Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1923, p. 5

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Kenilworth Happenings txt'€% in1 i mil r a * Mi TOS LAKE SHORE ^EW^fRIPAgM^ 4, THE fourth annual exhibition of the Boys' and Girls' Gymnastic and Dancing classes will take place this eve- ning at 7:30 o'clock* at the Kenilworth Community Center; f Miss Elizabeth Duffy, and Mr. Robert Townley, the two instructors, announce the program to be as follows; ^., 1. Grand March. • *s >; 2. Gymnasium Drill. Girls of Classes i and 2. â-  - ^mx^xwmM^i^ 3. Junior Bo^':'::;';;:r,^^:?;"'fl' (a) Gymnasium BriHTled tSjTBttly Nelson, Jack Howe, Willard '"' (b): Games and Races. ' â-  4. Stunts and Races. Classes 1 and 2. Special Feature Rac«5. j.....5,.....Senior 'Bays^MM^MMB '\i^:'M (a) Setting Up Exerciiesi led by â- ".;, 'Charles Howe.;;ve|g:;^v;«;:aea â-  "â-  '-(b). Games. '. M$X^tg0^I^$ 6. Senior' -&oys.-AyW'iM^WwMiM: (a) Class A|^ratur3j.,\V^rS^^ (b) Exhibition: by leader's cmssIrS 7. Dancing. Classes I atnd £ -1 8. Kenilworth *TOup |^ ^M3>^- bition.. ?:-.' *j !V-B*£?-:- ^tt&&'B' 'â-  â-  • :'^|i|l|'lf | (a) Demonstrations-â€"First Aicl,* Knot ^yinfi^ §^a^*iPii|> .^M" by Friction.' ~::-;'" '". _.. " "*'"-: -•â€"~::;v ^$*fr â- |)r*%'fe|ftIlW""#fli|fH (c) Scout Oath and Law. T^> â-  Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone gave a luncheon yestejfd^y in honor pi Mrs. Ira Nelson Morris, wife of the former -al^sliilo?"^^ League club in Chicago. The guests & included Mrs. Jacob Baur, Miss Jlpily ;Larned, Mrs. Georget Dixon, :|Mrs. iGeorgel gSezeyli Mrs0 .&.$M. Mailer^ Mrs. <3h%jple| C leteisolti, *Mrs Wifliajn B. Austin, Marquis di-Jannelli-Rees, Mrs. Thomas B. Knight, Mrs. Benjamin Affleck, Mrs. -William** Hartwell |^|- ford, Mrs. Edwin Ruthwih Boyd lot Scotland, Mrs. Russell T^ysoni Mrs. m- __vjwardâ€"Leight, Mrs. Harry JF»: Atw||>d :^3ndLMrs^=Oai^cfi=Hoiig^ | Mrs. Rathbone addressed her guests fbn "The Social Life of Sweden" and told interesting stories of her tour . through -ma^ yggmtyjjjpftl|^in^|hat ^country.;/-^:;*^" -0 vV^y'*- :t--tt. '"*J\'J' *-]'^% 'â- â- â- . I Miss Isabel Clirie, 304 Cumnor road, fwho has been in New Orleans all winter, arrived home on Friday of last week to be with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. ')J."Sr€linTrfornhe sunuiici. Aside from her music studio in New Orleans, Miss Cline was affiliated with the Little Theatre there. Mr. arid Mrs. D'Aix and Miss Clara Bell Ruf, 307 Melrose avenue, will leave on Sunday for New York where they will remain three weeks at the Plaza and then take a motor trip through the East by way of the White Mountains in New Hampshire. 4 Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen, 258 Mel- rose avenue, who have been in New York and Boston for the past fortnight with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. andl TMrs. Dwinnell Slater, retumeTT-home J {today. ,^% '.ffef#% '*W%% 9' ': tf Mr. John Bellows of ^aflitonyHarrived home last week from the East to visit *his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bel- flows, before going to Toronto. The jBellows were former residents of Kenil- worth. Among those from Kehilwofth whof attended the Home-Coming day festivi- ties at Arden Shore last Saturday, were : Mrs. Mark Cresap, Mrs. E. D. Parmelee, ^vMrs. H. P. Harrison, Mrs. Edwin Hed- ::|rick,' and Airs, R. \~/. â-  Murison* 'U'^^m" â- â- . Mrs. W Lee Crowe of Owosso, Mich* «gan, arrived here on Tuesday for a visit ^with her son and daughter, Mti an*!. Mrs. $urt A. Crow^, #4 Raleigti Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks, 241 Mel- rose avenue, left Monday for French Lick Springs, for a sojourn of ten days or so./ â- ...