;^Tf:T:fil%^D7Mi^gFRiPAy""rM-22,i^ Camp at Lake Bluff Invites M rectors of the Ardeh Shore association Mrs. t. F. Gates, 723 Eighth street, was elected chairman _of_lhe Wilmette com- mittee. Mrs. Gates has been an enthusi- astic sponsor of the camp at Lake Bum for years and she has many new and interesting plans for carrying on the work. :f;'A â- â- The industrial side of camp work has developed greatly in the past year or two. There are now many groups of women along the north shore who meet and sew for the children at the camp. Miss Edna Lewis, 908 Central avenue has charge of this branch of the work in Wilmette. She also arranges for the collection of clothing and other articles that can be made use of at the camp. Miss Lewis' telephone number is Wil- metteJ20&i^___^â€";â€"~â€"â€"- ^The report of the May drive for funds will be ready for publication in a few days, |t js announced. The amount raised, while not reaching the $5,000 which was the aim of the committee, still shows a good gain over the last year. If anyone who wished to con- tribute to this great north shore char- ity was missed during the drive, checks mailed to Mrs. F. L. Tolman, treasurer, 1105 Lake avenue, will be most grateful- ly received. Theâ€"camp opens for summer work on June 29 when the first group of 500 mothers and children will troop gayly out to enjoy the rest and good time that is awaiting them. Visitors are welcome_at_jhe camp--at- "ahy time7~ Mu»k School Students Give lUritd TtaM"»| Pupils in the OolumM SchoojI -oft Musfo WinnetkaBraneh, appeared to recital Thursday ^nSFn& W? 7:30 o'clock at the Wmnetka wo man's club. The recital was given Side? the direction of Clare Osborne Reed ' Pupils who contributed to the pro- gram include: Joan Walker, Jane Dement, Doris Benson, Jane Mcln- X Barbara Hobart, Robert Harding, At a recent ^mof^^^^ f^^^M^Ze^Set Bat One Home, Many Garages Found in Week's Permits Private garages assumed the lead in this week's building permits at the Wilmette village offices. There was one permit for a residence and an- other grant for the construction of a large addition to the Wilmette Pres- byterian church. Permits for garages were as fol- lows: F. V. Widger, 128 Fifth street; Walter Blake, 1712 Highland avenue; Dr. R. E. Adkins, 848 Park avenue; Ray C. Pierson, 117 Dupee place; Harold D. Meister, 348 Washington avenue; Mrs. J. R. Dean, 243 Laurel avanue <^!^ftM:/^:frBi^' ' A permit for the cbhstructiOn of a frame* bungalow was granted to Mrsw J. R. 'Cross ?;!%:r;f:' erick Barnes, Margaret Pick, Bar bara Ann Sargent, Marjone Trues dale, Caroline Veeder, Janet Sanford, Frances Copthorne, Ada Reasner, Margery Raub, Helen Walcott, Jane Copthorne, Adalaide Atkm, Virginia Ross, Virginia Loco, Helen Whitney, Eleanor Cheney, Jean May Patterson, Jean Miller, Barbara Ballenger, Betty MacReach, Selma Flesham, Betty Dunlap, Antoinette Brown, Jeanettc Hill, Marjorie Friedman, Jane Gillespie, Ruth Weil, Virginia Hobart, Mary Miller, Leila Withers, Priscilla Guth- rie, Barbara Boyles, Barbara Burlmg- ham, Joy Fairman, Eleanor Sherman, Evelyn Olfcen, Jatoe Portis Bernice Carlstrand, Elisabeth Sanford, Jane Wilson, Helen Bell, Ashton Wilson, MargorAtkiX Vifginta Wallace, Mary Miller. ..... ________ Fellers, Here's Chance to Get into a Real Band "Bring your instrument and join the band!" is the challenge of the Elks* club at Evanston to north shore musi- cians. The xlub, which has a large membership in the villages, of the north shore, is organizing a band to supple- ment its orchestra. "Get into the band wagon! FORMER RESIDENT DIES Word has been received front Los Angeles by Mrs. L. M^Specht^of the death SiTihat city on June 14 of Mrs. Edward E. Specht, formerly of this vil- lage. Mrs. Specht was formerly Miss Ethel Cortwright. ____ •m^tssx ISS^^^^l Have Clean TOUR EYES Healthy 6yes II they Tire, Itch, Smart, Burn or Discharge, if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine, Soothes and Refreshes. Safe for Iniant or Adult. At all Druggists* ^^^^'^â- â- â- â- ^^â- â- 'â- : Write/or Fne &K £00* «1^& i CO., 9 BM Obk» Street, Chicago B I Your Vacation t\ihds shou.d be ^n ca^fl^lll tion. It is seldom if ever safe to carry large sums in bills in r^gfonj, with which you are not familial?! Traveller's checks and letters of credit make it easy for y6u to carry ------your money in^a'^rfe^tofmirjiQ" matter to what part of the country or the world you may go. Ask us about them! ~ :r#t#i§ll w i I j L< Mm /'f//a ililiiii":' Wlm STATE BANK CentralAve.atT«elftlv 1 III "Your Home Bank-' '?S0?i||&^iSSS ill I me WlflfrTT?. m*-^* -^â- ^ &*>itfF'\ %^*,"'^,.--.--â- ;.)â- â- â- >--â- â- â- •*â- â- â- â- â- :ii» A'.X :,Kr»s« TT7" n Jilt S^sSf Vacation y HNeecis#,K; inest>laSe:"tc)' *&&$; Wrien you ask for Meadow Gold fetter by name^ou*U^a/a?ap5 get-the best^butter it is possible to buy. | Butter is an ideal food and when it is made and packed d^ ^ Gold way you 11 want to "spread k<«i thick.11 It is churned fr^ri daily in immaculate cr eries from only the purest, richest pasteurized cream. And, to keep it's sweet, delicate flavor; and purity free from odors and dust, it is triple wrapped and staled at trie creamery. When you want to be sure of good butter ask ;;for- Meadow GofcL^^5g|^s^ If your dealer does not handle Meadow Gold write-n»iWeoyn!l ||| see that you are supped, 'ft S Uliall "undiiWMWo^^&j^^ jii:'i'/, '.4f^ flMi- istorel^^ lyou; can Jbe::^sure! Jthey!^e the best! Buy Your Butter by Name you*|j need lots c| IV^^Ht^^'^'-I^^^B â- iHSl^p^l&liiisP ':IM& :Carfdsft§ em*r geriSy P?flSEl? ^â- ^Ij^^^^^^i^^ Chicago, Illinois M\.ex,iii,i oiorc ^^mm^mmm^eM^ r*nones â- 28^29 ^ ^^^^^^--«â€"«â- * -