Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1923, p. 3

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fflffiiS^ x wmM mSSSSMSSBmm traffic on Sheridan road and Ridge avenue. The road will be at least 50 feet wide, and will be built of ma- terial frpm the apoilg banks of tie canal. ' 'â- *'â- '" â-  â-  â-  "â- '"' '"". . â-  II, Pres. Cartwright of % nel Links Club Explains k-..... District Sited ";::;:v;:;: PLAY IS UNRESTRICTED District Plans 50 Foot Canal Drive The Sanitary District Board of Chi- cago has launched an investigation as to the advisability of taking over the. Evanston Community Golf Oub with a view to maintaining the club for the benefit of drainage district residents. â- ' A misunderstanding of the policy of the club is the reason for authorizing such an investigation, in the opinion of C. M. Cartwright, president of the club. PoUcy b Changed r Heretofore; the^clubJ; has playetfWi private property, and its membership has been mostly Evanston and Wil- mette residents, Mr* Cartwright ^x- Elained. This year, however, they ave changed their policy because of the fact that they arc now using the banks of the drainage canal, and will admit any^ pjjayjex^l^ng in the drain- age district. s-y'iwifrxv^zfftH â- â- --.. â- . *v. â-  â- .â- 'â- .^'.â- â- ^â- i*,:".-"j* All money tllcetii ini through play- ing has been jut Sack on the course, he said, and the hanks of the canal have been developed for playing. The banks have been cleared of vwreeds* until now it has more of the appear- ance of a park. The drainage trustees felt the club was still restricting its membership. the case heretofore. At a recent meeting Of the trustees of the club, D. H. McCann, Thomas F. Leahy, and Mr. Cartwright were ap- pointed to confer with the trustees of the sanitary board. ,".'â- 'â- "•' Plan* for' H%hw«F^fe?sr^fe^ â-  The sanitary board' also ordered plans for a highway extending from Lawrence avenue. Chicago, to Wil- mette. The road will be known as the McCormick boulevard, and w»H be about eight m|tes in length. It will pass Evanston on the extreme PATERSON'S COLLEGE iigRE^flNS............................._ Well deserved honors are plentiful "in the academic life of James J. Paterson, sornrf Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Pater- son of 926 Chestnut street, Wilmette. He is recognized as one of the outstand- ing leaders in the campus life at North- western university and: possesses a high scholarship and athletic record. It remains for Prof. Clarence ^. Marsh, assistant dean of the School oi Commerce in the university to add his word of praise to the many congratulary comments upon Patersori's college record. In speaking of the splendid records of ex-service men at the university, Profi Marsh: refers to Paterson as fol- lows:, .p.:, "Duri^^ the tiifl-' versity I have not met a student to equal James J. Paterson of Wilmette. His is the best combination of athletic prowess, excellence in scholarship and leadership in student affairs that I have ever seen on the campus in the twelve years I have been here/^ . . â-  'jli Pateraoii 1s"Tgr^uate~of New Trier high school. t | L. F. Todd, director of shop work in the Wilmette schools, left for St. Louis last Wednesday to attend the convention of ^ the Western f^Acts Teachers