Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1923, p. 1

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>4 -Cffeifir Newspaper for a Clean Community VOL. X, NO. 28 I^ILME^$,?vI|^lNpKI^I MAY II, 1923 â- â- 'TWENTI^PAC^ $£***§ LEGION REAM FOR BIG SHOW Three-Ring Circus and Auto- mobile Show Open in Wilmette Monday INJUNS TO IlBi THERE Proceeds Go Into Legion *jm Members of Wilmttte Post No* 46, of the American Legion have been at work day ant Siiipn perfecting plans for the big fbrii-ring Circus _gnd Automobile ShoM 4° bc staI^l throtigtot^tiext^"wiielfron the plot 4ust-^ior*h-of the^tlihitnV^Telephotie: exchange building o^| pveifth street. M Begihiiing-withT* liiatinee perform- ance Monday aftern40hj; May 14, the mammoth entertainment willpcon- tinue with "two sh^ws daily" up to and includingSaturday, May 19. The proceeds, over expenses, will go into the funds of the Wilmette Legion post and a portion to the Auxiliary of the post, members of which hgve been charged with the sale Ojyickets. l+iy^WMi^ R«al :Li*e CireuavSiP::- h As previously announced jn the ytakeijjhorejv^ m^o^fr^oTP^rSthcrs ^Circus, Which has given many Legion benefit per- forma||ceiiI^wiil provide ^ ? the :fM^9Miia^^^^>^ey^^^;. â-  Theiciftus includes a rip^oafrng Wild^est show under the direction of Tige* Bill who promises to "por "tray the various featttres of the clean, s free life of the cattle ranges of the Westovhich will Recall to mind the oldeniSda^ ^ "Schbo^fl :ca*a'vanf fgttd: the almost ih- evitabi«| battle T-'^tl|^|^;/:J^8kms.,r':-':-.-;: : -'., SZ t Bfi < fymrU&y. 'Piro^pjp^g:.. Variety entertainment is alslf%rojnr '^li&ed.^ fa«;great:variety. ,Hu^$n^j|fes,; â- -â-  â- %crob^ts^; -whb#^effii#» M^^^mW- stunts,: ;;i$o!ikli^ ^%asp I ai their daring, the tJp-Srae- Dowt|-ers and the gravity-defying jugglers are included in an array of talent that advance notices hold to Hbe unqualed in any land or clime. I At any rate; a good time is prom?. L ised the kiddies* and, without doubt, W even the cynical old-timers rnajr, here â-  and there, absorb" a .:thrill.|i||||?:>:;lt. Interesting Car Display The automobile show will include displays by numer<|us north -ashore: automobile agencles^The ihow^ will be housed under a separate canvass enclosure, weUpgremoved ^fromigthe =--^irei*sâ„¢^wrtivityT^^ .....~~:'"""" -â-  '".'V.-" T"1. 11 In addition, there are tqi>!|,oopjila|:f ;i; frycontest;|of intoe$tig;^PpMa.. 3:.:Tickets ^e<Jh#1e in v^rioii;places 'â- 1 in the village and may be secured 'j - -from /"iriei^j^-;^^^J|i|i6n^^^: mwmMm-^-, -«-.- :-'-^ i"^mmm K Legion Plans Big Dance "^mWor^e^ngMMay 29 I Wilmette Post Ko. 46, of :*he Amer- ican Legion has^Snpleted plans for its big dance to bevgiyen Tuesday evening, May 2°> The danc£ twill be held at the Ouilmette Country club, an ideal place for that type of special enterprise arid where iii the? past Legion dances have attracted large attendance.": ; -.o \:'":..:, :..v'v ,..v:U,,::^::,:': 4 Dance musici of * the highest- order- will be provided for the event* it is The generlfl^public of the viflage is cordially invited to help the Post in ce8mp^^mmm0mmm'^\m:^^^m |May 2R is the day before a holw ty, the post members point but, and; erefore, no one should stay away