Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1923, p. 8

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I'liljiji^jiliiWiift »VffP* â- amm IHIIIi9W^^ak^':^HORE:NEWS â„¢*TDAY) MAY'4,4923 CAU BALL FANS TO CONFERENCE Athletic Club Holds Big Ses- sion Tonight Members of the Wilmette Athletic cHib and all other persons interested in clean sports are invited to a meet- ing at the Village hall this evening at 8 o'cock when Manager William Robinson of this season's Athletic club baseball team will outline plans for the approaching season. Manager "Bill" expects a big turn- out of prospective diamond talent this evening, since the club is determined to put a championship aggregation on the field this year. Already the "vets and several new men have ap- peared in the preliminary workouts on the old lot at 17th street and Wil- mette avenue and prospects are bright for a large practice squad within an- other week. Practice nights will be arranged at this evening's session. The Athletic club hopes to inaug- urate the home season On Decoration Day at which time it is confidently expected the new diamond at the Municipal playgrounds at 17th street and Washington avenue will be in excellent shape for play. All the games of the club will he staged on the new playground diamond, permis- sion -havtttir-beettâ€"granted by the authorities. Get out tonight to get a line on the baseball dope for this year! Public Library New* and Reviews Minds and Manners of Wild Animals .... Hornaday ,... Atherton ........ Yates Hanger lack Oxen ...-----• lete Radio Book •athfmder-^%^ of-ar-Radio-ei-oâ€"â€" â€" -- „„.., ..i.... ......*. •...v...»â- â€¢... Mills _1rst Across^he^onttrrentTTTT. -Brooks Anne Severn------.-----....... My Chinese Marriage ...... Trodden Gold ....... •• • •••• Where the Blue Begins ...... Second April ........... .-.'â- .. • • • Complete Dog Book •;-••;•• Radio Amateur's Hand Book, ^r^Wad^ngton of Wyck .»>.. Knut Hamsun ............... fjbhn Marvel, Assistant ....... <jto>ry of Clementina ..... *.. Junglem;j............... ...>>•• Metropolis ..*..*>...... Posy Ring..............•••• Golden Numbers......... Training of Wild Animals..... I?a*fnt Perfume .........?>..,. lueror ----- Sinclair O'Brien Morley Millay Bruette .Collins Chekov Sinclair Larsen .. Page . Locke Sinclair Sinclair Wiggm Wiggih Bostock ..Gale Atherton Tpwrt and Gown ...... *$iort Sixesr^i...... i^tureTFrames ..:.... Henry VIII ......... Etiquette ............. Jurgen ..........'**«»• Love and other stones Revolt of the Angels fulb Gardening ...... arnum M........i... Wonders of the Dunes The ^ool ..... and OF INTEREST only to our ADVERTISERS Full Page Roll of Honor Hubbard Woods Lumber and company .....»-» * * * * ------- Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. .... Wilmette Bid*. Materials ..... Shoreen Motor Company...... North Shore Bootery ........ R. H. Scbell ^Company ....... Wilmette Shoe Store ......... Edinger A Sous ............... Skokie Motor Co............... Evanston Bldg. Materials ..... Lulias Bros..................... Nelson Laundry ................ Coal ... « ... 3 ... 2 ... 