association. The associa- tion is composed of manual training instructors in the Middle West. Mr. Todd will return tomorrow. ^ RAZOR BLADES p- SharpenedblMii razor blades. We will sharpen them like new and mail back to Doubla edge blades.. .35e dosan Single edge blacks... .25c dosen Satisfaction guaranteed â€" 24 ^lh;ouTv'ie^Ce^6ive"-us - a. trial* New Hsurdwar* Store In .1311 "I/9 TWniina|.DI»tfict Another new store has come to the rapidly growing Terminal district. This time it is a hardware emporium, known as the Terminal Hardware, .J15J4 Fourth street. : :?M:.'X The new store is Under the proprietor- ship of H. A. Ddrnbos, who has had an extended experience in hardware mer- chandising^ MicrDoTObot" comes 'from; Chicago to make his new home in Wil- mette. Ail lines of hardware will be handled by the new concern located in the new building at the corner of Linden avenue and Fourth street. In describing his venture Mr. Dornbos said, "We have a brand new firm, a brand new building, a brand new-stock of goods. We expect to be open for business this week." ft Key stone Confectionery Ǥ*tf b*-Re^^ the; new confectionery and light lunch store that will be opened ithis week at 401 Fourth street, corner of linden avenue and Fourth street in the booming Ter- minal district. gg&cMAajj^ SlbiBM^iisi^i^^ |Store^wir#'!ve^ Papas, who will make his residence hi Wu^ettei â- '^rtist^rde^r^ibn%iifi:; â-  tp- interior include a water fountain'"in.-tim ;c|nt^:..o^tte:pj|rlor>:"|,. . r^i0i0§ llJohn Papas is the owner of a cnau| ot. confectionery stores in 'Chicago./ ± g :*M m- LOSES FATHER BY DEATH Mrs. W. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake avenue, was called to her home in Perry, Mich., last week on account of the serious ill- ness of her latherii; He passed away Friday, April 27. MABELLE A. HIGGINS PIANIST TEACHER â- â- â- '^r..-;-.-:$t«iio .v-;:' â-  719 Fine Art* Bldg„ Chicago Instruction may be had in "' North Shore Homes ^.; ;TffPippkbae'. Wiwnatka^lSI&gl^ ..,;s?ilft' 77ie Theatre Building Chocolate torn The BEST Hot Fudge a nd Milk Chocolate M*^ 7t^ â- :mm Jfetl ill We Deliver C. O. D. Orders CANE X#MTO^ 5 lbs. to a customer, with an ordef only, lfe ' vaughan's seeds^ 'm&imsmm ^ Are the best. I am agent for Wilmette. ;: 'fWwtT:^^mm >X..:"vegetable,;"-grass.;.seed.5iPiants>. shrubs,i^d^li§imm§§M ^flools.'Anything ^ fc: catalogue prrccvf ^i^^^^^^^Sil^^Si^^^^MI SPRING l^'v«^ NATIVE CHUCK fOf |t0A^ |$||E^ BONELESS BRISKET CORNED BEEF ;fs|i..-.: £Jfoii^&:0'$t*syi0^ ' """ "'"' lyD. • ii .'... • .yv.v • • • « • • « •""•"»"*',fi""»'>;.-.*^* ffl® %m wsm- '^zS^hi:*&9:^3:f^'9S^i!K^0^f^4 Lb. "-MM |li;; IP M$0, $$M rain-prooi*|pi*w-;.'$4.75i Beat (J»aMy Tiw RjuDberizeo1 ,|j|C. I o 11^ with h#lt all iiroiirtidl J Hat* to match, TSe. " Boat Quality IBlack Rubber {ull-belted -coatift^^,-^^*"^*^ p i nflg ahoulder», a it Tonta and sfood lininri ';Haii" te. natch, 'Sl«0W|i! ilffoo 2 *»â- â- ;./•â-  yoorii lit striving to efmgtai lithe mother's _ IIher children mmmart drelsei, we have; neveitlosliififht of the fact that youxsg^s0i* naturally rough - and f luinble-f ill^lKrS "" Cotton, lialo or ailk. Plata or ianey colors. ting in prico' 50c to $1.50 Purf.^o^ritec| m IP over type, .in -plain H colore â- with::;cpMar»1 li and ..cuff a ot contraatf illing: 'colora;": $5M v& Randolph Tfc« a»nw - model in bliia ........JPalmar.!