f6rJ:earQBff too much lOss Ofa| :;Wflfe enil worth Voters IS Vote on School Bonds An election will be* held M School District $o. 38, comprising 4he^TO- lage of Kenilworth, Salu^day?paay 1$, to consider the propositioti of au- thorizing the #©^f^ ^ ^i|c|kti|^ of that district to" issue jmm m the amount of $44,000 to be used for the purposes of constructing an addition !to the Joseph^Sears j>ublic school. I' cTneTpr^p^sed bond issue would pro^ 4 vide for the cdrisfructioiiIM Jo«*- a*?; i ditionaF -class rooms»to th# fos^plf ifiearc^cliool; am ~± iiiec-essary b: vemenr found of Education .creiig"""" fy"in.;; the EfiMo^Afc' gm mm If 5y .Albert. A,r:Mc|leigiiii#l For The Lake Shore News Mothers' Day, May >3» 1923. wM $$\ Mftjisth, wild waste . 1$ iH'^yi0rsi;'WI0m '. Yts, tW Heart. ip ine's collin', f'r .p$oiheiht.^$l§!l§li Swtf *i*i through a gray inift that I see her; M:p'yWhere^if^':'Utbomt,at^ planned fr the good; Yis, 'tis through a gray mist that I see her, s %j£r$*â- '?$.- shack, atW idge ip M pood.ifi^;g:l Nwer thought iv herself nor 'hwypteas^ty/yM :;V' In fmihingk she so mUingty dm;^^^^ rj0ia,:ji&er'.a«ihwgH-M - ¥£?%«! s y. im '^h^.7M^-nw§fmM^-m:th T rMo^nkHttfc hmt m th? blarney to '•eyy her breast; Itfhte^e Ups an' %nf, k$es she^earessed. ' Umgn? ^odayfr ^i^f^^ii #"" i*V th' love that still i^amWdiirT Wis^Jtis^UnginH: ami f'f ffial capte, tq^$£::;:fre4,;. withdut plaidin'; I'm longin today fr th* kiss-.4k>-):hit\v^w.% A kiss swate as June's ripened clover; Wis, 'tis longin' I am fr th' kiss iv her, j Z \ Moify^ma^^ ' I'm longW0'- ^a^'^r^h^^p^ihee^ 'â-  l^MMM F'r th' prisince ihdt bfttmelf â- seefa'-'&eWl£M Â¥is,~tis longin' Ijawfr her pns%cei...-â-  M her soft^phbhen "Patsy: m*deat?m I'm wbnaerii? â- â- â- â- â- -JB&-â€"---..... .........., Beyond 0^'^:-^f^^^ish^^ Ihinkin* ' « ^ SprcadWlove'•^^u^j^U^-^^^M-::-^^^ :m^is,'iis:::ihmkin':l:am:she^^ ^^-mi^m -^^ Sittin' ihire, itt ^ ^nietS*Siil^»^ May 6-â- ' 1923. -•â-  -%^Mg$Mmm^mml^^ if}flfeS^^S^^Siil^;; -. 7. *â-  'i> •v^tp^SpK. *^|A .convenieht ;^rmhoiise^;:ft*speeding automobile and a plueJ^d^ five bandits driving a Viwi«l&piicfe"car in an attempt to hold uj^ and rob three i Wilmette residents on the W»«t kegan road at midnight Thursday, :Map'3itS*fh Mr^;;»^J:|ito,*i-; 0$ ;:'Si?.;::Be^rinj^f!'iaip 'pFor:.^ fifteen i;mpe$"i':-th^Xir^bbefe«iran^ :tSirsued«tlie - ^tf^sMssMlMV^^M^^ §p^:j&mj|^^ " fhe#s3^endelli^iinsi tif®m®mimh The; jm^h^m^y..B^Bnger^Wo^r^^y^ |ntdKa^fafniyia'rdi' sheltet|d;;.by4:|;.ic^r|r^ In: th*"f Qa^i"tnW^'OutMM li^tits ^|dâ-  allowed the robDers to:fl^oy trav^Hlig ,|t'. f&i^\^\^:-fkMlF^ ';^hen;r^rrlri||Brv stopped^lM had burned ojut»S#*;^4^M-M^0^U-%^ IliTh^yBeiringef^ |ouih':::;ii|rtv::the-^a^ke^h;:::r6^ they first triet the'"'b8i;iHdit','Vi^n'ii: W^^^^^^K^^^SI PIRATES'IS sci .:TTiutn] Saturday While sponsors of "The Pirates of Penzance," Wilmette Operatic society production, predicted an enthusiastic reception of the Giibert^an4~Sullivan tuneful dpera^ Tlitirsday night of^his week, the second performance sched- uled at the Homan's olub for Sat- urday night was expected to he the record event of the current season. The hour of Saturday^ performance is iilS Iteloclc a-n^he \*£xi&e& m* ^fftict^s^^di^tes11,:^^t':>e4tS:.