THE Entertainment committee of the Kenilworth clilb announces a Con- cert by Miss Myrna Sharlow, prima donna soprano, formerly of the Chicago Grand Opera association, oti Sunday eve- ning, May 31, at $>15 o'clock. TJhe as- sisting artists are Isaac Wan Grove, piano, and Harold Ayres, violin, who has the distinction of having assisted Mr. Charles Marshall, tenor o| the Chicago Grand Opera association during his recent â- â- ; tour.; ^ ^|^£V W S?3 I Miss Sharlow has just returned from a two years' tour in Europe and so de- lighted her audience on her former ap- pearances that we can predict with com-; plete confidence* that this recital will be the gala occasion of the club year. The Kenil worth club is extremely fortunate in persuading Miss Sharlow to sing for them as this will be her first appearance since her return from abroad and she does not intend to. accept any profes- sional engagement for some time to come. The Home and Garden club held a meeting on Monday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Earl W. DeMoe, 414 Warwick road. Mrs. R. K Porter read a paper on "The Iris," Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, read one on "Perennial Gar- dens in Bloom from June to October," and Mrs. Otto Owen read an article on "Shady-Gardens." The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Web- ster Duffy,, of Glencoe, to Elisha Gray Stubbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Stubbs, of Highland Park, will take place on Saturday evening, June 2, at the Union church in Glencoe.^ jRev, D. "H."" Cornelf wilt officiate. There wilt be a small reception at the residence Of the bride following the ceremonyr- Mr.: Stubbs andjiisbride wHl reside in Cal ifornia. Mlss^TDufffy Is^ the inltlucCoS of the Girls' Gymnastic classes at the Kenil worth Community Center, and has also been the guardian of the Kenilworth Campfire Girls. Miss Isabel Cline, chairman of the Kenilworth committee for Ravinia, and the members of her committee including Mrs. Lyon T. Ross, Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, Mrs. Robert O. Berger, Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart, Mrs. Sidney Y. Ball, Mrs. Roy Hulbert, Mrs. KarF D. Kfe TadyrMfirWalterlilarx, Mrs. James H. Prentiss, Mrs. John Roberts, Mrs: Grant Ridgway, Mrs. Arthur W. Ruf, Mrs. Warren Pease and Mrs .John Howard Jones, attended the tea given by the Ra- vinia club at the Drake hotel on Wed- nesday afternoon. Mr. arid Mrs. John C. Everett; 423 Abbotts ford road, have rented their Thome for the summer and will move to the North Shore hotel next Wednesday, with their daughters, Caroline and Joan Everett. On June 1, they will open their summer home at Waukazoor Mich. Mr. Charles Meyer; 423 Cumnor roaoV left Wednesday, May 2, for San Fran- cisco, Cal., where he has accepted a po- sition. _Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mock, who have been living at the kenilworth Inn, will make their home with Mrs. Meyer until August when they will go to Lake Tomahawk, Wis., to be the guests A Mr. and Mrs, William C. Englar. Miss Martha and Miss Frances Vail of. Troy, N. Y., arrived on Tuesday to spend a fortnight with Miss Louisa Sanborn and her mother, Mrs. Victor C. Sanborn, who are occupying the Play- house on the Arthur T. Aldis estate in Lake Forest for the summer. Mrs. Trumbull J. Backus, 249 Cum- -nor -road, jwtll-4eave Saturday for Ex- celsior Springs, Mo., where she will join Mr. Backus for; a_ month's;stay.r Ifrotn there Mr. Bac^t|slivill return home, and Backus will go to visit friends. ._.-...-__.-_._. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foreman arid the Misses Dorothy and Emily Foreman, who have been residing at the North Shore hotel temporarily, returned to their home at 515 Essex road, on Thursday. Mr. Roy C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, left for White Sulphur Springs, Vir- ginia, on Wednesday of last week for a ten days' stay. