Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1923, p. 19

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h*HB. '.& AKE. SHORE foEVfrffi FRIDA^^lf gffffef ^*^*^**^**w^^^**^^^**^^^*^*^'^^^^*w^lw^^*Ml^*l^^^ 19 General Notia persons ^^SSIFTED^^I^EMEi^ •» *w*m,wâ€"§Ani?S! ?<? mli«i2e?^^.«f'! be J51*"*66 only to P«r»on? «vinB in the district from who are r^B-uiar -,.h.^1k!? cLlenc.?S ^SSj?-.1 Ye». Whose names appear in the telephone directory, or to who are regular subscriber, to either The Lake Shore News. Winnetka, Weekly Talk or GlencoeNews. Deadline for Insertionsâ€"- ?!Sf^J!fVlS^*^li WJU be accepted up to Wednesday 12. .ccio^i "Si _I# Weeklv Talk and Pridav T2 W«i««^ #e Sh°r«rtN«ws or all. three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Jam and ftriday. 12\ $ clock for the Qlencoe News. Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 88? REAL ESTATE R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. OFFER SPECIALTY Cozy 6 rmf home in Central N. E. Wilmette;.; large glassed prch., garage, beautifully wodded lot, in very best section of town. An un- usual opportunity at 112,006, Very attractive 6 rm. white frame Col., with large heated living prch., 3 fine bedrooms, tile bath, excellent condition, SO ft. lot, less than 4 blks. to depot. Can arrange easy terms. a bargain at $18,500. Substantial 7 room house in best east section, 2 very large heated porches, also large screen porch, 4 master bedrooms, h. w. h., deep wooded lot, reduced to 818,500. 6 room stucco, every room large and light, extra lavatory and toilet on* 1st floor, h. w. h., also in- stantaneous gas heater, 2 car garage, well cared lawn and yard, iy Price $23,500. Modern 8 room stucco in finest N. E. section, 2 large heated porches, also screened porch, 4 large bed- rooms, tile bath on secqnd, maid's room and bath on third, h. w. h., garage, 60 ft. lot, price $27,500. 9 room house in East Wilmette, near Sheridan road and Lake. Per- fect condition, 3 large porches, extra lavatory and toilet on first floor, h. w. h., 2 car garage with h. W. heating plant and servant rooms and bath. Beautifully landscaped grounds, possession immediately. An unusual offering for $35,000. Vacant Lots 50x195 on Greenleaf, near Canal. A buy at $150 a foot. South front Greenleaf, between 7th and 8th, 50x184 at $110 a foot. A ^00 ft. corner N. E., nicely wooded, owner gone west wishes to sell immediately, will divide. Of- fered at a bargain price. 340 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 68 or 444 â-  L28-ltc Sei^iceYo^WilL WINNETKA SPECIALS 8 r. home, brick and stucco; 90 ft. lot; 4 b. r., 2 baths, sun p.. slping. pch., h. w. ht., htd. gar., $20,000. Owner leaving city. See this at once. _ Stucco home on large wooded corner, 4 master b. r., toilet and lav. on 1st fir., attached gar., very large liv. r. and fire-place. Snap at $17,000. Modern 6 r. stucco, st. lot, 2 pchs. Bargain aVvfc,,-, ^ E. Winn. 7 r. home, 4 »|!*^#«» ft. lot, near lake, beautifuimw and shrubbed. Bargain at?lW»,WP»< Owner leaving city, ^ee JlilsCa^ once.^' â-  ;:'i;r•;.