pppl FOR GOLF CLUB North Shore Golf Club Pre- pares for 18 Hole Course Near Glenview MAY SPEND $400,000.00 Expects Also to Double the ;il;.aMeii^ HI QJCE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY Ah mmmamm^>^mm»i^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^ 1 IlifiliBiMiiili&#«sl iflMl More than $390,000 will be expend- ed by the North Sliore Golf club, at Kenilworth before the summer of 1924 in a new ^ policy^ of expansion which tors of the club have exercised an op^- tion on 170 acres of fine golf land at a site near the village of Glenview, and plans for a new 18 hole course and Club housse are being rapidly for mu- tated. " '0^. 'â- ,'fe||pj|:'i.'V',v""- â- â- >'<â- â- â- â- â- r-'Bs>M^ Another phi^ of the eJcpaniioln project will be evidenced by-4he-en=. rollment of,additional members in the Iclub^ JThe prjesentjnembership is 190, but plans are being considered to ad- mit 160 more, making a total mem- I For the past eleven years the North SShore j^jf. club' his? occupied a nine hole cbujrlei It ^K-enilwortm The or- ganization has proved popular and its members have desired a larger course over which to pMv• The new 170 acre course wilt admit an 18 hole championship course as well as a nine hole practice course. It is the same _site that was formerly^under conjjjd- "eratfo^ when that organization was seriously considering moving from its present quarters, -^^m- ":,'i Architect â- Approves -'Site : ^%3fc. y Tom Bendelow, a Chicago golf ar- chitect; lists inspected the Glenview site and has pronounced it for good golf purposes, for the land is rolling and the soil ideal. The land is bound- ed on the north by Lake avenue and on the east by Wagner road and the forest preserve. It is said that the cost of the land is $950 an acre, mak- ing. an^ouUay of $165,000 for the courses Will Sell Present Course Figures on the club house reached approximately $150,000 and a rough estimate of the cost of laying out the links indicated $75,000. The venture in itsâ- " entirety involves an expendi- ture of between $390,000 and $400,000. The club expects to realize enough out of its present property, which will be SQkl for building purposes, to cov- er the cost of buying the ground and starting work on the course without levying any assesment on its members. It also hopes to induce several of its members to purchase lots and build near the club property. f Play will continue over the old course this year and possibly next, al- though it is believed that the new property can be made ready for oc- cupancy sometime in 1924. Will Mahoney, Pioneer of Kenilworth, Buried Monday & tyVill Mahoney, oldest settler in Kenilworth, and owner t>f what was formerly the Mahoney farm south- east of the village and fronting on Sheridan road, passed away Friday, May 4. Services were held Tuesday from St. Joseph's church at Gross Point, $$, u;^:H1 Mr. Mahoney recently sold part of his holdings to the McGuire and'Orr rea4 estate company since subdivided for home sites. ,'^-'\ :X^i£K; His property, practically surrounded by attractive modern dwellings, Mr. Mahoney maintained an old-fashioned farm at the Sheridan road location for many years, virtually living the life of a hermit. He was one of the best known residents of the north shore, ;'â- '-,/ â- ^â- '^.:>"^u';$y -%-. Mrs. Marvin J. Hammers has re- turned to her home, 807 Greenwood avenue, after a several .weeks visit in Detroit, Mich. â- t; "f:«i, sJ.-'f'v.-J'i'i. t'-'ll WÂ¥W mm*. mi 'sst iiilmM^mm, immm:0^Â¥^^^KfH:^^ t^m^^^^§^i^!f^1^t â- â- â- â- ^#:jtv--v',;1 '•â- ".â- •.;.,'-s" .-.'..pS'ff'V..