â- . MM Ruth KenycMv who attends Yps*- lanti college, Michigan, spent the week- end with her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Cline, 304 Cumnor :road. ^|;f;|v4*i W:} The North Shore Theater Guild pre- sented "The Hero," its third play this season, on Wednesday evening at $ie New, .Trier. auditdriium|^^^^^v^;, Mrs. W. W. Wheelbck *literta(ihed at dinner on Saturday evening of\ last week at her residence 244 Cumnor road. There were covers for twelve guests. The Kenilworth Garden club met at the residence of Mrs. V. K. Spicer, 312 Essex road, on Thursday morning.! || Miss Helen Ruth was hostess to her Bridge club on Thursday afternoon at herg residence, 416 Woodstock road. || Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Jones, 344 Woodstock road, are> enjoying a three weeks' tour "oT Virginia. Mrs. Edgar W. Burchard was hostess to the North Shore Art class at luncheon on Monday, at her home, 310 Axford i$$f if,... Warren^:Pease|-& â-  320; Leicester road, was hostess to the Evening Bridge club at dinner at her residence on Mon- 'â- typj0$'^t$i^/ '•â- â- â-  &0$IM0fiMAA If Mrs* W. J. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road, will spend the week-end in South Bend, Ind., with her daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.,pAndrew M. Taylor of that city. ||Mrs?Buri? A. Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, was hostess at a tea at her home Tues- day afternoon in honor of Miss Marilyn ^'ilrs?^^ road, entertained her- Bridge club at the Cricket-on-the-Hearth tea Wf!room ^in !Eyanston^;.on;; Wednesday.^, „.^|||,;.^v;}^|8': 'â-  ^|Miss -Maude' Hinman is entertaining at luncheon today at her residence in V^hnetka,*^ Mrs. Robert C. Danley, 336 Essex â- ;e>remhgp|fg||||||^i|^^ â- 'â-  Mrs. John Lmd, 315 Richmond road, is spending a month in Pass Christian, Miss;-,.. â- ^ j-;-mine LtOlfax Pattern â- ^â- ^.y^m^m^ -1 â- ;â-  Merting"$itver§> Colonial Finish .....""""""Fffi$.i0iMt["',,J"""'*"~^ "^ The riew ^Colfax" pattern of table silver is simple of outline, with Colonial mouldings on both back â- and lront> and'Js'etiriched. wiiti:fine'Sfi^. /% pearl and bead'â- ' border/ â- .,aM,:;Ve|^i;ii»--A«-:^ delicate husks in the front panel. m.m arles B ^gf.. ucutaic husks m ine..iront panel, m^m â- â- . JUahach Au*»ttt+ Bi;;The':Coloniai; purity Vof^trus^'dfe purity sigti will be as enduring as thef s%^ Msc^n&^lv^r of Jwhich /Ifc'is^inade, PttcMttfmd f 8$T l^isifiSlSMi ^S^^^^»ii«S'iS5?^pllS|l;i#^l:sfeI fy'M W'0?^&M$M^M^^^^S^^^S |ReXoacli;;:;anfl;;:Carriage,.C©liipajiy Wll$i&$ff& Designer* and Manufacturer* of '&Mm 1BMW: AUTOMOBILE BODIES, TTQfllM£ for two reasons. Because thef have seen tb« car and ridden In it. â- ^fiM^m^i $'-"$&$:..%'..