â- ";,â-  >'â- â-  v,-.v..:::>; v ^:<^:&-',r$-.?: •â- -â-  463 Wilftow StV, 9 r. home, 5 b. r., modern, brick, 3 baths, vapor * ht., oil burner, 2 car attfch'd gar., large corner, wooded, near lake, S. W. corner Sheridan Rd. and Ash St., fine residence; 5 b. r., 2 baths, slping. pch., white enamel finish; h. w. ht., 2 car gar., nicely wooded lot, 130x368. Near-new Clapboard home in ex- cellent location; 4 large b. r., slping. and din. pchs., large lot, fine, buy $16,500. . â- '^:u:):::: v-ff '^Wll '& " •__.". Glemcoe 6 r. br. Colonial, corner lot, 62% xl50, Woodlawn Ave., st. ht. oil burner, only $18,000. E. E. StulU Realty Co. 790 .^^,«^«j^^^^^|^^^|JJ REAL ESTATE 5 R. frame bungalow on attractive wooded lot convenient to both Ken- ilworth and Wilmette transporta- tion. Owner bought larger home and anxious to sell. Price $10,000. Brand-new 6 R. pressed brick house, H. W. heat, $3,000.00 cash or will trade equity for 2 apart- ment building. Price $13,500.00. 6 R. stucco home at 1428 Forest -Ave. Beautiful lot with wonderful display of shrubs and flowers. Only $11,500.00. 7 R. stucco houSe on 9th St., nr. Oakwpod, H, W. heat, dining porch, wooded lot. convenient to transpor- tation. Price |15,500.00. : 6 R. white frame colonial, large living rooms and master bedrooms, owner leaving town, must sell by ; June 1st. $13,500.00. Very easy terms. 6 R. brick colonial in winnetka, H. W. heat, tile bath, suh porch, i terraced lawn. Price only $17,900.00. ;ii See us for particulars at once. I 9 R. stucco home on attractive 'corner on Greenwood Ave. Price #$20,000.00. 8 R. stucco on Ashland Ave. H. W. heat, 2 baths, sip. and sun pch. Wide wooded lot. Owner moving soon must sell. $27,500.00. We have a few furnished and un- furnished houses 'orjrent. "â- _,_,.. A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil.. 640 L»28-ltc i COUNTRY HOMES WE OFFER FOR SALE AN ATTRAC- tive 30 acres, 3 miles west of Win- netka depot, of which 7 or 8 acres are wooded. 3 room farm house, large barns and sheds, 50-60 fruit trees. Owner will divide and sell corner 9.5 acres of which more than half is wooded. Sold as one piece, $31,500.00. Corner property $10,000. We also offer for sale an attrac- tive 41 acres, 1 mile Glenvdew golf club, suitable for a country home. Improvements in ©xcellent^ondWlon *mo>-new4y-pateteete-erow-plaTrteJ, good orchard. Slightly rolling land. Place well tiled. Price $23,000.00. # Attractive terms on bot^jolaces. A WYATT & COONS 1 Dewes Street and Wankegan Road Glen view, 111. Phone Glenyiew 81 WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING PLACES for ren%NPURNIS^D «# ,t?« i.,„; For 1 or 2 years.............. .l|::f ^«oom stucco. M* :;'*oomi/- :fra»*e _, fp 2t**a_ itwese©^. r â- â- '.'.•: 7 room stucco 8 room stucco ........... 9 room frame............ From May to Jan, -OAA AA 6 room Colonial ..-..-.........$200.00 >i.-â- >â- - For 1 or 2 years * * 6 room Brick-^Make offerw^^H- WILMETTE REALTY CO. Wilmette 1304 ^ ^^ â- ,".:: $i75.o. .... 175.00 ____200.00 FOR SALEâ€"8-ROOM MODERN HOME, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, r he*M-£ W»- heated sleeping Porc^je lo*lM5I0x^6' $18,000, clear; terms 435 Birch »*., Winnetka. Phone Winn. 584 or Cen- tral 4204. LTG28-ltc FOR SALEâ€"CHEAPEST LOT, SHER- tdan Rd. Beautifully wooded; block gpm lake.oit|110 ^ontnfoot. Phone Wilmette 2559. LTG28-ltc REAL ESTATE ^te^^&^^'ss^ J^JLifg^^ Tel.WilmeLte364 msm^^rB: ltg28-uc SPECIALBUYS #>R SALE-OWNER W^ HAS PUR- I chased larger home, o*^^ at .spe- ll cial price- 5 rm. bungalow in choice i est West side section; built ^7*%* fof finest materials^and tâ„¢**â„¢*"01* ^property in excellent condmon,^ ^screened pchs., flno lot with wonder- sfeful shade and shrubs. A snap at yll^lO.OOO.'""llrt--' â- :^l,.;^v...... â- â- ^â- â- / ,i„ __:â- :" m Dandy 6 rm: stucco, Ige^ liv. ra. Si sunny bed rms., ^fage.r fine wooded # lot, Choicest N. E. location, 3 blocks '||from Lake, $14,000^ .,,.. 