2 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 Aram K. Mestjian, dealer in Ori- ental rugs and specialist in rug clean- ing, has occupied his new establish- ment at 511 Main street. The new building was constructed this spring, and is considered amongrthe most modern rug salesrooms and cleaning establishments on the north shore. Fire broke out in the basement of the Cecile Shop late last week, but was quickly extinguished by the fire department. There was slight damage. . A C. Wolff, well known proprietor of the sheet metal and furnace estab- lishment of that name, is to occupy the Main street store recently vacated by Aram K. Mestjian. Wolff has had his headquarters at Electric place since the tornado of 1920 shattered his offices on what was then West Railroad avenue. The Wilmette Paint and Glass works in the new Rockhold building is to have special demonstrations of paints Thursday, Friday and Satur- day of next week. A feature will be the demonstration of "mottle toning on wall paper by a women expert m interior decoration. f * h^Hnrdies^a^d^other^ets-w the iWilmctte Bird House in the Rockhold Ibuilding got a scare one day last week Sinclairpvhen the plate glass front of the establishment gave away in a terrific crash in one of the celebrated early spring ^wind 8t6rmsVw,.<:vv :...^^^^ COMES MAY 12 High School Classic to Draw Big Crowd The biggest acquatic event of the year is the Fourth Annual Aquatic classic conducted by Coach Jackson in Lake New Trier Saturday, May 1Z. Botlv the boys and the girls swim- ming teams of the high school will take part. There will also be a Boat Regatta. High school students only are eligible to enter boats in this contest. The winner of these races will be given a silver cup. The program of the classic is al- ways more or less a mystery. New surprises arise each year and no num- ber is repeated. Rumor of a slide for life over Lake New Trier, some spec- tacular stunts by three "Aquators, and the reproduction of the hunting scene and the "Huntsmen Two" from the "Outrage" have been circulating around the campus. In past years this classic has had to hold an extra performance to ac- commodate the crowds. Only 200 tick- ets will be sold this year. Since the attendance is to be limited, it is pro- posed that patrons of the school pur- chase their tickets early. . Galsworthy ... Montross ..... Bunnet^ate ..., Winslow ...; i Pollard ........ Post ...... Cabell , i-~nr^Ghekov ..... France ...â- '& Hamden .'.".II .Werner ..;. Brenrian Pollock Burglars attempted a looting of the Village Home Bakery about a week ago. They shattered a skylight and lowered themselves to the floor of the establishment. They found nothing in the way of the "coin of the realm" and left without the anticipated "haul." .-JC^:./- ':. ;" ':â- ; Last week the Wilmette Motor Sales advertised Home Garage Week, listing some of the needs of the mo- torist. Schaefer is trying to make the Wilmette Motor Sales the head- quarters where motorists can supply all the needs of their cars and prjU garages.^^"^'^^1---â€"*r~; • Drama Devotees to View "Alias Larkie" on May 11 The Campus Players at Northwestern university are rehearsing "Alias Larkie," Abram Mendenhall's latest play, for performances at the Evanston's Woman's club on May 11 and 12. "Alias Larkie" has been claiming Mr. Mendenhall's attention for more than a yeaf7~lt is a melodrama of the murder mystery type, and declared by critics to be Mr. Mendenhall's best effort. Mr. Mendenhall is remembered best for his "Tangle" and" Order lS2,r~pfe- sented at Evanston a few years ago. He is also a well known lecturer on dramatics, a member of the^ North Jlhore T^itreI Guild? --^md-â€"anâ€"accomplished actor in his own right, having been last seen in an important role in "Joan d' Arc." The Campus Players comprises North- western university's best dramatic tal- ent. Everett B. Fox, well known for his connections with the North Shore Play- ers, will manage the production of "Alias Larkie." Reserved seats will be placed on sale in the north shore vil- lages.; : "MISSIONS AND TEMPERANCE" The Woman?