^ill be at a premiiim. when the doors^ are opened. Ticket may be secured the wamette pharmacy^ or member bf ' thie • society..-^. -j^i^^i..:^ LProminent JaJhe^cast- of£t^ -'Pir- atei" are such recognized local artists as Ewart GoOk, H. B. Arnold, W. Balhatchet, ^A. A. Siebert^^fhester Lawrence, Miss Dorothy Cihallmpr, Mrs G. C. Kidd, Miss Grace .Bur- roughs and Miss Dorothy.•â-  ,:R<we^^ Those in charge of the production are Mr, and Mrs. W. E. BeazhmMrs. Chester Lawrence, Mrs. G. A^Dclaf at Ipvite Children To See n Wilmette children, friends of the alumhae of the National Kindergarten and Elementary College, have been invited by^ the student* Of the- col- lege being trained to be kindergarten v^teachersi to attend a complimentary: performance j^^M^^^JSsst Awake" ^o b« giveSi Sa£i**dayj vmorn- May 12, at 10:30 o'clock on the young peOpl^*f|of;^arshal-Field and company. Thip story of cWhen th% Toysii Awake/1 as^Myen by the Kiddie Kbmpany of the^Nationat Kin- dergarten %mttdf Elemen^ry^ colleges ^roteT^r^b*llion2ligain^:?in«^^ the toys appealing to "The Little Girl to/free them from the dull and xnon- btbnous^rolitme4 of: the nursery, and to permit, them to take tJieir true parts nr vil- WTlte, MissionaryJiwcieiy^Bfiihe W»l| meitii^EngliBh Lutheran xhurclr^wtHt hold a Bake Sale S^urdayi^j^ th^*«^fDeua*ArSrMiry and Mar* ket at,.Ce|itral^^en»e,,and took^ chase att^mpting«itd ditch the calll^Th^iii^^ =le^#^htdr-r-JPo1^^^ race continued. Then; the Wilrtiette party gained. A mile Separated the two cars..1! A curve in the road, burned out bearings, an open barnyard, and then"" â-  escape.:^â- :l':;':^| â- â-  .â- . '$& â- â-  'Whf:0 -\;-y' The county -.jMi^r^^*^o^iiied:-:ai^ imm^iate^ wienf^ Jfutile search,of the: -robbers. _ m^^S6SBMM â- *ss Five Classincations mmmwsm A'$$\........ .......... j--j â- ""â- â- "" â-  â€"â-  ........'â- "' â- 'â-  1 m Divisipn of K.em definite t ;:requii^iB^#'^ad|^^ct^» tions ior^bmla^ ire2|h|^tgh,i:Ugh ^w^hl^^nWorolmtSc^l^ the:; Villag^'counedi:;; J^ an4"^br^ihah<^::wa*:'dra.wiiS^ land Bartholomew, city plan engineer. '& It-' wiU^:bje- irememb^rMi'th^::>^W^' wortn was one Of: :the::::"n^si;::;m^n^ip-:: alities to ta;ke^"'adYantagi::of:;:::thll,:-siate;: law permitting zoninpr..v- â- ^r^ti^::#^^ ...^ ........_......____ 0_„0 . techrii<jaltQr in thW ordinance^ the? for^§ iouth- c4^Uke^^lu#^^%^^bb^ tfp?fc&i$^ RECKLESS MOTORIST IS! GETS FINE OF $200 |ph^te*yihg-last|iunday-nearfy- coslillhe life; of the two-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hoffman, 1638 Washington avenue, put Fred Barron, 1708 Washington avenue, in a cell at police headquar- ters over night and brought him the maximum fine of $200 and cost Mon- day in Magistrate; Mickey's local police court. Barron^ according to witnesses of the near-tragedy, drove into the road- way^djoining^he ^Hoffmah residencer the practically nnused e^tfensioii oi Seventeenth streetâ€"at the rat> of 30^ miles an hour. The Hoffman child was playingTin the center of the sandy drive. The machine passed over the child who miraculously escaped iit- iury,ahough'.. fitee$:of i|th«r, iM:^ I^ctwi^" fro^£i^ffsp^dm|^^ caused licr to turn several eompletie somersaults. Bhe was attended by physicahs who disc^ge^^ Ba?ron^waiiise^ Hi^ was driving^ at such a high rate of speed, witnesses tesiifiedi that the car c^me^Jo a stop only aft# ^e en^ girie *?died" as the machine-lnrchecMnr to a ditch-- â- immk0M:?m!mmk^::^sW{R'zmm North Shore Realtors Hold Session -MmMgm â- â- â- .