I4 -is Hs4 vmt ABOUT BOOKS AND THE PEOPLE WHO WRITE THEM 1 An Able Article-Tract-Story ^ l-THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD" By Philip Gibbs Though the title page proclaims this )k a novel, it is really a "three in one" r. As a series of special articles on )st-war conditions in England, Ireland, •ranee, Germany and Russia. It is ccellent as a tract urging a sympathetic iderstanding of the other f ellow s view- >int, it is effective; and as a story it is >rbing enough to make the reader jet, for the time being at least, that le is being instructed and having his prejudice denatured. The tale concerns Bertram Pollard, served as a British machine gun atjor, and his beautiful, cold-blooded rife, Joyce. Bertram, unlike Joyce, can- regard rebellious ex-soldiers, Sinn •emers, Germans and Bolsheviki as ists. This difference of opinion pre- cipitates a break which sends Bertram off the Continent, gathering material for articles for "The New World," and irhich results in complications between Joyce and handsome Kenneth Murless of le Foreign office. Bertram hurt by Joyce's coldness, rejects feminine con- cation proffered from two or three ther sources, but, when it finally ap- irs that Joyce has accepted Kenneth, Jertram soon finds himself in love with, Jadia, a superlatively noble girl whom le meets in Russia. Things happen licky in the last few pages to€ bring jpbout an ending which may, or may not, regarded as a happy one. H. Beach Carpenter. Golfers Attention! 0 THIS IS GOLF" By Harry Leon Wilson UTTER PERKINS" By Kenneth Brown Did you ever drive a perfectly topped 11, a true ground gripper, that dribbled few yards from the tee and came to it in a rut ? And then did you take tat beautifftl form-fitted brassie and e a fierce lunge at the dashed thing »nly to lift the father of all divots with- it disturbing the ball's sweet rest? If , did you then stride to the nearest tree id with perfect swing and stance prov- ed to wrap the shaft of that choicest assie around its trunk? Perhaps not, it there's many a time when you wanted to. This little book will sweeten the way for the great crowd of sub-golfers, who, 4s;Harif Leotf^ of the players; it will brighten their dark moments and encourage them to steal back to the game each time they have thrown it up in disgust. And it will give to the super-golfers that sense of superiority which is the greatest reward for having toiled upward (or is it down- ward?) out of the class of tyro. Whether you are sub, super or plain golfer, don't miss it. Herein "Putter Perkins" is the quint- essence of scientific golf. Poor Perkins was the dubbiest of the dubs, but he re- fused to let the game get the best of him. For a month he retired from the SSffi WJWjUii greens and worked out the problems in his. laboratory, where he jhad just per- fected his wireless torpedo. When he re- appeared he had a curious outfit of clothes with a row of brilliant buttons on the waistcoat, and his form was uni- que. But what a game he could play! His ball took wings and flew, and always to the pin! And the marvelous part of it was that he did it all with his putter. His new technique carried him to a na- tional championship; but he was almost outdone when he played a match with a German who insisted on a trombone for an accompaniment. This is a book that no golfer should miss. It is one of the wittiest things ever written about the game. Xttiph^^aylor* { '>'-â- â- The Drums -of Death ' ; ^tjl "SCISSORS" By Cecil Roberts John Dean is such a real person that we seem to live with him from the early days of childhood to the very last. When four he goes to live in Asia Minor and from his first night there the never ceas- ing rat-a-tat-tat of strange and unseen native drums calls to him. Then his days are spent with a Turkish boy of his own age and their friendship becomes so great ^^-almosttehurt^ At fourteen John returns to his native landâ€"and from then on occurs a realistic account of English public school life in which his three friends Vernley, Marsh and Lindon stand out, most different and most inter 4sting~portrayals. '^furM