-8i lTnr T ^ cuopK NEWS. FRIDA#TUNE 15 1923 inMiMff 152 CHILDREN GET DIPLOMAS Public School Graduation Held Thursday J One hundred and fifty-two Wilmette boys and girls were awarded diplomas Thursday of this week at the, annual graduation exercises of the public schools v Presentation of diplomas was made by Arthur H. Howard, president of the Board of Education., List of Graduate* Albert J. Abegg, Josephine A. Adams, Astrid G. Anderson, Carl A. Anderson, Pauline Antanavich, Kutri Arnold, Dorothy "Arrowood, George Taylor Ault, John Louis Baker, Mar- eery Ames Banning, Catherine Ann Bickham, Robert O. Blasdell, Paul D. Boyer* Symon W. Bows, Virginia C. Bradford, Erwin A. Brammer, John Brewer, Richard R. Brown, BAHA1S ESTABLISH 111ii 1 NEW HEADQUARTERS Bahai headquarters are no*? located in Chicago at 153 N. Michigan avenue, one block west of the Randolph and State street stations of the Elevated railway, according to word sent out this week. .«•*.' .* ;* . . iVprogmrn^ special interest: » i«*1>laniied for Sunday, June 17, at 3.4U ^&c%cfc/when Mrs. Corinne True will speak of the subject, "The Ideals of the Bahai Temple." On Monday eve- ning, at 8 o'clock, Arthur S. Agnew will conduct a Bahai study class, ur. Zia M. Bagdadi will speak on Tues- day evening on "The Life and History of the Founders of the Bahai Keli- On Thursday evening Albert Vail will conduct a study of the religions of the world, the teachings of Christ, Moses, Buddha, Mohammed, Zoroas- ter, of the Gita, of Confucius, com- paring *th«se utfth Bahai teaching* and the prophetic fulfillment of today. Mrs; James Howard Kehler will speak at these meetings. The headquarters will be open from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m..,and 7 to ? p. m. Henry ^.^.. â€" , â€"w------- m. t> Edward Seymour Surge, Thomas K uwtWB w..wwv<r-------.â€" r...-------- Burger, William vBurghart, Kathenne or to^ecure books are invited to come The Skokie Tire company, Mam street, Wilmette, has been taken over by Vance and Johnson, well known Wil- mette residents. The new owners have n a. m.-xp-9 p.. infcjuui ' -w ^ *" »•• *„tlined a nroirressive policy for the every day ex«ept Sunday. Persons j™™"«* 1/JS-te^have-ine^of the desiring to study the Bah*, hteratur^^^l^Z^^oedlre shops on Burger, wmianixp"1 »"«""•' ""*"~:â€" (Burroughs, Jane Calloway, Theodore V. Callin, Myrtle Elizabeth Carlson, Ernest Robert Cazel, Elaine Helen Chronis, Emily N. Clagett, Jack W. Clarke, Eleanor Raines Clute, Cath- erine P. Cook, Thomas A. Copeland, Tr Frank Beidler Cornell, Ester Crabb, Frances Craig, Emmett James Crawford, Daniel Joseph Crumhsn, Gordon Stanley Culver, John Gordon Cumberland, Victor Charles Dauber, Sydney Henry Davis, Emmons W. DeBerard, Beatrice Evelyn Delhaye, Willis U. Denman, Frances L. Edger- ton, George F. En gel, Alfred Theo. O. -.â€" ^Evers, Virginia K. Evers, Mary A. Farmer, Catherine F. Farrell, Paul Feltman, Homer Henry Flentye, Mar- shall Irving Gooch, Lisbeth E. Goss, Albert Ernest Hall, Marion Rose Hall, Arnold Hanson, Charlotte \^ Hansen, Genevieve E. Harrman, Grace^ K. Hartmann, Albert Hecht, Jr., Mona Heller, Dorothy-Xouise^ Herbon, Ruth Hinchliff Fred C. Hoerber, Philip O'Donnell Hooker, Harnette May % Hosken, Jean Hosmer, William S. lii Idler, Raymond Bennett Irving, Alice liiH. James, Chester William Jonjte, Sli Wylie H. Jones, Martha F. Ksftz, felf Ruth Marion King, Robert Kline, Jr., IIII Franklin R. Knoll, Joseph D. Koza, k«I Helen Barbara Langford, Ann Louise t# "Lawrence, Elizabeth D. Lawrence, Jeanne Leffingwell, Raymond H. S^tindman, Lloyd Steele Lourie, Jtv, :':^^OliVe Virginia Ludlum, Frederick G. J g|a|Lundberg, Lillian Rose Lusk, Mary L. 