â- HP 20 fflS^MIkFRIDAY, HAWTHORN ENDS ITS SECOND YEAR ;nrollment is More Than Doubled #/ Special exercises by the children, in- cluding presentation^ xtfselectiott^nmn the Russian Opera "The Snow Maiden, this week formally terminated the sec- ond year of the Hawthorn school, Green: leaf and Hazel avenues, Glencoe. The third school year, it is announced, will begin September 17, 1923. "Hawthorn school has more than doubled' in size during the year just closed, it is stated. To meet the class room demands, the school this year puj> chased the Woman's Library club builds ing, which it has leased since its organi- zation in 1921. Also, the school was incorporated in February, 1923, as a corporation not for profit. During this summer the building will be enlarged, providing a beautiful, sunny room for the kindergarten and larger accomodations for the other erroups. Have Supervising Board The scfiool is conducted under the superivsion of a board of directors in- cluding Otto R. Barnett, president; Edward R, Johnston, vice president; Andrews Allen, secretary and treasurer; iSusan Dickinson Stone, principal;.Henry H. Brigham, Henry H. Curtis and Ed- win H. Cassels- The faculty includes, besides the prin- cipal, Mabel L. Ducker, Ruth V. Os- lund, Harriet Brown Seymour, Marian Dunlap Harper, Lucy Duncan Hall, Minnie Gutman Horton, Wanda Guaz- zoni, Margaret Frost and Virginia Frost.. State School Purposes "Hawthorn school," reads a beautifully illustrated pamphlet recently issued by the faculty, "was founded by a group of people who believe that school life should be a rich and happy experience; that the influences of the hours spent in school is largely responsible for later cnoieej_ajs^d_JhM-jeoyiro"Tnpn^ andâ€"perâ€" sonafity~linriarge factors in developing broad, strong joyous lives......All the essentials in regular school subjects, re- quired in our best schools, are covered in Hawthorn school,;..A complete school experience is gj vM alL children-and-the ^afternoon each day left free for home interests and outdoor life." ' The school prepares ..iot^higlji school work, -^ . Tomorrow is Picnic Day For Wilmette Methodists Members and friends, oi the-Wilmette J»artSirTStetn^aisT *l^c^p%?ctoich are to frolic in the Forest Preserve at Glenview Saturday of this week, the oc- casion being the annual Field Day and Picnic of the parish. Features of the day's activities will be a ball game, races and contests, and special drills and pageants given by the children of the Sunday school. The Girl Scout troop of the parish will conduct refreshment booths 'for the sale of candies, lemonade and other picnic "eats.'*; Stolp Pupils Entertain at Final Mass Meeting For the closing program of the school year, the Byron C. _^tolp_Schopl Coun- cil sponsored a mass meeting in the gym- | nasium Friday afternoon. Charlotte ; Shreffler was the* chairman of the coun- ijmittee that arranged the details. ^gS I; Bach one of the'rooms in the seventh |and eighth grades carried out some |"stuftt" to entertain the guests. An- other feature on the program was the appearance in an entertaining number of /the .New-.'Trier Trio. â- .- ......'--:'".,;^J^m-^,. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Renneckar, 935 Elmwood avenue, and Mr." and Mrs. *,. P. Fatch, 611 Washington avenue, mo- tored to Walworth, Wis., Sunday, to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. A. fc,. Southworth. The Misses Julia Hughes and Virginia Krafthefer left Tuesday to attend Com- jnejic^ment^at^J^ Dame, Ind., which takes place today. The Manuka Club met on Thursday of last week with Mrs. Frederick H. Gurtler; 1233 Forest aventie. Mrs. E. R. James ;^ill ^ ,be;^.fci§ip!fces9.:. at |the next meeting.'. ;^S|t^^||^tl*i; #"'; Mr. Frank Flanner returned to Black- well, Wis., early this week, after being the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch, 611 Washington avenue, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Munroe Cole entertain- ed informally at dinner and ^bridge on Tuesday evening at their home, 911 Greenwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bunte, 508 Central avenue, have returned from At- lantic City, where they attended the Con- fectioner's convention. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rosen, 1045 Elmwood avenue, will return Sunday from a six week's sojourn through Cali- fornia and the west. â€"oâ€" Mr. W. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake avenue, left Tuesday for Dayton, O., to attend the "Will Art" Golf tournament which was held there on Wednesday and Thurs- day of this week. .; ^ , > â€"°â€" Mrs. Naomi B. Hamilton, 835 Six- teenth street, left Tuesday evening for a visit of several weeks with her father in Salina, Kansas. ___•______ Mrs. Clarence Worthington return- ed to her home in Glencoe on Sunday,, after a visit in Kansas City, Mo., as the guest of Mrs. Frank Nason. ____^CerTjrtTTSJealh^rTTio^entral avenue* left Wednesday to spend several days in Waukesha, Wis.