;.-^0tMi Si'li^^^H^^^Plllliipil THE LAKE SHORE HEWS, PRIPAY, MAY it 1923 '»'/ Jand__Mrs. C. G. Everson^fgUincheoii will be.,served at 12:30.isMkmmms: iM/liitSiJeia&Utid Wednesday eveningi members of the congregation are urged to drive to Pilgrim Church, Oak Par, and hear Dr. Hutchins' address on "The World A group bl members from the high school department of our church school will attend the Young People's Ban- quet in connection with the State Conference at Pilgrim Church, Oak Park, on Wednesday evening^^^p Thursday,|SMay seventeenth, the Cozy Corner Circle, Mrs. Thomas F. Cook, Chairman, will hold an all-day meeting at the church; sewing at 10:30. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 by Mrs. Henry J. Haack, Chair- man of luncheon, and her committee. Friday is the open i^i day of "Boys' Week." Boys from all the Chicago area will be participating in the var- ious events. Definite program will be given in next week's issue of The Lake -'.Shore'. News. \ :r;^^ ^mm^m/.: The Chicago Y, M. C. A. will hold its annual Budget Week May 14-24, when it will ask Chicago people for $100,000 necessary to the maintaining of the work through the coming year. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN imtdeir and Prairie^Ave., Wilmefte. Herman W. Meyer M. A. Pastor 406 Prairie Avenue. Telephone. 1396. -y-H^'^^^S®^Sairvicas $'^, ^Ot^'i^fe'--*'* • 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible class at Library Hall. 9:45 A. M. First service and ser- mon at the church. 11:00 A. M; Second service and con- firmation ' of;";Cateclmmens.'|||^g|t^ â- . Monday and Friday at $t Children's classes at the^church.;\:S|;&;ft?i- * Monday evening at 8 Sun. school Teacher$' Institute at Highland Park. Tuesday evening at 8 Choir meeting, Next Sunday mornings during the 11 o'clock^ service the Confirmation of this year's class of catechumens takes place. St. John's extends^a very cor- dial invitation to the parents, relatives "and friends of these children, as well as to the catechumens of former years to attend this service. The pastor will deliver the confirmajtioji address. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated on Pentecost Sunday May 20, when it is expected the^confirmairids wilt par- ticipate for the first time. This ser- vice will begin at 11 o'clock^ f he jprel paratory service beginning at 10:45. All those wishing to go to the Sacra- ment are requested to inform the pas* tor on Friday, May 18.^, At the Meeting of the Ladies' Aid and Mission Society of St. John's hejd last Thursday at Library Hall, the sum of three hundred dollars was turned in to the Building Fund. This sum represents what was earned by the members in the-'past few weeks for this special day and purpose. The contributions of this organization for the Building Fund are now approach- ing the $3,000 mark, over a period of two and one half years. s IIMonday next is the day to enroll hew pupils in the classes 'for the Christian education of children. These classes will contiue until the grammar schools discontinue classes for the summer, and will be resumed in Sep- tember with the reopening] of the schools. t,--...... .; :.'.k£-"j ii An adojurned meeting of the con- gregation on Tuesday evening, May 8, will be continued on Tuesday eve- ning May 15 at 8 o'clock. Evei y iiiem- ciety will hold a Bake Sale Saturday, May 12, at" the Van Deusen Grocery and Market at 1154 Central avenue. Many"good things" will be on hand. The patronage of members and friends will be appreciated. Not A- Call to Arm»;:;illllll MM Merely March to Camp Troops from Efort Sheridan, and cavalry and artillery with wagon trains, passed through the north shore and camped in Evanston Monday eve- ning on Church street, five blocks west of Ridge, enroute