â- â-  â-  ,.«,. .-. â-  *i â-  -â- â- :<â- â-  _,;â- .â- â- â- â€¢â- -«â-  A meeting of the North Shore^ Real Estate Board of Suburban <Shicajgo â- d%4:^vehingjHM$y ::1%:' ai;^:8":^k*|k||A. matter of 1^ cussed and voted upon, all members are par^cu.hirly^^^e^ested^o.^e: pjresenfe|^ls||::,^Si;^i-MfSmi' mm:': twelfth :%p«|ii|pai IS-(MOTHERS .Sunday, May 1& iwill -b}e obier ve| m every communjty^in the United :State§|las',; Mother'sia^y#i^|:, day when "Mother" will be the: them| of song? andf sernioh, and tribute 'wi^j^||ajid!;b^ thW^glreaiii^ i^tih^i6*t'-,""-'iii"::i,:-ai^':' â- 'tlilte ;jpE-J#--MotN«,^tWSMiSS l^TOmette-Â¥ilf observe Mother's: Day in all the churc|es.||§unday schodfi- pTograms;*- wnllfnt'^feranged appropriate to -tj^fev occasion, and at church^^viresf the liernibna and â-  f%IS^«i*n^'"-TTOi:- 'l^^edioateid^ to the: • px^|l:|ȣ;;::n|bther^^||^^g J<, ';:; M ffiariefe atTthe Church pages of this issue willr help you decide Whfc«tl|lotnerp".Day: service, :yous; -will; atteng^::;v^^^,; -- ,â-  ..- ^ -:â- . v^y ^~- 'y ^} PI Tmiiietf-^For mmm Memory '.:. For::thi?'"first':;stime?Jn-:tn^^^ the ; l^aurei schoo!, children of ; the ^rstj ^seiibnd and third grades are be- ;ng given music memory training;; The work is being condncted under the di- rection c»f Mrs. S, C. Mahejr, music_ snpTetvis^Rr^â„¢f^^ Initiative for thfe moreiJient? icame :towi^ttiir^r^Ma«iel:: ^iKa^titlleiriSh* =!;= c1ii^-'"-'--V' -'fife^':- cause^ of tfie interest v^ich the inot^* ers *6f the school children niani^sted in the musical de^^ children, :^lans for:4 w^ <men*ci^:ji$0^^ ;men|s?-i6r:::;a';'i;,^v^ntat3^^ from eyery membe made^ ^With the funds thus secured the Laurel school has purchased fif- teen ;phOnograp^^ecords^^nch^ ot^the2 musical work U in preparation foir the Music Memory contests in whieli; the children wilt be asked 'fo" take t>i*ti in the upper g^ade^,of,;|hi^grammar -schools. H:;:!^.'?:^-"^! •ali::i:.F>oirt;:ithat:-ti^::"u^il::^^ lasts month:^the village regained tin* zone^!Stili*^»^^'-.v-': " ' -:;';:i; : ;^tlridef:':tne::' ordinance^:,passed ^SlPf-5 council Kenilworth Is divided iiito fwri di£tricts.:w#hese. 4\M^iM-^^^m^ â- 06§:m |den^l;::*r*S":a:^es^efttia|^^|f:I^ Connn*rcial.»^ :-' '-Zone-:f"A,!^::accbr^inf-:ic);"::;the ance^will'voe; ^8fiti^^^^i^fM^l^yâ-  dwellings, churched/;#li^^r:i:tPBiw^:^t^ ^tary^ and high), libraries and actep sory buildings^ -By ac<ces>o^ ings is meant atgarageb^ ed 100 feet,;frbm'Bhe::-:fro1it^l<rt:ilhtiii|^:â- ::-:; av;:;gara|e\-attac'h^f::tb>:'tlie;^-ihdti^ -other)... butldingi't.'..- Iri^iotie-:: *'^":^a.Wd Vm^* :*aet^:iiver;:.,|leii^wb i^^d::;e3tcee1t;--3$1f||t?:lfr .special:.:; cireunlstan^els?' :!"ihte"r1i^e^lte;:'::-; «<»ne;.^i â- ;â-  "aboVv -iff^<^.'*w«ii;----be %^cwgri' plliWf i; -I0':5^oot-:v ;de^th:,and: â-  < :as|hicK! yard. of ;,25.;feet,:::iSv:er^lot -M :M;;}mm-an .area.