* and a fortnight or so with friends in Detroit. The Comanci Club will he entertained by Miss PearT Gouffer, at her home, 903 Lake avenue, on Tuesday of next week. Miss Fitzwilliam who returned re- cently from a year's'stay in Italy, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Smith, Jr., in Chicago. a The North Shore Musical Club was fntertained in the ..home ;Q^0km^Mamm )irks, 816 Lake avenue, ot£ Tuesday of this week. . â- .y'v....^..^,â„¢.,,â„¢^,^^ Mr. and Mrs. John, Greig, of St. Petersburgr^Fla., have returned to 607 Seventh street, for the summer. m/mWttWMMttMMMMt&MMMMM SUP COVERS Including Labor and Material Davenport $11.00 1 Chair Satis- faction Abso- lutely Guar- anteed $6.50 <%Imo â- wonderful selection of Im- ported Coverings at a tremend* «»um reduction due to our wide experience In the making of ۩â-¼- »rm. ennbllna* us to give you sup- erior quality. gave 30% on your Automobile ••overt*. Order dlreet fromâ€"* m GOLLW BROS. Formerly With Mandel Bro». 'â- ' 'â- â- Call- or Write.' p^V^-' M MAIN ST* EVAN$TON__ Phone Evsnston 6121 %»,ni,n^>^ni>f»»j)}i)^m^W^^///Z!i. Established 1906 'S TIN SHOP 'U^M'f "new pepairing â- . ::*«^\*c% r.| CUtTERS, SPOUTS, SKYLIGHTS I Still and METAL WORK - TILE, SLATE and LEAKY ROOFS FURNACES and REJ^RS S Evanston to. Glencoe â- *.' ;w 'Office'Wi':Mmm:fM${M$^^.&^rfo^ Greenleaf -Ave* Phone WIL 296 ^j^SSISSBUKM .Jnj^eVv%.15$,.y;,,f McFarlane Shop .Occupies Schallman Building Store The Macfarlane shop, retailers of draperies and upholstering, was moved Friday from its old garters at 519 Fourth street to new and more commodious accommodations at 41/ Fourth street. The new store is lo- cated in the new Schallman block at the corner of Linden avenue and Fourth street. J. iB. Macfarlane is the proprietor of the Macfarlane shop.__For ten ye^rÂ¥^Mr7~TCcfarlarie was connect- ed with the interior decorating de- partment of Mandel Brothers and with Marshall Field and company. Last October he opened the Macfar- lane shop at 519 Fourth street. Busi- ness development since then has war- ranted the acquisition of larger quar- ters. In addition to drapery and uphol- stering work the Macfarlane shop is prepared to do all kinds of interior decorating. Mrs. G. H. Duncan, 701 Central ave- nue, has returned from a delightful visit with her son in Fort Smith, Ark., stop- ping a few days on her way back with her mother in St, Louis. lli^ffBIIBa' ......pwATm^ifduR.siig^:^M^^^ 4U acute a* well "am toug standing coadttloualiwlitca have real* *" the ordinary methods of treatment, respond to CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS LESLIE W. JONES, M.D.f DC. PHYSICIAN~CHmOPRACTOR-*-OCULIST * Eymm Examined and Glat^m Fitted^hon necessary Wilmette Office: Room 27t Brown Building Hours: 10 to 12 A M.; 2 to 5 P. M.; 7 tot P.M. OftVe Tel Wilmette 2557^__________Residence Tel Wilmette 265g "JEWETT A STURDY SIX" $1620.00 1170.00 3425.00 2595.00 Jewett Sedan delivered . Jewett Touring " â- '••â- • • •.......•â- . Paige Sedan " > . • •.....:•*.'•• Paige Touring............• SALES â€" SERVICE TRACY HOLMES MOTOR CO. 1027 Davis St. f el Evanston 4903 What Is so a Then if ever come perfect days for building that new home which you ^ long, or for replacing that worn-out heating plant which was so unsaMsfactor§W^t winter. Why not insure for yourself and your home 365 perfect June days each year by equipping your buildhij Haii^ and^rouse 1^ also can be kept warm most satisfactorily with a Royal Garage Heating Outfit. .-â- -:.:S^|^^^!!^ Jgpr particulars consult any of the leading heating contractors, or «fii3 .R. C. Meleney " «J * North Shorn Agent 1097 Oak Street Winnetka 614-M • ••â- ' â- ' â- ' ' <_y'^ ~ -â- â- â- -____________ Hart & Crouse Co. I Chicago Office, Show Room and Warehouse: 1446 S. Canal St., Roosevelt 2070 *S ELECTRIC SHOP .BBWILMETTE f^UENUi WiLMETTf UACUUM CLEANERS^IMPLEX IRONER^WASHING MACHINE: FIXTURESMAPPLIANCES WIRING 63||! Am IJREET WILMETTC iff H .it $0: "O^W^t^t^e QUALITY, thjen ^rlceâ€" that's the principle pn which this store functions, and you may accept our guarantee that any merchithdise offer- ed our customers is the best; o| it's kind, even though the price may be much lower elsewhere for similar qual'-": ;ity.,,,,.r . ::,.^:^;^:^^^ The one big relson for our always fresh vegetables, and exceedingly low prices, is, fartf^ust west fi-the^yil|ag 5s; Phone 154 or 159 ES DO TOT lOMi^EROM^FHE DOWJNfS % stent's just like getting them out of your own