for Camp Custer, Michigan, near Battle Creek, for the Citizens' military training camp. The infantry will follow by truck leaving Fort Sheridan on May 14, halting at Whiting for the first night, with Buchanan scheduled as the second stop. General George Van Horn Moseley, commander at Fort Sheridan, will be camp of this corps area. A number of young men from Evanston enlisted as the troops went overland to Camp Custer last summer. I fUU^^on "Best. Lubricating Oils H Oklahoma Oil*â€"Light, medium and: heavy f2JS extra I Pennaylvania Oila-Light, medium and heavy $3.50 FORD N^^ §f||f||g l||:|Bpcial.:'prices; orybarrel_ and ^barrel <|uant»l^^fi;V| lS*lA.-. i$%ii ber should be there. Greenleaf avenue and Seventh street. •itv; ;, William Guise, pastor. Services for May 13~r- Bible school at 9:45 A. M. The Ad ult class, under the leadership of at- torney A. D. Gash, will study and discuss a very beauitful lesson in the life of David. Read I Samuel, Chap- ter 16, verses 1-13 for proper prepara- tion. We gladly welcome the new members who enrolled in our school last Sunday. Worship and sermon at 11 A; M. Since next Sunday will be observed xjuite generally Kias "Mother's Day," tJ^4>astor»wjfliiffieach. =on= the4ollow~ ing appropriate subject: "Our Hon- ored Mothers.*' i^embers and friends should keep in mind that Pentecost comes on Sun- day, May 20. There will be confirma- tion. A cordial invitation is extended to our friends to unite with our con- gregation on the above date.|^s;§s|g| The Church Council held an im- pdrtanf" session this week. The fol- lowing officers were elected: Mr. Louis Mueller, vice president; Mr. A. H. Homrighaus, recording secretary; Mr. William Melbye, financial secre- tary; Mr. Charles Brandt, treasurer. The standing committees were also appointed for the â- -cpti^g^y^^^:^^- Thei members of the Missionary so- .kS*^ Myers, Margaret Seddon and Wyndham Standing have been en- gaged to support Johnny Hihes in "tittle johnny Jones." lllilllift^lii' Open evenings* until ^^,-^lmK^mSKfM:: 1209 Washington Ai Ullll' Painiif^g WllPaperhang^ M^lMS^ Street, Evanston will be pleased to call and $fe^e$tt^^ . inside and outside work;.;||f ;y|||||^pp|^2JS^9ii fPhone:'^vaift^^ five-thirty p. mff Betweeni thrtg* lyHij-jjS Offer..ftn. £ffft fmay be phoned to Evanston T33& § IRirMiiidlaiiire '^^*^?'^ â- â- â- â- "•â- GtNFRAL MOTORS Proper Equipment for Modern Homes Today a Frimdaire in your home constantly cold; ad^atirio«phere IT^^t**^"**^ and thorough cleanline^eon- a piece of equipment a* a vacuum dition» impossible to obtain oy rU»n~,nT w*»hiny machine. _,<___^_ WlringJca, ' Ftigidaire providee' what aMz :Ymi-:etatj^^fnt0^^':Ta^ -a^tenTperature umlormiy; ^^^^m^^^^^^^mm W^fM Very Best Peacock Hams |i^^.^# _'j#w*'â- ' â- lira •••••••••••••••«•• I Very Best Peacock Rib Bacon per lb |Very Best Sirloin Steak Isxifttsper 'v*."â- â- â- •'â- >v..s '^if::>;# â- •â- • • •â- â- •â- •.•â- .•â- v?i;'> • Very Best Porterhouse Steak el Ai^ Very Best Pot Roast per us* ••'••••'•••••••• Fancy Leg of VeaJ | || per id* •••••• ••••«•• •••"'.*_' Fancy Roasting Chickens, per lb. v;>^|||;|| fresh Calves* Sweetbreads . per im».".*' ••••.•â- •'• â- •' •â- •â- »»•â- â- â- • »•""• â- ii«f .,..,,a»s11 Saturdays *% 11^ BEST 3 lbs BACON M tifiresh Pork Loins (small) €&jjj^ sssSijocr wv»••• •â- • • •.•â- ♦?*.•• ••»••**»»â- •'.•.*• • llEancy. Leg of Spring Lamb, ^lft-*» Sausage Meat, lb.............. Very Best Peacock Bacon, Q*} per »v» ••»••••«•••••••••••••»*• • Jlffl iVILMETTEiDLUNOIS ^SISI and prompt .delivery ItTawonderfid cop binatioijj||pcfecan get both at moderate prices Iff And|th:at *st the^it^tilfflgipttplj *c.fia£. one 154 or 159 m; ^ 'iM:]^M &J£<&&'s^$$fi ^The ouestiari of knowmg i^ere Fniit^^idA^#iabte^^ islprobltfa W^ IB