&$k WERSTED MOTOR CO. WINNET^ 11 Wimm 562 Linden Ave, mmrnm oMotor Wfi^S: fftltlf^ |; The Camp Fire Girls gave a repeti tion of their playlet on Saturday evenin ilast at the residence of Mrs^ C. R... Er- win, 533 Roslyn road, for the benefit |of-the Infant Welfare. The proceeds amounted to about thirty dollars. | Mrs. James Prentiss and son, James. who have been in Asheville, N. C, all ^winter, and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, who has been their guest the past two weeks, fall returned home on Tuesday.' " f iMrs. Fred Bulley, 276 Sheridan road, entertained the Embroidery Class at her |home on Tuesday- :"':"'^I~P-----~"~â€" ?f Mrs. W. D. Eaunders, 230 Oxford |road, will be a dinner hostess at her ihome tomorrow evening. " / « Gut dovvn the cost of the gweekl)^ I' family washing. s|Let us tall for' the bundle, Ipwash it ft carefully and Ifthoroughly^ and r e t u r n liready for ironing at hoirte. NELSON LAUNDRY '" iiiliilillillgg -m Phone Wilmette â- imim iwffliiffi mi: '^'^^^•'^'^i^^ :#,. 'M^« M â-  ^â- ; «"3it:Sf: M/ Fow* -^.^'^»^-^H^^^Lzr^^;â- ':, a-. - -. . â- â- â-  â- Â»â- â-  â-  â-  .--;.. -â-  â- â- â- ;â- â-  V ^M|p?Sisai&:.. .......... ^iC"" '." ThU Spring and Summer tn«ay rM":â- â- } women wUI make a wonderful trana* -:|r'-- - - formation 'in' their home aurtounoV.: Sp ' toga. Fo» with the firat couch or warm vl|v ' weather .wool ruga and chick draper* r oi; , - lea will be replaced by cool, cheery ':v; '" Waite Rugs and dainty cretonnea to ^'-'iifvv-"'. harmoniaB, ."'; â- â- ;;â- :â- .â-  . '.:.;-,. M - U especially deetrabte. Here, whet* "^ ' otM'begiai the day. ajppropriate aur- . :V â-  rounding* are particularly necessary. K V for after Winter's long confinemenc* VW â- :. fresh summer furnishings are doubly . \M^' •ttractive. ..,/,.',..;.^.,^..*:-- 'A:::-::: ChooseonlyWalteRugs no matter |w ' what room you intend. to beautify. i m For Waite Ruga are easily the finest â- t: of their kind. Made from genuine: nent interior decorators, they are chat most economicaland mostappropri> •te summer rugs that money can buy. CtelythebestdealeracarrTWalteRuga ao it will be easy for you to find them. - To those interested.we will send* lteaudfal freeboofcletfilledwithactuat photosxaphsolother women's hpmea dressed in summer clothing. If you would like acopy.write todav.please. Waite Grass Carpet Co. OabkosVWisconsin ^iyaUrijuofd rugs rest insummev% t-0f^:: SI ROSENBAUM CO. Evan&tons Furniture Store EVANSTON TELEPHONE I EVAN. 5023 5228 N. Clark St. Rebuilding, General Repairing ;;; J Estimates Cheerfully Furnished 1223-1231 MICHIGAN AVENUE isiiM CHICAGO ^:-»$MX^^ iftipi -K.^rw.â€"w......^.JfSm-: PittB':r' -fHP^ii^i^iPSP^iM^â„¢ 6t a hundred, we arer now }fgm! a posn^ojaxx makej?rpnipl S|j^^^^^^^^fl ffi^P^^Trit'" mm liiS What" is itf worth to you: to'know, of a- better â-  'i^c»fi>sC%i^H-^|:- a reliable roofer? There is a vast difference ih roofing';'toa-S' terial, also in the method of laying it^??&n»i!^[uf^y--:i;.t^;fi difference in the number of years it;.will las%§Be-iure"jro^S^^ ^et the 'grea^est^-vaitte/r.for; youijf^^ ^ facts not |>r>ttiises|g|Be protecjtelf 'by^^gnaraiitei-thai'.1: -:" ligs^^^^5fig|g^^^l^llf^ iSl 'WB mmM ?|^g|i Over th* Old Wood Shingles Oar Specialty piSWe positively do not have any agents canvassing from ^dpojr^lo-4o^^m*i~therefore save the home owner --'mml ilr commonly known as the agents' commissions, ten per ceni.'5 or twenty five to* forty dollars, depending entirely on the isi^clf residence*- and qtialit^C,^ lllil Flex-A-Tile n- Johne-Manviti* I'liA'^maJl payment will reropf^your residence;"baianop g^^J^, .Chicago .Ayw If WMIS Wmoi* Telephone: Evanston 8550§ ResicJciii â-  -â- â€¢-â- ..........-.....â- â-  â- '...........-__ ......' " --'â- '- ' ............•-'............-.....;......I:.......--â-  "-""^â- ^•-----'•J-**,J^'*M'M"*JMM'M"°g-~"-

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