1ftA ft Ifi 8 rm. home on beautiful 100 tt. ilot fhree blocks North Bas^^Si1- i! Station, wonderful possibilities for ^re-modeling $15,000. K - . c- m Attractive 8 rm.whome, bes|^|?c*5 MGreenwood Ave. Liy. Jim. 16x3Z»ft * I master bed rms.. 2 baths, h. w. heat, #2 car garage. $24,600. ,gwner trans- f ferred to Pittsburgh. Make Offer- m One ot North Shore's fl?68^0"!?,?: S8 lge. sunny rms., huge liv. ""-sun ^pch, 3 master bed rms and maWf llrm., 2 baths, sleep, pch. a11.^"}^ II conveniences, wonderful decora"0^8/ It huge magnificently wood^i a/Ja ' â- M garaged Wonderful value, $3L000. SfiCT GEORGE Jtfift ^ ^Successors to M. E. BarVer A^COj^ End 'TT>^nrMndeh--Ph^Wilm^40^g| wiyNrra© for cAsif m JWE HAVE THREE CLIENTS _ WHO ^desire to purchase immediately ^a »modern home on the north shore. ^SMust have- large lot, 4 ^4£00,n£vJ: W baths on 2nd floor and maid s room REAL ESTATE HEINSEN & CLARK. Inc. ,:.illl, Exclusive Age»U*W:s; ^ BATAVIAâ€"Attr. 9 tooot -hOHae^on 1% acres, beaut, wooded lot on Lin- coin highway, h.w.m.gar^ 1 hr. r^CrtTSl wonaort^*o«2j« l<* 75x260: sun plr.^ toiler and lav. ist flr h w Mt> gar. Must see Interior to appreciate, fine plan and construc- tion. Bargain at $25,000, .«iltnlli GLENCOEâ€"Beaut. 7 rm..v Dutch Col; 2 baths, sun and sip. pch., gar. attached, won. wooded lot 146 xll2, opp. park, $22,500; terms^^ HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 566 Center St., n. w. of depot Winn. 257 ON SHEMDAN ROADV ^^-ftet list of good bargains. The last lot "ft ?n Wilmette at the price of $25 per foot. Cash required $200. HOUSES . : ^m^u SlNew and modern 6 room .Btucco, h. #â-  h7at. large wooded lot, $11,500, -W6 *ro*o7n CoKnlai" waie^heaV »^w and modern, choice east location. ^^TO~CEoice-rT-in. new stucco ^Col. ** * "~ --- R* R.jt„woodcd lot, rare on some Let us drive bargain, *12.500. , We a*"*^ specialising $f«i0«« to $10,000 homes -liMiL. MOOm * WM 9248 End of "L". 5ll-4th S#l Tel. W« 2248 SACRIFICE NEW 6 ROOM COLONIAL. *ra»O0V, Attached garage, screen BlMplngLjMid^front porches Hard REAL ESTATE All My Vacant â- , IN WILMETTE â-  / QAGU3S ADDITION TO WILMETTE, located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd., Tenth St., and Seventh ave., comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 r.lth Riparian rights L 4 & 8 Bl 5 L 4 Bl 6 L 3-4 Bl 9 L 9-10 A 12 Bl 10 L 5 Bl 18 L 1 & 8 Bl 17 , and L 16 Bl.lS.^-.-. -Seven . WilmettelgfAjgents. •.. -to^^shoir J NO p. GAGE, Bjx 2639 St. Peters- burg. Fla. 'â- :";!"LTG20-tfc Wilmette s% Immediate possession, pretty semi- bungalowl 6 rms«. win por., break* fast rm., dble. garage and drive, artistically landscaped, nr. lake, business compels owner to leave town, $12,750. , Owner says "Sell My Lot," 1 block from lake, beautifully wooded, 75x 170, cannot duplicate at price, $135.00 per foot. W. G. STACEY A CO * 336 .Linden 'Avei:'«^l!:;f^Ph.^ Wil. 308^ â- v:;..-'v.-.