* Christian Temper- ance Union will meet with W,,:„S* Bamm, 270 Scott avenue, Winnetka, Monday afternoon, May 7, at to ciock; Mrs! Robert Nightingale will,, speak on "Missions and Temperance. "â- ^----VILLAGE OP %VIIiMBTTB mtnfTr NOTICE IS HEREBY &ld on the seventeenth day of April, TO SELL CERTAIN REAL ESTATE NO LONGER NECESSARY FOR PUB- ^WHEREAS. the V"la«e of Wilmette is the owner of the title in fee to the following described-premises: Beginning at a point on South line of Northeast Quarter (N. B. Jk)i of Southeast Quarter (S. E. \kt, °* Beo *£« t^ntv-eleht (28). at its intersec- tion WUh East llU^of Sixteenth Street it^heVillage of Wilmette, Cook Coun- ty Illinois, produced North; thence Sorth parallel with Westl ne of said Northeast Quarter (N. E. Mro* ^°i?!5 east quarter <S. E. %) J*Jte°"0VWien; tv-eiSht (28), 645.1 feet to. a line 191 i£et Southwest of and .Paj«i; ill with Southwesterly l^eof^ht of way of the CHICAGO NORTHWEST- BRN RAILWAY CO., thence No^Jj- easterlv at right angles to said South- westerly^ righ? of way line 191 feet to said right of way line; thence Nortn- westerly along said right of way line 66 feet; thence Southwesterly at right angles to said right of way Km J«;l feet to a point; thence South on a line parallel with West line of said North- east Quarter (N. B. %) of Southeast Quarter (ST E. %) of Section^ twenty- | eight (28) to South line thereof; thence East 66 feet to place of beginning, excepting therefrom the intersection of a highway, extending along West side of right of way of CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD, com- monly known as West Railroad Ave- nue, in Cook County, Illinois, m as described in the Warranty peed of J* EDWIN DEMPSEY and MARY J« his wife, and EDWARD H. BAaLEY and ANGELA L., his wife, of Chicago, to the Village of Wilmette, dated August 20th, 1915, recorded in the Recorder's office of Cook County, Illinois, in Book 13, 434 of Records, on Page 488, as Document No. 5.712,431, on September 17thj» 1915; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid premises are now being used as a public street and known as a part of Sixteenth Street ,in the Village of Wilmette; and WHEREAS, the said premises are -mr~Ttffiget necessary, appropriate, or required for the use of the Village of Wilmette for such purpose, nor would its longer retention be for the best Interests of the Village of Wll- NOW, THEREFORE. iiSS of ^^ase* of^riSSe^f * £ day of April 1928. aay w* .". EDWARD aiPF, President, Village of Wilmette ATTEST: ; " ^a EARL E. . ORNER, â-  ^^V- "'Village Clerk, AftS And that bids for the purchase â- aid property will be received by the Village Clerk, up to eight (8) o'clock P. M. July 3, 1923. which bids will b« duly opened and considered at the meeting of the said Council to be held July 8. 1923, in the Village Hall of the Village of -Wilmette at eight -^w o'clock P. M. All bids sent to the said fef Village Clerk shall be marked on the If I outside "Bid for real estate." The said iff Council reserves the right, pursuant to â- â- "ml statute, to reject by majority vote any 1p or all bids. The Said real estate will #1 be conveyed by the Village of Wll. |ii mette by proper and sufficient deed to 111 the bidder whose bid shall be accepted: 111 and who shall duly pay or secure tbi:-tm purchase price therefor to the Village i!i of Wilmette. â-  "#«*ii • - VILLAGE OP WILMETTE,. Mt . EDWARD ZIPP, - 'v â- >â-  .' â- â- â-  S President "W â- ' !yP"':-W"'%t'. L25-lotc;'l PINNEO'S CAMP ,-â- â- ;â-  For Boys | Woman Lake, Minn.' Ivory Apes and Pcacocks^^tin .Huneker yonjola .....:._____... • â- ;• ..':• Stockley lUfe and Letters of falter H. Page »K- â-  • â- "â- '.,...'