^of fMM(i^fMm^^^^er^' tliiily-vlivrii"on::^tii^^ . -a wCwm** ?E«it ..ffortioir*. m^^-w^WM â- ":\I^,wtte;;M*^:i$:,include^ ea^^oi^tne^trac^'^cept^ fiM^ oceupied&l^S quarter of â- ^e,->Si/^%tta1ffc«i^|i^ £ike"'z^S^^il^ ;^M' for .;:; dne^family:'::: ^etlh^i^^^i^^fii^.i^SI libraries, ^schob^.;;iindracc^ in^^Mostlot-^'" tlifc:: ;sameS^:3th<j»sMior( Among the records with which the pupils are familiarizing themselves are "Hianoresqiie," "Berceuse,'U front Josefyn^i"Tne Wild Horseman? and has. :also|,been:::ibbluded Ji*5the:;;li#,a^: by::'-u|*ttgi'feln.:::c^nn^ chart, the children have been taught to recognize bitd tatl* arid bif ds^ According to thejilteachers, the young children are apt pupils. f%||: â- "' fe^f^fei^^Ssai'i Keeps Fit at 81 Years , By Getting Subscribers * Milton J. Timberlake, who last week took a vacation to celebrate his eighty first birthday, this week dug into the job of sbEcitihg subscriptions to The L^ke Shore •: News. ^S^0lf0^mm fiiisSftt#Si::rf 'â-  [j â-  You: wouldh^*ililei^!^^|p1y ijaan was ah octogenarian and he #ouldh't believe it himself, except for the fact that records make it so. i|Mr. Timberlake, hale and afman of half .p^:;:yeaii^i|r:yeteranSdl the Civil War. Soliciting subscri il a joy he smiply will not miss ;n|e--;fit,**:Jie_J{aysii^^J"s *^^-MJ :.:«: If you'" :haveir^^iuD»ErlpW^ ;tctSPTtie jLake Shore News^ yoil wiM receive a visit from Mr. Timberlake, and it will be a visit very much worth din1e^enlp?-:v:a*e^ that-^li^;frl*!tl;: '.I.....;"." niay-.-!|iayJiild|||th. ;â-  of bijly 30 ieet^hjd t he- ':::Ic«t^a*e1ji^;'per: ':iM^^tj^^i^l&^ d^ef;.tO^^^^,feet.^^^^^ Zone 4*B** iltcludes all territory west avenuie^xcept "lots.^^d^1^1^"?!^!*^..: b the James', Rice,' Brb>v#::::Stibdiy^$iOiii^-|^ lots 1 to 11 in block 1, 1 'vtd'$â- '$&$&&.': 4: arid lotsivl torJ: and 23^#29. ittcltis sjve^in block 5. T^reSfaiinay: "third permitted in jeithefe " A - â-  or "B? may blpr 'erected^:: \:Z6nt^y&*'-- alsOi includes" -tvvcpi^p iann^y-i:d%ellin|Si,:: boarding hous^^ldul-'|^ft cational, philanthropic vah^ve'Ieinen4ar|rf^^p ^ns*itutibris, private -y;clubs^:kitdges;:;an^ ^rate1rnitielf::a^ In; thls^ohe ;.^#:5|ront-: ya.rd^piayvhel^e^i^S duced to 25 feet"and the side;:yai^ :to"";fesse^ S ^feet. Other reqiitrem6nts: remain thfe same except that; the lot area JieUdnly^ Zone 4'C* n^cludes all land west is| the tracks and horthy of Kehiltrbrti avenue not in6luded in zone -'Bw- ex* cept lots 6 and 7 ah'd Jets M«M*'%& inclusive,, -in ;b^pck-^":v|^|^J|gif ":/:p "'^,:The '"other- ::^o;';:districtS^D'li|Bin^ 4'!ft/'i arei commercial ;;d|stricts|s^ :Zom| at>'* may be used for any purpose that is permitted? in zohe *'C*r and in addif tion for retail and Other light comf merical industries not employing more than five men. Building requirementi ':mm ANNUAL 6PEN HOUSE House and Re- ception to the parents and friends of ^lew Trier ^tll be neld^o* the evening; of May 26. Make your plans to in> .v....^«^ft\|N?,ife^nat «w fron| yard" lii'; necessary^::"I^Zone - W â€" preff erves the sam^=EEQJttr«*ment» as^.......~ is open to. the-.heavier: 'com#p.,OT^,, raercial pursuits. Zones "D" and' "E1*^^^ :irt'cludt .-a|!:io#--4ite^^ eluded ^in j:he other '..three. aones" mtoMSllI t^e^Qrdinaalcig^ipijtel^?;^ : ,ictyjs^,j-g5 Mrs. Herman A. Heuchling if Ht>mer^ formerly of Wiimette, hai__ taken an aiwrtmenr^r^SlOf^titgleiiide

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