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Darling, 319 Es- sex road, have returned from a trip to Monterey and Pasadena, Cal. Mrs^ VV; '"'£" Kunkel, 414 Xbbottsford road, entertained her Card club at lunch- eon on Thursday at her home. Norttimoor Terrace is now open to^ tKe public.u :It eorrfc prises 50 acres pf Lake Forest's tnpst choice lanfe-heatts, tifully wooded, and lying 120 feet above the lake level. It is only 3 blocks from the beach, and the same distance from the C. N. W. railroad and the North Shore line. A total of lSTitrains daily gives excellent transportation to â- â- â- â- Chicajgos^^-^-.^^^.v.- r^: "f'JP The beaiutifui p%ks adjacent, the"prx»cilnlty l:o~I^lce Forest Uni- versity, a:nd thdf fine residential neighborhood make Northmoor Terrace a Kigh1y|d0sidable homesite. The lots arj^ lirge--6# feet by 150 feet ani' largerâ€" and "prices are reasonable. You can actually purchase a wonderful homesite here for as little as $1,800. FILL IN THE COUPON TODAY AMERICAN REALTY CO. 110 South Dearborn St., Room 909-912, Chicago, 111. Without obligation on my part please send me lull J particulars Mrs. Mark Cresap, 239 Essex road, entertained the Retiring Board and the New Board of the Neighbors at lunch- eon at her home on,n Tuesday of this Week. ;\.,, â- " "^^ \ â- #\ .;,,,ui ,^ .\ "^.J, , "â- '^^!ifewfe";:feuiwl«i, 157 Kenilworth avenue, has arrived home from a two months' trip through Southern Cali- fornia with a party of friends from 'Edgewater. ]}'^W !^^^^^^>;vv :^m Mrs^ohn G. Carpenter, 422 Wood- stock road, was hostess at luncheon to the members of her card club on Fri- day of last week. . .; . â- ;;^::-d:";:';u|%^ Mrs. George Jones, 318 Oxford road, was hostess at dinner and bridge on Wednesday evening in honor of Mrs. Prank Cheeseman. ;v.-;^:::. Mrs. W. I. Woodward, 537 Abbotts- ford road, was a dinner hostess on Fri- day evening of last week. There were covers for sixteen guests. Mr. and Mrs. George Shipman, 432 Warwick road, left Thursday for Syl- van Beach, Mich., to open their summer home. They will return shortly. - Mrs. H. W. Alger, of Lansing, Mich., will be the houseguest of Mrs. B. A. Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, this Mrs, Edward Stevens will- be hostess at tea Sunday evening, at her residence, 414 Essex road. ------- - x|Mrsr>» Alfred- Roy Hu«)ert> 52a^Ab^^ bottsford, ientertaine<y4iel bridge club luncheoiLon_-Thursday^4ast. Mrs. W E. M. Cole, 315 Essex road, left Tuesday evening for a two weeks' stay in New York. Mrs. Charles M. Holmes, wick road, returned Friday Evanston hospital. Mr. and M^rs* Carl Keith, 310 Wood- stock road, visited their ion, John, at the University of Illinois, last week-end. Mrs. E. D« Pafmelle entertained the Afternoon Bridge club at luncheon at her home, 512 Roslyn road, on Tuesday. Bakule Chorus to / In Winnctka on May 14 The Bakule School Chorus of Pra- gue, Czecho-Slovakia* will give an en4 tertainment at the Jajfte Kuppenliejmei Memorial Hall, Skokie School, Win* netka, Monday, May 14, at 2 o'clock. The Bakule Chorus is scheduled only for the large cities, but Supt. C W* Washburne's personal friendship with to â- 0te^-^i^§ip^mmm- im A committee of north shore women is being appointed to- tecrivfrtbi* Irt&ipf â- â- â- â- 'â- .'â- -:*""": "^ F"??;:*%~'"..... ' iiiiaf'°!lilii *3?Wf?%^!SS! m Extra Mileage ;'-: â- â- â- t r Jtoii â- 'Ireep^fieia"; ill those shoes will cover tiifice Ǥ much ground, and look better too. That is an ecoribm/iinll man can afford to overlook. Work is Unexcelled afid when we promise ;ifcll|§' â- Our Prices are t^w,/"far-lo^ei; -than you-xojfjkj ^pect^ fo|y|i||| ". grade^';worl%;|;:^ IBS SHERIDAN Wheit 5^>u Waril it, as >^u want it. Our service dp^s -notJbegiii and^ad^at^cer^ tain hoursf | It is a perpet- ual motion affair. ^ |p;v The ideal mart^is^MMk IMS! riQOl Main Street wmmmmmimette&m' Authoritatively English in the ease of their manner are these Barron S Sons at Leeds, Eng- !bnserva ti vely tailored in rich English Tweeds, they carr^gall the distinction that importation adds. Moderately silii mggi T^pcpate""df'"DuM ^uvetiiie Reefers in Duri^Mry ^ 6.50 to $25 I|^ Riding Habitsâ€"Whipcords -a8ii|4J^|i^^^^^$35 and $45l||^ jWash Suits of Imported Fabn^^T^^^^iigjj to $4.95 mmm ^Imported English Broadclotb;Shir^liS|; impbrted English Broadclodi 'i&i&ij^^ iS^Bj:^Hll^$5*5%:^: $8.50' *:*iiii-t English Made Golf Hose-^W^^£5^^^*|i^S'^^:-. :|i||:^:^:>;$2;