... \ii â- $»?$& Hendricks |^*npaniofiable Bodksm^M^V^'.Dyke Perfect Behaviour ...;, cs*«.«^ SioryrteHing Ballads^ ^ Book of Ballad Stories Boys' Motley ...... RhidrecN>f the WtM The Ke^stcSml ice creativ parlor and confectionery store at Fourth street and UndenaVenue will open its doors to the public this Saturday. All Wil- mette is invited to the opening day festivities when each Visitor to the "place of sweets" will be greeted with a floral token. Seventh Graders Hosts to Teacher Brides-to-be Pupils of the seventh grade of the Wilmette public school will frolic to- night at a combination May party and shower. The shower is for the two seventh grade teachers who are leaving school to be married this year, Miss Lillian Anderson and Miss Marie Hart- man. ..... . ^ ;f:ir'v.v: .^:-^:'/, Details oL_the_ party have been ar- ranged by the seventh grade members of the Wilmette School Council. They have been assisted by Mrs. P. P. Jones, Mrs. K.E. Vernon, Mrs. Helen Stokel and a committee of mothers. ; i^ Entertainment and light refreshhientl have been provided by the committee. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI- DENT And BOARD OP TRUSTEES OP THE .VILLAGE OP WILMETTE: SeeiUMi 1. That the premises, aa aforesaid be advertised for sale to the highest bidder, and that a notice of the proposal to sell, together with a copy of this Ordinance be published in some local newspaper of general cir- culation for a period of at least sixty (60) days. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wil- mette on the 17th day of April, 1923, and deposited and filed In the Office of the Village Clerk of said Village this 18th day of April, 1»23. • EARL E. ORNER, Village Clerk. "**,»â- : In the 10 Thousand Lakes Region of Minnesota. Applications received for a limited number of boys. For Booklet and Information, or a Personal Appointment. Address Frank Floyd, % Lake View High School, 4015 N. Ashland Ave. Chicago. 401 a£Ss9 HrggaaaglBlaaAasfeW51Fa!gFslBC SLIP COVERS Including Labor and Material s*tU- mm Davenport faction Ulllato€i-*-iyi^=â€" luteiy jHESBBir Chair W antoed ^ulllli $6*50 Also a womderfat •election of Im- ported Coverings at a tremend- ous redaction dve to oar wide experience In the making of Cov- ers enabling oa to give yen snn- erlor oaaltty. Save 30% on yonr Antontobllc covers, Order direct fron^- GOLUN BROS. Formerly With Mandel Bros. CaU or Writ« 713 MAIN ST, EVANSTON Phone Evanston 0121 Stewart ^T-Gleott MacLeod Banks itoerts' 0ut of Doors in the Holy Land SIS1-- • â- â- ' "B^i^Van.Dyke Abrigail Acktri 1; ,^W^ Short Stories of 1^22.. Lilian :>;.^M.0i\ .>..,. â- . ir^Mi Richards O'Brien Bennett F: W. Moore's fruit store on Lin- den avenue is offering fruit by the bqx^,a^;;,jcgain/prices.' .:r^,m^r,^.^amm Automobile owners in this vicinity \re reading with great interest the lively; advice of the "Motor Doctor" ' t Ketj i'worth. ^Listejris like tHe jreal -is essfentiat to^ your happiness, but you cannot be happy if the price is high.â€"Gome- to us, choose your I food without thought of cost. Our,, prices are so reasonable that ^^pocketbobk will rejoice with you../;/",' '• "V.'^l^^.