«*««, W.0flfa " Terry Cloth Robes lor small boys or girls. Ill attractive . plaids, stripes and mixtures. pThe Tip Top Oxford in Tan or Black ^Â¥ mteslTmX Size* 2?tta*, ||{ Sj?B£ISfi|Sf^«5»iSS'<S 'amip.i WM' RICHELIEU ROLLED:fM&^^$i £ l^he finest quality made. 1 lb. :A. oz| 1£$'W1S00$ . Fancy,. Elgin. Creamery, ;j!*4:^;^W^^^|^^K ^;.R.oast; ..Santos^ Splendid value, lb, y.|^||||g|p^, SUPERIOR. ..FAMI W:::IJlUNWtr' ^SOAffii^^" ^ â-  100 bars in a box $4.50. 10 bars.;^;^m^:^^^M REINA ITALIAN OLIVE 'OIL".iS'lllll^Bi â-  j|; liar^;l^t;2|^;: vC^n^^h^e^'are;; yery :.:.finex;|ttid â-  m m:::^iiJ'^';i::^^'^^Mlffi:'i*-i , s6nable.::ii>of :r;|?|0.ill|Paii: ^, ^_ RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN SLICED PINEAPPLE i ^Shpi^^ilp^i '.canff 'I>oz::.;"$3^0|^|^^.., f|!i%ft$e-:^p^ &' 'Cb^'famou^^^^ ^brami-of deliciously ^ypr^^^EEiS^^^^ii^i^' M"Lb^:"W" mm* i^?^^- iiitti coffee FOSTER PRESERVED .CELESTE /FIGS: ;«sK MjgHgggjjgjjjjjjg^^ RICHELIEU COFFEE g The finest quality of â„¢,Â¥, !&hat 1:aii: be" produced.;-â- â- $ :-W'» Mlcans.. 'Lb. "'u,^^:^,.^,^^:^!^^^ 'o^'?;;o|'^ lwUmverse....Na^6y7..J60.c..quality.|l^^ '""""â-  '^vi^iil^^^^'^Si?*1^ »^j|tlf;M.-'PLYMOUTH ROCK pLbiL' '^'felf;?*^ CRACKERS ll/National"" Bisc'ult^Cd^'Biilkf |i:Crackers and Sweet jGookies-rr! IMare nearly bne-balf^the' price! 'Mipi packages. Whjr don't you |||save the" difference? Thejr ire Iff Exactly, th6 isame Quality.' ; ; l§||3Premium Sodai Crackei's, lb. ISc ^REIERVES: rStrawberry W&; il# Fruit ^and J^ugiar ©nly* Doz. $2m|iJafe|i^v©*v..:^i...:.23c "*i«S^ELCH,S'; CONCORD s?GRA|jE .Quart â- â- biMsiiiiiffâ€""â- ""'â- .....WAa" jf«H JUICE Quart CEREALS ip|iiP3 ilSǤS§}' Graham Crackers|g^b.i;^®.iil**fes»*f-- ---»,â- â- â- â- ..â- vi»-?.....->,«^ |^;j^-:. ,'>":â€", -.--ssa Fig. Newtons,^r%&:,»^^^^^^^..^^^^li^fesH . Fidelity â- "Biscuitrib:-f ^..ZSclllllISP16^' -';-•'•â- â- *;....-..â- .â- ...:v;.^;Sl..^Sc. Marshmallow Tecansi Jb. V.Ste !$|;M^ gPRUNES^^^P^i?lSI^W|^110|i^^^ Fanc#Sinta^;ila%a^/'/"llediuin f^; siaE«sv."-."^l>- ,:\v>:*^:i^^^'ij'^W^^-"-\m^«i i^^^S' ';£ream;-pf Wheat,.,pkg|f|u;.ae. ^WRIGHT'S SUPREME s^hredded Wheat *Biscuii£ iAYONNAISE v.:.:.OT«:Jp'WliB!*,i,k8'.- .-"•«•â- â€¢"? ••>»•««•-««(' w Salad :tt«singS««i1»..2«c«^^1WJ^Ti-^^^ JMW^SDOWN /INSTANTiswigilirft^rt wHty;: Doi^lM ||^ou;just,;add,^te;i* HHiPOLiTf^^^p^piMAi^^^w^^^Rrttittufii>:'»K#its:' " "-m^'-m CREME liglpfllll-^-,.;;^^^ :'.;;'^||||;;V.1Equal to.. ,,|resh ...peasj||pl|sii &â- 'â-  Pint'::.t>OW.i|i^i^|il| .2Se ft^Bi^Pi ^Giii^^i^^i.-.; M. .25c BEECHNUT-plE^Ur-piil^ butter piiipspiiiits^giSiife^^ fs Large 10% oz. -jar ^wsu<v .29c %;»;^i â-  x-*" ......^-...i............ WALItK BARERS .â- â- ,â- .,-^^^^|i OOR,:POLISHINC BRUSH ---^ite^^Vith-l'Ib^can-Johnsdn's.Flo^ .â- t^^K^Vax" Frec^^ -Each &*S^S3aBT IMfMiY : SOAPâ- '.-FLAKES mmsi Pkg. PREMIUM CHOCOLATE .BLj^p^-^^^^- ..............w vi?c ^fc RICHELIEU CALIFORNIA JWPE ^LIVES' â- .;â- : ,;.....-5iiS | 'â-  Extraliahcy?.qualityllf Jfe«e:^^$HElJr ;-||iAPER | Olive^Mo^pint 'cans:,:^:^^^^:^!^^^^- j^^JH' SUNBEAM QUEER OLIVES ...........^jm mm® m '10 oz. bot^g r.igi(3!ta~*4^j iii<^ujyANi2ED--iRON.;yAiLar Size 12^ fflM^^Jifc- m. :i :JHfe

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