- /*â- â- *â- Â«* >*â- â- Â»:â-  â-  â- - LTG28-ltc SITUATION WANTKD-MALB BY NORTH SHORE gardener thoroughly plantings, gardening, LANDSCAPE exp. in all and care of 708-Mi S3 L26-4tC WANTEr>-r-GARI>EN work by the hour. AND GENERAL Winn. 1181. LTG28-3tc HELP WANTEDâ€"FKMALE WANTED â€" LADY FOR OFFICE work. Must write plainly and figure accurately. Experience not neces- sary. One-half day a week oft. Steady position. A. S. Van Deusen 1154 Central Ave., Wilmette. LTG28-ltc WANTEDâ€"GIRL OR WOMAN TO take care of 2 yr. boy afternoons from 2 to 6. Call Winnetka 976 or Write Mrs. John Saville, 322 Sheri- dan Rd., Winnetka. LT28-ltc WANTED-^â€"COMPETENT INFANT and child's nurse, white; references required. Phone Glencoe 466. LTG28-ltc WANTEDâ€"GENERAL MAID, WHITE good wages, small family, reference* j^one Winn. 1026, 821 Prospeot. -'â- â- â€¢â- â-  .â- ;,-.â- -.â-  ::.LTG28^1to CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Second Mortgage Loans REAL ESTATE 545 Main Street Wilmette, 111. Telephone 65 â- :. ^?;';if'5^::.LTG -20-tfc FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE NEW SIX ROOM COLONIAL HOUSE; 2 sun parlors, with or without ga- rage; cornej^PrAirJ^^ - ~~ """"iwner On premises. LTG28-ltp ^*H»R RENTâ€"FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENTâ€"MODERN BRICK Co- lonial; 4 bedrooms, lavatory on 1st floor, 2 baths, sun parlor, sleeping porch, garage; wooded corner. Phone Winnetka 840. LTG28-ltc TO RENTâ€"SMALL ^COMFORTABLE 6 room house; 3 bedrooms, 2 porches, heat. Apply 757 Linden Ave., d Woods, or phone Winnetka LTG28-UC MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE FOR SUMS mar ai#nths; West side; also garage. WdnVWilmette 593. L27-tfc WANTED TO RENT-e-HOUSE WILL PAY $450 CASl for well furnished 7 with garage oh easl or north; June, July, â€"^ including Sept. Address News A169. 'â- UTGtt-lW FOR RENTâ€"STORE FOR RENTâ€"STORE OR DESK SPACE. Apply Miss Herbst, 576% Lincoln Ave. LTG28-ltc FOR RENTâ€"STORE AND OFFICE STORE ROOM AND OFFICE ROOMS "for rent. G. F. Gonsalves, Phone Winnetka 62. LTG28-ltc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE; 11th ST. BE- tween Central and Lake Aves.; run- ning water and electric light, $12 per^month. Phone Wilmette 2399. L28-ltp GARAGE FOR RENT--69* £SH ST.; Winnetka. Phone Winn. 142T9.ltc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE, 1425 ^FOREST avenue. $6 per month. Phone Wil. 1715. L26-ltfc CENTRAL HOTEL â€"NICE CLEAN -truts. rms., s^e^mr^€at?\lrot and cold rung, water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., Wilmette. LT25-tfc FOR RENTâ€"COMFORTABLE FUR* nlshed room for one or two gentle- men; near station. Phone Wlnjog it* FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED ROOM IN private home near transportation. Phone Wilmette 2713. L28-ltp FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS., ALSO â€"housekeeping napt^TeL Wil-j -9?*-^ Near all trans^ LT25-tfc HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE WANTEDâ€"BOY JTQ WORK IN SHOP. Mnstibe over 16. Call Lake^ Shore News, 1222 Central Ave. L28-tfc WANTED â€" MAN work afternoons. 1222 Central Ave. FOR JANITOR Lake Shore News, L28-tfc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"M ALB Upholsterino;, Draperies, lUtsiip' >Ter» James B. MacFarlane I 519 Foorth Street, Wilmette Pbon* Wilmette 222S WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework, family of 4 adults. Phone Kenilworth 429. WANTfiDâ€"WOMAN fOTC QBiraiWttf housework four days a week. .Small family of adults. Phone Kenil- worth 429. * L28-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR f SALEâ€"DINING ROOM 60-inch round table, china ____„ .;. buffet, and . siX:.! .