-: your ['â- MS:: SpiaW^thls^week moved his Main street tailoring business to a new; ocation at 2 and 3 Electric Place just north ot Central avenue. a|| "Kap" is oc- cu#irigc^w^lstore spaces/ at the ne\^ site" Radio to Pay Homage W to "Home, Sweet Home" T. E. Stevens, 404 Gregory avenue, who is singing for Radio broadcast- ing station WDAP located on the Drake hotel, Chicago, announces a special program for Tuesday evening, '^ay^^:---^~" "'"~":^^ The program will be in commen- oration of the 100th anniversary- of â€"»â-  -n^mm^m'^'sMi&A â€"jJj^-^^^4^^»-«»r«i«j^^ next :mW; P^ut Kempe announces the opening of a new plumbing shop at 619 Main street: Kempe was formerly;',-'fc silent partner â- ^^\:'^:-'ti^^U(mi'pluniber. tm new shjo^,i^4§«i^|X * complete |^ipment,^ einsen and Clark, Inc., #:;#:! | Open Evanston Offices $ Heisen & Clark, Incf gnorth shore realtors handling properties from Evr giiston to Highland ParJc^now main- iiwng offices in Chicaato, Wilmette Fiiiinga long-felt need m the ____ td Winnette^ anpunce ^opening^on Termmat district, is the tnissioii of V^W:|R:::offit^iSliIl§ ^ie'^Terminaf Hardware store/' Hv A^ ' 'f^^M#'^Vfth$toh.;^|^^|^|i^^[^l :Dornbos*. .proprietor, .established this ifGeorge C; Clarlc* vice presidentj weefc at 415J4 Fourth street, in the Tuesday. Sunday, May 6, Mr. sing for the prisoners penitentiary. Stevens is to at the Joliet Ml Main St. Wilmette , Trier......Band .Frabctflil Following First Concert The concert by the New Trier band last Friday evening was largely at- tended by a very appreciative crowd. Director Schumacher, had the boys well trained in their parts, and re- rtL^|pf>ived compliments on his excel- lent service_t<> Jthe school. New Trier has aH^band it can be very proud of, was the unanimous verdict of Jh&an* C ftriner^r of McCaitUm & Clark will in charge of the Evanstoii offjee*. t, Cairk^^s had wide* tixperience asi*|£:! realtor in Evanston and north A* >V^. Plant* plfes^^m; now of the nniette office wtU, remain in charge tnat::'t»fficeiii": ^§1?:"" :"~:r^::-"'-^""V;. Paul Heinsen^ treasurer, amd Wil- liaf Hi Overtdii, secretary, wilt re- Hiain in charge of the Winnetka of- FAGEANT*i "Queens and a ^ueeit MISSION "ft pageant entitled _ ifi^s-to^be^given-by *he _ ther <aircle of the Wilmette Parish .ethodist Episcopal church tonight tllowing a dinner to Be given by the oman's^^ Home^Missionary society of e parish in hohos,M,^b^;^e^,^;;the ..___T _. -, '2 jpounn street, in .___ _ ;new|l|Schallm9np§bwWingi:^"""Do h#s lidf^Tficlt experience in the Hard^ ware business. He will have a com- plete line of well recommended goods. The new IstOre practically complete the "!/' area as a shopping center? Students at New Commemorate War of *9 In commemoration of the twenty* fifth anniversary of the declaratioii of War - With Spain, the Evanston Chapter of the Aflaericah Legion had charge^<of both_jAss]e^ Trier HigHTschopl ta^T^Viday^ In, the first Assembly Dr. John Goltra spoke of America's altruistic motives in the war, andHn-»4h«----«eeo1id7^Profes.sor James Taft Hatfield, of Northwestern ♦iniversity, related his personal exper- Local Photolandscapist Joins Chicago Daily Staff T Slater Gillette, 830 Lake avenue, who has done some of the most beau- tiful landscape photography in Wil- mette. has accepted the position of photolandscapist for the Chicago Eve- ning American. pa Several of Mr. Gillette*^ar^tistic photographic works were exhibited at the recent Art exhibition at the Wil- mette Woman's club, viewed by more Phone Wilmette 2600 721 Main St., Wilmette, Dl. ^^;'f'^?^v?V MOTORS !®£8Sit88lSgi|? Illlf ^Kl^f'lSSII RiHfffillpElGHBORS pPARTY A Euchre and^^ Bunco-jparty-Js^to^€ Ws^^:;:'s^^^^^^^:^p^i^ ',':"R« igiven at Odd Fellows hall Main street and Wilmette avenue, Friday eve* ning, May 11, under auspices of the Koyal Neighbors of America.^ 4MS ^ive WWm aTooriiaplete stocKBf lilSl cars M*, e will install theiri

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