i$Bi "3|roiw - -^JWfjgfâ„¢- :p^^Ht,.lip!|IJlPf I.; ,B?!yjWWpP^?!?^p,Wj;!i{ -IJ. â- ' ',i I !*WL""BB^IHWf^ppiipBJppjiBpJ!pMpw", IJ Wfm^lWWilJ SSI mfi§tMM»<§kkm George E. Cole, Jr., 911 Greenwood avenue, left last evening for Dewey Camp at Mercer,^ Wis^, ;f p| th^» sum- mer months;^?^^ ' » ^mmmmmmm ^.fe ^ndJMrs* perc? B« Eckhart, 206 gâ„¢*^â„¢ JWue, left Tuesday for New /ifork to see Miss Charlotte Bck- "art of,oh her two months* trip Mi^lrid MrsV R. C. lioulding and family of 1025 Elmwood avenue, left June 1 for Pistakee Bay. where they have taken a cottage for ^summer. Miss Evelyn Kletzing has returned from Indianapolis, to spend the summer with her father, J^J?. Kletzing, 552 Washington avenue. WKU-.'.J^L. M£ and ife B* <£ ilartmann, 415 Elmwood avenue, are entertaining as their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Lawrence, of St. Louis, Mo. Harrington Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden avenue, is in Fort, Wayne, Ind., for a two weeks' . stay. ;-4#^;^-.;.......'..........•...,,.,...... . '. .v,.\:,..^,,,^,,.„ Mrs. Blanche Wanner, v629 Central avenue, returned Thursday of last week from a ten days' visit in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Hope Thompson has as her guest her sister, Mrs. John T. Cave and son, Norman, of Denver, Colo.; Mrs. R. S. Pattilo was hostess to her Evening Bridge Club Monday evening at her home, 620 Forest avenue. t Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Grant are spend- ing a fortnight at Lauderdale Lake, Wis. Miss Evelyn Segsworth, 1006 Forest avenue, returned home last week-end from Rockford, college. '"* m» Kenilworth Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Alfred V. Martin of; Kenilworth, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Sunday with a family reunion at the home of then- daughter, Mrs. Joseph G. Hubbell in Evarjston. Two other daughters, Mrs, William Buehler of Los Angeles, Cat, and Mrs. R. E. Wolfe of Rocky Ford, Colo., have come to attend the cele- bration. Saturday evening, Mrs. Hub- bell and Mrs. William Shipley, an- other daughter, will entertain at a family dinner at Mrs. Hubbell's home and Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Martin will be at home to their friends at 719 Madison street, Evans- ton. ..] ...-.::^w:'::x.,,. â- .;â- 'â- .'.;: '"^,-::^m^ :.c" Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Merrill, 415 Essex road, and slaughters, Elizabeth andKath- -â€"-ryn, ai-lived home Saturday night. They motored East a month ago to visit their daughter, Kathryn Merrill, who was a member of the graduating class at Bradford academy. On their way home they stopped at Dartmouth to visit cousins who attend that college. ; EuroTCegMarion and Elizabeth Eckhart ii%.*} the North Shore Health resort until their parents' return. Miss Eleanor Eckhart will be the guest of Miss Helen Miss J&tir Kasten, of Winnetka, "for-: merli °\ Kenilworth, entertained the Kenilworth girls at tea at the home of her sister, Mrs. Harold Ingersoll .» in Evanston, in honor of her guest, Miss Margaret Belloway, a classmate at Ober- r â- „*Jiss Kasten graduated from Ober- hn; ^hopl of Music this year. «-v f ifrrs. Pb. Rathbone, 523 Abbottsford road, and her grandson, Jack Rathbone, sailed for Europe Wednesday. Jack was graduated from the Joseph Sears school and Jus trip to Iceland, Norway and Sweden is a graduation gift from his .grandmother. ^.: "â- \'MWM&*W^$^§ Mi|s# Helen Cresap, 239 Es^ic leld, and Miss Eleanor Eckhart, 206 Cum- berland avenue, arrived home Saturday, having completed their junior years at Vassar. Since college closed they have been with friends in the, Eas^ a f , . Mrs. Roy H.Jarrett,"534 "Essex"SSSdS *ttnd daughter, Alice, left a fortnight ago to spend a month in Indianapolis. Mr. Jarrett and son, Herbert, are spending a fortnight in the northern woods of Wis- consin. ' ;•"â- â- -â- "â- '_ ;:'::^-^'£:2k. ^JFhâ„¢Misses HeIen and Ruth Harlan, 430 Sheridan road, arrived home from Rockford College a week ago. Miss Helen Harlan left last Monday to ac- company her father on a business trip to California for the summer. â€" .Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman, 255 Melrose avenue, attended Commence- ment at Ann Arbor this week, where he received an honorary degree. *%â- >â- "« - ^;:^sr^"^:J^^:^21- %;£*m$M %iMrv>51d Mrs- °wen T. Reeves and Miss Hellen Reeves motored to De Kalb W ^**2:«ttcnda banker's conven- tion. Mi's. Reeves has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Martin||of Washington, Mrs. C. G. Burnham, 536 Roslyn road, entertained at cards Tuesday-for the Catholic Wojoian's club, the proceeds to be turned into the building fund for the.new. school. . ,...;_ ^^„„_.-;;. Missef Jean and Harriet Keith, 310 Warwick road, left a week ago with theirâ€"sister, Miss Margaret Keith to I Miss Florence Wheelock, 244 Cumnor :p®k>JmMlJtel^Qnday.,,; She ha* been attending Bradford academy and since school closed has been visiting Miss ^^y-)^^^;:in Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Robert Olmsted, accompanied by Mr. Harry Wisdom, drove over from Omaha # visit Mr. Olmsted's *i$ter, Mrs* Bentley McCloud, 416 Cumnor road, recentlyJ0yyM&§mm0M'M0^y^" Mr. William McClintock, 341 Mel- rose avenue, who returned recently from Dartmouth college, left yesterday#*o participate in a wedding to take place m Tennessee; ^ . s^^fSfs^f-ifi' : -Mrs. Alfred McDougal motored to Battk Creek, Jklich^Monday with her bridge club composed of Chicago friends, to be guests for two days at a summer home of one of the members. ford road, leaves tomorrow to visit her daughter, Mrs. Huber Blocker, in Gettys- yy:^^^':^§^>-^i^^mm > Miss Elizabeth Meyer, 433 Cumnor road, returned home yesterday from Smith, where she will become a mem- ber of the senior class in the fall, avenue, entertained a party at golf, luncheon and bridge At Indian Hill, for Mrs. SeatrM of Jpajlsi France, recently. Plorencf wl__ ford road, announced „„ _ Mr. Charles Rockcastle,M------„ an informal luncheon given last w lmMn<y&.'fe'• Nellis, formerly oi';Keiui.y worth, who has been in California during the winter, is visiting old friends in the village this week..-, iiSm Miss Berrfce Bulley, road, has as her guest, Boice, of New Jersey, Wilmette. 220 Sheridan Miss Marion formerly of Misses Emilie and Dorothy Foresman returned Wednesday^iTOifflhe^EastrTfiejr -plan to spend the summer in Kenil- worth, ':|'"/'.;i; Monday evening, Mrs. W. W. Wheel- jock, 244 Cumnor road, was entertained by sixteen friends at a surprise birth- .fday- dinner party. £.:?;^g.5g;;€^::-â- Eugene Englar spent last week-end with his father at the Kenilworth Inn, _^and gleft early this week to attend stm>, mer schooT'at Illinois. Pay the Price? Why. â- : payyKffpr?:- new':c?sh<§e># when, for? so little money our fine work can put the old ones in repair, ready to give you real service and look as fine as ever. We are proud of our up-to- date method and modern machinery, land YOU will be proud of our work. Rubber heels attached while you wait. Kaspar's Shoe Store 609 Main St. WILMETTE Sand Gravel Crushed Stone BUILDING MATERIAL PHONE WILMETTE 2288;;f: ;S3§ M \IsSftiom ?^siiisi Sift#; W§m00i f^^0^^^S^Ms Sifi ^|jt|#|^|muff-b#-fi^e^ ;fi|lndiari: proverb| and where a man ||§fl5r!^ lUI 'Spect and g^pod-will: of an.: entire ||;.u; community,;'there must; ]b^;;,so«ie; |||i^|06d^ reasojt^iheref^ I^IUS S«S;'. 'standing:' here'. in' fiivansSJ|if "£ llifton ;is,:,;we'-believe, :t|ie^ reflectioii^^,(,.,.,v,wK...„ :;/|pf superior service 'that ::at; the;saine; ^^^^ ^||||tinie: would be within the reach ^'"****! ""MM' '&§ W&MmMiMit iSiMffii EVAMSTON 60Q, AVE. ' •22fc2£===- siii^s^l DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL EIGHT^C YL : j||§ V:^.iT:l-;l;Ev-ll9: rsm â- M N G M- The good health of your: entire family depOTds largely up- on good plumbing. Be sure that all drains arei|^c^ng||^ â- put ywm. :hSS^M^.^S&J^^.- SPWftPT condition. â- $9® 1 S!#!^ %!Â¥^#'-f ^ •â- '"'iSf^^r^^'- II â- #lhri$, ai#|tw#'fundame^^ -jmki^^fi^l^ jdeep^rodted p: cars combined at or above its price. ;-l;;jS|°Main-St Phone Wilmette 125t »:â- Firstâ€"Cadillac has won this leadership by its ^epc|||^a^|Utyâ€"-â€"by a mechanical superiority which the pubUc has found to give ||||re^^ iny &b^%i^'-'aa WM Hi for less expenditure in the world. las ts&: ulac^ip^jM^sefling for more, actually sells for less than^any other car which has a vaHd claim to comparison'iiw&it^^S^ *;ti$$$;fM CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CHICAGO BRANCH Division of Qkncral Motors Corporation II SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE â- VANSION BRANCH. 1820 WDOE AVE.. BROADWAY BRANCH. 3Ut BROADWAY ;0yWig§i 8 T mmmmmiilmmmmm :d'EaMW- d OF T H E WO K lab w$ W^MiS^Mt$SM ...... '... l.^u^,..^w^M(iM.M-:..^»fcM, mtm^^tMmm ^^^mm^mmmtm