^hairsfflPhone WII' ^â- ;niette^:'I86ls:^- f^%- ^^f^: LTG27-ltc FOR SALEâ€"DETROIT JEWEL OMM stove, tike hew; fine baker, self lighter, $25. , Phil, lawn mower; $10. Phone Wilmette 1091. L28-ltp i PRIVATE SALE OF ANTIQUE FUR- .. ...„,.,,, niture and old hooked rugs collected -in 'the state of Vermont. >Pliori»-t;-^;-A: â- â- â-  GraceIand"V8516./^V{^-'-'^":"^""LTG28-ltp:-'>'2P^:/^' FOR SALB--A^.. COLONIALS UAtiK^-MlMr« â- â- â-  any bookcase, & -dobta-MM *M'* 19thmmmâ- 'â- â-  St *, : Wilmette;- ;â- â-  â- :;">.â-  â- ,..£â- . ^3;%; ~;V" : miSsm FOR :: SALEâ€"EDEN WASHING -^S^.â„¢" chine, $60. Phone Winnetka #4» ^ FO SALEâ€"GAS STOVE IN GOOI> CO»& . â-  4Uion.;s^P^one^JW'ittihetka â-  1»02>* £â- "' FOR SALEâ€"DARK OAK DINING room set, cheap. Phone Winn. 840. .^0.,, "â-  ,.---V;;... LTG28-lt« FOR SALEâ€"BEAUTIFUL SAROUK 9x12 rug. 461 Woodlawn. Phone Glencoe 1050. LT28-lte WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSEHOLD, GOODS WANTEDâ€"WOMAN TO TAKE FAMI- ly washing home; must do._, good work. Telephone Wilmette 2148., L28-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE^ LAUNDRY WORK AND ^ HOUSE* cleaning by the day; steady^work. LT28-ltc COLORED GIRL WANTS GENERAL housework; plain cook. Nina NewelL 4155 S. State St.. Chicago. HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE OR FEMALE WANTEDâ€"MAN OR IWOHAN TO work extra in kitchen Sundays, or Saturday and Sunday. Lake Shore Terrace, 1401 Sheridan Rd. Phone Wilmette 2148. v" -..jL^-J^iO^tta FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILE I SPECIALS CADILLAC :TYPB ^"«llSlVICTORIA 4-passenger. We have thoroughly overhauled and painted it a dark blue. The mohair upholstery is like new. It is equipped with a set of four newl Goodyear tires, bumper, squeege, rear vision mir- ror and spare tire. This car car- ries the regular new car guaran- tee and is offered at a considera- ble saving over the price of a new one. Price $3250.00. 3p^:4:ii:: MARMON 34â€"19g0 SEVEN PAgSBN- 4P§..„__j. _ ...... -•^rtaiisd-.#o ^ .M-veir S^SSalC. ~„^_.,..-.__.- very good cord tires. An tional buy at $1400.00. STEARNS KNIGHT l«2l SPORT Touring car in exceptionally fine condition. The motor runs so silently that it can scarcely be heard. It is equipped with 4 prac- tically new cord tires, bumper, motometer, windshield viser and squeege. The dark maroon paint is good^ Priced yejpy low at â- â- â- â-  ^$800. oo. ^>;$?vi3*^ DORRIS SEVEN PASSENGER LIM- ousine in good condition and fully equipped. This will make a fine taxi and is a real bargain at -.....$200.oo. . . -,;:,,,;};> ':3:i^ CadiUac Motor Car Co. excep- EVENINGS ____; ..' ^ LTG28 1820 RIDGE AVENUl :For Saie-^sed^C^fr-^,^,^,^ Ford Roadster, 1822^:^?:^i^':. â-  - Cleveland Roadster^ 1921. lig8|| t-sr. Chevrolet Coupe, 1922. 'p f Wersted Motor G>. S62 Lincoln Ave. | Phone ^jgnjl« "WOODS" ELECTRIC BROGHAMS AND lg?e^oe^enC^ 154; k^lJSSjjfe ~ IZle^bt" 1921 Moon FOR ;? model #rtlon.-" Rphone M. 222 â- Ar- OWNERâ€"SPORT car, perfect condi- Box 161 Winnetka, LTG28-ltp #0R SALEâ€"OAKLAND fefftcar. Good condition; ; fePhohe Wilmette 593. * TOURING reasonable. L27-tfc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS 8x10 CH. RUG, $60; 4 SMALL RUGS 6 to match; 9x12 F. Wilt, $56; Or. JiShall runner, 2 ft. 8 x 18 ft, $25; 4 #5small orientals: 4^_pair cretonne f drapes, $4. Phone Winn. 1564. â-  LTG28-ltc WANTED TO .BUY ..SECOND HAND SIM . furniture and other household goods. |l»g " Highest price paid for same. Croat Mw Evanston. 