :â- ,â-  :^^{fff 'f^-^PIS-; • IMrs?C S. Harrison has moved from 822 Park-avenue to 129 Fifth street. Mrsl Gladys Judd has moved from 633 Park avenue to 1145 Greenleaf avenue. ........gKJ mmkms. mam A 1712 Sherman Avenue I EVANSllbNi " ^Mr. T. C. Thompson ^f Sarasota, Ula., arrived this week to be the guest .III his son, Thomas E. Thompson and &mily, 1311 Ashland avenue, until the fatter part of this month, when he will Ifeave fo ran extended visit in England. gj Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Koepke, 414 § Many of the Wilmette members of lie Masonic lodge are planning to at- tend the White Shrine May party to be given at .the Evahstbn Woman s club on next Thursday evening, May 10» There will be dancing, cards and bunco, â- o Mrs. Charles McCoy, 730 Ashland avenue, is visiting friends and relatives in the east this Jnonth, Latei she will meet Mrt! McCoy in New York city, on his arrival from an extended busi- ness trip in Europe. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George L. Emrich, of 1il5 Ashland avenue, have taken a suite at the Library Plaza in Evanston. Ed- ward F. Hess of Chicago recently pur- chased the Emrich home and will move â- in shortly. 'â- /"'.-""- "; '-^l 1 George L. Emrich, Jr.,® son >f Mr and Mrs. George L. Emrich, will spend his summer vacation as the guest of his uncle, William H. Pauling Emrich, an international lawyer residing in Paris. Young Emrich plans on sailing June 15. a? Mr. and Mrs. P. L.. Smithers, of 711 Lake avenue, will spend the week-end in Champaign, 111., with their ^son, Wilson, who is a junior in the State university. While in Champaign they will attend several Junior parties* & Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hendry Gallagher, of 901 Greenwood avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah Dean, to Arthur F. Majrgjaette,j3lMa& Son, Wis., son of Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Marquette of Indianapolis, Ind. { Mrs. William O Belt, 601 Washington avenue, has gone to Indianapolis, Ind.. to be the guest of her sister for several weeks. During her absence Mr. Belt Will reside at the North Shore hotel in Evanston^ ®l$lv C^^urtlefCj 8l£_Lake avenue, as chairman of the Finance committee of the Royal Arcanum Insurance Associ- a^ieny 4s^attendin#=ihe semi-annual ineefefc ^ ing of that ^mmittee- ..^week. ,'|'M ::,«â- < ,:-i:>,„/ â- .' n) â- ttSSpfftflfi 'Bl^l^: liift^fel^ii^^ *|tl|$i^M§iiipt fSisSis Mm |;::; :-,.,--rfl^v^fJMf *t Detroit gsmr;'::: in Bo?*"" this S Margarite Fitzgerald and Winifred fownsend presented Helen Ley, pianist, and George Swigart, violinist, in recital Thursday evening of last week at the Wilmette Woman's • club.^5; iXggM^ nue, and Mrs. J. H. Briggs 1133_Ash^ land avenue, have returned from KocK- fordW 111., where they attended the an- nual State convention of the P. E. U, ; SlThe North End Circle announces a bakery sale to be held in the basement Of the Congregational church on Fngtfy, May 11. The sale will*open at eleven 1 Mr. and Mrs^ Rdtert W. ^ns^ v^ recently purchased the former Wprth- ington house, are living temporarily at ttie Library Plaza in Evanston, until ||1 repairs on the house have been made. ^who have been living at the Edgewater Beach hotel for several weeks, moved H- back into their own home at 5Z6 wasn- i Siigton avenue, - this, ;week.v..||t^|a;^te| ^fe^lf :':'Fred" â- ' Al^>^nitb3"^ 729â€"Eight* i street, has as her guest for several days, l her Nephew; Merriir Monitor, of Spencer, I #>wa, who twill accompany her to Madi- isi 'motoring :synonynawni^ ItJbpfa^s these qualM^^ ,:^4;>Kf|^men, ^hp ha^r^^ays^ de Packard 'Iwffirship,'feltâ- '^ sideration*':":;! r^W^y!^^&^^SS^^^^^^^Mi VmB 0?$: J|S#S' week-eiid.tyisH ih 4&-iF rej ji^i^r,|ili^-|^ performance of Packard character W^'WkSb^S^. with such moderate cosli for operation and upkeep* Thisis an achievement made possiblebylongexp fence ju^ of§Chie€igo ( E ir'f If i i^ii:gB r a it eh) 11514 SHIiiiitt; A^iil®" Tf-m ^W"*: mSAk: v Ss^i W H G| â- â- â- - â-  rem . -t!3%i ;"' â-  tl-^ie^l^th^ftuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs was entertained- at the mm Mrt^ ^xi^;Si^^0^^M

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