'I^fs^^^ , -â- Mar jorie liMiCopeland Mason,. .. Jack McGinley, §mm/istTm^W E. ;;McLoney, Verta • „. Mc- ^^&aid.-Nathalie Grace Meers, Elaine :«i|^Mergenthaler, Elsa Miller, Harriet ^»|i,:#:Mons, Albert F. Moore, Junius liflffftiehard Mulvey, Althea J. Northam, gSHllary Wi^ma Northrup, Roger S. Od- ^Kpp'n»'.^â- Maurice . Osborne, Margaret m I |Vlice Ott, Marion Louise Page, Wil- i Siari)i RfiSPancoast, Frances Lupton I»ardee^ A^nes Elkins Patterson, Ver- n6n F. Prisk, Harlow B. Pyfer, Elsie , D. Reinhardt, Irma Odette Robinsohy John W. Robinson, Jr., Florence Mad- zb£fcline J&oser AHce Jean Ross, Burke i Uttmmler, Edward J. Ryerson, Ele- ?;1 anor M. Skelton, Audrey Jane Skin- &M-- jner, Junior C. Smith, Linus TJTSmlth, f!iiKorman Smith, Albert Osborn Snite. Marjorie B. Solomon, Jerome F. I Spiegel, Harold Elery Spinney, Cuyler ^; si Stayman Spreng, Ma^hi Klahr 1 ?i Springer. Tames Frederick Strong, "€'M George .R. SwigarVJames R. Tencher* SS i Mary Elizabeth Thaye# Alice^ ;N. iigfe Thomas, Clarence A. Thorp, Beatrice 'M Tone, Stella Esther Truska, Frederick [Miilt ^-Waidnerr^Ralph^ h. ^Wclcbv Harry jllli Bof^vell Wilson, Robert Arthur Wil- iglfS ton, ' Marion E. Wolf, Herbert â- â- â- A. ^P^?IWnVPrisen1t-- M. Wdodburyrllelen lllili :3Sf. Wray, Esther Louise Wrightson, SSII Mozelle H. Wrightson, Natalie M. Iliii Yonke*s, Leoiia A. Young, Karl Yost, stlfl Herman Waltef IZibble; Austin 'M; lll?il' ;2immermanf::' ';- p:'^ y^:\ :: s'"':- to these headquarters. During July and August the Sun at "3:30 p. m., at the Universal House of Worship, open to all sects and religious, the Bahai Temple, Sheridan road and Linden avenue, Wilmette. Kindergarten College Announces Summer Work Advance registration indicates that the enrollment for the summer session of the National Kindergarten and Elemen- tary college, which opens June 18, will be decidedly larger than that of pre- vious1 years. The registration represents the young woman who wants to teach in the kindergarten and primary grades, the graduate teacher who is looking for insight into the new methods of educa- tion, the training teacher or supervisor, and the mother who realizes that the mother instinct must be improved upon by scientific study if she is to cope suc- cessfully vrfth the modern American child. „ ^ In addition to courses by Edna Dean Baker, president of the college, and other members of the regular faculty, the roster of teachers includes the names as such specialwts as Dr. Elliott R. Downing of the University of Chi- cago, Dr. George L. Scherger of Armour Institute of Technology, and Etta M. Mount of .-fthft Glenn Dillard Gunn school. The course of lectures on Cur- rent Educational Problems by promin- ent Chicago educators will be of particu- lar interest, embracing not only the, problems of the schoolroom but child welfare, civic art, the settlement, com- munity nursing, and every phase of bet- ter living for the child. Heavy Fine* Assessed High-Powered Speeders Heavy fines were ili order in the police court of justice Daniel M. Mickey this week. The fines were large because the speeders were go- ing the limit* F. B. Schmick was arrested by of- ficer Peter" Schaefer for traveling 45 miles an hour on Sheridan road. He was fined $4fr and costs. ;; Louis Sylvester went 40 miles' an hour cm Sheridan road and was checked by officer George Schaefer. He was fined $35 and costs. P. E. Mercer was also arrested by officer George: Schaefer for a similar viola- ti6ni«<His fine was^ the same as Syl.^ vester's.: ISlilSll^-":'::-';":" â- .'â- •' OF INTEREST only to oar ADVERTISERS Full Page Roll of Honor Hubbard Woods Lumber and Co«l Company ........*• • • • • • â- ........ Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co........ Nelson Laundry ........ .......... Tho Orrington .•••••;•: • *' •' * *" * * Wilmette Bldg, Material .....^-m- Shoreen Motor Company ......^ North Shore Bootery ......• • • ^W R. H. Schell A Company-----...... Wilmette Shoe Store------ ......... Edinger & Son.................... Skokie Motor Co. •.••.••............ Evanston Bldg. Material......... Lulia* Bros....................... Rockhold Bldg..................... Frint George A Co........... McGuire and Orr-Goi*^*^ Big Real Estate Deal! McGuire and Orr, realtors, have clos- ed the following sales of north shore residences during the past week: u The Charles R. Bull property, with 200 feet of frontage, at 229 Essex road, Kenilworth, to Irving, Babcock, at a cash consideration of $45,000. The new residence on Abingdon ave., Kenilworth for George W. Maher and Son to H. C. Heaton for a cash con- sideration of $39,000. The residence at the north west cor- ner of Longwood mid Hawthorne ave- nues, Glencoe, to Tames O^UcUi\\&n for a cash consider4tion of $Jo,aw. Cadillac Manager Buys Hubbard Woods ^ Lester Lines, manager of the^yajisl ton Branch of the Cadillac cw^M has purchased a new home oig^l bury avenue, Hubbard Woods. ^3 has for several years livexi:.at ?4^p$J| dale .avenue, Winnetka.^^ " ['.&;?$*. Mr. Lines is well known oo^ fc north shore, particularly among Deal pie of the automobile trade. He-M now supefvising the construction of an attractive new Cadillac sales and service headquarters on Ridge avenue. Evanston. ^^^f^^i^ki â- :â- â- â- â- ": -^ most completely equipped tire shops on the north shore. During July and ^ugust tne jun- .re^-Nelsoir building on Central day afternoon meetingsvwill be^heht _J^^Jl«wfiLh5 avenue. 8s avenue, east of Wilmette avenue, rapidly nearing completion. The struc- ture is considered one_jqf- the^most-at- tractive commercial buildings on the north shore. Aram K. Mestjian has been doing some attractive landscaping on the lawns surrounding his new Rug estab- lishment on Main street, Wilmette. Nice work! "Call Mr. Keegan," is the chaHenje to north shore householders interested m heating systems. The call is sounded by the North Shore Combustion com- pany, located on Electric place, Wil- mette. They specialize in combustion oil heaters. Read the Want Ads ADVENTURE ISLAND A CAMP FOR BOYS^/;^"'::^ Directed by Charles A. Kinney Membership openings are still available for two boys in the 7 to 11 year old group; two in the 12 to 16 year group, and two in the short term camp group. â- '.,,.,,,-*..;-'â- Partiettlars-mayijr^ecured from ^^ CHARLES A. KINNEY . 1341 Scott Ave. Illustrated booklet on request. Phone Winnetka 914 -mmmscHooL parties . :>,^; Room parties and picnic were the order_oii the day. Wednesday- after- noon in all of the Wilmette schools. In the Laurel school each one of the four grades "put on" some sort of a farewell affair. In the Central, Byron C;^$te»lp and Xogan >: schools picnic gatherings were held by the children GOSMAS BROTHERS I am now in business for myself, conducting the ONLY undertaking establishment in Wil- mette. service is my; ^ijpotto... If 11S3 Wilmette Avmm 2693 and 2694-Two Phones \Ve OeUvcr Free of Charge As Far ;FRUff entral Avenue mmmnem 654 || Enjoyment and for Good Health A WON1IERFULLY FRESH STOCK NOW IN ->f| / weIIhandle ONLY THE BEST FRUITS AND VEGETABLES im^QUALITY SERVICE COURTESY <( W^lgl^gfeff'-S'KSisM -felv Trade with us and make your pennies count!" SATURDAY WsJa?* Cantaloupe, the best on the mark^||per to«?X.:-. •.\w-^,J™«$l1B9S- Special Pineapple, -3 fortes-^li^f^^ Don't miss these and other Specials for Saturday?