litfe paters early in John's boyhood and thereafter dominates all his actions. The brilli- ancy of "Scissors," as he is affectionately known, wins hftn recognition; but how suddenly his familiar h/e is changed,by the Great War! Friends are wounded and killedâ€"love is lostâ€"until, at last, like a destined motif from the past, the drums of the East f^jojjim again. This time they win; but riot TBef ore they unite in death the Turkish and English boyhood friends. Cecil Roberts has given us a truly good book. Evelyn Clay Everett. Copyright 1923, Howard H. Seward NAVAL OFFICER IN WILMETTE J. B. Gay and family are new ar-. rivals among Wilmette residents, hav- ing moved to Wilmette from New- port News last week. Mr. Gay is a commander in the United States Navy and is inspector of ordinance in this district with offices in Chicago. MANY CONVERSATIONS In the United States, 37,000,000 miles of telephone wire carry 55,000,000 tele£ phone conversations daily and connect 14,496,000 telephones. ||^|Aiil©iiciuii*in; Princiipi *To*#;$e*a1i j^nwrlcari.....Is*'%*â- believe , % sAjid* be loyal to certain fundamental pri ciples; a man who believes in liberty, equality of opportunity, a square deal; a man who believes in God and in his fellow-men; the man, woman or child who in his daily life is loyal to princi- ples of Americanism is an American and demands and shall have my love and loyalty." "f . "^.m ' This definition of Americanism given to the graduating class of Carter Harrison High school at Commencement exercises recently Charles W»aWard* Secjetary.. of General Alumni Association of North- western university. * , ; i & { ...His message -.was: â- f$&'^'£l$'?2 "Don't forget for a moment the ex- alted privilege that is yours in living in 1923; of living in America at a moment when America is in the position of lead- ership in the whole world, of living in this heart of America, in this twentieth century; and as you prize your blessings, prove yourself worthy of them by main-, taining the leadership for which you haytTbeen trained; keep going and grow-! ing; never cease~to cxpecfr^he most^ancl best of yourselves, and nothing save cowardice can defeat you." ....... Undertake* s«8f am now m for myself» A. ONLY underUkm* is my mottot 1124 Central Ave gJjSwihitle Pfcoae Wib*tte 654 Hill mis mi !ilS& 11§1 iiHi* SEMI-ANNym JULY 9th to 1st •^rN*4*»#>V*Ji«^* Cjli^l pgu|ir Hi|||f |j^^||^ iery, there will be a discount of f 9fj$ Bili the tl^be 0£AN I'WFUUYDffY bOTI^lERIF IT Idont rain, [50HC FOLKS . THINK ITlXBEl (DRY ANY WAV , lMAYM?THey1»E| RIGHT.* X u ntinued lines will be priced as follows: ^:fflgft;|j|p|^||i^^P^i amwimayiuimnUja •55SSâ„¢ ;^%pi^.f8iaff'|ijEw^ I &§&* ^& Xl& te.1l RtcdrerCUMtd r& *.r •-•} /*« ****& Children's Black and Browp ^ Sizes 8H to 11. Regular Price ^45€^ow 1^ Misses' Black and Brown Calf Oxfords, - SizesllHto2, Regular Price $5X)0^ Children's Black Calf, Ankle Strap Pumps, Sizes 8H to 11; Regular Pri^^ Misses' Black Calf, Aiaikle-Str^^ Sizes 11M to 2, Regular Price $4 Women's r^ Hi TUST THINK how much better it J would be to have your garbage can undergroundâ€"in a Majestic Under- ground Garbage Receiver right at your kitchen doorâ€" out of sightâ€"odorless â€"dog proofâ€"fly-proofâ€"convenient- sanitary! Why, then, should you put up with an unsightly, unhandy, insanitary garbage cafe any longer) When the Majestic Receiver is closed; no odor is emitted. A slight pressure on the foot-trip raises the lid. Garbage is easily deposited and as easily re- moved. Made in sizes from 5 to 20 gaL capacity. Comes complete with tan. ^And&et For Sale at your Local Hardware Stores 'â- *5p>' Thm wnajghtfar. unhandy, in- ••nitwy^CwrtMsa can tfaa|- bteeds flUw and larks di*. â€"â€"â- Dog* upnt it «nd aeft- f*» »b.S»rt>«if» about thm tawn. Tim M*ie«tic Under. â- nana Carbaae Rcomvei •Jiminater this. It puts youf *"â- •»"•â- •• aos;>piooi, Ufa Underground Garbageiteenvpt ; ; Regular $6.^ Values-tncp?:;$i»i^^B^ CHILDREN'S HAU^C|:|g Specially Priced at 25c per pair Gmne early and take advantage of the many special values priced at about one-Half. KiiBiiMiii!^^