111. ; P^tdhe i8». LTG1T FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS SALE â€" PEDIGREED BLACK â- Â«. White COcker-Spaniel jMkp.^'G<to~im ____[>nd:: With. MiSS L. â- '-;-D8J«l.«i;^iitt'.-» Washington. Ave./ Glencoe., .-â- ,.. ,-2^;-;/ 'MM FOR, and respond FOR SALEâ€"PONT "AOT'IOABT; -HARa. fMfjfa ness, saddle, bridle; good jcondltionvf *" reasonable; Phone Glencoe 798; LTG 28-ltC FOR SALEâ€"CHOW PUPPT 8 MONTHS old, champion pedigreed stock. Bond, 372 Jackson Ave., Glencoe. Phono Glencoe 347-R. ; L38-ltc FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUGS; Cart; Anything bought sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg., lum- ber, stoves. 808 Oak St, Winn. Tel. \Winn. :1'212.'. Wmm:.' Sl|I^'.:;C;-:LTGv: 24-tfc: N. FELLâ€"DEALER IN used household goods. Ave.. Eyanston.^ Phojntft NEW 1644 . Evanjfc_lft .â- Aiwj mmmm MlffifiS§ll FOR SALEâ€"5VORT REED BABT carriage $6. Phone Wilmette 821-R â- â- :--M^, '-Mil'r: :â- â- â€¢â- : .â- ,-.-,<;;LTG 28-ltc STORAGE SERVICE -STORAGE MOVINGâ€"PACKINGâ€"SHIPPING ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS : : Claln iid Tabln for Bat IredaleFireproof WarehoaM Pkeie Bnutra S«:'-'P8pip^Sl%.:'- ^^mummttm 1SS2m|«^^«W»: Wm WmnetMm i«^ fxmmsm msimWfS' PIANOS TUNED II! W. FOSTER Telephone Winnetka 509-J LTG26-tf© fflflfa ' Wethmcr fillliiS.' Ford Ford Washing Ford Storage Ford Accessories 'Mm-See ifflisfH Winnetka V&: Authorized FORD Dealers Wmm $f0i$$f®%®. FOR SALE ~ LARGE . MTTT.BERRY • Wool velour overstuffed davenport I $85: Oriental rug 6x11 ft 4 in. $136; *nth In nerfect condition, Settee $10. ft Phone Glencoe 927. 4«« Adanls Ave. __-----------:------------_____â€" LTG28-ltc FOR SALEâ€"ABOUT 25 INTEREST- / ing pieces of furniture at less than s^hal^costr-^Ma^-b«H(^n-*y-Happoin^ i*^enfcrrtPhonfeiGlencoe_ 887.^^^ ..... ife . . ,:..â- .-. v^ ^TG28-ltc -I ^fAN. MATURE AGE. WOULD LIKE S «light work. Would accept watch position^â€"Good rrintlsrir ^irtrnnn Tinker Ifhi"^ A146. FOR QUTCIT" SAXE-^-DINING SET: -_ round nak table, 5 chairs and arm t^chalrr hrassH^ed- and springs. 628 |K;prairie Avet^sPllone- Wil., 2262. i-l â-  -.Sp: L28-lto SALEâ€"COMBINATION COAL /â€"almostâ€"newr~hed davenport â- jlde-boari&ifl Phone Wilmette SpliiMitiioaiWfii^ Jlpil Gleason&Perrin ^^'*§|^-Twkh office* _. ["W§M,SS4 Lincoln Avfe ,v,,,„,^,^ -§mm • Winnetka, :IlL^«l||f Jii Telephlodb, ~ Winnetka - - 1S4S List Your PrapertymMM, mm mmm Athletic Test .Ghrcn IWi^^M li'r/'siiiWilniette Boy' Scoui|;::||^ * Filteen Boy Scouts from troop 1 t0:f§§Sgl. 5 were given tryouts for athletic merit. plffi| ba^s^by 1^ T\ l^dd, 4irec^ of phy^ ||W education to Hie)5|Wi!inette «^aafe sicai?;f«ducatioii m the ;,.-------- schools, last Wednesday afternoon. ^^^ ^ " The" -boys"â- :â-  were 'divided into-: thfe'r^'S^S classes or weighls. In'c each weighl there were four athletic events-â€"the Hroad jump, high jump, shot-put and tow yard dash. Records which the boys made will go before the Boy Seonts Court of Honor which will award the merit badges. ,„. .. ..... Roojmsy mi1 .D ofthe ei played <3^another^me in Ifi^^ffl m "W-^^~^^^"":^'^p~^ Z^uJmi;'.-..-'^^^^^^^

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