#ii" ;;A:^i:i"'#ell biiild ,Titfai§ 50x200 ft., Garage and Henhouse. Fine garden spot free from too much shade. Fine trees and shrubbery in front* Hbttsc newly decorated thruout, rooms are large, and well arranged. Finish is oak and of a high grade seldom found nowadays. Instant Hot | Water Heater, Good Furnace, Hot Air If eat. 1^ir4 floor f i^mis J warm coldest days of winter. A grand home for a large family or very desirable for renting rooms. Call evenings and see this place if you need a good big Wonderfully located home and can pay half purchase-price in' cash. && - . 'Sftfz:'-$^y.$^>^ ]W! Is the Most Popular Lady in Wilmette? Will Be Crowned Queen of the Auto Show? Beautiful $200.00 Diamond Ring be given to the lady having the most votes. See the ring on display at D. PagHarulo's Jewelry Shop. ,:«±..^ "\ â- 'â- '"' './.x.'M'."^-^-â- â- â- '- iVOTES PNE CENT This coupon and one dollar entitles contestant to 500 votes. Coupon not good after Wednesday May 16th. ^^ â- uj0Name "of..Cwte$^ri{^'.>VSI^S^S>V"* '^z'll^i^-: .., , ._..,,.......a .,. ,. ., , . . ..... .... .........v..r(,:,,....'iili^^^. â- Seldom ; arlffsucn^u^^ prices^'ntuchfless/t^^ cided savings by taking advantage of.the; opprtunity^now^fcltS il#piiil^li^t^pi»P^ Coats :&^0>. â- ^M$W$!'-: â- "â- %<$}$r'$£i^^$<:^-- â- 'â- â- â- â- â- â- "-â- vSr-'^';-:.:- â- '•'â- '-â- -â- ": pqaite ^exact repro- ductions^of the clothes welisell,i at';:' our.: college bri&cheflf^ and twi pa^s Sf x" t hen ffl^^S^P^^-l£jl til*; £^dd^ring,l: <m alilyif ^iioriBianship^ and serv* ice these Suits cannot bf duplicated any^er^^^ the rm^-"'^^^^^^^^^^^^^ W^ i^^^ipii Ages ppMS^^^^^^^illP^^ Student s Overcoats$35.00 to M Youths* Athletic Union Suits^i.â- â- ..â- 0%.&.$kM tpiYouths* Felt Hats in all popular IS:: Youths' Middy- Pajamas, plain colSfs..$2.00 ^1-. spring colors .V:.kMf*'*&â- *â- ^â- ^ .:â- >7*"$5Mlj$$. ""|i Youths*,Terry â- â- R<^es.^mmmm^mm^M ^tfYouths^.Pure;;Silk. Ties:^^S^:. ?>:, • BSef" |;: .-Youths'; ^uff'jynks-v^fft8!!^^ ^"Youths' Woven; Madras.: ShirtspliJl.|HI0. t^Youths^-Silk' Sbffe;->^:::^i';;-.;.v...., 75c5 "" :g^uthis.fc|SngHsi|.;;.Cap&^*^^ WSirhe â- ^i#'Tc>P;Shoes Idr boys.. ..,*.. |5.00 ^?MSM0S§m^m m>:Mm rBy'grou^ihg^hfttta^ity of BuY UiMM^g"^misfMMmil special lots, you are giyen a good selection of correctly â- can make decided savings by taking .advan-^;u'",:^424^"SlllSi|: stylexl garments* at unusus^ly reasonable^ pricesilSe^e^all^ shades of tans, in sport matlrials and many styles are shown 1 black capes. The priced of the twb Jots" are S& -i ^V ctfS as well as a limited number of the popular #1 %^«^" $24.50 and....,..,.;.,..;.,,.,......-.,,....;......,M:ffm **-~^k Pis ili....... t|^:;fjf you"'weai* a":si;ze"from: to.to 1^ here is an opportunity^ !oT;ydu-:;"We':haye'-:a"^ Crepes and -taffetas,'-;th^;:havelfl)ieenffkreatl]plr^duc^ fort^1 ;quick;sale^<|"ht?s|yle^.^^ ................ and workmanship -aire -ofl theI:best.'^Y^.;;ina^Jlf; 'lia've' ^ur^cholce ';'oT"ai^y.i;g^ir|^ iÂ¥^m Summer dresses of gingham, voiles, and^tssup^^ her^J now for your inspectioh. jYou will find it to your advantage to make your selectidhs^llbW, While *dur^ stock of these gafi ;iments is most coittplete^CdnieM Large Towels at 29c each ikiSMsii^tt^; |||||P6r:Saturaay^-M^ |a large size/ medium heavyfWeight-turkish:.^bat,h:::tow«j' at: this; low price. These tch$|ls, ^fkl':i^'^^^^0l^ .^linypl^tn';.^ v||ularily for 50c. While our supply lasts, speci- l|ally^picedwa^. ea^h. .+*â- *.**. ^4^^^*,^:^,,,^.;*,. MiM^ikism, $3XSi v.;;,, ^-^^^B| K ffi__ itip sf»3f SI^K sKwtes liii ;i^H^l U' The upmost in values "einfeit""teihl"al'"'tfcii Iflhes. We are able to ojfer ybti:;many"savJn^;through;';co| operative buying with 27 othei*.progressive'stores..^:Invej|i| gate, and find out^ for yourself j iSlllt •!0!'S?fffi|li â- Hl^